* Copyright (c) 2013-2020, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree

#ifndef GOST_H__
#define GOST_H__

#include <memory>
#include <openssl/ec.h>

namespace i2p
namespace crypto

	// ГОСТ Р 34.10

	enum GOSTR3410ParamSet
		eGOSTR3410CryptoProA = 0,  // 1.2.643.
		// XchA = A, XchB = C
		//eGOSTR3410CryptoProXchA, // 1.2.643.
		//eGOSTR3410CryptoProXchB, // 1.2.643.
		eGOSTR3410TC26A512,        // 1.2.643.

	class GOSTR3410Curve

			GOSTR3410Curve (BIGNUM * a, BIGNUM * b, BIGNUM * p, BIGNUM * q, BIGNUM * x, BIGNUM * y);
			~GOSTR3410Curve ();

			size_t GetKeyLen () const { return m_KeyLen; };
			const EC_GROUP * GetGroup () const { return m_Group; };
			EC_POINT * MulP (const BIGNUM * n) const;
			bool GetXY (const EC_POINT * p, BIGNUM * x, BIGNUM * y) const;
			EC_POINT * CreatePoint (const BIGNUM * x, const BIGNUM * y) const;
			void Sign (const BIGNUM * priv, const BIGNUM * digest, BIGNUM * r, BIGNUM * s);
			bool Verify (const EC_POINT * pub, const BIGNUM * digest, const BIGNUM * r, const BIGNUM * s);
			EC_POINT * RecoverPublicKey (const BIGNUM * digest, const BIGNUM * r, const BIGNUM * s, bool isNegativeY = false) const;


			EC_GROUP * m_Group;
			size_t m_KeyLen; // in bytes

	std::unique_ptr<GOSTR3410Curve>& GetGOSTR3410Curve (GOSTR3410ParamSet paramSet);

// Big Endian
	void GOSTR3411_2012_256 (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, uint8_t * digest);
	void GOSTR3411_2012_512 (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, uint8_t * digest);

// Little Endian
	struct GOSTR3411_2012_CTX;
	GOSTR3411_2012_CTX * GOSTR3411_2012_CTX_new ();
	void GOSTR3411_2012_CTX_Init (GOSTR3411_2012_CTX * ctx, bool is512 = true);
	void GOSTR3411_2012_CTX_Update (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, GOSTR3411_2012_CTX * ctx);
	void GOSTR3411_2012_CTX_Finish (uint8_t * digest, GOSTR3411_2012_CTX * ctx);
	void GOSTR3411_2012_CTX_free (GOSTR3411_2012_CTX * ctx);
