@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
onResize ( ) ;
onResize ( ) ;
ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 0 ) ;
ui - > stackedWidget - > setCurrentIndex ( 0 ) ;
ui - > settingsScrollArea - > resize ( uiSettings - > settingsContentsGrid Layout - > sizeHint ( ) . width ( ) + 10 , 380 ) ;
ui - > settingsScrollArea - > resize ( uiSettings - > settingsContentsQVBox Layout - > sizeHint ( ) . width ( ) + 10 , 380 ) ;
//QScrollBar* const barSett = ui->settingsScrollArea->verticalScrollBar();
//QScrollBar* const barSett = ui->settingsScrollArea->verticalScrollBar();
int w = 683 ;
int w = 683 ;
int h = 306 0;
int h = 425 0;
ui - > settingsContents - > setFixedSize ( w , h ) ;
ui - > settingsContents - > setFixedSize ( w , h ) ;
ui - > settingsContents - > setGeometry ( QRect ( 0 , 0 , w , h ) ) ;
ui - > settingsContents - > setGeometry ( QRect ( 0 , 0 , w , h ) ) ;
@ -159,12 +159,8 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
# define OPTION(section,option,defaultValueGetter) ConfigOption(QString(section),QString(option))
# define OPTION(section,option,defaultValueGetter) ConfigOption(QString(section),QString(option))
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " conf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > configFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " conf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > configFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFolderChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " datadir " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > dataFolderLineEdit , uiSettings - > dataFolderBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " tunconf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " tunconf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " pidfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > pidFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > pidFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " pidfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > pidFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > pidFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
daemonOption = initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " daemon " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
serviceOption = initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " service " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > clear ( ) ;
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > clear ( ) ;
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > insertItems ( 0 , QStringList ( )
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > insertItems ( 0 , QStringList ( )
@ -176,20 +172,29 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
logFileNameOption = initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " logfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > logFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
logFileNameOption = initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " logfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > logFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initLogLevelCombobox ( OPTION ( " " , " loglevel " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logLevelComboBox ) ;
initLogLevelCombobox ( OPTION ( " " , " loglevel " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logLevelComboBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " logclftime " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logclftimeCheckBox ) ; //"Write full CLF-formatted date and time to log (default: write only time)"
initFolderChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " datadir " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > dataFolderLineEdit , uiSettings - > dataFolderBrowsePushButton ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " " , " host " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > routerExternalHostLineEdit , tr ( " Router external address -> Host " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " " , " host " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > routerExternalHostLineEdit , tr ( " Router external address -> Host " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " " , " port " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > routerExternalPortLineEdit , tr ( " Router external address -> Port " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " " , " port " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > routerExternalPortLineEdit , tr ( " Router external address -> Port " ) ) ;
daemonOption = initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " daemon " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
serviceOption = initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " service " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " ifname4 " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ifname4LineEdit ) ; //Network interface to bind to for IPv4
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " ifname6 " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ifname6LineEdit ) ; //Network interface to bind to for IPv6
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " nat " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > natCheckBox ) ; //If true, assume we are behind NAT. true by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " ipv4 " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ipv4CheckBox ) ; //Enable communication through IPv4. true by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " ipv6 " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ipv6CheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " ipv6 " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ipv6CheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " notransit " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > notransitCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " notransit " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > notransitCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " floodfill " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > floodfillCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " floodfill " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > floodfillCheckBox ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " bandwidth " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bandwidthLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " bandwidth " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bandwidthLineEdit ) ;
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " " , " share " , [ ] { return " 100 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > shareLineEdit , tr ( " Share " ) ) ; //Max % of bandwidth limit for transit. 0-100. 100 by default
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " family " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > familyLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " " , " family " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > familyLineEdit ) ;
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " " , " netid " , [ ] { return " 2 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > netIdLineEdit , tr ( " NetID " ) ) ;
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " " , " netid " , [ ] { return " 2 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > netIdLineEdit , tr ( " NetID " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " ssu " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ssuCheckBox ) ; //Enable SSU transport protocol (use UDP). true by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " reservedrange " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reservedrange_checkbox ) ;
# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
# ifdef Q_OS_WIN
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " insomnia " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > insomniaCheckBox ) ;
initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " svcctl " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " svcctl " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " insomnia " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > insomniaCheckBox ) ;
initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " close " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
initNonGUIOption ( OPTION ( " " , " close " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) ) ;
# else
# else
uiSettings - > insomniaCheckBox - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
uiSettings - > insomniaCheckBox - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
@ -201,17 +206,22 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " auth " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleBasicAuthCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " auth " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleBasicAuthCheckBox ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " user " , [ ] { return " i2pd " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleUserNameLineEditBasicAuth ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " user " , [ ] { return " i2pd " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsoleUserNameLineEditBasicAuth ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " pass " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsolePasswordLineEditBasicAuth ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " pass " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > webconsolePasswordLineEditBasicAuth ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " strictheaders " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpStrictHeadersCheckBox ) ; //Enable strict host checking on WebUI. true by default
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " http " , " hostname " , [ ] { return " localhost " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpHostnameLineEdit ) ; //Expected hostname for WebUI (default: localhost)
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " port " , [ ] { return " 4444 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> Port " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " port " , [ ] { return " 4444 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " addresshelper " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyAddressHelperCheckBox ) ; //Enable address helper (jump). true by default
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFilePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFilePushButton ) ;
initSignatureTypeCombobox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " signaturetype " , [ ] { return " 7 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > comboBox_httpPorxySignatureType ) ;
initSignatureTypeCombobox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " signaturetype " , [ ] { return " 7 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > comboBox_httpPorxySignatureType ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.length " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnelsLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.length " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnelsLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 5 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 5 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " outbound.length " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyOutBoundTunnLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " outbound.length " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyOutBoundTunnLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " outbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 5 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyOutboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " outbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 5 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyOutboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " outproxy " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyOutproxyLineEdit ) ; //HTTP proxy upstream out proxy url (like http://false.i2p)
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " i2cp.leaseSetType " , [ ] { return " 1 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyI2cpLeaseSetTypeLineEdit ) ; //Type of LeaseSet to be sent. 1, 3 or 5. 1 by default
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " i2cp.leaseSetEncType " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyI2cpLeaseSetEncTypeLineEdit ) ; //Comma separated encryption types to be used in LeaseSet type 3 or 5
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
@ -222,12 +232,15 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outbound.length " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyOutBoundTunnLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outbound.length " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyOutBoundTunnLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyOutboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyOutboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outproxy " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > outproxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Outproxy address " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outproxy " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > outproxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Outproxy address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outproxyport " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > outproxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Outproxy port " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " outproxyport " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > outproxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Outproxy port " ) ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " i2cp.leaseSetType " , [ ] { return " 1 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyI2cpLeaseSetTypeLineEdit ) ; //Type of LeaseSet to be sent. 1, 3 or 5. 1 by default
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " i2cp.leaseSetEncType " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyI2cpLeaseSetEncTypeLineEdit ) ; //Comma separated encryption types to be used in LeaseSet type 3 or 5
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samAddressLineEdit , tr ( " SAM -> IP address " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samAddressLineEdit , tr ( " SAM -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7656 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samPortLineEdit , tr ( " SAM -> Port " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7656 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samPortLineEdit , tr ( " SAM -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " sam " , " singlethread " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > samSingleThreadCheckBox ) ; //If false every SAM session runs in own thread. true by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " bob " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bobEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " bob " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bobEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " bob " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bobAddressLineEdit , tr ( " BOB -> IP address " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " bob " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > bobAddressLineEdit , tr ( " BOB -> IP address " ) ) ;
@ -236,6 +249,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpAddressLineEdit , tr ( " I2CP -> IP address " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpAddressLineEdit , tr ( " I2CP -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7654 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpPortLineEdit , tr ( " I2CP -> Port " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " i2cp " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7654 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2cpPortLineEdit , tr ( " I2CP -> Port " ) ) ;
//initCheckBox( OPTION("i2cp","singlethread",[]{return "true";}), uiSettings->i2cpSingleThreadCheckBox);//If false every I2CP session runs in own thread. true by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlAddressLineEdit , tr ( " I2PControl -> IP address " ) ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlAddressLineEdit , tr ( " I2PControl -> IP address " ) ) ;
@ -252,6 +266,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " verify " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedVerifyCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " verify " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedVerifyCheckBox ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " file " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " file " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " urls " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedURLsLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " urls " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedURLsLineEdit ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " zipfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedZipFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedZipFileBrowsePushButton ) ; //Path to local .zip file to reseed from
initUInt16Box ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " threshold " , [ ] { return " 25 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedThresholdNumberLineEdit , tr ( " reseedThreshold " ) ) ; //Minimum number of known routers before requesting reseed. 25 by default
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " proxy " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedProxyLineEdit ) ; //URL for https/socks reseed proxy
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " addressbook " , " defaulturl " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > addressbookDefaultURLLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " addressbook " , " defaulturl " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > addressbookDefaultURLLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " addressbook " , " subscriptions " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > addressbookSubscriptionsURLslineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " addressbook " , " subscriptions " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > addressbookSubscriptionsURLslineEdit ) ;
@ -265,6 +282,26 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " routers " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEditTrustRouters ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " routers " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEditTrustRouters ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " hidden " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxTrustHidden ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " trust " , " hidden " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxTrustHidden ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " websockets " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxWebsocketsEnable ) ; //Enable websocket server. Disabled by default
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " websockets " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > websocketsAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Websockets -> IP address " ) ) ; //Address to bind websocket server on. by default
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " websockets " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7666 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > websocketsPortLineEdit , tr ( " Websockets -> Port " ) ) ; //Port to bind websocket server on. 7666 by default
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " exploratory " , " inbound.length " , [ ] { return " 2 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > exploratoryInboundTunnelsLengthNumberLineEdit , tr ( " exploratoryInboundTunnelsLength " ) ) ; //Exploratory inbound tunnels length. 2 by default
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " exploratory " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > exploratoryInboundTunnelsQuantityNumberLineEdit , tr ( " exploratoryInboundTunnelsQuantity " ) ) ; //Exploratory inbound tunnels quantity. 3 by default
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " exploratory " , " outbound.length " , [ ] { return " 2 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > exploratoryOutboundTunnelsLengthNumberLineEdit , tr ( " exploratoryOutboundTunnelsLength " ) ) ; //Exploratory outbound tunnels length. 2 by default
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " exploratory " , " outbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > exploratoryOutboundTunnelsQuantityNumberLineEdit , tr ( " exploratoryOutboundTunnelsQuantity " ) ) ; //Exploratory outbound tunnels length. 3 by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " ntcp2 " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxNtcp2Enable ) ; //Enable NTCP2. Enabled by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " ntcp2 " , " published " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxNtcp2Published ) ; //Enable incoming NTCP2 connections. Disabled by default
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " ntcp2 " , " port " , [ ] { return " 0 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ntcp2PortLineEdit , tr ( " NTCP2 -> Port " ) ) ; //Port to listen for incoming NTCP2 connections (default: auto)
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " ntcp2 " , " addressv6 " , [ ] { return " :: " ; } ) , uiSettings - > ntcp2AddressV6LineEdit , tr ( " NTCP2 -> IPv6 address " ) ) ; //External IPv6 for incoming connections
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " ntcp2 " , " proxy " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEditNtcp2Proxy ) ; //Specify proxy server for NTCP2. Should be http://address:port or socks://address:port
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " nettime " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxNettimeEnable ) ; //Enable NTP sync. Disabled by default
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " nettime " , " ntpservers " , [ ] { return " pool.ntp.org " ; } ) , uiSettings - > lineEditNetTimeNtpServers ) ; //Comma-separated list of NTP servers. pool.ntp.org by default
initIntegerBox ( OPTION ( " nettime " , " ntpsyncinterval " , [ ] { return " 72 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > nettimeNtpSyncIntervalNumberLineEdit , tr ( " nettimeNtpSyncInterval " ) ) ; //NTP time sync interval in hours. 72 by default
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " persist " , " profiles " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > checkBoxPersistProfiles ) ; //Enable peer profile persisting to disk. Enabled by default
# undef OPTION
# undef OPTION
//widgetlocks.add(new widgetlock(widget,lockbtn));
//widgetlocks.add(new widgetlock(widget,lockbtn));
@ -287,6 +324,18 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setGeometry ( QRect ( 0 , 0 , 621 , 451 ) ) ;
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setGeometry ( QRect ( 0 , 0 , 621 , 451 ) ) ;
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setStyleSheet ( " QGroupBox { " \
" font: bold; " \
" border: 1px solid silver; " \
" border-radius: 6px; " \
" margin-top: 6px; " \
" } " \
" QGroupBox::title { " \
" subcontrol-origin: margin; " \
" left: 7px; " \
" padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; " \
" } " ) ;
appendTunnelForms ( " " ) ;
appendTunnelForms ( " " ) ;
uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
@ -666,7 +715,7 @@ void MainWindow::layoutTunnels() {
int height = 0 ;
int height = 0 ;
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setGeometry ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
ui - > tunnelsScrollAreaWidgetContents - > setGeometry ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
for ( std : : map < std : : string , TunnelConfig * > : : iterator it = tunnelConfigs . begin ( ) ; it ! = tunnelConfigs . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
for ( std : : map < std : : string , TunnelConfig * > : : iterator it = tunnelConfigs . begin ( ) ; it ! = tunnelConfigs . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
const std : : string & name = it - > first ;
//const std::string& name=it->first;
TunnelConfig * tunconf = it - > second ;
TunnelConfig * tunconf = it - > second ;
TunnelPane * tunnelPane = tunconf - > getTunnelPane ( ) ;
TunnelPane * tunnelPane = tunconf - > getTunnelPane ( ) ;
if ( ! tunnelPane ) continue ;
if ( ! tunnelPane ) continue ;