@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Router will use system folders like \fI/var/lib/i2pd\fR (\fIdisabled\fR by defau
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ Router will use system folders like \fI/var/lib/i2pd\fR (\fIdisabled\fR by defau
Name of a family, router belongs to.
Switchs, which enabled by default (like \fB\-\-ssu\fR, \fB\-\-ntcp\fR, etc.), can be disabled in config file.
Switches, which enabled by default (like \fB\-\-ssu\fR, \fB\-\-ntcp\fR, etc.), can be disabled in config file.
See service-specific parameters in example config file \fI/usr/share/doc/i2pd/i2pd.conf.gz\fR
* "sources" StringArray Sources list from where Ministro will download the libs. Make sure you are using ONLY secure locations.
* "repository" String Overwrites the default Ministro repository. Possible values: default, stable, testing and unstable
* "required.modules" StringArray Required modules by your application
* "application.title" String Application name, used to show more informations to user
* "application.title" String Application name, used to show more information to user
* "qt.provider" String Qt libs provider, currently only "necessitas" is supported.
* "minimum.ministro.api" Integer Minimum Ministro API level, used to check if Ministro service compatible with your application. Current API Level is 3 !
* "minimum.qt.version" Integer Minimim Qt version (e.g. 0x040800, which means Qt 4.8.0, check http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qtglobal.html#QT_VERSION)!