mirror of https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd.git synced 2025-03-10 13:31:10 +00:00

[i18n] update translations

Signed-off-by: r4sas <r4sas@i2pmail.org>
This commit is contained in:
R4SAS 2024-05-12 23:01:10 +00:00
parent 9d38facf3b
commit 47a2020472
Signed by: r4sas
GPG Key ID: 66F6C87B98EBCFE2
6 changed files with 227 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
- Give preference to address with direct connection
- Exclude addresses with incorrect static or intro key
- Avoid two firewalled routers in the row in tunnel
- Drop unsolicited database search replies
- Drop unsolicited database search replies
### Changed
- Increase number of hashes to 16 in exploratory lookup reply
- Reduce number of a RouterInfo lookup attempts to 5
- Reset stream RTO if outbound tunnel was changed
- Insert previously excluded floodfill back when successfully connected
- Reset stream RTO if outbound tunnel was changed
- Insert previously excluded floodfill back when successfully connected
- Increase maximum stream resend attempts to 9
- Reply to exploratory lookups with only confirmed routers if low tunnel build rate
- Don't accept too old RouterInfo
- Build client tunnels through confirmed routers only if low tunnel build rate
- Manage netDb requests more frequently
- Don't accept too old RouterInfo
- Build client tunnels through confirmed routers only if low tunnel build rate
- Manage netDb requests more frequently
- Don't reply with closer than us only floodfills for lookup
### Fixed
- Crash on router lookup if exploratory pool is not ready

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, The PurpleI2P Project
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ namespace chinese // language namespace
{"Stopping in", "距停止还有:"},
{"Family", "家族"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "隧道创建成功率"},
{"Total tunnel creation success rate", "当前隧道创建成功率"},
{"Received", "已接收"},
{"%.2f KiB/s", "%.2f KiB/s"},
{"Sent", "已发送"},
@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ namespace chinese // language namespace
{"Address", "地址"},
{"Type", "类型"},
{"EncType", "加密类型"},
{"Expire LeaseSet", "到期租约集"},
{"Inbound tunnels", "入站隧道"},
{"%dms", "%dms"},
{"Outbound tunnels", "出站隧道"},
@ -151,6 +153,8 @@ namespace chinese // language namespace
{"StreamID can't be null", "StreamID 不能为空"},
{"Return to destination page", "返回目标页面"},
{"You will be redirected in %d seconds", "您将在%d秒内被重定向"},
{"LeaseSet expiration time updated", "租约集到期时间已更新"},
{"LeaseSet is not found or already expired", "租约集未找到或已过期"},
{"Transit tunnels count must not exceed %d", "中转隧道数量限制为 %d"},
{"Back to commands list", "返回命令列表"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "在 reg.i2p 注册域名"},

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, The PurpleI2P Project
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
@ -36,18 +36,18 @@ namespace czech // language namespace
{"%.2f GiB", "%.2f GiB"},
{"building", "vytváří se"},
{"failed", "selhalo"},
{"expiring", "končící"},
{"expiring", "vyprší platnost"},
{"established", "vytvořeno"},
{"unknown", "neznámý"},
{"exploratory", "průzkumné"},
{"Purple I2P Webconsole", "Purple I2P Webkonsole"},
{"<b>i2pd</b> webconsole", "<b>i2pd</b> webkonsole"},
{"Purple I2P Webconsole", "Purple I2P webová konzole"},
{"<b>i2pd</b> webconsole", "<b>i2pd</b> webová konzole"},
{"Main page", "Hlavní stránka"},
{"Router commands", "Router příkazy"},
{"Local Destinations", "Lokální destinace"},
{"LeaseSets", "LeaseSety"},
{"Local Destinations", "Místní cíle"},
{"LeaseSets", "Sety pronájmu"},
{"Tunnels", "Tunely"},
{"Transit Tunnels", "Transitní tunely"},
{"Transit Tunnels", "Tranzitní tunely"},
{"Transports", "Transporty"},
{"I2P tunnels", "I2P tunely"},
{"SAM sessions", "SAM relace"},
@ -61,18 +61,21 @@ namespace czech // language namespace
{"Clock skew", "Časová nesrovnalost"},
{"Offline", "Offline"},
{"Symmetric NAT", "Symetrický NAT"},
{"Full cone NAT", "Full cone NAT"},
{"No Descriptors", "Žádné popisovače"},
{"Uptime", "Doba provozu"},
{"Network status", "Status sítě"},
{"Network status v6", "Status sítě v6"},
{"Network status", "Stav sítě"},
{"Network status v6", "Stav sítě v6"},
{"Stopping in", "Zastavuji za"},
{"Family", "Rodina"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "Úspěšnost vytváření tunelů"},
{"Total tunnel creation success rate", "Celková míra úspěšnosti vytváření tunelů"},
{"Received", "Přijato"},
{"%.2f KiB/s", "%.2f KiB/s"},
{"Sent", "Odesláno"},
{"Transit", "Tranzit"},
{"Data path", "Cesta k data souborům"},
{"Hidden content. Press on text to see.", "Skrytý kontent. Pro zobrazení, klikni na text."},
{"Data path", "Cesta k datovým souborům"},
{"Hidden content. Press on text to see.", "Skrytý obsah. Pro zobrazení klikněte sem."},
{"Router Ident", "Routerová Identita"},
{"Router Family", "Rodina routerů"},
{"Router Caps", "Omezení Routerů"},
@ -93,6 +96,7 @@ namespace czech // language namespace
{"Address", "Adresa"},
{"Type", "Typ"},
{"EncType", "EncType"},
{"Expire LeaseSet", "Zrušit platnost setu pronájmu"},
{"Inbound tunnels", "Příchozí tunely"},
{"%dms", "%dms"},
{"Outbound tunnels", "Odchozí tunely"},
@ -103,21 +107,24 @@ namespace czech // language namespace
{"Amount", "Množství"},
{"Incoming Tags", "Příchozí štítky"},
{"Tags sessions", "Relace štítků"},
{"Status", "Status"},
{"Local Destination", "Lokální Destinace"},
{"Status", "Stav"},
{"Local Destination", "Místní cíl"},
{"Streams", "Toky"},
{"Close stream", "Uzavřít tok"},
{"Such destination is not found", "Takováto destinace nebyla nalezena"},
{"I2CP session not found", "I2CP relace nenalezena"},
{"I2CP is not enabled", "I2CP není zapnuto"},
{"Invalid", "Neplatný"},
{"Store type", "Druh uložení"},
{"Expires", "Vyprší"},
{"Non Expired Leases", "Nevypršené Leasy"},
{"Non Expired Leases", "Pronájmy, kterým nevypršela platnost"},
{"Gateway", "Brána"},
{"TunnelID", "ID tunelu"},
{"EndDate", "Datum ukončení"},
{"floodfill mode is disabled", "režim floodfill je vypnut"},
{"Queue size", "Velikost fronty"},
{"Run peer test", "Spustit peer test"},
{"Reload tunnels configuration", "Znovu načíst nastavení tunelů"},
{"Decline transit tunnels", "Odmítnout tranzitní tunely"},
{"Accept transit tunnels", "Přijmout tranzitní tunely"},
{"Cancel graceful shutdown", "Zrušit hladké vypnutí"},
@ -145,14 +152,17 @@ namespace czech // language namespace
{"Destination not found", "Destinace nenalezena"},
{"StreamID can't be null", "StreamID nemůže být null"},
{"Return to destination page", "Zpět na stránku destinací"},
{"Back to commands list", "Zpět na list příkazů"},
{"You will be redirected in %d seconds", "Budete přesměrováni za %d sekund"},
{"LeaseSet expiration time updated", "Aktualizován čas vypršení platnosti setu pronájmu"},
{"LeaseSet is not found or already expired", "Set pronájmu není k nalezení nebo již vypršela jeho platnost"},
{"Transit tunnels count must not exceed %d", "Počet tranzitních tunelů nesmí překročit %d"},
{"Back to commands list", "Zpět na seznam příkazů"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "Zaregistrovat na reg.i2p"},
{"Description", "Popis"},
{"A bit information about service on domain", "Trochu informací o službě na doméně"},
{"Submit", "Odeslat"},
{"Domain can't end with .b32.i2p", "Doména nesmí končit na .b32.i2p"},
{"Domain must end with .i2p", "Doména musí končit s .i2p"},
{"Such destination is not found", "Takováto destinace nebyla nalezena"},
{"Unknown command", "Neznámý příkaz"},
{"Command accepted", "Příkaz přijat"},
{"Proxy error", "Chyba proxy serveru"},
@ -162,6 +172,15 @@ namespace czech // language namespace
{"You may try to find this host on jump services below", "Můžete se pokusit najít tohoto hostitele na startovacích službách níže"},
{"Invalid request", "Neplatný požadavek"},
{"Proxy unable to parse your request", "Proxy server nemohl zpracovat váš požadavek"},
{"Addresshelper is not supported", "Addresshelper není podporován"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. <b>Be careful: source of this URL may be harmful!</b> Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "Hostitel %s je <font color=red>již v adresáři routeru</font>. <b>Buďte opatrní: zdroj této URL může být škodlivý!</b> Klikněte zde pro aktualizaci záznamu: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Pokračovat</a>."},
{"Addresshelper forced update rejected", "Addresshelperem vynucená aktualizace zamítnuta"},
{"To add host <b>%s</b> in router's addressbook, click here: <a href=\"%s%s%s\">Continue</a>.", "Pro přidání hostitele <b>%s</b> do adresáře routeru, klikněte zde: <a href=\"%s%s%s\">Pokračovat</a>."},
{"Addresshelper request", "Požadavek Addresshelperu"},
{"Host %s added to router's addressbook from helper. Click here to proceed: <a href=\"%s\">Continue</a>.", "Hostitel %s přidán do adresáře routeru od pomocníka. Klikněte zde pro pokračování: <a href=\"%s\">Pokračovat</a>."},
{"Addresshelper adding", "Addresshelper přidávání"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "Hostitel %s je <font color=red>již v adresáři routeru</font>. Klikněte zde pro aktualizaci záznamu: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Pokračovat</a>."},
{"Addresshelper update", "Addresshelper aktualizace"},
{"Invalid request URI", "Neplatný URI požadavek"},
{"Can't detect destination host from request", "Nelze zjistit cílového hostitele z požadavku"},
{"Outproxy failure", "Outproxy selhání"},

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, The PurpleI2P Project
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace french // language namespace
{"Unknown", "Inconnu"},
{"Proxy", "Proxy"},
{"Mesh", "Maillé"},
{"Clock skew", "Horloge décalée"},
{"Clock skew", "Décalage de l'horloge"},
{"Offline", "Hors ligne"},
{"Symmetric NAT", "NAT symétrique"},
{"Full cone NAT", "NAT à cône complet"},
@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ namespace french // language namespace
{"Network status v6", "État du réseau v6"},
{"Stopping in", "Arrêt dans"},
{"Family", "Famille"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "Taux de succès de création de tunnels"},
{"Total tunnel creation success rate", "Taux de réussite de création de tunnel"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "Taux de création de tunnel réussie"},
{"Total tunnel creation success rate", "Taux total de création de tunnel réussie"},
{"Received", "Reçu"},
{"%.2f KiB/s", "%.2f Kio/s"},
{"Sent", "Envoyé"},

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, The PurpleI2P Project
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
@ -31,22 +31,186 @@ namespace polish // language namespace
static std::map<std::string, std::string> strings
{"%.2f KiB", "%.2f KiB"},
{"%.2f MiB", "%.2f MiB"},
{"%.2f GiB", "%.2f GiB"},
{"building", "Kompilowanie"},
{"failed", "nieudane"},
{"expiring", "wygasający"},
{"established", "ustanowiony"},
{"unknown", "nieznany"},
{"exploratory", "eksploracyjny"},
{"Purple I2P Webconsole", "Konsola webowa Purple I2P"},
{"<b>i2pd</b> webconsole", "<b>i2pd</b> konsola webowa"},
{"Main page", "Strona główna"},
{"Router commands", "Komendy routera"},
{"Local Destinations", "Lokalne miejsca docelowe"},
{"LeaseSets", "ZestawyNajmu"},
{"Tunnels", "Tunele"},
{"Transit Tunnels", "Tunele Tranzytu"},
{"Transports", "Transportery"},
{"I2P tunnels", "Tunele I2P"},
{"SAM sessions", "Sesje SAM"},
{"ERROR", "BŁĄD"},
{"OK", "Ok"},
{"Testing", "Testowanie"},
{"Firewalled", "Za zaporą sieciową"},
{"Unknown", "Nieznany"},
{"Proxy", "Proxy"},
{"Mesh", "Sieć"},
{"Clock skew", "Przesunięcie czasu"},
{"Offline", "Offline"},
{"Symmetric NAT", "Symetryczny NAT"},
{"Full cone NAT", "Pełny stożek NAT"},
{"No Descriptors", "Brak deskryptorów"},
{"Uptime", "Czas pracy"},
{"Network status", "Stan sieci"},
{"Network status v6", "Stan sieci v6"},
{"Stopping in", "Zatrzymywanie za"},
{"Family", "Rodzina"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "Wskaźnik sukcesu tworzenia tunelu"},
{"Total tunnel creation success rate", "Całkowity wskaźnik sukcesu tworzenia tunelu"},
{"Received", "Odebrano"},
{"%.2f KiB/s", "%.2f KiB/s"},
{"Sent", "Wysłane"},
{"Transit", "Tranzyt"},
{"Data path", "Ścieżka do danych"},
{"Hidden content. Press on text to see.", "Ukryta zawartość. Naciśnij tekst, aby zobaczyć."},
{"Router Ident", "Identyfikator routera"},
{"Router Family", "Rodzina routera"},
{"Router Caps", "Możliwości routera"},
{"Version", "Wersja"},
{"Our external address", "Nasz zewnętrzny adres"},
{"supported", "wspierane"},
{"Routers", "Routery"},
{"Floodfills", "Floodfille"},
{"Client Tunnels", "Tunele Klienta"},
{"Services", "Usługi"},
{"Enabled", "Aktywny"},
{"Disabled", "Wyłączony"},
{"Encrypted B33 address", "Zaszyfrowany adres B33"},
{"Address registration line", "Linia rejestracji adresu"},
{"Domain", "Domena"},
{"Generate", "Generuj"},
{"<b>Note:</b> result string can be used only for registering 2LD domains (example.i2p). For registering subdomains please use i2pd-tools.", "<b>Uwaga:</b> wynik string może być używany tylko do rejestracji domen 2LD (przykład.i2p). Do rejestracji subdomen należy użyć narzędzi i2pd."},
{"Address", "Adres"},
{"Type", "Typ"},
{"EncType", "TypEnkrypcji"},
{"Expire LeaseSet", "Wygaśnij LeaseSet"},
{"Inbound tunnels", "Tunele przychodzące"},
{"%dms", "%dms"},
{"Outbound tunnels", "Tunele wychodzące"},
{"Tags", "Tagi"},
{"Incoming", "Przychodzące"},
{"Outgoing", "Wychodzące"},
{"Destination", "Miejsce docelowe"},
{"Amount", "Ilość"},
{"Incoming Tags", "Przychodzące tagi"},
{"Tags sessions", "Sesje tagów"},
{"Status", "Status"},
{"Local Destination", "Lokalne miejsce docelowe"},
{"Streams", "Strumienie"},
{"Close stream", "Zamknij strumień"},
{"Such destination is not found", "Nie znaleziono takiego miejsca docelowego"},
{"I2CP session not found", "Sesja I2CP nie została znaleziona"},
{"I2CP is not enabled", "I2CP nie jest włączone"},
{"Invalid", "Niepoprawny"},
{"Store type", "Rodzaj przechowywania"},
{"Expires", "Wygasa za"},
{"Non Expired Leases", "Leasingi niewygasłe"},
{"Gateway", "Brama"},
{"TunnelID", "IDTunelu"},
{"EndDate", "DataZakończenia"},
{"floodfill mode is disabled", "tryb floodfill jest wyłączony"},
{"Queue size", "Wielkość kolejki"},
{"Run peer test", "Wykonaj test peer"},
{"Reload tunnels configuration", "Załaduj ponownie konfigurację tuneli"},
{"Decline transit tunnels", "Odrzuć tunele tranzytowe"},
{"Accept transit tunnels", "Akceptuj tunele tranzytowe"},
{"Cancel graceful shutdown", "Anuluj łagodne wyłączenie"},
{"Start graceful shutdown", "Rozpocznij łagodne wyłączenie"},
{"Force shutdown", "Wymuś wyłączenie"},
{"Reload external CSS styles", "Odśwież zewnętrzne style CSS"},
{"<b>Note:</b> any action done here are not persistent and not changes your config files.", "<b>Uwaga:</b> każda akcja wykonana tutaj nie jest trwała i nie zmienia Twoich plików konfiguracyjnych."},
{"Logging level", "Poziom logowania"},
{"Transit tunnels limit", "Limit tuneli tranzytowych"},
{"Change", "Zmień"},
{"Change language", "Zmień język"},
{"no transit tunnels currently built", "brak obecnie zbudowanych tuneli tranzytowych"},
{"SAM disabled", "SAM wyłączony"},
{"no sessions currently running", "brak aktualnie uruchomionych sesji"},
{"SAM session not found", "Sesja SAM nie została znaleziona"},
{"SAM Session", "Sesja SAM"},
{"Server Tunnels", "Tunele Serwera"},
{"Client Forwards", "Przekierowania Klienta"},
{"Server Forwards", "Przekierowania Serwera"},
{"Unknown page", "Nieznana strona"},
{"Invalid token", "Nieprawidłowy token"},
{"Stream closed", "Strumień zamknięty"},
{"Stream not found or already was closed", "Strumień nie został znaleziony lub został już zamknięty"},
{"Destination not found", "Nie znaleziono punktu docelowego"},
{"StreamID can't be null", "StreamID nie może być null"},
{"Return to destination page", "Wróć do strony miejsca docelowego"},
{"You will be redirected in %d seconds", "Zostaniesz prekierowany za %d sekund"},
{"LeaseSet expiration time updated", "Zaktualizowano czas wygaśnięcia LeaseSet"},
{"LeaseSet is not found or already expired", "LeaseSet nie został znaleziony lub już wygasł"},
{"Transit tunnels count must not exceed %d", "Liczba tuneli tranzytowych nie może przekraczać %d"},
{"Back to commands list", "Powrót do listy poleceń"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "Zarejestruj się na reg.i2p"},
{"Description", "Opis"},
{"A bit information about service on domain", "Trochę informacji o usłudze w domenie"},
{"Submit", "Zatwierdź"},
{"Domain can't end with .b32.i2p", "Domena nie może kończyć się na .b32.i2p"},
{"Domain must end with .i2p", "Domena musi kończyć się na .i2p"},
{"Unknown command", "Nieznana komenda"},
{"Command accepted", "Polecenie zaakceptowane"},
{"Proxy error", "Błąd serwera proxy"},
{"Proxy info", "Informacje o proxy"},
{"Proxy error: Host not found", "Błąd proxy: Nie znaleziono hosta"},
{"Remote host not found in router's addressbook", "Nie znaleziono zdalnego hosta w książce adresowej routera"},
{"You may try to find this host on jump services below", "Możesz znaleźć tego hosta na poniższych usługach skoku"},
{"Invalid request", "Nieprawidłowe żądanie"},
{"Proxy unable to parse your request", "Serwer proxy nie może przetworzyć Twojego żądania"},
{"Addresshelper is not supported", "Adresshelper nie jest obsługiwany"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. <b>Be careful: source of this URL may be harmful!</b> Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "Host %s <font color=red>jest już w książce adresowej routera</font>. <b>Uważaj: źródło tego adresu URL może być szkodliwe!</b> Kliknij tutaj, aby zaktualizować rekord: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Kontynuuj</a>."},
{"Addresshelper forced update rejected", "Wymuszona aktualizacja Addreshelper odrzucona"},
{"To add host <b>%s</b> in router's addressbook, click here: <a href=\"%s%s%s\">Continue</a>.", "Aby dodać host <b>%s</b> w książce adresowej routera, kliknij tutaj: <a href=\"%s%s%s\">Kontynuuj</a>."},
{"Addresshelper request", "Prośba Addresshelper"},
{"Host %s added to router's addressbook from helper. Click here to proceed: <a href=\"%s\">Continue</a>.", "Host %s dodany do książki adresowej routera od pomocnika. Kliknij tutaj, aby kontynuować: <a href=\"%s\">Kontynuuj</a>."},
{"Addresshelper adding", "Dodawanie Addresshelper"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "Host %s jest <font color=red>już w książce adresowej routera</font>. Kliknij tutaj, aby zaktualizować rekord: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Kontynuuj</a>."},
{"Addresshelper update", "Aktualizacja Adresshelper"},
{"Invalid request URI", "Nieprawidłowe URI żądania"},
{"Can't detect destination host from request", "Nie można wykryć hosta docelowego z żądania"},
{"Outproxy failure", "Błąd proxy wyjściowego"},
{"Bad outproxy settings", "Błędne ustawienia proxy wyjściowych"},
{"Host %s is not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled", "Host %s nie jest wewnątrz sieci I2P, a proxy wyjściowe nie jest włączone"},
{"Unknown outproxy URL", "Nieznany adres URL proxy wyjściowego"},
{"Cannot resolve upstream proxy", "Nie można rozwiązać serwera proxy upstream"},
{"Hostname is too long", "Nazwa hosta jest zbyt długa"},
{"Cannot connect to upstream SOCKS proxy", "Nie można połączyć się z proxy SOCKS upstream"},
{"Cannot negotiate with SOCKS proxy", "Nie można negocjować z proxy SOCKS"},
{"CONNECT error", "Błąd POŁĄCZENIE"},
{"Failed to connect", "Nie udało się połączyć"},
{"SOCKS proxy error", "Błąd proxy SOCKS"},
{"Failed to send request to upstream", "Nie udało się wysłać żądania do upstream"},
{"No reply from SOCKS proxy", "Brak odpowiedzi od serwera proxy SOCKS"},
{"Cannot connect", "Nie można się połączyć"},
{"HTTP out proxy not implemented", "Serwer wyjściowy proxy HTTP nie został zaimplementowany"},
{"Cannot connect to upstream HTTP proxy", "Nie można połączyć się z proxy HTTP upstream"},
{"Host is down", "Host jest niedostępny"},
{"Can't create connection to requested host, it may be down. Please try again later.", "Nie można utworzyć połączenia z żądanym hostem, może być wyłączony. Spróbuj ponownie później."},
{"", ""},
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> plurals
{"", {"", "", ""}},
{"%d days", {"%d dzień", "%d dni", "%d dni", "%d dni"}},
{"%d hours", {"%d godzina", "%d godziny", "%d godzin", "%d godzin"}},
{"%d minutes", {"%d minuta", "%d minuty", "%d minut", "%d minut"}},
{"%d seconds", {"%d sekunda", "%d sekundy", "%d sekund", "%d sekund"}},
{"", {"", "", "", ""}},
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::i18n::Locale> GetLocale()

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023, The PurpleI2P Project
* Copyright (c) 2023-2024, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace portuguese // language namespace
{"Unknown", "Desconhecido"},
{"Proxy", "Proxy"},
{"Mesh", "Malha"},
{"Clock skew", "Defasagem do Relógio"},
{"Clock skew", "Desvio de Relógio"},
{"Offline", "Desligado"},
{"Symmetric NAT", "NAT Simétrico"},
{"Full cone NAT", "Full cone NAT"},
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ namespace portuguese // language namespace
{"%.2f KiB/s", "%.2f KiB/s"},
{"Sent", "Enviado"},
{"Transit", "Trânsito"},
{"Data path", "Diretório dos dados"},
{"Data path", "Diretório de dados"},
{"Hidden content. Press on text to see.", "Conteúdo oculto. Clique no texto para revelar."},
{"Router Ident", "Identidade do Roteador"},
{"Router Family", "Família do Roteador"},
@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ namespace portuguese // language namespace
{"Destination", "Destinos"},
{"Amount", "Quantidade"},
{"Incoming Tags", "Etiquetas de Entrada"},
{"Tags sessions", "Sessões de etiquetas"},
{"Tags sessions", "Sessões de Etiquetas"},
{"Status", "Estado"},
{"Local Destination", "Destinos Locais"},
{"Local Destination", "Destino Local"},
{"Streams", "Fluxos"},
{"Close stream", "Fechar fluxo"},
{"Such destination is not found", "Tal destino não foi encontrado"},
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ namespace portuguese // language namespace
{"Invalid token", "Token Inválido"},
{"Stream closed", "Fluxo fechado"},
{"Stream not found or already was closed", "Fluxo não encontrado ou já encerrado"},
{"Stream not found or already was closed", "Fluxo não encontrado ou já fechado"},
{"Destination not found", "Destino não encontrado"},
{"StreamID can't be null", "StreamID não pode ser nulo"},
{"Return to destination page", "Retornar para à página de destino"},
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ namespace portuguese // language namespace
{"LeaseSet is not found or already expired", "LeaseSet não foi encontrado ou já expirou"},
{"Transit tunnels count must not exceed %d", "A contagem de túneis de trânsito não deve exceder %d"},
{"Back to commands list", "Voltar para a lista de comandos"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "Registrar na reg.i2p"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "Registrar em reg.i2p"},
{"Description", "Descrição"},
{"A bit information about service on domain", "Algumas informações sobre o serviço no domínio"},
{"Submit", "Enviar"},
@ -169,22 +169,22 @@ namespace portuguese // language namespace
{"Proxy info", "Informações do proxy"},
{"Proxy error: Host not found", "Erro no proxy: Host não encontrado"},
{"Remote host not found in router's addressbook", "O host remoto não foi encontrado no livro de endereços do roteador"},
{"You may try to find this host on jump services below", "Você pode tentar encontrar este host nos jump services abaixo"},
{"You may try to find this host on jump services below", "Você pode tentar encontrar este host nos serviços de jump abaixo"},
{"Invalid request", "Requisição inválida"},
{"Proxy unable to parse your request", "O proxy foi incapaz de processar a sua requisição"},
{"Addresshelper is not supported", "O Auxiliar de Endereços não é suportado"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. <b>Be careful: source of this URL may be harmful!</b> Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "O host %s já <font color=red>está no catálogo de endereços do roteador</font>. <b>Cuidado: a fonte desta URL pode ser perigosa!</b> Clique aqui para atualizar o registro: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continuar</a>."},
{"Addresshelper forced update rejected", "A atualização forçada do Auxiliar de Endereços foi rejeitada"},
{"To add host <b>%s</b> in router's addressbook, click here: <a href=\"%s%s%s\">Continue</a>.", "Para adicionar o host <b> %s </b> ao catálogo de endereços do roteador, clique aqui: <a href='%s%s%s'>Continuar </a>."},
{"Addresshelper request", "Requisição do Auxiliar de Endereços"},
{"Host %s added to router's addressbook from helper. Click here to proceed: <a href=\"%s\">Continue</a>.", "O host %s foi adicionado ao catálogo de endereços do roteador por um auxiliar. Clique aqui para proceder: <a href='%s'> Continuar </a>."},
{"Addresshelper request", "Requisição ao Auxiliar de Endereços"},
{"Host %s added to router's addressbook from helper. Click here to proceed: <a href=\"%s\">Continue</a>.", "O host %s foi adicionado ao catálogo de endereços do roteador por um auxiliar. Clique aqui para prosseguir: <a href='%s'> Continuar </a>."},
{"Addresshelper adding", "Auxiliar de Endereço adicionando"},
{"Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. Click here to update record: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continue</a>.", "O host %s já <font color=red>está no catálogo de endereços do roteador </font>. Clique aqui para atualizar o registro: <a href=\"%s%s%s&update=true\">Continuar</a>."},
{"Addresshelper update", "Atualização do Auxiliar de Endereços"},
{"Invalid request URI", "A URI de requisição é inválida"},
{"Can't detect destination host from request", "Incapaz de detectar o host de destino da requisição"},
{"Outproxy failure", "Falha no outproxy"},
{"Bad outproxy settings", "Configurações ruins de outproxy"},
{"Bad outproxy settings", "Má configurações do outproxy"},
{"Host %s is not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled", "O host %s não está dentro da rede I2P, mas o outproxy não está ativado"},
{"Unknown outproxy URL", "URL de outproxy desconhecida"},
{"Cannot resolve upstream proxy", "Não é possível resolver o proxy de entrada"},