@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
@@ -177,9 +177,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
# define OPTION(section,option,defaultValueGetter) ConfigOption(QString(section),QString(option))
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " conf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > configFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " tunconf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " pidfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > pidFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > pidFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " conf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > configFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > configFileBrowsePushButton , false ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " tunconf " , [ ] ( ) { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > tunnelsConfigFileBrowsePushButton , false ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " pidfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > pidFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > pidFileBrowsePushButton , false ) ;
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > clear ( ) ;
uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox - > insertItems ( 0 , QStringList ( )
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
) ;
initLogDestinationCombobox ( OPTION ( " " , " log " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logDestinationComboBox ) ;
logFileNameOption = initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " logfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > logFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
logFileNameOption = initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " logfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > logFileBrowsePushButton , false ) ;
initLogLevelCombobox ( OPTION ( " " , " loglevel " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logLevelComboBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " " , " logclftime " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > logclftimeCheckBox ) ; //"Write full CLF-formatted date and time to log (default: write only time)"
initFolderChooser ( OPTION ( " " , " datadir " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > dataFolderLineEdit , uiSettings - > dataFolderBrowsePushButton ) ;
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " port " , [ ] { return " 4444 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " HTTP proxy -> Port " ) ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " addresshelper " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyAddressHelperCheckBox ) ; //Enable address helper (jump). true by default
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFilePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > httpProxyKeyFilePushButton , false ) ;
initSignatureTypeCombobox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " signaturetype " , [ ] { return " 7 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > comboBox_httpPorxySignatureType ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.length " , [ ] { return " 3 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnelsLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " httpproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " 5 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > httpProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyEnabledCheckBox ) ;
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyAddressLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " port " , [ ] { return " 4447 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyPortLineEdit , tr ( " Socks proxy -> Port " ) ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > socksProxyKeyFilePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " keys " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > socksProxyKeyFilePushButton , false ) ;
initSignatureTypeCombobox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " signaturetype " , [ ] { return " 7 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > comboBox_socksProxySignatureType ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " inbound.length " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyInboundTunnelsLenLineEdit ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " socksproxy " , " inbound.quantity " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > socksProxyInboundTunnQuantityLineEdit ) ;
@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initIPAddressBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " address " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlAddressLineEdit , tr ( " I2PControl -> IP address " ) ) ;
initTCPPortBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " port " , [ ] { return " 7650 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlPortLineEdit , tr ( " I2PControl -> Port " ) ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " password " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlPasswordLineEdit ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " cert " , [ ] { return " i2pcontrol.crt.pem " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlCertFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > i2pControlCertFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " key " , [ ] { return " i2pcontrol.key.pem " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > i2pControlKeyFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " cert " , [ ] { return " i2pcontrol.crt.pem " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlCertFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > i2pControlCertFileBrowsePushButton , true ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " i2pcontrol " , " key " , [ ] { return " i2pcontrol.key.pem " ; } ) , uiSettings - > i2pControlKeyFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > i2pControlKeyFileBrowsePushButton , true ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " upnp " , " enabled " , [ ] { return " true " ; } ) , uiSettings - > enableUPnPCheckBox ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " upnp " , " name " , [ ] { return " I2Pd " ; } ) , uiSettings - > upnpNameLineEdit ) ;
@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
@@ -284,9 +284,9 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow(std::shared_ptr<std::iostream> logStream_, QWidget *paren
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " precomputation " , " elgamal " , [ ] { return " false " ; } ) , uiSettings - > useElGamalPrecomputedTablesCheckBox ) ;
initCheckBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " verify " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedVerifyCheckBox ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " file " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedFileBrowsePushButton ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " file " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedFileBrowsePushButton , true ) ;
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " urls " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedURLsLineEdit ) ;
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " zipfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedZipFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedZipFileBrowsePushButton ) ; //Path to local .zip file to reseed from
initFileChooser ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " zipfile " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedZipFileLineEdit , uiSettings - > reseedZipFileBrowsePushButton , true ) ; //Path to local .zip file to reseed from
initUInt16Box ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " threshold " , [ ] { return " 25 " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedThresholdNumberLineEdit , tr ( " reseedThreshold " ) ) ; //Minimum number of known routers before requesting reseed. 25 by default
initStringBox ( OPTION ( " reseed " , " proxy " , [ ] { return " " ; } ) , uiSettings - > reseedProxyLineEdit ) ; //URL for https/socks reseed proxy
@ -649,15 +649,15 @@ MainWindow::~MainWindow()
@@ -649,15 +649,15 @@ MainWindow::~MainWindow()
//QMessageBox::information(0, "Debug", "mw destructor 2");
FileChooserItem * MainWindow : : initFileChooser ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * fileNameLineEdit , QPushButton * fileBrowsePushButton ) {
FileChooserItem * MainWindow : : initFileChooser ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * fileNameLineEdit , QPushButton * fileBrowsePushButton , bool requireExistingFile ) {
FileChooserItem * retVal ;
retVal = new FileChooserItem ( option , fileNameLineEdit , fileBrowsePushButton , this ) ;
retVal = new FileChooserItem ( option , fileNameLineEdit , fileBrowsePushButton , this , requireExistingFile ) ;
MainWindowItem * super = retVal ;
configItems . append ( super ) ;
return retVal ;
void MainWindow : : initFolderChooser ( ConfigOption option , QLineEdit * folderLineEdit , QPushButton * folderBrowsePushButton ) {
configItems . append ( new FolderChooserItem ( option , folderLineEdit , folderBrowsePushButton , this ) ) ;
configItems . append ( new FolderChooserItem ( option , folderLineEdit , folderBrowsePushButton , this , true ) ) ;
/*void MainWindow::initCombobox(ConfigOption option, QComboBox* comboBox){
configItems . append ( new ComboBoxItem ( option , comboBox ) ) ;
@ -811,11 +811,14 @@ bool MainWindow::saveAllConfigs(bool reloadAfterSave, FocusEnum focusOn, std::st
@@ -811,11 +811,14 @@ bool MainWindow::saveAllConfigs(bool reloadAfterSave, FocusEnum focusOn, std::st
void FileChooserItem : : pushButtonReleased ( ) {
QString fileName = lineEdit - > text ( ) . trimmed ( ) ;
fileName = QFileDialog : : getOpenFileName ( nullptr , tr ( " Open File " ) , fileName , tr ( " All Files (*.*) " ) ) ;
fileName = requireExistingFile ?
QFileDialog : : getOpenFileName ( nullptr , tr ( " Open File " ) , fileName , tr ( " All Files (*.*) " ) ) :
QFileDialog : : getSaveFileName ( nullptr , tr ( " Open File " ) , fileName , tr ( " All Files (*.*) " ) ) ;
if ( fileName . length ( ) > 0 ) lineEdit - > setText ( fileName ) ;
void FolderChooserItem : : pushButtonReleased ( ) {
QString fileName = lineEdit - > text ( ) . trimmed ( ) ;
assert ( requireExistingFile ) ;
fileName = QFileDialog : : getExistingDirectory ( nullptr , tr ( " Open Folder " ) , fileName ) ;
if ( fileName . length ( ) > 0 ) lineEdit - > setText ( fileName ) ;