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#ifdef USE_UPNP
11 years ago
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
11 years ago
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#define dlsym GetProcAddress
#include <dlfcn.h>
11 years ago
#include "Log.h"
#include "RouterContext.h"
11 years ago
#include "UPnP.h"
#include "NetDb.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <miniupnpc/miniupnpc.h>
#include <miniupnpc/upnpcommands.h>
// These are per-process and are safe to reuse for all threads
/* miniupnpc 1.5 */
UPNPDev* (*upnpDiscoverFunc) (int, const char *, const char *, int);
int (*UPNP_AddPortMappingFunc) (const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *,
const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
/* miniupnpc 1.6 */
UPNPDev* (*upnpDiscoverFunc) (int, const char *, const char *, int, int, int *);
int (*UPNP_AddPortMappingFunc) (const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *,
const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
int (*UPNP_GetValidIGDFunc) (struct UPNPDev *, struct UPNPUrls *, struct IGDdatas *, char *, int);
int (*UPNP_GetExternalIPAddressFunc) (const char *, const char *, char *);
int (*UPNP_DeletePortMappingFunc) (const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *);
void (*freeUPNPDevlistFunc) (struct UPNPDev *);
void (*FreeUPNPUrlsFunc) (struct UPNPUrls *);
// Nice approach http://stackoverflow.com/a/21517513/673826
template<class M, typename F>
F GetKnownProcAddressImpl(M hmod, const char *name, F) {
auto proc = reinterpret_cast<F>(dlsym(hmod, name));
if (!proc) {
LogPrint("Error resolving ", name, " from UPNP library. This often happens if there is version mismatch!");
return proc;
#define GetKnownProcAddress(hmod, func) GetKnownProcAddressImpl(hmod, #func, func##Func);
11 years ago
namespace i2p
namespace transport
UPnP::UPnP () : m_Thread (nullptr) , m_IsModuleLoaded (false)
void UPnP::Stop ()
if (m_Thread)
m_Thread->join ();
delete m_Thread;
m_Thread = nullptr;
void UPnP::Start()
if (!m_IsModuleLoaded) {
#ifdef MAC_OSX
m_Module = dlopen ("libminiupnpc.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
#elif _WIN32
m_Module = LoadLibrary ("miniupnpc.dll"); // official prebuilt binary, e.g., in upnpc-exe-win32-20140422.zip
m_Module = dlopen ("libminiupnpc.so", RTLD_LAZY);
if (m_Module == NULL)
LogPrint ("Error loading UPNP library. This often happens if there is version mismatch!");
upnpDiscoverFunc = GetKnownProcAddress (m_Module, upnpDiscover);
UPNP_GetValidIGDFunc = GetKnownProcAddress (m_Module, UPNP_GetValidIGD);
UPNP_GetExternalIPAddressFunc = GetKnownProcAddress (m_Module, UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress);
UPNP_AddPortMappingFunc = GetKnownProcAddress (m_Module, UPNP_AddPortMapping);
UPNP_DeletePortMappingFunc = GetKnownProcAddress (m_Module, UPNP_DeletePortMapping);
freeUPNPDevlistFunc = GetKnownProcAddress (m_Module, freeUPNPDevlist);
FreeUPNPUrlsFunc = GetKnownProcAddress (m_Module, FreeUPNPUrls);
if (upnpDiscoverFunc && UPNP_GetValidIGDFunc && UPNP_GetExternalIPAddressFunc && UPNP_AddPortMappingFunc &&
UPNP_DeletePortMappingFunc && freeUPNPDevlistFunc && FreeUPNPUrlsFunc)
m_IsModuleLoaded = true;
m_Thread = new std::thread (std::bind (&UPnP::Run, this));
UPnP::~UPnP ()
void UPnP::Run ()
for (auto& address : context.GetRouterInfo ().GetAddresses ())
if (!address.host.is_v6 ())
Discover ();
if (address.transportStyle == data::RouterInfo::eTransportSSU )
TryPortMapping (I2P_UPNP_UDP, address.port);
else if (address.transportStyle == data::RouterInfo::eTransportNTCP )
TryPortMapping (I2P_UPNP_TCP, address.port);
void UPnP::Discover ()
/* miniupnpc 1.5 */
m_Devlist = upnpDiscoverFunc (2000, m_MulticastIf, m_Minissdpdpath, 0);
/* miniupnpc 1.6 */
int nerror = 0;
m_Devlist = upnpDiscoverFunc (2000, m_MulticastIf, m_Minissdpdpath, 0, 0, &nerror);
int r;
r = UPNP_GetValidIGDFunc (m_Devlist, &m_upnpUrls, &m_upnpData, m_NetworkAddr, sizeof (m_NetworkAddr));
if (r == 1)
r = UPNP_GetExternalIPAddressFunc (m_upnpUrls.controlURL, m_upnpData.first.servicetype, m_externalIPAddress);
LogPrint ("UPnP: UPNP_GetExternalIPAddress () returned ", r);
if (m_externalIPAddress[0])
LogPrint ("UPnP: ExternalIPAddress = ", m_externalIPAddress);
i2p::context.UpdateAddress (boost::asio::ip::address::from_string (m_externalIPAddress));
LogPrint ("UPnP: GetExternalIPAddress failed.");
void UPnP::TryPortMapping (int type, int port)
std::string strType, strPort (std::to_string (port));
switch (type)
case I2P_UPNP_TCP:
strType = "TCP";
case I2P_UPNP_UDP:
strType = "UDP";
int r;
std::string strDesc = "I2Pd";
try {
for (;;) {
/* miniupnpc 1.5 */
r = UPNP_AddPortMappingFunc (m_upnpUrls.controlURL, m_upnpData.first.servicetype, strPort.c_str (), strPort.c_str (), m_NetworkAddr, strDesc.c_str (), strType.c_str (), 0);
/* miniupnpc 1.6 */
r = UPNP_AddPortMappingFunc (m_upnpUrls.controlURL, m_upnpData.first.servicetype, strPort.c_str (), strPort.c_str (), m_NetworkAddr, strDesc.c_str (), strType.c_str (), 0, "0");
LogPrint ("AddPortMapping (", strPort.c_str () ,", ", strPort.c_str () ,", ", m_NetworkAddr, ") failed with code ", r);
LogPrint ("UPnP Port Mapping successful. (", m_NetworkAddr ,":", strPort.c_str(), " type ", strType.c_str () ," -> ", m_externalIPAddress ,":", strPort.c_str() ,")");
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::minutes(20)); // c++11
//boost::this_thread::sleep_for(); // pre c++11
//sleep(20*60); // non-portable
catch (boost::thread_interrupted)
CloseMapping(type, port);
void UPnP::CloseMapping (int type, int port)
std::string strType, strPort (std::to_string (port));
switch (type)
case I2P_UPNP_TCP:
strType = "TCP";
case I2P_UPNP_UDP:
strType = "UDP";
int r = 0;
r = UPNP_DeletePortMappingFunc (m_upnpUrls.controlURL, m_upnpData.first.servicetype, strPort.c_str (), strType.c_str (), 0);
LogPrint ("UPNP_DeletePortMapping() returned : ", r, "\n");
void UPnP::Close ()
freeUPNPDevlistFunc (m_Devlist);
m_Devlist = 0;
FreeUPNPUrlsFunc (&m_upnpUrls);
#ifndef _WIN32
dlclose (m_Module);
FreeLibrary (m_Module);
11 years ago