* Copyright (c) 2022, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
#include <string.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include "Log.h"
#include "RouterContext.h"
#include "Transports.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "SSU2.h"
namespace i2p
namespace transport
static uint64_t CreateHeaderMask (const uint8_t * kh, const uint8_t * nonce)
uint64_t data = 0;
i2p::crypto::ChaCha20 ((uint8_t *)&data, 8, kh, nonce, (uint8_t *)&data);
return data;
SSU2Session::SSU2Session (SSU2Server& server, std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::RouterInfo> in_RemoteRouter,
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::RouterInfo::Address> addr, bool peerTest):
TransportSession (in_RemoteRouter, SSU2_CONNECT_TIMEOUT),
m_Server (server), m_Address (addr), m_DestConnID (0), m_SourceConnID (0)
m_NoiseState.reset (new i2p::crypto::NoiseSymmetricState);
if (in_RemoteRouter && m_Address)
// outgoing
InitNoiseXKState1 (*m_NoiseState, m_Address->s);
m_RemoteEndpoint = boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (m_Address->host, m_Address->port);
// incoming
InitNoiseXKState1 (*m_NoiseState, i2p::context.GetSSU2StaticPublicKey ());
SSU2Session::~SSU2Session ()
void SSU2Session::Connect ()
SendSessionRequest ();
void SSU2Session::SendSessionRequest ()
// we are Alice
m_EphemeralKeys = i2p::transport::transports.GetNextX25519KeysPair ();
Header header;
uint8_t headerX[48], payload[40];
// fill packet
RAND_bytes ((uint8_t *)&m_DestConnID, 8);
header.h.connID = m_DestConnID; // dest id
memset (header.h.packetNum, 0, 4);
header.h.type = eSSU2SessionRequest;
header.h.flags[0] = 2; // ver
header.h.flags[1] = (uint8_t)i2p::context.GetNetID (); // netID
header.h.flags[2] = 0; // flag
RAND_bytes ((uint8_t *)&m_SourceConnID, 8);
memcpy (headerX, &m_SourceConnID, 8); // source id
RAND_bytes (headerX + 8, 8); // token
memcpy (headerX + 16, m_EphemeralKeys->GetPublicKey (), 32); // X
// payload
payload[0] = eSSU2BlkDateTime;
htobe16buf (payload + 1, 4);
htobe32buf (payload + 3, i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ());
size_t payloadSize = 7;
uint8_t paddingSize = (rand () & 0x0F) + 1; // 1 - 16
payload[payloadSize] = eSSU2BlkPadding;
htobe16buf (payload + payloadSize + 1, paddingSize);
payloadSize += paddingSize + 3;
// KDF for session request
m_NoiseState->MixHash ({ {header.buf, 16}, {headerX, 16} }); // h = SHA256(h || header)
m_NoiseState->MixHash (m_EphemeralKeys->GetPublicKey (), 32); // h = SHA256(h || aepk);
uint8_t sharedSecret[32];
m_EphemeralKeys->Agree (m_Address->s, sharedSecret);
m_NoiseState->MixKey (sharedSecret);
// encrypt
const uint8_t nonce[12] = {0};
i2p::crypto::AEADChaCha20Poly1305 (payload, payloadSize, m_NoiseState->m_H, 32, m_NoiseState->m_CK + 32, nonce, payload, payloadSize + 16, true);
payloadSize += 16;
header.ll[0] ^= CreateHeaderMask (m_Address->i, payload + (payloadSize - 24));
header.ll[1] ^= CreateHeaderMask (m_Address->i, payload + (payloadSize - 12));
i2p::crypto::ChaCha20 (headerX, 48, m_Address->i, nonce, headerX);
m_NoiseState->MixHash (payload, 24); // h = SHA256(h || 24 byte encrypted payload from Session Request) for SessionCreated
// send
m_Server.AddPendingOutgoingSession (m_RemoteEndpoint, shared_from_this ());
m_Server.Send (header.buf, 16, headerX, 48, payload, payloadSize, m_RemoteEndpoint);
void SSU2Session::ProcessSessionRequest (uint64_t connID, uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
// we are Bob
m_SourceConnID = connID;
Header header;
header.h.connID = connID;
memcpy (header.buf + 8, buf + 8, 8);
header.ll[1] ^= CreateHeaderMask (i2p::context.GetSSU2IntroKey (), buf + (len - 12));
if (header.h.type != eSSU2SessionRequest)
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "SSU2: Unexpected message type ", (int)header.h.type);
const uint8_t nonce[12] = {0};
uint8_t headerX[48];
i2p::crypto::ChaCha20 (buf + 16, 48, i2p::context.GetSSU2IntroKey (), nonce, headerX);
memcpy (&m_DestConnID, headerX, 8);
// KDF for session request
m_NoiseState->MixHash ( { {header.buf, 16}, {headerX, 16} } ); // h = SHA256(h || header)
m_NoiseState->MixHash (headerX + 16, 32); // h = SHA256(h || aepk);
uint8_t sharedSecret[32];
i2p::context.GetSSU2StaticKeys ().Agree (headerX + 16, sharedSecret);
m_NoiseState->MixKey (sharedSecret);
// decrypt
uint8_t * payload = buf + 64;
std::vector<uint8_t> decryptedPayload(len - 80);
if (!i2p::crypto::AEADChaCha20Poly1305 (payload, len - 80, m_NoiseState->m_H, 32,
m_NoiseState->m_CK + 32, nonce, decryptedPayload.data (), decryptedPayload.size (), false))
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "SSU2: SessionRequest AEAD verification failed ");
m_NoiseState->MixHash (payload, 24); // h = SHA256(h || 24 byte encrypted payload from Session Request) for SessionCreated
// payload
HandlePayload (decryptedPayload.data (), decryptedPayload.size ());
m_Server.AddSession (m_SourceConnID, shared_from_this ());
SendSessionCreated (headerX + 16);
void SSU2Session::SendSessionCreated (const uint8_t * X)
// we are Bob
m_EphemeralKeys = i2p::transport::transports.GetNextX25519KeysPair ();
// fill packet
Header header;
uint8_t headerX[48], payload[64];
header.h.connID = m_DestConnID; // dest id
memset (header.h.packetNum, 0, 4);
header.h.type = eSSU2SessionCreated;
header.h.flags[0] = 2; // ver
header.h.flags[1] = (uint8_t)i2p::context.GetNetID (); // netID
header.h.flags[2] = 0; // flag
memcpy (headerX, &m_SourceConnID, 8); // source id
RAND_bytes (headerX + 8, 8); // token
memcpy (headerX + 16, m_EphemeralKeys->GetPublicKey (), 32); // Y
// payload
payload[0] = eSSU2BlkDateTime;
htobe16buf (payload + 1, 4);
htobe32buf (payload + 3, i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ());
size_t payloadSize = 7;
payloadSize += CreateAddressBlock (m_RemoteEndpoint, payload, 57);
uint8_t paddingSize = rand () & 0x0F; // 0 - 15
if (paddingSize)
payload[payloadSize] = eSSU2BlkPadding;
htobe16buf (payload + payloadSize + 1, paddingSize);
payloadSize += paddingSize + 3;
// KDF for SessionCreated
m_NoiseState->MixHash ( { {header.buf, 16}, {headerX, 16} } ); // h = SHA256(h || header)
m_NoiseState->MixHash (headerX + 16, 32); // h = SHA256(h || bepk);
uint8_t sharedSecret[32];
m_EphemeralKeys->Agree (X, sharedSecret);
m_NoiseState->MixKey (sharedSecret);
// encrypt
const uint8_t nonce[12] = {0};
i2p::crypto::AEADChaCha20Poly1305 (payload, payloadSize, m_NoiseState->m_H, 32, m_NoiseState->m_CK + 32, nonce, payload, payloadSize + 16, true);
payloadSize += 16;
header.ll[0] ^= CreateHeaderMask (i2p::context.GetSSU2IntroKey (), payload + (payloadSize - 24));
uint8_t kh2[32];
i2p::crypto::HKDF (m_NoiseState->m_CK, nullptr, 0, "SessCreateHeader", kh2, 32); // k_header_2 = HKDF(chainKey, ZEROLEN, "SessCreateHeader", 32)
header.ll[1] ^= CreateHeaderMask (kh2, payload + (payloadSize - 12));
i2p::crypto::ChaCha20 (headerX, 48, kh2, nonce, headerX);
// send
m_Server.Send (header.buf, 16, headerX, 48, payload, payloadSize, m_RemoteEndpoint);
bool SSU2Session::ProcessSessionCreated (uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
// we are Alice
Header header;
header.h.connID = m_SourceConnID;
memcpy (header.buf + 8, buf + 8, 8);
uint8_t kh2[32];
i2p::crypto::HKDF (m_NoiseState->m_CK, nullptr, 0, "SessCreateHeader", kh2, 32); // k_header_2 = HKDF(chainKey, ZEROLEN, "SessCreateHeader", 32)
header.ll[1] ^= CreateHeaderMask (kh2, buf + (len - 12));
if (header.h.type != eSSU2SessionCreated)
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "SSU2: Unexpected message type ", (int)header.h.type);
return false;
const uint8_t nonce[12] = {0};
uint8_t headerX[48];
i2p::crypto::ChaCha20 (buf + 16, 48, kh2, nonce, headerX);
// KDF for SessionCreated
m_NoiseState->MixHash ( { {header.buf, 16}, {headerX, 16} } ); // h = SHA256(h || header)
m_NoiseState->MixHash (headerX + 16, 32); // h = SHA256(h || bepk);
uint8_t sharedSecret[32];
m_EphemeralKeys->Agree (headerX + 16, sharedSecret);
m_NoiseState->MixKey (sharedSecret);
// decrypt
uint8_t * payload = buf + 64;
if (!i2p::crypto::AEADChaCha20Poly1305 (payload, len - 80, m_NoiseState->m_H, 32, m_NoiseState->m_CK + 32, nonce, payload, len - 80, false))
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "SSU2: SessionCreated AEAD verification failed ");
return false;
// payload
HandlePayload (payload, len - 80);
m_Server.AddSession (m_SourceConnID, shared_from_this ());
return true;
void SSU2Session::HandlePayload (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
size_t offset = 0;
while (offset < len)
uint8_t blk = buf[offset];
auto size = bufbe16toh (buf + offset);
offset += 2;
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "SSU2: Block type ", (int)blk, " of size ", size);
if (size > len)
LogPrint (eLogError, "SSU2: Unexpected block length ", size);
switch (blk)
case eSSU2BlkDateTime:
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "SSU2: Datetime");
case eSSU2BlkOptions:
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "SSU2: Options");
case eSSU2BlkRouterInfo:
case eSSU2BlkI2NPMessage:
case eSSU2BlkFirstFragment:
case eSSU2BlkFollowOnFragment:
case eSSU2BlkTermination:
case eSSU2BlkRelayRequest:
case eSSU2BlkRelayResponse:
case eSSU2BlkRelayIntro:
case eSSU2BlkPeerTest:
case eSSU2BlkNextNonce:
case eSSU2BlkAck:
case eSSU2BlkAddress:
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint ep;
if (ExtractEndpoint (buf + offset, size, ep))
LogPrint (eLogInfo, "SSU2: Our external address is ", ep);
case eSSU2BlkIntroKey:
case eSSU2BlkRelayTagRequest:
case eSSU2BlkRelayTag:
case eSSU2BlkNewToken:
case eSSU2BlkPathChallenge:
case eSSU2BlkPathResponse:
case eSSU2BlkFirstPacketNumber:
case eSSU2BlkPadding:
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "SSU2: Padding");
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "SSU2: Unknown block type ", (int)blk);
offset += size;
bool SSU2Session::ExtractEndpoint (const uint8_t * buf, size_t size, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint& ep)
if (size < 2) return false;
int port = bufbe16toh (buf);
if (size == 6)
boost::asio::ip::address_v4::bytes_type bytes;
memcpy (bytes.data (), buf + 2, 4);
ep = boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (boost::asio::ip::address_v4 (bytes), port);
else if (size == 18)
boost::asio::ip::address_v6::bytes_type bytes;
memcpy (bytes.data (), buf + 2, 16);
ep = boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (boost::asio::ip::address_v6 (bytes), port);
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "SSU2: Address size ", int(size), " is not supported");
return false;
return true;
size_t SSU2Session::CreateAddressBlock (const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint& ep, uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
if (len < 9) return 0;
buf[0] = eSSU2BlkAddress;
htobe16buf (buf + 3, ep.port ());
size_t size = 0;
if (ep.address ().is_v4 ())
memcpy (buf + 5, ep.address ().to_v4 ().to_bytes ().data (), 4);
size = 6;
else if (ep.address ().is_v6 ())
if (len < 21) return 0;
memcpy (buf + 5, ep.address ().to_v6 ().to_bytes ().data (), 16);
size = 18;
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "SSU2: Wrong address type ", ep.address ().to_string ());
return 0;
htobe16buf (buf + 1, size);
return size + 3;
SSU2Server::SSU2Server ():
RunnableServiceWithWork ("SSU2"), m_Socket (GetService ()), m_SocketV6 (GetService ()),
m_TerminationTimer (GetService ())
void SSU2Server::Start ()
if (!IsRunning ())
StartIOService ();
auto& addresses = i2p::context.GetRouterInfo ().GetAddresses ();
for (const auto& address: addresses)
if (!address) continue;
if (address->transportStyle == i2p::data::RouterInfo::eTransportSSU2)
auto port = address->port;
if (!port)
uint16_t ssu2Port; i2p::config::GetOption ("ssu2.port", ssu2Port);
if (ssu2Port) port = ssu2Port;
uint16_t p; i2p::config::GetOption ("port", p);
if (p) port = p;
if (port)
if (address->IsV4 ())
Receive (OpenSocket (boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (boost::asio::ip::udp::v4(), port)));
if (address->IsV6 ())
Receive (OpenSocket (boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (boost::asio::ip::udp::v6(), port)));
LogPrint (eLogError, "SSU2: Can't start server because port not specified");
ScheduleTermination ();
void SSU2Server::Stop ()
if (IsRunning ())
m_TerminationTimer.cancel ();
StopIOService ();
boost::asio::ip::udp::socket& SSU2Server::OpenSocket (const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint& localEndpoint)
boost::asio::ip::udp::socket& socket = localEndpoint.address ().is_v6 () ? m_SocketV6 : m_Socket;
socket.open (localEndpoint.protocol ());
if (localEndpoint.address ().is_v6 ())
socket.set_option (boost::asio::ip::v6_only (true));
socket.set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size (SSU2_SOCKET_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE));
socket.set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::send_buffer_size (SSU2_SOCKET_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE));
socket.bind (localEndpoint);
LogPrint (eLogInfo, "SSU2: Start listening on ", localEndpoint);
catch (std::exception& ex )
LogPrint (eLogError, "SSU2: Failed to bind to ", localEndpoint, ": ", ex.what());
ThrowFatal ("Unable to start SSU2 transport on ", localEndpoint, ": ", ex.what ());
return socket;
void SSU2Server::Receive (boost::asio::ip::udp::socket& socket)
Packet * packet = m_PacketsPool.AcquireMt ();
socket.async_receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (packet->buf, SSU2_MTU), packet->from,
std::bind (&SSU2Server::HandleReceivedFrom, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, packet, std::ref (socket)));
void SSU2Server::HandleReceivedFrom (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, size_t bytes_transferred,
Packet * packet, boost::asio::ip::udp::socket& socket)
if (!ecode)
packet->len = bytes_transferred;
ProcessNextPacket (packet->buf, packet->len, packet->from);
m_PacketsPool.ReleaseMt (packet);
Receive (socket);
m_PacketsPool.ReleaseMt (packet);
if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
LogPrint (eLogError, "SSU2: Receive error: code ", ecode.value(), ": ", ecode.message ());
auto ep = socket.local_endpoint ();
socket.close ();
OpenSocket (ep);
Receive (socket);
void SSU2Server::AddSession (uint64_t connID, std::shared_ptr<SSU2Session> session)
m_Sessions.emplace (connID, session);
void SSU2Server::AddPendingOutgoingSession (const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint& ep, std::shared_ptr<SSU2Session> session)
m_PendingOutgoingSessions.emplace (ep, session);
void SSU2Server::ProcessNextPacket (uint8_t * buf, size_t len, const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint& senderEndpoint)
uint64_t connID;
memcpy (&connID, buf, 8);
connID ^= CreateHeaderMask (i2p::context.GetSSU2IntroKey (), buf + (len - 24));
auto it = m_Sessions.find (connID);
if (it != m_Sessions.end ())
// check pending sessions if it's SessionCreated
auto it1 = m_PendingOutgoingSessions.find (senderEndpoint);
if (it1 != m_PendingOutgoingSessions.end ())
if (it1->second->ProcessSessionCreated (buf, len))
m_PendingOutgoingSessions.erase (it1);
// assume new incoming session
auto session = std::make_shared<SSU2Session> (*this);
session->SetRemoteEndpoint (senderEndpoint);
session->ProcessSessionRequest (connID, buf, len);
void SSU2Server::Send (const uint8_t * header, size_t headerLen, const uint8_t * headerX, size_t headerXLen,
const uint8_t * payload, size_t payloadLen, const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint& to)
std::vector<boost::asio::const_buffer> bufs
boost::asio::buffer (header, headerLen),
boost::asio::buffer (headerX, headerXLen),
boost::asio::buffer (payload, payloadLen)
boost::system::error_code ec;
if (to.address ().is_v6 ())
m_SocketV6.send_to (bufs, to, 0, ec);
m_Socket.send_to (bufs, to, 0, ec);
bool SSU2Server::CreateSession (std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::RouterInfo> router,
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::RouterInfo::Address> address)
if (router && address)
GetService ().post (
[this, router, address]()
auto session = std::make_shared<SSU2Session> (*this, router, address);
session->Connect ();
return false;
return true;
void SSU2Server::ScheduleTermination ()
m_TerminationTimer.expires_from_now (boost::posix_time::seconds(SSU2_TERMINATION_CHECK_TIMEOUT));
m_TerminationTimer.async_wait (std::bind (&SSU2Server::HandleTerminationTimer,
this, std::placeholders::_1));
void SSU2Server::HandleTerminationTimer (const boost::system::error_code& ecode)
if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
auto ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ();
for (auto it = m_PendingOutgoingSessions.begin (); it != m_PendingOutgoingSessions.end ();)
if (it->second->IsTerminationTimeoutExpired (ts))
//it->second->Terminate ();
it = m_PendingOutgoingSessions.erase (it);
for (auto it = m_Sessions.begin (); it != m_Sessions.end ();)
if (it->second->IsTerminationTimeoutExpired (ts))
//it->second->Terminate ();
it = m_Sessions.erase (it);
ScheduleTermination ();