You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
364 lines
8.4 KiB
364 lines
8.4 KiB
var url = "ws://"; |
var l = document.getElementById("log"); |
var c = document.getElementById("main"); |
var nodes = { |
length: 0, |
}; |
var in_traffic = 0; |
var out_traffic = 0; |
var tick = 0; |
function nodeConnected(ident) { |
if (nodes[ident]) { |
return; |
} |
nodes[ident] = { |
send: 0, |
recv: 0 |
}; |
nodes.length ++; |
} |
function nodeDisconnected(ident) { |
if (nodes[ident]) { |
delete nodes[ident]; |
nodes.length --; |
} |
} |
function nodeSend(ident, n) { |
if(!nodes[ident]) { |
nodeConnected(ident); |
} |
nodes[ident].send += parseInt(n); |
} |
function nodeRecv(ident, n) { |
if(!nodes[ident]) { |
nodeConnected(ident); |
} |
nodes[ident].recv += parseInt(n); |
} |
var tpeers = {}; |
var tunnels = { |
length : 0 |
}; |
function ensureTunnel(tid) { |
if(!tunnels[tid]) { |
tunnels[tid] = { |
latency : -1, |
color: "#ddd", |
}; |
tunnels.length ++; |
} |
} |
function tunnelBuild(peers, tid, inbound) { |
logit("Tunnel "+tid+" build started"); |
ensureTunnel(tid); |
tunnels[tid].peers = peers.split(":"); |
tunnels[tid].inbound = inbound; |
tunnels[tid].state = "building"; |
} |
function tunnelLatency(tid, latency) { |
// logit("tunnel "+tid+" latency "+latency+"ms"); |
if (!tunnels[tid]) return; |
tunnels[tid].latency = latency; |
} |
function tunnelEstablished(tid) { |
if(!tunnels[tid]) return; |
logit("Tunnel " + tid + " is healthy"); |
tunnels[tid].state = "healthy"; |
tunnels[tid].color = "#1d1"; |
} |
function tunnelBuildFailed(tid) { |
if(!tunnels[tid]) return; |
logit("Tunnel " + tid + " failed to build"); |
delete tunnels[tid]; |
tunnels.length --; |
} |
function tunnelTestFailed(tid) { |
if(!tunnels[tid]) return; |
logit("Tunnel " + tid + " has failed tunnel test"); |
tunnels[tid].state = "stuck"; |
tunnels[tid].color = "orange"; |
} |
function tunnelFailed(tid) { |
if(!tunnels[tid]) return; |
logit("Tunnel " + tid + " has failed"); |
tunnels[tid].state = "failed"; |
tunnels[tid].color = "red"; |
} |
function tunnelExpiring(tid) { |
if(!tunnels[tid]) return; |
logit("Tunnel " + tid + " is expired"); |
delete tunnels[tid]; |
tunnels.length--; |
} |
function tunnelState(tid, state) { |
if (state == "3") { |
tunnelEstablished(tid); |
} else if (state == "2" ) { |
tunnelBuildFailed(tid); |
} else if (state == "4" ) { |
tunnelTestFailed(tid); |
} else if (state == "5" ) { |
tunnelFailed(tid); |
} else if (state == "6" ) { |
tunnelExpiring(tid); |
} else { |
logit("tunnel "+tid+" state "+state); |
} |
} |
function tunnelCreated(tid) { |
logit("tunnel "+tid+" was created"); |
} |
function logit(msg) { |
console.log(msg); |
var t = document.createTextNode(msg); |
var e = document.createElement("div"); |
e.appendChild(t); |
l.appendChild(e); |
while(l.children.length > 50) |
l.removeChild(l.children[0]); |
} |
var ws = new WebSocket(url); |
ws.onclose = function (ev) { |
nodes = { length: 0 }; |
tpeers = { length: 0 }; |
} |
ws.onmessage = function(ev) { |
var j = JSON.parse(; |
if (j) { |
console.log(j); |
if(j.type == "transport.connected") { |
nodeConnected(j.ident); |
} else if (j.type == "transport.disconnected") { |
nodeDisconnected(j.ident); |
} else if (j.type == "transport.sendmsg") { |
nodeSend(j.ident, j.number); |
} else if (j.type == "transport.recvmsg") { |
nodeRecv(j.ident, j.number); |
} else if (j.type == "") { |
tunnelBuild(j.value, j.tid, j.inbound); |
} else if (j.type == "tunnel.latency") { |
tunnelLatency(j.tid, j.value); |
} else if (j.type == "tunnel.state") { |
tunnelState(j.tid, j.value); |
} else if (j.type == "tunnels.created") { |
tunnelCreated(j.tid); |
} else if (j.type == "tunnels.expired") { |
tunnelExpiring(j.tid); |
} else { |
logit("message: "+j.type); |
} |
} |
}; |
function getPeer(h, us) { |
if (tpeers[h]) { |
return tpeers[h]; |
} |
console.log("make peer "+h); |
var p = { |
x: Math.random(), |
y: Math.random(), |
name: h, |
}; |
if (us) { |
p.x = 0.5; |
p.y = 0.5; |
} else { |
while (Math.abs(p.x - 0.5) <= 0.1 ) { |
p.x = Math.random(); |
} |
while (Math.abs(p.y - 0.5) <= 0.1 ) { |
p.y = Math.random(); |
} |
} |
tpeers[h] = p; |
return p; |
} |
function drawPeer(p) { |
draw.beginPath(); |
draw.lineWidth = 1; |
draw.fillStyle = "white"; |
draw.strokeStyle = "white"; |
draw.arc(p.x * c.width, p.y * c.height, 20, 0, 2* Math.PI); |
draw.stroke(); |
draw.fillText(,6), p.x * c.width, p.y * c.height); |
} |
function getTraffic(node) { |
if (!node) return 1; |
return 1.0 + ( (node.send + node.recv + 1.0) / 1.5) ; |
} |
var draw = c.getContext("2d"); |
var ticks = 0; |
// draw |
setInterval(function() { |
draw.canvas.width = window.innerWidth - 100; |
draw.canvas.height = window.innerHeight - 100; |
draw.font = "10px monospace"; |
draw.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height); |
// draw tunnels |
var e = []; |
for (var tid in tunnels) { |
if(tid == "length") continue; |
var t = tunnels[tid]; |
var us = getPeer(t.peers[0], true); |
var traff = getTraffic(nodes[t.peers[1]]); |
e.push([us, getPeer(t.peers[1]), t.color, traff]); |
for (var idx = 1 ; idx + 1 < t.peers.length; idx ++ ) { |
var cur = getPeer(t.peers[idx]); |
var next = getPeer(t.peers[idx+1]); |
if(cur && next) |
e.push([cur, next, t.color, traff]); |
else |
console.log(cur, next); |
} |
} |
for ( var h in tpeers ) { |
drawPeer(getPeer(h)); |
} |
for ( var ed in e ) { |
var edge = e[ed]; |
draw.beginPath(); |
draw.strokeStyle = edge[2]; |
draw.lineWidth = edge[3]; |
draw.moveTo(edge[0].x * c.width, edge[0].y * c.height); |
draw.lineTo(edge[1].x * c.width, edge[1].y * c.height); |
draw.stroke(); |
} |
// draw nodes |
var n = nodes.length; |
var centerx = c.width / 2; |
var centery = c.height / 2; |
var mult = Math.log(10 + nodes.length) + 0.5; |
var outer_r = ((10 + n) * mult); |
if(outer_r > c.width || outer_r > c.height) { |
var smaller = c.height; |
if(c.width < smaller) smaller = c.width; |
outer_r = smaller - 20; |
} |
var inner_r = outer_r / 2; |
draw.beginPath(); |
draw.lineWidth = 1; |
draw.strokeStyle = "white"; |
draw.arc(centerx, centery, inner_r, 0, 2* Math.PI); |
draw.stroke(); |
var idents = []; |
var rad = 0; |
for( var ident in nodes ) { |
if (ident == "length" ) { |
continue; |
} |
idents.push( ident ); |
} |
idents = idents.sort(); |
for (var i = 0; i < idents.length; i++) { |
var ident = idents[i]; |
rad += ( Math.PI * 2 ) / nodes.length; |
in_traffic += nodes[ident].recv / 10.0 ; |
out_traffic += nodes[ident].send / 10.0; |
var send = (nodes[ident].send ) * 5; |
var recv = (nodes[ident].recv ) * 5; |
var traff = (getTraffic(nodes[ident]) - 1) * 5; |
var x0 = (Math.cos(rad) * inner_r) + centerx; |
var y0 = (Math.sin(rad) * inner_r) + centery; |
var x1 = (Math.cos(rad) * (inner_r + traff )) + centerx; |
var y1 = (Math.sin(rad) * (inner_r + traff )) + centery; |
draw.fillStyle = "white"; |
draw.beginPath(); |
var txt = ident.substr(0, 6); |
draw.fillText(txt, x1-5, y1-5); |
if(i * 10 < c.height) { |
txt += "| "+leftpad(nodes[ident].recv+" msg/s in", 15)+ " | "+leftpad(nodes[ident].send+" msg/s out", 15)+" |"; |
draw.fillText(txt, 100, 20 + (i*10)); |
} |
nodes[ident].recv = 0; |
nodes[ident].send = 0; |
draw.moveTo(x0, y0); |
draw.strokeStyle = "#dfa"; |
draw.moveTo(x0, y0); |
draw.lineTo(x1, y1); |
draw.lineWidth = 8; |
draw.stroke(); |
/* |
if(( 40 + idx ) < c.height) { |
var send = nodes[ident].send * 10; |
var recv = nodes[ident].recv * 10; |
var t = send + recv; |
if (!t) continue; |
draw.fillStyle = "black"; |
draw.fillText(ident.substr(0, 6), 10, idx); |
draw.beginPath(); |
draw.rect(100, idx-20, send, 10); |
if(send >= c.width) draw.fillStyle = "red"; |
else draw.fillStyle = "green"; |
draw.fill(); |
draw.beginPath(); |
draw.rect(100, idx-10, recv, 10); |
if(recv >= c.width) draw.fillStyle = "red"; |
else draw.fillStyle = "blue"; |
draw.fill(); |
idx += 40; |
} |
*/ |
} |
draw.fillStyle = "white"; |
draw.fillText("Tracked Peers | " +leftpad(" "+ nodes.length, 10), 500, 25); |
draw.fillText("Tracked Tunnels | " +leftpad(" "+ tunnels.length, 10), 500, 35); |
draw.fillText("In Traffic | "+leftpad(" "+Math.ceil(in_traffic)+" msg/s", 10), 500, 45); |
draw.fillText("Out Traffic | "+leftpad(" "+Math.ceil(out_traffic)+" msg/s", 10), 500, 55); |
if (tick % 10 == 0) { |
in_traffic = 0; |
out_traffic = 0; |
} |
tick ++; |
}, 100);