# i2pd-tools This repository contains tools that supplement i2pd. Notice: git submodules are used so make sure to clone this repository recursively git clone --recursive https://github.com/purplei2p/i2pd-tools ## Building ### Dependencies * boost chrono * boost date-time * boost filesystem * boost program-options * libssl * zlib1g (run `dependencies.sh`) ### Building make ## Tools included ### routerinfo print information about a router info file #### usage print ip and port for router info excluding ipv6 ./routerinfo -p ~/.i2pd/netDb/r6/routerInfo-blah.dat print iptables firewall rules to allow 1 nodes in netdb through firewall including ipv6 addresses ./routerinfo -6 -f ~/.i2pd/netDb/r6/routerInfo-blah.dat ### keygen Generate an I2P private key #### Usage Make a EDDSA-SHA512-ED25519 destination key ./keygen privkey.dat Make an destination key with a certain key type ./keygen privkey.dat or ./keygen privkey.dat | key name | number | | ------------------------------------ | ------ | | DSA-SHA1 | 0 | | ECDSA-SHA256-P256 | 1 | | ECDSA-SHA384-P384 | 2 | | ECDSA-SHA512-P521 | 3 | | RSA-SHA256-2048 | 4 | | RSA-SHA384-3072 | 5 | | RSA-SHA512-4096 | 6 | | EDDSA-SHA512-ED25519 | 7 | | GOSTR3410_CRYPTO_PRO_A-GOSTR3411-256 | 9 | | GOSTR3410_TC26_A_512-GOSTR3411-512 | 10 | | RED25519-SHA512 | 11 | For more information on the types of signatures, see the [documentation](https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/tunnels/#signature-types). ### vain Vanity generation address. #### Usage ./vain --usage #### Time to Generate on a 2.70GHz Processor | characters| time to generate (approx.) | | -------------------- | --------------- | | 1 | ~0.082s | | 2 | ~0.075s | | 3 | ~0.100s | | 4 | ~0.394s | | 5 | ~6.343s | | 6 | ~1m-5m | | 7 | ~30m | ### keyinfo Prints information about an I2P private key #### Usage Print just the b32 address for this key ./keyinfo privatekey.dat ... just the base64 address ./keyinfo -d privatekey.dat Print all info about the public key ./keyinfo -v privatekey.dat ### regaddr Generate authentication string to register a domain on reg.i2p and stats.i2p ./regaddr domain.dat domain.i2p > auth_string.txt cat auth_string.txt Send output of auth_string to http://reg.i2p/add and http://stats.i2p/i2p/addkey.html To register a subdomain, use [`regaddr_3ld`](#regaddr_3ld) ### regaddr_3ld Generate authentication string to register a subdomain on reg.i2p and stats.i2p in 3 steps ./regaddr_3ld step1 sub_domain.dat sub.domain.i2p > step1.txt ./regaddr_3ld step2 step1.txt domain.dat domain.i2p > step2.txt ./regaddr_3ld step3 step2.txt sub_domain.dat > step3.txt cat step3.txt Send output of auth_string to http://reg.i2p/add and http://stats.i2p/i2p/addkey.html ### regaddralias Generate authentication string to register an alias address for existing domain on reg.i2p and stats.i2p ./regaddralias domain-oldkeys.dat domain-newkeys.i2p domain > auth_string.txt cat auth_string.txt Send output of auth_string to http://reg.i2p/add and http://stats.i2p/i2p/addkey.html ### x25519 Generate key pair with output in base64 encoding. Now the x25519 keys are used for authentication with an encrypted LeaseSet. ### famtool [this is program for works with family of routers in i2p-network. ](https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/family/) usage: ```./famtool [-h] [-v] [-g -n family -c family.crt -k family.pem] [-s -n family -k family.pem -i router.keys -f router.info] [-V -c family.crt -f router.info]``` generate a new family signing key for family called ``i2pfam'' ```./famtool -g -n i2pfam -c myfam.crt -k myfam.pem``` sign a router info with family signing key ```./famtool -s -n i2pfam -k myfam.pem -i router.keys -f router.info``` verify signed router.info ```./famtool -V -n i2pfam -c myfam.pem -f router.info``` #### Example of usage $ ./famtool -g -n i2pfam -c myfam.crt -k myfam.pem family i2pfam made $ cat myfam.crt -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIB3TCCAYOgAwIBAgIBADAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjB4MQswCQYDVQQGEwJYWDELMAkG A1UECAwCWFgxCzAJBgNVBAcMAlhYMR4wHAYDVQQKDBVJMlAgQW5vbnltb3VzIE5l dHdvcmsxDzANBgNVBAsMBmZhbWlseTEeMBwGA1UEAwwVaTJwZmFtLmZhbWlseS5p MnAubmV0MB4XDTIzMDczMTE5MjQ1MFoXDTMzMDcyODE5MjQ1MFoweDELMAkGA1UE BhMCWFgxCzAJBgNVBAgMAlhYMQswCQYDVQQHDAJYWDEeMBwGA1UECgwVSTJQIEFu b255bW91cyBOZXR3b3JrMQ8wDQYDVQQLDAZmYW1pbHkxHjAcBgNVBAMMFWkycGZh bS5mYW1pbHkuaTJwLm5ldDBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABLejNp1Y 1tnMGFaUIuzNpNL8B9KvaeSSh+OWhRcHn2x1D8TPCVA4IMS0jiMIodCcdyTmz0Qg SXsWDqT2CbBMENQwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDSAAwRQIgU58CeHXlluPZNxpmxb7HSHsJ STCA8C946oas+8uLU+MCIQDe6Km/h8w+oCh+j6UHobN0EAVtQPQGwkq2XXs1jqX2 bQ== -----END CERTIFICATE----- $ cat myfam.pem -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- MHcCAQEEIAFA82vZzZN8nZIOVnadSS73G2NNc5pUsh4qmpK2M0nsoAoGCCqGSM49 AwEHoUQDQgAEt6M2nVjW2cwYVpQi7M2k0vwH0q9p5JKH45aFFwefbHUPxM8JUDgg xLSOIwih0Jx3JObPRCBJexYOpPYJsEwQ1A== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY----- #### AutoConf A program for help create the config file for i2pd For a now a better way to manual write the config file For usage just run ./AutoConf or AutoConf.exe