# test_netdb.py - Test netdb.py # Author: Chris Barry # License: MIT # Note: this uses py.test. import netdb,os,random ''' def test_inspect(): netdb.inspect() ''' def test_sha256(): assert('d2f4e10adac32aeb600c2f57ba2bac1019a5c76baa65042714ed2678844320d0' == netdb.netdb.sha256('i2p is cool', raw=False)) def test_address_valid(): invalid = netdb.netdb.Address() valid = netdb.netdb.Address() valid.cost = 10 valid.transport = 'SSU' valid.options = {'host': '', 'port': '1234', 'key': '', 'caps': ''} valid.expire = 0 assert(valid.valid() and not invalid.valid()) def test_address_repr(): valid = netdb.netdb.Address() valid.cost = 10 valid.transport = 'SSU' valid.options = {'host': '', 'port': '1234', 'key': '', 'caps': ''} valid.expire = 0 assert(repr(valid) == 'Address: transport=SSU cost=10 expire=0 options={\'host\': \'\', \'port\': \'1234\', \'key\': \'\', \'caps\': \'\'} location=None') # TODO: test_entry* def test_entry_read_short(): assert(True) def test_entry_read_mapping(): assert(True) def test_entry_read(): assert(True) def test_entry_read_short(): assert(True) def test_entry_read_byte(): assert(True) def test_entry_read_string(): assert(True) def test_entry_init(): assert(True) def test_entry_load(): assert(True) def test_entry_verify(): assert(True) def test_entry_repr(): assert(True) def test_entry_dict(): assert(True) # Make some garbage files and hope they break things. def test_fuzz(): pwd = os.environ['PWD'] for i in range(1,100): with open('{}/fuzzdb/{}.dat'.format(pwd, i), 'wb') as fout: fout.write(os.urandom(random.randint(2,400))) # replace 1024 with size_kb if not unreasonably large # Now let's inspect the garbage. netdb.inspect(netdb_dir='{}/fuzzdb/'.format(pwd))