Prebuilt Boost for Android
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// Copyright David Abrahams 2002.
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
# include <boost/python/detail/prefix.hpp>
# include <boost/python/object_protocol_core.hpp>
# include <boost/python/object_core.hpp>
# include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace api {
// attempt to use SFINAE to prevent functions accepting T const& from
// coming up as ambiguous with the one taking a char const* when a
// string literal is passed
# define BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(T) , T (*)() = 0
# else
# endif
template <class Target, class Key>
object getattr(Target const& target, Key const& key BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(Key))
return getattr(object(target), object(key));
template <class Target, class Key, class Default>
object getattr(Target const& target, Key const& key, Default const& default_ BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(Key))
return getattr(object(target), object(key), object(default_));
template <class Key, class Value>
void setattr(object const& target, Key const& key, Value const& value BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(Key))
setattr(target, object(key), object(value));
template <class Key>
void delattr(object const& target, Key const& key BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(Key))
delattr(target, object(key));
template <class Target, class Key>
object getitem(Target const& target, Key const& key BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(Key))
return getitem(object(target), object(key));
template <class Key, class Value>
void setitem(object const& target, Key const& key, Value const& value BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(Key))
setitem(target, object(key), object(value));
template <class Key>
void delitem(object const& target, Key const& key BOOST_PYTHON_NO_ARRAY_ARG(Key))
delitem(target, object(key));
template <class Target, class Begin, class End>
object getslice(Target const& target, Begin const& begin, End const& end)
return getslice(object(target), object(begin), object(end));
template <class Begin, class End, class Value>
void setslice(object const& target, Begin const& begin, End const& end, Value const& value)
setslice(target, object(begin), object(end), object(value));
template <class Begin, class End>
void delslice(object const& target, Begin const& begin, End const& end)
delslice(target, object(begin), object(end));
}}} // namespace boost::python::api
#endif // OBJECT_PROTOCOL_DWA2002615_HPP