# In all environments, the following files are loaded if they exist, # the latter taking precedence over the former: # # * .env contains default values for the environment variables needed by the app # * .env.local uncommitted file with local overrides # * .env.$APP_ENV committed environment-specific defaults # * .env.$APP_ENV.local uncommitted environment-specific overrides # # Real environment variables win over .env files. # # DO NOT DEFINE PRODUCTION SECRETS IN THIS FILE NOR IN ANY OTHER COMMITTED FILES. # https://symfony.com/doc/current/configuration/secrets.html # # Run "composer dump-env prod" to compile .env files for production use (requires symfony/flex >=1.2). # https://symfony.com/doc/current/best_practices.html#use-environment-variables-for-infrastructure-configuration ###> symfony/framework-bundle ### APP_ENV=dev APP_SECRET=EDIT_ME ###< symfony/framework-bundle ### APP_VERSION=1.0.3 APP_NAME=KevaChat # Disable any activity and print the message APP_MAINTENANCE= # Connect memcached APP_MEMCACHED_HOST= APP_MEMCACHED_PORT=11211 APP_MEMCACHED_TIMEOUT=3600 # Connect kevacoin APP_KEVACOIN_PROTOCOL=http APP_KEVACOIN_HOST= APP_KEVACOIN_PORT=9992 APP_KEVACOIN_USERNAME=EDIT_ME APP_KEVACOIN_PASSWORD=EDIT_ME # Share with other some mining pool to get coins APP_KEVACOIN_MINE_POOL_URL=https://miningpoolstats.stream/kevacoin APP_KEVACOIN_MINE_SOLO_URL=https://kevacoin.org/tutorial_solo_mining.html # Explorer URL APP_KEVACOIN_EXPLORER_URL=https://keva.one/explorer/address/ # Address to receive kevacoin powers (make others able to fill node balance) APP_KEVACOIN_BOOST_ADDRESS=EDIT_ME # Allowed room namespaces, separated with | (must be owned to accept posts) APP_KEVACOIN_ROOM_NAMESPACES=EDIT_ME # Allowed room namespaces for read only (e.g. project news) separated with | APP_KEVACOIN_ROOM_NAMESPACES_READONLY=EDIT_ME # Redirect from index page to default room APP_KEVACOIN_ROOM_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT=EDIT_ME # Allow users to read external node rooms APP_KEVACOIN_ROOM_NAMESPACES_EXTERNAL= # Allow remotes to create new rooms (namespaces) APP_ADD_ROOM_REMOTE_IP_REGEX=/.*/ # Allow remotes to create new posts (submit key/values) APP_ADD_POST_REMOTE_IP_REGEX=/.*/ # Time quota for remote publications by IP (seconds) APP_ADD_POST_REMOTE_IP_DELAY=60 # Skip access limits for following IPs separated by | APP_ADD_POST_REMOTE_IP_MODERATORS= # Skip access limits for banned IPs separated by | APP_ADD_POST_REMOTE_IP_DENIED= # Post content rules (for kevacoin value) APP_ADD_POST_VALUE_REGEX=/^[\w\s\:\.\,\'\"\/\!\?\@\#\%\(\)\[\]\+\-\*\$\%]{2,3072}$/ui