# npsapp KevaChat Server for [NPS Protocol](https://nightfall.city/nps/info/specification.txt) Listen connections on `1915` port and save messages to given `namespace` in [KevaCoin](https://github.com/kevacoin-project) blockchain ![kevachat/npsapp](https://github.com/kevachat/npsapp/assets/108541346/936191f7-7ea7-44bd-bcd9-085f2a7f0a7b) To read messages, use KevaChat [webapp](https://github.com/kevachat/webapp), [geminiapp](https://github.com/kevachat/geminiapp) or any [KevaCoin explorer](https://github.com/kvazar-network/awesome-kevacoin#explorers)! ## Components * [kevachat/kevacoin-php](https://github.com/kevachat/kevacoin-php) - KevaCoin library for PHP 8 * [cboden/ratchet](https://github.com/ratchetphp/Ratchet) - Asynchronous Socket server * [gregwar/captcha](https://github.com/Gregwar/Captcha) - Captcha library to prevent spam abuse * [ixnode/php-cli-image](https://github.com/ixnode/php-cli-image) - Library converts captcha to ASCII format ## Install * `git clone https://github.com/kevachat/npsapp.git` * `cd npsapp` * `composer update` ## Setup * `cd npsapp` * `cp config/example.json config/name.json` - edit connection and provide room namespace ## Launch * `php src/app.php name.json` - where `name.json` argument is any config, placed at `config` folder ### Autostart Launch server as the `systemd` service You can create as many servers as wanted by providing separated config for each instance! Following example require `npsapp` installed into the home directory of `npsapp` user (`useradd -m npsapp`) 1. `sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/npsapp.service` - create new service: ``` npsapp.service [Unit] After=network.target [Service] Type=simple User=npsapp Group=npsapp ExecStart=/usr/bin/php /home/npsapp/npsapp/src/app.php name.json StandardOutput=file:/home/npsapp/debug.log StandardError=file:/home/npsapp/error.log Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` 2. `sudo systemctl daemon-reload` - reload systemd configuration 3. `sudo systemctl enable npsapp` - enable `npsapp` service on system startup 4. `sudo systemctl start npsapp` - start `npsapp` server ## Clients * `nc 1915` - IPv4 only, install `netcat-openbsd` to add IPv6 support * `ncat 1915` * `telnet 1915` ## Servers * Instance by [YGGverse](https://github.com/YGGverse) * `[201:23b4:991a:634d:8359:4521:5576:15b7]:1915` - [Yggdrasil](https://github.com/yggdrasil-network) * `kevachat.ygg:1915` - [Alfis DNS](https://github.com/Revertron/Alfis) alias * `kevachat.duckdns.org:1915` - Internet proxy (IPv4)