{ "kevacoin": { "server": { "protocol":"http", "host":"", "port":9992, "username":"", "password":"" }, "wallet": { "namespace":"", "account":null }, "event": { "put": { "debug": { "enabled":true, "template":"[{time}] [put] {host}#{crid} namespace: {name} transaction: {txid} left: {keva}" } } } }, "nps": { "server": { "host":"", "port":1915 }, "captcha": { "length":3, "chars":"1234567890", "dimensions": { "width":100, "height":40 }, "background": { "r":0, "g":0, "b":0 }, "ascii": { "width": 50 } }, "event": { "init": { "debug": { "enabled":true, "template":"[{time}] [init] listen on {host}:{port} balance: {keva}" } }, "open": { "response": [ "\u001b[36m\u001b[1mWelcome to KevaChat NPS!\u001b[0m", "\u001b[34mEnter captcha to confirm you are human\u001b[0m" ], "debug": { "enabled":true, "template":"[{time}] [open] {host}#{crid} captcha: {code}" } }, "message": { "response": { "captcha": { "success": [ "\u001b[34mWell, enter your message (dot to commit)\u001b[0m" ], "failure": [ "\u001b[31mIncorrect captcha code, try again later!\u001b[0m" ] }, "submit": { "success": [ "\u001b[34mThanks, your message successfully sent!\u001b[0m", "\u001b[35mNS:{name}\u001b[0m", "\u001b[35mID:{txid}\u001b[0m" ], "failure": { "length": [ "\u001b[31mReached message length limit!\u001b[0m" ], "empty": [ "\u001b[31mMessage could not be empty!\u001b[0m" ], "encoding": [ "\u001b[31mInvalid message encoding!\u001b[0m" ], "internal": [ "\u001b[31mSomething went wrong, please make your feedback!\u001b[0m", "\u001b[36mhttps://github.com/kevachat/npsapp/issues\u001b[0m" ] } } }, "debug": { "enabled":true, "template":"[{time}] [message] {host}#{crid} captcha: {code} line: {iter} size: {size} bytes\n\r{sent}" } }, "close": { "debug": { "enabled":true, "template":"[{time}] [close] {host}#{crid}" } }, "error": { "debug": { "enabled":true, "template":"[{time}] [error] {host}#{crid} {info}" } } } } }