Kevacoin library for PHP
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

998 lines
23 KiB

namespace Kevachat\Kevacoin;
class Client
private $_id = 0;
private $_curl;
private $_protocol;
private $_host;
private $_port;
public function __construct(
string $protocol,
string $host,
int $port,
string $username,
string $password
$this->_protocol = $protocol;
$this->_host = $host;
$this->_port = $port;
$this->_curl = curl_init();
CURLOPT_USERPWD => $username . ':' . $password,
'Content-Type: application/plain',
public function __destruct()
private function _prepare(
string $url,
string $method = 'POST',
array $data = []
) {
$this->_protocol . '://' . $this->_host . ':' . $this->_port . $url
if ($method == 'POST' && $data)
private function _execute(
bool $json = true
): ?array
if ($response = curl_exec($this->_curl))
return $json ? json_decode($response, true) : $response;
return null;
public function getError(?int &$code = null): mixed
$code = curl_errno(
return curl_error(
public function getBlockCount(): ?int
'method' => 'getblockcount',
'params' => [],
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_int($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getBalance(?string $account = null, ?int $minconf = null): ?float
'method' => 'getbalance',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_float($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getBlockHash(
int $block
): ?string
'method' => 'getblockhash',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && 64 == strlen($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getBlock(
string $hash
): mixed
'method' => 'getblock',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getRawTransaction(
string $txid,
bool $decode = true
): mixed
'method' => 'getrawtransaction',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function decodeRawTransaction(
string $txid
): mixed
'method' => 'decoderawtransaction',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function kevaFilter(
string $namespace,
?string $regexp = '',
?int $maxage = 0,
?int $from = 0,
?int $nb = 0,
?bool $stat = false,
): mixed
'method' => 'keva_filter',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function kevaGet(
string $namespace,
string $key
): ?array
'method' => 'keva_get',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (
!empty($response['result']) &&
!empty($response['result']['key']) &&
!empty($response['result']['value']) &&
!empty($response['result']['height']) &&
return $response['result'];
return null;
// Pay attention:
// for some reasons, wallet hide namespaces from list where pending transaction exist
// to get some data e.g. namespace name, use keva_get / _KEVA_NS_ with max height value instead of this method
public function kevaListNamespaces(): ?array
'method' => 'keva_list_namespaces',
'params' => [],
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && is_array($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
* keva_put "namespace" "key" "value" "address"
* Insert or update a key value pair in the given namespace.
* Arguments:
* 1. "namespace" (string, required) the namespace to insert the key to
* 2. "key" (string, required) value for the key
* 3. "value" (string, required) value for the name
* 4. "address" (string, optional) transfer the namespace to the given address (Version or above)
* Result:
* "txid" (string) the keva_put's txid
public function kevaPut(
string $namespace,
string $key,
string $value,
# ?string $address = null // disabled as not stable
): ?string
'method' => 'keva_put',
'params' => [
# $address // disabled as not stable
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && !empty($response['result']['txid']) && is_string($response['result']['txid']))
return $response['result']['txid'];
return null;
public function kevaPending(): ?array
'method' => 'keva_pending',
'params' => [],
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && is_array($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function kevaNamespace(
string $name
): ?array
'method' => 'keva_namespace',
'params' => [
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && !empty($response['result']['txid']) && !empty($response['result']['namespaceId']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getNewAddress(?string $account = null, $address_type = null): ?string
'method' => 'getnewaddress',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getReceivedByAddress(string $address, ?int $minconf = 0): ?float
'method' => 'getreceivedbyaddress',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_float($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getReceivedByAccount(string $account, ?int $minconf = 0): ?float
'method' => 'getreceivedbyaccount',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_float($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function sendToAddress(
string $address,
float $amount,
?string $comment = null,
?string $comment_to = null,
?bool $subtractfeefromamount = false,
$replaceable = null,
$conf_target = null,
$estimate_mode = null
): ?string
'method' => 'sendtoaddress',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && !empty($response['result']['txid']) && is_string($response['result']['txid']))
return $response['result']['txid'];
return null;
public function sendFrom(
string $fromaccount,
string $toaddress,
float $amount,
?int $minconf = null,
?string $comment = null,
?string $comment_to = null
): ?string
'method' => 'sendfrom',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && !empty($response['result']['txid']) && is_string($response['result']['txid']))
return $response['result']['txid'];
return null;
public function getAccount(string $address): ?string
'method' => 'getaccount',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_string($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getAccountAddress(string $account): ?string
'method' => 'getaccountaddress',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_string($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function getAddressesByAccount(string $account): ?array
'method' => 'getaddressesbyaccount',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_array($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function listAccounts(): ?array
'method' => 'listaccounts',
'params' => [],
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_array($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
* keva_group_filter ("namespaceId" ("initiator" "regexp" ("from" ("nb" ("stat")))))
* Scan and list keys matching a regular expression.
* Arguments:
* 1. "namespace" (string) namespace Id
* 2. "initiator" (string, optional) Options are "all", "self" and "other", default is "all". "all": all the namespaces, whose participation in the group is initiated by this namespace or other namespaces. "self": only the namespace whose participation is initiated by this namespace. "other": only the namespace whose participation is initiated by other namespaces.
* 3. "regexp" (string, optional) filter keys with this regexp
* 4. "maxage" (numeric, optional, default=96000) only consider names updated in the last "maxage" blocks; 0 means all names
* 5. "from" (numeric, optional, default=0) return from this position onward; index starts at 0
* 6. "nb" (numeric, optional, default=0) return only "nb" entries; 0 means all
* 7. "stat" (string, optional) if set to the string "stat", print statistics instead of returning the names
* Result:
* [
* {
* "key": xxxxx, (string) the requested key
* "value": xxxxx, (string) the key's current value
* "txid": xxxxx, (string) the key's last update tx
* "height": xxxxx, (numeric) the key's last update height
* },
* ...
* ]
public function kevaGroupFilter(
string $namespace,
?string $initiator = 'all',
?string $regexp = '',
?int $maxage = 0,
?int $from = 0,
?int $nb = 0,
# ?string $stat = null, // disabled as not stable
): ?array
'method' => 'keva_group_filter',
'params' =>
# $stat // disabled as not stable
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_array($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
public function kevaGroupGet(
string $namespace,
string $key
): ?array
'method' => 'keva_group_get',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (isset($response['result']) && is_array($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;
* Join the other namespace, so that the data in both namespaces can be combined. See keva_group_leave.
* Arguments:
* 1. "my_namespace" (string, required) the namespace to join to <other_namespace>
* 2. "other_namespace" (string, required) the target namespace to join to
* Result:
* "txid" (string) the keva_put's txid
public function kevaGroupJoin(
string $source,
string $target
): ?string
'method' => 'keva_group_join',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && !empty($response['result']['txid']) && is_string($response['result']['txid']))
return $response['result']['txid'];
return null;
* Leave the other namespace so that the data are not to be combined with it. See keva_group_join.
* Arguments:
* 1. "my_namespace" (string, required) the namespace to leave <other_namespace>
* 2. "other_namespace" (string, required) the target namespace to leave
* Result:
* "txid" (string) the keva_put's txid
public function kevaGroupLeave(
string $source,
string $target
): ?string
'method' => 'keva_group_leave',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']) && !empty($response['result']['txid']) && is_string($response['result']['txid']))
return $response['result']['txid'];
return null;
* List namespaces that are in the same group as the given namespace.
* Arguments:
* 1. "namespace" (string) namespace Id
* 2. "maxage" (numeric, optional, default=96000) only consider namespaces updated in the last "maxage" blocks; 0 means all namespaces
* 3. "from" (numeric, optional, default=0) return from this position onward; index starts at 0
* 4. "nb" (numeric, optional, default=0) return only "nb" entries; 0 means all
* 5. "stat" (string, optional) if set to the string "stat", print statistics instead of returning the names
* Result:
* [
* {
* "key": xxxxx, (string) the requested key
* "value": xxxxx, (string) the key's current value
* "txid": xxxxx, (string) the key's last update tx
* "height": xxxxx, (numeric) the key's last update height
* },
* ...
* ]
public function kevaGroupShow(
string $namespace,
?int $maxage = 0,
?int $from = 0,
?int $nb = 0,
?string $stat = null
): ?array
'method' => 'keva_group_show',
'params' =>
'id' => $this->_id
$response = $this->_execute();
if (!empty($response['result']))
return $response['result'];
return null;