OpenCL GPU miner
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Noel Maersk f5709910fb api: Bugfix, bump version to 4.1.271, initialise name/desc/algo in addpool() so checks for NULL work. 11 years ago
dist/include api: Bugfix, bump version to 4.1.271, initialise name/desc/algo in addpool() so checks for NULL work. 11 years ago
README.txt Update README.txt 11 years ago
sgminer.vcxproj MSVS build: Fixed debug build. MSVS doesn't like uninitialized variables. 11 years ago
sgminer.vcxproj.filters Merge branch 'nfactor' 11 years ago


Tools needed
1. Windows 7 (if you are using Win 8 or above, you will need to use a VM Win 7)
2. Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express - found at
3. Windows 7.1 SDK -

If you intend to build for native x64, then instead of using <Visual Studio Command Prompt>, you will need to use
Windows SDK 7.1 Command Prompt and run "setenv /x64 /Release" before starting to build anything.

Also, for x64, after you follow all the steps and you are ready to build. Go to "Project Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Directories"
and add this folder to the library list: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Lib\x64

To run sgminer built using Visual Studios you will need to have Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86 or x64 depending on your sgminer version) installed.

Installing dependencies

1. PThreads
- go to and download latest source code release
- extract to some folder
x86 version:
- open Visual Studio Command Prompt (x86)
- go to pthreads.2 folder and execute:
nmake clean VC-static
- copy newly created pthreadVC2.lib to winbuild\dist\lib\x86\ folder
x64 version:
- go to pthreads.2 folder and execute:
nmake clean VC-static
- copy newly created pthreadVC2.lib to winbuild\dist\lib\x64\ folder

2. Install AMD APP SDK (OpenCL), latest version
- go to and download appropriate version (x86/x64) and install
- copy C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\2.9\lib\x86\OpenCL.lib to winbuild/dist/lib/x86/
- copy C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\2.9\bin\x86\OpenCL.dll to winbuild/dist/dll/x86/
- copy C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\2.9\lib\x86_64\OpenCL.lib to winbuild/dist/lib/x64/
- copy C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\2.9\bin\x86_64\OpenCL.dll to winbuild/dist/dll/x64/
- copy C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP SDK\2.9\include\* winbuild/dist/include/

3. PDCurses
- download source and extract it somewhere
- copy curses.h to winbuild\dist\include\
x86 version:
- open Visual Studio Command Prompt (x86)
- go to win32 folder
- execute: nmake -f vcwin32.mak WIDE=1 UTF8=1 pdcurses.lib
- copy newly created pdcurses.lib to winbuild\dist\lib\x86\ folder
x64 version:
- open Visual Studio Command Prompt (x64)
- go to win32 folder
- edit vcwin32.mak end change line:
cvtres /MACHINE:IX86 /NOLOGO /OUT:pdcurses.obj pdcurses.res
cvtres /MACHINE:X64 /NOLOGO /OUT:pdcurses.obj pdcurses.res
- execute: nmake -f vcwin32.mak WIDE=1 UTF8=1 pdcurses.lib
- copy newly created pdcurses.lib to winbuild\dist\lib\x64\ folder

3. OpenSSL (needed for Curl)
- go to and download latest full installer x86 and/or x64 (not light version)
- install to default location (e.g C:\OpenSSL-Win32 or C:\OpenSSL-Win64) and select bin/ folder when asked
- install Visual C++ (x86/x64) Redistributables if needed

4. Curl
- go to and download latest source and extract it somewhere
- replace original curl winbuild\ with provided winbuild\ (corrected paths and static library names for VC)

x86 version:
- open Visual Studio Command Prompt (x86)
- go to winbuild folder and execute:
nmake -f mode=static VC=10 WITH_DEVEL=C:\OpenSSL-Win32 WITH_SSL=static ENABLE_SSPI=no ENABLE_IPV6=no ENABLE_IDN=no GEN_PDB=no DEBUG=no MACHINE=x86
- copy builds\libcurl-vc10-x86-release-static-ssl-static-spnego\lib\libcurl_a.lib to winbuild\dist\lib\x86
- copy builds\libcurl-vc10-x86-release-static-ssl-static-spnego\include\* winbuild\dist\include\

x64 version:
- open Visual Studio Command Prompt (x64)
- go to winbuild folder and execute:
nmake -f mode=static VC=10 WITH_DEVEL=C:\OpenSSL-Win64 WITH_SSL=static ENABLE_SSPI=no ENABLE_IPV6=no ENABLE_IDN=no GEN_PDB=no DEBUG=no MACHINE=x64
- copy builds\libcurl-vc10-x64-release-static-ssl-static-spnego\lib\libcurl_a.lib to winbuild\dist\lib\x64
- copy builds\libcurl-vc10-x64-release-static-ssl-static-spnego\include\* winbuild\dist\include\