/* * Copyright 2012-2013 Andrew Smith * Copyright 2013 Con Kolivas <kernel@kolivas.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #ifndef USBUTILS_H #define USBUTILS_H #include <libusb.h> #include "util.h" #define EPI(x) (LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN | (unsigned char)(x)) #define EPO(x) (LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT | (unsigned char)(x)) // For 0x0403:0x6014/0x6001 FT232H (and possibly others?) - BFL, BAS, BLT, LLT, AVA #define FTDI_TYPE_OUT (LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR | LIBUSB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT) #define FTDI_TYPE_IN (LIBUSB_REQUEST_TYPE_VENDOR | LIBUSB_RECIPIENT_DEVICE | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN) #define FTDI_REQUEST_RESET ((uint8_t)0) #define FTDI_REQUEST_MODEM ((uint8_t)1) #define FTDI_REQUEST_FLOW ((uint8_t)2) #define FTDI_REQUEST_BAUD ((uint8_t)3) #define FTDI_REQUEST_DATA ((uint8_t)4) #define FTDI_REQUEST_LATENCY ((uint8_t)9) #define FTDI_VALUE_RESET 0 #define FTDI_VALUE_PURGE_RX 1 #define FTDI_VALUE_PURGE_TX 2 #define FTDI_VALUE_LATENCY 1 // Baud #define FTDI_VALUE_BAUD_BFL 0xc068 #define FTDI_INDEX_BAUD_BFL 0x0200 #define FTDI_VALUE_BAUD_BAS FTDI_VALUE_BAUD_BFL #define FTDI_INDEX_BAUD_BAS FTDI_INDEX_BAUD_BFL // LLT = BLT (same code) #define FTDI_VALUE_BAUD_BLT 0x001a #define FTDI_INDEX_BAUD_BLT 0x0000 // Avalon #define FTDI_VALUE_BAUD_AVA 0x001A #define FTDI_INDEX_BAUD_AVA 0x0000 #define FTDI_VALUE_DATA_AVA 8 // BitBurner #define BITBURNER_REQUEST ((uint8_t)0x42) #define BITBURNER_VALUE 0x4242 #define BITBURNER_INDEX_SET_VOLTAGE 1 #define BITBURNER_INDEX_GET_VOLTAGE 2 #define BITBURNER_INDEX_GET_VERSION 4 // CMR = 115200 & 57600 #define FTDI_VALUE_BAUD_CMR_115 0xc068 #define FTDI_INDEX_BAUD_CMR_115 0x0200 #define FTDI_VALUE_BAUD_CMR_57 0x80d0 #define FTDI_INDEX_BAUD_CMR_57 0x0200 // Data control #define FTDI_VALUE_DATA_BFL 0 #define FTDI_VALUE_DATA_BAS FTDI_VALUE_DATA_BFL // LLT = BLT (same code) #define FTDI_VALUE_DATA_BLT 8 #define FTDI_VALUE_FLOW 0 #define FTDI_VALUE_MODEM 0x0303 // For 0x10c4:0xea60 USB cp210x chip - AMU #define CP210X_TYPE_OUT 0x41 #define CP210X_REQUEST_IFC_ENABLE 0x00 #define CP210X_REQUEST_DATA 0x07 #define CP210X_REQUEST_BAUD 0x1e #define CP210X_VALUE_UART_ENABLE 0x0001 #define CP210X_VALUE_DATA 0x0303 #define CP210X_DATA_BAUD 0x0001c200 // For 0x067b:0x2303 Prolific PL2303 - ICA #define PL2303_CTRL_DTR 0x01 #define PL2303_CTRL_RTS 0x02 #define PL2303_CTRL_OUT 0x21 #define PL2303_VENDOR_OUT 0x40 #define PL2303_REQUEST_CTRL 0x22 #define PL2303_REQUEST_LINE 0x20 #define PL2303_REQUEST_VENDOR 0x01 #define PL2303_REPLY_CTRL 0x21 #define PL2303_VALUE_CTRL (PL2303_CTRL_DTR | PL2303_CTRL_RTS) #define PL2303_VALUE_LINE 0 #define PL2303_VALUE_LINE0 0x0001c200 #define PL2303_VALUE_LINE1 0x080000 #define PL2303_VALUE_LINE_SIZE 7 #define PL2303_VALUE_VENDOR 0 // Use the device defined timeout #define DEVTIMEOUT 0 // For endpoints defined in usb_find_devices.eps, // the first two must be the default IN and OUT #define DEFAULT_EP_IN 0 #define DEFAULT_EP_OUT 1 struct usb_endpoints { uint8_t att; uint16_t size; unsigned char ep; bool found; }; enum sub_ident { IDENT_UNK = 0, IDENT_BAJ, IDENT_BAL, IDENT_BAS, IDENT_BAM, IDENT_BFL, IDENT_MMQ, IDENT_AVA, IDENT_BTB, IDENT_ICA, IDENT_AMU, IDENT_BLT, IDENT_LLT, IDENT_CMR1, IDENT_CMR2, IDENT_ZTX }; struct usb_find_devices { int drv; const char *name; enum sub_ident ident; uint16_t idVendor; uint16_t idProduct; char *iManufacturer; char *iProduct; int kernel; int config; int interface; unsigned int timeout; uint16_t wMaxPacketSize; uint16_t latency; int epcount; struct usb_endpoints *eps; }; /* Latency is set to 32ms to prevent a transfer ever being more than 512 bytes * +2 bytes of status such as the ftdi chip, when the chips emulate a 115200 * baud rate, to avoid status bytes being interleaved in larger transfers. */ #define LATENCY_UNUSED 0 #define LATENCY_STD 32 enum usb_types { USB_TYPE_STD = 0, USB_TYPE_FTDI }; struct cg_usb_device { struct usb_find_devices *found; libusb_device_handle *handle; pthread_mutex_t *mutex; struct libusb_device_descriptor *descriptor; enum usb_types usb_type; enum sub_ident ident; uint16_t usbver; int cps; bool usecps; char *prod_string; char *manuf_string; char *serial_string; unsigned char fwVersion; // ?? unsigned char interfaceVersion; // ?? char *buffer; uint32_t bufsiz; uint32_t bufamt; uint16_t PrefPacketSize; cgtimer_t cgt_last_write; size_t last_write_siz; }; #define USB_NOSTAT 0 #define USB_MAX_READ 8192 #define USB_TMO_0 50 #define USB_TMO_1 100 #define USB_TMO_2 500 #define USB_TMOS 3 struct cg_usb_tmo { uint32_t count; uint32_t min_tmo; uint32_t max_tmo; uint64_t total_over; uint64_t total_tmo; }; struct cg_usb_info { uint8_t bus_number; uint8_t device_address; int usbstat; bool nodev; int nodev_count; struct timeval last_nodev; uint32_t ioerr_count; uint32_t continuous_ioerr_count; /* * for nodev and cgusb access (read and write) * it's a pointer so MMQ can have it in multiple devices * * N.B. general mining code doesn't need to use the read * lock for 'nodev' if it calls a usb_read/write/etc function * that uses the lock - however, all usbutils code MUST use it * to avoid devices disappearing while in use by multiple threads */ pthread_rwlock_t *devlock; time_t last_pipe; uint64_t pipe_count; uint64_t clear_err_count; uint64_t retry_err_count; uint64_t clear_fail_count; uint64_t read_delay_count; double total_read_delay; uint64_t write_delay_count; double total_write_delay; /* * We add 4: 1 for null, 2 for FTDI status and 1 to round to 4 bytes * If a single device ever has multiple end points then it will need * multiple of these */ unsigned char bulkbuf[USB_MAX_READ+4]; uint64_t tmo_count; struct cg_usb_tmo usb_tmo[USB_TMOS]; }; enum usb_cmds { C_REJECTED = 0, C_PING, C_CLEAR, C_REQUESTVERSION, C_GETVERSION, C_REQUESTFPGACOUNT, C_GETFPGACOUNT, C_STARTPROGRAM, C_STARTPROGRAMSTATUS, C_PROGRAM, C_PROGRAMSTATUS, C_PROGRAMSTATUS2, C_FINALPROGRAMSTATUS, C_SETCLOCK, C_REPLYSETCLOCK, C_REQUESTUSERCODE, C_GETUSERCODE, C_REQUESTTEMPERATURE, C_GETTEMPERATURE, C_SENDWORK, C_SENDWORKSTATUS, C_REQUESTWORKSTATUS, C_GETWORKSTATUS, C_REQUESTIDENTIFY, C_GETIDENTIFY, C_REQUESTFLASH, C_REQUESTSENDWORK, C_REQUESTSENDWORKSTATUS, C_RESET, C_SETBAUD, C_SETDATA, C_SETFLOW, C_SETMODEM, C_PURGERX, C_PURGETX, C_FLASHREPLY, C_REQUESTDETAILS, C_GETDETAILS, C_REQUESTRESULTS, C_GETRESULTS, C_REQUESTQUEJOB, C_REQUESTQUEJOBSTATUS, C_QUEJOB, C_QUEJOBSTATUS, C_QUEFLUSH, C_QUEFLUSHREPLY, C_REQUESTVOLTS, C_GETVOLTS, C_SENDTESTWORK, C_LATENCY, C_SETLINE, C_VENDOR, C_SETFAN, C_FANREPLY, C_AVALON_TASK, C_AVALON_READ, C_GET_AVALON_READY, C_AVALON_RESET, C_GET_AVALON_RESET, C_FTDI_STATUS, C_ENABLE_UART, C_BB_SET_VOLTAGE, C_BB_GET_VOLTAGE, C_MAX }; struct device_drv; struct cgpu_info; void usb_all(int level); const char *usb_cmdname(enum usb_cmds cmd); void usb_applog(struct cgpu_info *bflsc, enum usb_cmds cmd, char *msg, int amount, int err); struct cgpu_info *usb_copy_cgpu(struct cgpu_info *orig); struct cgpu_info *usb_alloc_cgpu(struct device_drv *drv, int threads); struct cgpu_info *usb_free_cgpu_devlock(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, bool free_devlock); #define usb_free_cgpu(cgpu) usb_free_cgpu_devlock(cgpu, true) void usb_uninit(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); bool usb_init(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, struct libusb_device *dev, struct usb_find_devices *found); void usb_detect(struct device_drv *drv, bool (*device_detect)(struct libusb_device *, struct usb_find_devices *)); struct api_data *api_usb_stats(int *count); void update_usb_stats(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); int _usb_read(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, int ep, char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int *processed, unsigned int timeout, const char *end, enum usb_cmds cmd, bool readonce); int _usb_write(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, int ep, char *buf, size_t bufsiz, int *processed, unsigned int timeout, enum usb_cmds); int _usb_transfer(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, uint8_t request_type, uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, uint32_t *data, int siz, unsigned int timeout, enum usb_cmds cmd); int _usb_transfer_read(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, uint8_t request_type, uint8_t bRequest, uint16_t wValue, uint16_t wIndex, char *buf, int bufsiz, int *amount, unsigned int timeout, enum usb_cmds cmd); int usb_ftdi_cts(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); int usb_ftdi_set_latency(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); void usb_buffer_enable(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); void usb_buffer_disable(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); void usb_buffer_clear(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); uint32_t usb_buffer_size(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); void usb_set_cps(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, int cps); void usb_enable_cps(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); void usb_disable_cps(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); int usb_interface(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); enum sub_ident usb_ident(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); void usb_set_pps(struct cgpu_info *cgpu, uint16_t PrefPacketSize); void usb_set_dev_start(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); void usb_cleanup(); void usb_initialise(); void *usb_resource_thread(void *userdata); #define usb_read(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, DEVTIMEOUT, NULL, cmd, false) #define usb_read_once(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, DEVTIMEOUT, NULL, cmd, true) #define usb_read_once_timeout(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, NULL, cmd, true) #define usb_read_nl(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, DEVTIMEOUT, "\n", cmd, false) #define usb_read_nl_timeout(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, "\n", cmd, false) #define usb_read_ok(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, DEVTIMEOUT, "OK\n", cmd, false) #define usb_read_ok_timeout(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, "OK\n", cmd, false) #define usb_read_ep(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, read, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, read, DEVTIMEOUT, NULL, cmd, false) #define usb_read_timeout(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_IN, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, NULL, cmd, false) #define usb_read_ep_timeout(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, cmd) \ _usb_read(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, read, timeout, NULL, cmd, false) #define usb_write(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, wrote, cmd) \ _usb_write(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_OUT, buf, bufsiz, wrote, DEVTIMEOUT, cmd) #define usb_write_ep(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, wrote, cmd) \ _usb_write(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, wrote, DEVTIMEOUT, cmd) #define usb_write_timeout(cgpu, buf, bufsiz, wrote, timeout, cmd) \ _usb_write(cgpu, DEFAULT_EP_OUT, buf, bufsiz, wrote, timeout, cmd) #define usb_write_ep_timeout(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, wrote, timeout, cmd) \ _usb_write(cgpu, ep, buf, bufsiz, wrote, timeout, cmd) #define usb_transfer(cgpu, typ, req, val, idx, cmd) \ _usb_transfer(cgpu, typ, req, val, idx, NULL, 0, DEVTIMEOUT, cmd) #define usb_transfer_data(cgpu, typ, req, val, idx, data, len, cmd) \ _usb_transfer(cgpu, typ, req, val, idx, data, len, DEVTIMEOUT, cmd) #define usb_transfer_read(cgpu, typ, req, val, idx, buf, bufsiz, read, cmd) \ _usb_transfer_read(cgpu, typ, req, val, idx, buf, bufsiz, read, DEVTIMEOUT, cmd) #endif