#include "patch_kernel.h" #include "logging.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> static int advance(char **area, unsigned *remaining, const char *marker) { char *find = (char *)memmem(*area, *remaining, (void *)marker, strlen(marker)); if (!find) { applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Marker \"%s\" not found", marker); return 0; } *remaining -= find - *area; *area = find; return 1; } #define OP3_INST_BFE_UINT 4ULL #define OP3_INST_BFE_INT 5ULL #define OP3_INST_BFI_INT 6ULL #define OP3_INST_BIT_ALIGN_INT 12ULL #define OP3_INST_BYTE_ALIGN_INT 13ULL static void patch_opcodes(char *w, unsigned remaining) { uint64_t *opcode = (uint64_t *)w; int patched = 0; int count_bfe_int = 0; int count_bfe_uint = 0; int count_byte_align = 0; while (42) { int clamp = (*opcode >> (32 + 31)) & 0x1; int dest_rel = (*opcode >> (32 + 28)) & 0x1; int alu_inst = (*opcode >> (32 + 13)) & 0x1f; int s2_neg = (*opcode >> (32 + 12)) & 0x1; int s2_rel = (*opcode >> (32 + 9)) & 0x1; int pred_sel = (*opcode >> 29) & 0x3; if (!clamp && !dest_rel && !s2_neg && !s2_rel && !pred_sel) { if (alu_inst == OP3_INST_BFE_INT) { count_bfe_int++; } else if (alu_inst == OP3_INST_BFE_UINT) { count_bfe_uint++; } else if (alu_inst == OP3_INST_BYTE_ALIGN_INT) { count_byte_align++; // patch this instruction to BFI_INT *opcode &= 0xfffc1fffffffffffULL; *opcode |= OP3_INST_BFI_INT << (32 + 13); patched++; } } if (remaining <= 8) break; opcode++; remaining -= 8; } applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Potential OP3 instructions identified: " "%i BFE_INT, %i BFE_UINT, %i BYTE_ALIGN", count_bfe_int, count_bfe_uint, count_byte_align); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "Patched a total of %i BFI_INT instructions", patched); } bool kernel_bfi_patch(char *binary, unsigned binary_size) { unsigned remaining = binary_size; char *w = binary; unsigned int start, length; /* Find 2nd incidence of .text, and copy the program's * position and length at a fixed offset from that. Then go * back and find the 2nd incidence of \x7ELF (rewind by one * from ELF) and then patch the opcocdes */ if (!advance(&w, &remaining, ".text")) return false; w++; remaining--; if (!advance(&w, &remaining, ".text")) { /* 32 bit builds only one ELF */ w--; remaining++; } memcpy(&start, w + 285, 4); memcpy(&length, w + 289, 4); w = binary; remaining = binary_size; if (!advance(&w, &remaining, "ELF")) return false; w++; remaining--; if (!advance(&w, &remaining, "ELF")) { /* 32 bit builds only one ELF */ w--; remaining++; } w--; remaining++; w += start; remaining -= start; applog(LOG_DEBUG, "At %p (%u rem. bytes), to begin patching", w, remaining); patch_opcodes(w, length); return true; }