;/* ; * Copyright (C) 2011 - Neil Kettle ; * ; * This file is part of cpuminer-ng. ; * ; * cpuminer-ng is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; * (at your option) any later version. ; * ; * cpuminer-ng is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; * GNU General Public License for more details. ; * ; * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; * along with cpuminer-ng. If not, see . ; */ ; %rbp, %rbx, and %r12-%r15 - callee save ALIGN 32 BITS 64 %define hash rdi %define hash1 rsi %define data rdx %define init rcx ; 0 = (1024 - 256) (mod (LAB_CALC_UNROLL*LAB_CALC_PARA*16)) %define SHA_CALC_W_PARA 2 %define SHA_CALC_W_UNROLL 8 %define SHA_ROUND_LOOP_UNROLL 16 %ifidn __YASM_OBJFMT__, macho64 extern _sha256_consts_m128i extern _sha256_init %else extern sha256_consts_m128i extern sha256_init %endif %ifidn __YASM_OBJFMT__, macho64 global _sha256_sse2_64_new %else global sha256_sse2_64_new %endif %define sr1 xmm6 %define sr2 xmm1 %define sr3 xmm2 %define sr4 xmm13 %define rA xmm7 %define rB xmm5 %define rC xmm4 %define rD xmm3 %define rE xmm0 %define rF xmm8 %define rG xmm9 %define rH xmm10 %macro sha_round_blk 0 movdqa sr1, [data+rax] ; T1 = w; ;movdqa sr1, xmm11 movdqa sr2, rE ; sr2 = rE pandn sr2, rG ; sr2 = ~rE & rG movdqa sr3, rF ; sr3 = rF paddd sr1, rH ; T1 = h + sha256_consts_m128i[i] + w; movdqa rH, rG ; rH = rG pand sr3, rE ; sr3 = rE & rF movdqa rG, rF ; rG = rF %ifidn __YASM_OBJFMT__, macho64 paddd sr1, [rcx+rax] %else paddd sr1, sha256_consts_m128i[rax] ; T1 = sha256_consts_m128i[i] + w; %endif pxor sr2, sr3 ; sr2 = (rE & rF) ^ (~rE & rG) = Ch (e, f, g) movdqa rF, rE ; rF = rE paddd sr1, sr2 ; T1 = h + Ch (e, f, g) + sha256_consts_m128i[i] + w; movdqa sr2, rE ; sr2 = rE psrld rE, 6 ; e >> 6 movdqa sr3, rE ; e >> 6 pslld sr2, 7 ; e << 7 psrld sr3, 5 ; e >> 11 pxor rE, sr2 ; e >> 6 ^ e << 7 pslld sr2, 14 ; e << 21 pxor rE, sr3 ; e >> 6 ^ e << 7 ^ e >> 11 psrld sr3, 14 ; e >> 25 pxor rE, sr2 ; e >> 6 ^ e << 7 ^ e >> 11 ^ e << 21 pslld sr2, 5 ; e << 26 pxor rE, sr3 ; e >> 6 ^ e << 7 ^ e >> 11 ^ e << 21 ^ e >> 25 pxor rE, sr2 ; e >> 6 ^ e << 7 ^ e >> 11 ^ e << 21 ^ e >> 25 ^ e << 26 movdqa sr2, rB ; sr2 = rB paddd sr1, rE ; sr1 = h + BIGSIGMA1_256(e) + Ch (e, f, g) + sha256_consts_m128i[i] + w; movdqa rE, rD ; rE = rD movdqa rD, rC ; rD = rC paddd rE, sr1 ; rE = rD + T1 movdqa sr3, rC ; sr3 = rC pand rC, rA ; rC = rC & rA pand sr3, rB ; sr3 = rB & rC pand sr2, rA ; sr2 = rB & rA pxor sr2, rC ; sr2 = (rB & rA) ^ (rC & rA) movdqa rC, rB ; rC = rB pxor sr2, sr3 ; sr2 = (rB & rA) ^ (rC & rA) ^ (rB & rC) movdqa rB, rA ; rB = rA paddd sr1, sr2 ; sr1 = T1 + (rB & rA) ^ (rC & rA) ^ (rB & rC) lea rax, [rax+16] movdqa sr3, rA ; sr3 = rA psrld rA, 2 ; a >> 2 pslld sr3, 10 ; a << 10 movdqa sr2, rA ; a >> 2 pxor rA, sr3 ; a >> 2 ^ a << 10 psrld sr2, 11 ; a >> 13 pxor rA, sr2 ; a >> 2 ^ a << 10 ^ a >> 13 pslld sr3, 9 ; a << 19 pxor rA, sr3 ; a >> 2 ^ a << 10 ^ a >> 13 ^ a << 19 psrld sr2, 9 ; a >> 21 pxor rA, sr2 ; a >> 2 ^ a << 10 ^ a >> 13 ^ a << 19 ^ a >> 21 pslld sr3, 11 ; a << 30 pxor rA, sr3 ; a >> 2 ^ a << 10 ^ a >> 13 ^ a << 19 ^ a >> 21 ^ a << 30 paddd rA, sr1 ; T1 + BIGSIGMA0_256(a) + Maj(a, b, c); %endmacro %macro sha_calc_w_blk 1 movdqa xmm0, [r11-(15-%1)*16] ; xmm0 = W[I-15] movdqa xmm4, [r11-(15-(%1+1))*16] ; xmm4 = W[I-15+1] movdqa xmm2, xmm0 ; xmm2 = W[I-15] movdqa xmm6, xmm4 ; xmm6 = W[I-15+1] psrld xmm0, 3 ; xmm0 = W[I-15] >> 3 psrld xmm4, 3 ; xmm4 = W[I-15+1] >> 3 movdqa xmm1, xmm0 ; xmm1 = W[I-15] >> 3 movdqa xmm5, xmm4 ; xmm5 = W[I-15+1] >> 3 pslld xmm2, 14 ; xmm2 = W[I-15] << 14 pslld xmm6, 14 ; xmm6 = W[I-15+1] << 14 psrld xmm1, 4 ; xmm1 = W[I-15] >> 7 psrld xmm5, 4 ; xmm5 = W[I-15+1] >> 7 pxor xmm0, xmm1 ; xmm0 = (W[I-15] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15] >> 7) pxor xmm4, xmm5 ; xmm4 = (W[I-15+1] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15+1] >> 7) psrld xmm1, 11 ; xmm1 = W[I-15] >> 18 psrld xmm5, 11 ; xmm5 = W[I-15+1] >> 18 pxor xmm0, xmm2 ; xmm0 = (W[I-15] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15] >> 7) ^ (W[I-15] << 14) pxor xmm4, xmm6 ; xmm4 = (W[I-15+1] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15+1] >> 7) ^ (W[I-15+1] << 14) pslld xmm2, 11 ; xmm2 = W[I-15] << 25 pslld xmm6, 11 ; xmm6 = W[I-15+1] << 25 pxor xmm0, xmm1 ; xmm0 = (W[I-15] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15] >> 7) ^ (W[I-15] << 14) ^ (W[I-15] >> 18) pxor xmm4, xmm5 ; xmm4 = (W[I-15+1] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15+1] >> 7) ^ (W[I-15+1] << 14) ^ (W[I-15+1] >> 18) pxor xmm0, xmm2 ; xmm0 = (W[I-15] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15] >> 7) ^ (W[I-15] << 14) ^ (W[I-15] >> 18) ^ (W[I-15] << 25) pxor xmm4, xmm6 ; xmm4 = (W[I-15+1] >> 3) ^ (W[I-15+1] >> 7) ^ (W[I-15+1] << 14) ^ (W[I-15+1] >> 18) ^ (W[I-15+1] << 25) movdqa xmm3, [r11-(2-%1)*16] ; xmm3 = W[I-2] movdqa xmm7, [r11-(2-(%1+1))*16] ; xmm7 = W[I-2+1] paddd xmm0, [r11-(16-%1)*16] ; xmm0 = s0(W[I-15]) + W[I-16] paddd xmm4, [r11-(16-(%1+1))*16] ; xmm4 = s0(W[I-15+1]) + W[I-16+1] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; movdqa xmm2, xmm3 ; xmm2 = W[I-2] movdqa xmm6, xmm7 ; xmm6 = W[I-2+1] psrld xmm3, 10 ; xmm3 = W[I-2] >> 10 psrld xmm7, 10 ; xmm7 = W[I-2+1] >> 10 movdqa xmm1, xmm3 ; xmm1 = W[I-2] >> 10 movdqa xmm5, xmm7 ; xmm5 = W[I-2+1] >> 10 paddd xmm0, [r11-(7-%1)*16] ; xmm0 = s0(W[I-15]) + W[I-16] + W[I-7] pslld xmm2, 13 ; xmm2 = W[I-2] << 13 pslld xmm6, 13 ; xmm6 = W[I-2+1] << 13 psrld xmm1, 7 ; xmm1 = W[I-2] >> 17 psrld xmm5, 7 ; xmm5 = W[I-2+1] >> 17 paddd xmm4, [r11-(7-(%1+1))*16] ; xmm4 = s0(W[I-15+1]) + W[I-16+1] + W[I-7+1] pxor xmm3, xmm1 ; xmm3 = (W[I-2] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2] >> 17) pxor xmm7, xmm5 ; xmm7 = (W[I-2+1] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2+1] >> 17) psrld xmm1, 2 ; xmm1 = W[I-2] >> 19 psrld xmm5, 2 ; xmm5 = W[I-2+1] >> 19 pxor xmm3, xmm2 ; xmm3 = (W[I-2] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2] >> 17) ^ (W[I-2] << 13) pxor xmm7, xmm6 ; xmm7 = (W[I-2+1] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2+1] >> 17) ^ (W[I-2+1] << 13) pslld xmm2, 2 ; xmm2 = W[I-2] << 15 pslld xmm6, 2 ; xmm6 = W[I-2+1] << 15 pxor xmm3, xmm1 ; xmm3 = (W[I-2] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2] >> 17) ^ (W[I-2] << 13) ^ (W[I-2] >> 19) pxor xmm7, xmm5 ; xmm7 = (W[I-2+1] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2+1] >> 17) ^ (W[I-2+1] << 13) ^ (W[I-2+1] >> 19) pxor xmm3, xmm2 ; xmm3 = (W[I-2] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2] >> 17) ^ (W[I-2] << 13) ^ (W[I-2] >> 19) ^ (W[I-2] << 15) pxor xmm7, xmm6 ; xmm7 = (W[I-2+1] >> 10) ^ (W[I-2+1] >> 17) ^ (W[I-2+1] << 13) ^ (W[I-2+1] >> 19) ^ (W[I-2+1] << 15) paddd xmm0, xmm3 ; xmm0 = s0(W[I-15]) + W[I-16] + s1(W[I-2]) + W[I-7] paddd xmm4, xmm7 ; xmm4 = s0(W[I-15+1]) + W[I-16+1] + s1(W[I-2+1]) + W[I-7+1] movdqa [r11+(%1*16)], xmm0 movdqa [r11+((%1+1)*16)], xmm4 %endmacro ; _sha256_sse2_64_new hash(rdi), hash1(rsi), data(rdx), init(rcx), %ifidn __YASM_OBJFMT__, macho64 _sha256_sse2_64_new: %else sha256_sse2_64_new: %endif push rbx %macro SHA_256 0 mov rbx, 64*4 ; rbx is # of SHA-2 rounds mov rax, 16*4 ; rax is where we expand to push rbx lea rbx, qword [data+rbx*4] lea r11, qword [data+rax*4] %%SHA_CALC_W: %assign i 0 %rep SHA_CALC_W_UNROLL sha_calc_w_blk i %assign i i+SHA_CALC_W_PARA %endrep add r11, SHA_CALC_W_UNROLL*SHA_CALC_W_PARA*16 cmp r11, rbx jb %%SHA_CALC_W pop rbx mov rax, 0 lea rbx, [rbx*4] movdqa rA, [init] pshufd rB, rA, 0x55 ; rB == B pshufd rC, rA, 0xAA ; rC == C pshufd rD, rA, 0xFF ; rD == D pshufd rA, rA, 0 ; rA == A movdqa rE, [init+4*4] pshufd rF, rE, 0x55 ; rF == F pshufd rG, rE, 0xAA ; rG == G pshufd rH, rE, 0xFF ; rH == H pshufd rE, rE, 0 ; rE == E %ifidn __YASM_OBJFMT__, macho64 lea rcx, [_sha256_consts_m128i wrt rip] %endif %%SHAROUND_LOOP: %assign i 0 %rep SHA_ROUND_LOOP_UNROLL sha_round_blk %assign i i+1 %endrep cmp rax, rbx jb %%SHAROUND_LOOP ; Finished the 64 rounds, calculate hash and save movdqa sr1, [init] pshufd sr2, sr1, 0x55 pshufd sr3, sr1, 0xAA pshufd sr4, sr1, 0xFF pshufd sr1, sr1, 0 paddd rB, sr2 paddd rC, sr3 paddd rD, sr4 paddd rA, sr1 movdqa sr1, [init+4*4] pshufd sr2, sr1, 0x55 pshufd sr3, sr1, 0xAA pshufd sr4, sr1, 0xFF pshufd sr1, sr1, 0 paddd rF, sr2 paddd rG, sr3 paddd rH, sr4 paddd rE, sr1 %endmacro SHA_256 movdqa [hash1+0*16], rA movdqa [hash1+1*16], rB movdqa [hash1+2*16], rC movdqa [hash1+3*16], rD movdqa [hash1+4*16], rE movdqa [hash1+5*16], rF movdqa [hash1+6*16], rG movdqa [hash1+7*16], rH mov data, hash1 mov init, sha256_init SHA_256 movdqa [hash+7*16], rH LAB_RET: pop rbx ret %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf section .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits %endif %ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf64 section .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits %endif