#include #include #include #include #include #include "private.h" /* Upper bound to sprintf this simple type? Each 3 bits < 1 digit. */ #define CHAR_SIZE(type) (((sizeof(type)*CHAR_BIT + 2) / 3) + 1) /* FIXME: asprintf module? */ static char *arg_bad(const char *fmt, const char *arg) { char *str = malloc(strlen(fmt) + strlen(arg)); sprintf(str, fmt, arg); return str; } char *opt_set_bool(bool *b) { *b = true; return NULL; } char *opt_set_invbool(bool *b) { *b = false; return NULL; } char *opt_set_bool_arg(const char *arg, bool *b) { if (!strcasecmp(arg, "yes") || !strcasecmp(arg, "true")) return opt_set_bool(b); if (!strcasecmp(arg, "no") || !strcasecmp(arg, "false")) return opt_set_invbool(b); return opt_invalid_argument(arg); } char *opt_set_invbool_arg(const char *arg, bool *b) { char *err = opt_set_bool_arg(arg, b); if (!err) *b = !*b; return err; } /* Set a char *. */ char *opt_set_charp(const char *arg, char **p) { *p = (char *)arg; return NULL; } /* Set an integer value, various forms. Sets to 1 on arg == NULL. */ char *opt_set_intval(const char *arg, int *i) { long l; char *err = opt_set_longval(arg, &l); if (err) return err; *i = l; /* Beware truncation... */ if (*i != l) return arg_bad("value '%s' does not fit into an integer", arg); return err; } char *opt_set_uintval(const char *arg, unsigned int *ui) { int i; char *err = opt_set_intval(arg, &i); if (err) return err; if (i < 0) return arg_bad("'%s' is negative", arg); *ui = i; return NULL; } char *opt_set_longval(const char *arg, long *l) { char *endp; /* This is how the manpage says to do it. Yech. */ errno = 0; *l = strtol(arg, &endp, 0); if (*endp || !arg[0]) return arg_bad("'%s' is not a number", arg); if (errno) return arg_bad("'%s' is out of range", arg); return NULL; } char *opt_set_ulongval(const char *arg, unsigned long *ul) { long int l; char *err; err = opt_set_longval(arg, &l); if (err) return err; *ul = l; if (l < 0) return arg_bad("'%s' is negative", arg); return NULL; } char *opt_inc_intval(int *i) { (*i)++; return NULL; } /* Display version string. */ char *opt_version_and_exit(const char *version) { printf("%s\n", version); exit(0); } char *opt_usage_and_exit(const char *extra) { printf("%s", opt_usage(opt_argv0, extra)); exit(0); } void opt_show_bool(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const bool *b) { strncpy(buf, *b ? "true" : "false", OPT_SHOW_LEN); } void opt_show_invbool(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const bool *b) { strncpy(buf, *b ? "false" : "true", OPT_SHOW_LEN); } void opt_show_charp(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], char *const *p) { size_t len = strlen(*p); buf[0] = '"'; if (len > OPT_SHOW_LEN - 2) len = OPT_SHOW_LEN - 2; strncpy(buf+1, *p, len); buf[1+len] = '"'; if (len < OPT_SHOW_LEN - 2) buf[2+len] = '\0'; } /* Set an integer value, various forms. Sets to 1 on arg == NULL. */ void opt_show_intval(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const int *i) { snprintf(buf, OPT_SHOW_LEN, "%i", *i); } void opt_show_uintval(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const unsigned int *ui) { snprintf(buf, OPT_SHOW_LEN, "%u", *ui); } void opt_show_longval(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const long *l) { snprintf(buf, OPT_SHOW_LEN, "%li", *l); } void opt_show_ulongval(char buf[OPT_SHOW_LEN], const unsigned long *ul) { snprintf(buf, OPT_SHOW_LEN, "%lu", *ul); }