1, 'POOL.User' => 1); $hidefields = array(); # # Auto-refresh of the page (in seconds) - integers only # $ignorerefresh = true/false always ignore refresh parameters # $changerefresh = true/false show buttons to change the value # $autorefresh = default value, 0 means dont auto-refresh $ignorerefresh = false; $changerefresh = true; $autorefresh = 0; # # Should we allow custom pages? # (or just completely ignore them and don't display the buttons) $allowcustompages = true; # # OK this is a bit more complex item: Custom Summary Pages # As mentioned above, see API-README # see the example below (if there is no matching data, no total will show) $mobilepage = array( 'DATE' => null, 'RIGS' => null, 'SUMMARY' => array('Elapsed', 'MHS av', 'Found Blocks=Blks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected=Rej', 'Utility'), 'DEVS+NOTIFY' => array('DEVS.Name=Name', 'DEVS.ID=ID', 'DEVS.Status=Status', 'DEVS.Temperature=Temp', 'DEVS.MHS av=MHS av', 'DEVS.Accepted=Accept', 'DEVS.Rejected=Rej', 'DEVS.Utility=Utility', 'NOTIFY.Last Not Well=Not Well'), 'POOL' => array('POOL', 'Status', 'Accepted', 'Rejected=Rej', 'Last Share Time')); $mobilesum = array( 'SUMMARY' => array('MHS av', 'Found Blocks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Utility'), 'DEVS+NOTIFY' => array('DEVS.MHS av', 'DEVS.Accepted', 'DEVS.Rejected', 'DEVS.Utility'), 'POOL' => array('Accepted', 'Rejected')); # # customsummarypages is an array of these Custom Summary Pages $customsummarypages = array('Mobile' => array($mobilepage, $mobilesum)); # $here = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; # global $tablebegin, $tableend, $warnfont, $warnoff, $dfmt; # $tablebegin = ''; $tableend = '
'; $warnfont = ''; $warnoff = ''; $dfmt = 'H:i:s j-M-Y \U\T\CP'; # $miner_font_family = 'verdana,arial,sans'; $miner_font_size = '13pt'; # # Edit this or redefine it in myminer.php to change the colour scheme # See $colourtable below for the list of names $colouroverride = array(); # # Where to place the buttons: 'top' 'bot' 'both' # anything else means don't show them - case sensitive $placebuttons = 'top'; # # This below allows you to put your own settings into a seperate file # so you don't need to update miner.php with your preferred settings # every time a new version is released # Just create the file 'myminer.php' in the same directory as # 'miner.php' - and put your own settings in there if (file_exists('myminer.php')) include_once('myminer.php'); # # This is the system default that must always contain all necessary # colours so it must be a constant # You can override these values with $colouroverride # The only one missing is in $warnfont # - which you can override directly anyway global $colourtable; $colourtable = array( 'body bgcolor' => '#ecffff', 'td color' => 'blue', 'td.two color' => 'blue', 'td.two background' => '#ecffff', 'td.h color' => 'blue', 'td.h background' => '#c4ffff', 'td.err color' => 'black', 'td.err background' => '#ff3050', 'td.warn color' => 'black', 'td.warn background' => '#ffb050', 'td.sta color' => 'green', 'td.tot color' => 'blue', 'td.tot background' => '#fff8f2', 'td.lst color' => 'blue', 'td.lst background' => '#ffffdd', 'td.hi color' => 'blue', 'td.hi background' => '#f6ffff', 'td.lo color' => 'blue', 'td.lo background' => '#deffff' ); # # Don't touch these 2 $miner = null; $port = null; # # Ensure it is only ever shown once global $showndate; $showndate = false; # # For summary page to stop retrying failed rigs global $rigerror; $rigerror = array(); # global $rownum; $rownum = 0; # function getcss($cssname, $dom = false) { global $colourtable, $colouroverride; $css = ''; foreach ($colourtable as $cssdata => $value) { $cssobj = explode(' ', $cssdata, 2); if ($cssobj[0] == $cssname) { if (isset($colouroverride[$cssdata])) $value = $colouroverride[$cssdata]; if ($dom == true) $css .= ' '.$cssobj[1].'='.$value; else $css .= $cssobj[1].':'.$value.'; '; } } return $css; } # function getdom($domname) { return getcss($domname, true); } # function htmlhead($checkapi, $rig, $pg = null) { global $miner_font_family, $miner_font_size; global $error, $readonly, $poolinputs, $here; global $ignorerefresh, $autorefresh; $extraparams = ''; if ($rig != null && $rig != '') $extraparams = "&rig=$rig"; else if ($pg != null && $pg != '') $extraparams = "&pg=$pg"; if ($ignorerefresh == true || $autorefresh == 0) $refreshmeta = ''; else { $url = "$here?ref=$autorefresh$extraparams"; $refreshmeta = "\n"; } if ($readonly === false && $checkapi === true) { $error = null; $access = api('privileged'); if ($error != null || !isset($access['STATUS']['STATUS']) || $access['STATUS']['STATUS'] != 'S') $readonly = true; } $miner_font = "font-family:$miner_font_family; font-size:$miner_font_size;"; echo "$refreshmeta Mine
$socksndtimeoutsec, 'usec' => 0)); socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, array('sec' => $sockrcvtimeoutsec, 'usec' => 0)); $res = socket_connect($socket, $addr, $port); if ($res === false) { $haderror = true; $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); $msg = "socket connect($addr,$port) failed"; $error = "ERR: $msg '$error'\n"; socket_close($socket); return null; } return $socket; } # function readsockline($socket) { $line = ''; while (true) { $byte = socket_read($socket, 1); if ($byte === false || $byte === '') break; if ($byte === "\0") break; $line .= $byte; } return $line; } # function api_convert_escape($str) { $res = ''; $len = strlen($str); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $ch = substr($str, $i, 1); if ($ch != '\\' || $i == ($len-1)) $res .= $ch; else { $i++; $ch = substr($str, $i, 1); switch ($ch) { case '|': $res .= "\1"; break; case '\\': $res .= "\2"; break; case '=': $res .= "\3"; break; case ',': $res .= "\4"; break; default: $res .= $ch; } } } return $res; } # function revert($str) { return str_replace(array("\1", "\2", "\3", "\4"), array("|", "\\", "=", ","), $str); } # function api($cmd) { global $haderror, $error; global $miner, $port, $hidefields; $socket = getsock($miner, $port); if ($socket != null) { socket_write($socket, $cmd, strlen($cmd)); $line = readsockline($socket); socket_close($socket); if (strlen($line) == 0) { $haderror = true; $error = "WARN: '$cmd' returned nothing\n"; return $line; } # print "$cmd returned '$line'\n"; $line = api_convert_escape($line); $data = array(); $objs = explode('|', $line); foreach ($objs as $obj) { if (strlen($obj) > 0) { $items = explode(',', $obj); $item = $items[0]; $id = explode('=', $items[0], 2); if (count($id) == 1 or !ctype_digit($id[1])) $name = $id[0]; else $name = $id[0].$id[1]; if (strlen($name) == 0) $name = 'null'; $sectionname = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $name); if (isset($data[$name])) { $num = 1; while (isset($data[$name.$num])) $num++; $name .= $num; } $counter = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $id = explode('=', $item, 2); if (isset($hidefields[$sectionname.'.'.$id[0]])) continue; if (count($id) == 2) $data[$name][$id[0]] = revert($id[1]); else $data[$name][$counter] = $id[0]; $counter++; } } } return $data; } return null; } # function getparam($name, $both = false) { $a = null; if (isset($_POST[$name])) $a = $_POST[$name]; if (($both === true) and ($a === null)) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $a = $_GET[$name]; } if ($a == '' || $a == null) return null; // limit to 1K just to be safe return substr($a, 0, 1024); } # function newtable() { global $tablebegin, $rownum; echo $tablebegin; $rownum = 0; } # function newrow() { echo ''; } # function otherrow($row) { echo "$row"; } # function endrow() { global $rownum; echo ''; $rownum++; } # function endtable() { global $tableend; echo $tableend; } # function classlastshare($when, $alldata, $warnclass, $errorclass) { global $checklastshare; if ($checklastshare === false) return ''; if ($when == 0) return ''; if (!isset($alldata['MHS av'])) return ''; if ($alldata['MHS av'] == 0) return ''; if (!isset($alldata['Last Share Time'])) return ''; $expected = pow(2, 32) / ($alldata['MHS av'] * pow(10, 6)); $howlong = $when - $alldata['Last Share Time']; if ($howlong < 1) $howlong = 1; if ($howlong > ($expected * 12)) return $errorclass; if ($howlong > ($expected * 8)) return $warnclass; return ''; } # function fmt($section, $name, $value, $when, $alldata) { global $dfmt, $rownum; if ($alldata == null) $alldata = array(); $errorclass = ' class=err'; $warnclass = ' class=warn'; $lstclass = ' class=lst'; $hiclass = ' class=hi'; $loclass = ' class=lo'; $c2class = ' class=two'; $totclass = ' class=tot'; $b = ' '; $ret = $value; $class = ''; $nams = explode('.', $name); if (count($nams) > 1) $name = $nams[count($nams)-1]; if ($value === null) $ret = $b; else switch ($section.'.'.$name) { case 'GPU.Last Share Time': case 'PGA.Last Share Time': case 'DEVS.Last Share Time': if ($value == 0 || (isset($alldata['Last Share Pool']) && $alldata['Last Share Pool'] == -1)) { $ret = 'Never'; $class = $warnclass; } else { $ret = date('H:i:s', $value); $class = classlastshare($when, $alldata, $warnclass, $errorclass); } break; case 'POOL.Last Share Time': if ($value == 0) $ret = 'Never'; else $ret = date('H:i:s d-M', $value); break; case 'GPU.Last Share Pool': case 'PGA.Last Share Pool': case 'DEVS.Last Share Pool': if ($value == -1) { $ret = 'None'; $class = $warnclass; } break; case 'SUMMARY.Elapsed': $s = $value % 60; $value -= $s; $value /= 60; if ($value == 0) $ret = $s.'s'; else { $m = $value % 60; $value -= $m; $value /= 60; if ($value == 0) $ret = sprintf("%dm$b%02ds", $m, $s); else { $h = $value % 24; $value -= $h; $value /= 24; if ($value == 0) $ret = sprintf("%dh$b%02dm$b%02ds", $h, $m, $s); else { if ($value == 1) $days = ''; else $days = 's'; $ret = sprintf("%dday$days$b%02dh$b%02dm$b%02ds", $value, $h, $m, $s); } } } break; case 'NOTIFY.Last Well': if ($value == '0') { $ret = 'Never'; $class = $warnclass; } else $ret = date('H:i:s', $value); break; case 'NOTIFY.Last Not Well': if ($value == '0') $ret = 'Never'; else { $ret = date('H:i:s', $value); $class = $errorclass; } break; case 'NOTIFY.Reason Not Well': if ($value != 'None') $class = $errorclass; break; case 'GPU.Utility': case 'PGA.Utility': case 'DEVS.Utility': case 'SUMMARY.Utility': case 'SUMMARY.Work Utility': case 'total.Utility': $ret = $value.'/m'; if ($value == 0) $class = $errorclass; else if (isset($alldata['MHS av'])) { $expected = 60 * $alldata['MHS av'] * (pow(10, 6) / pow(2, 32)); if ($expected == 0) $expected = 0.000001; // 1 H/s $ratio = $value / $expected; if ($ratio < 0.9) $class = $loclass; else if ($ratio > 1.1) $class = $hiclass; } break; case 'PGA.Temperature': case 'GPU.Temperature': case 'DEVS.Temperature': $ret = $value.'°C'; if (!isset($alldata['GPU'])) break; case 'GPU.GPU Clock': case 'DEVS.GPU Clock': case 'GPU.Memory Clock': case 'DEVS.Memory Clock': case 'GPU.GPU Voltage': case 'DEVS.GPU Voltage': case 'GPU.GPU Activity': case 'DEVS.GPU Activity': if ($value == 0) $class = $warnclass; break; case 'GPU.Fan Percent': case 'DEVS.Fan Percent': if ($value == 0) $class = $warnclass; else { if ($value == 100) $class = $errorclass; else if ($value > 85) $class = $warnclass; } break; case 'GPU.Fan Speed': case 'DEVS.Fan Speed': if ($value == 0) $class = $warnclass; else if (isset($alldata['Fan Percent'])) { $test = $alldata['Fan Percent']; if ($test == 100) $class = $errorclass; else if ($test > 85) $class = $warnclass; } break; case 'GPU.MHS av': case 'PGA.MHS av': case 'DEVS.MHS av': case 'SUMMARY.MHS av': case 'total.MHS av': $parts = explode('.', $value, 2); if (count($parts) == 1) $dec = ''; else $dec = '.'.$parts[1]; $ret = number_format($parts[0]).$dec; if ($value == 0) $class = $errorclass; else if (isset($alldata['Utility'])) { $expected = 60 * $value * (pow(10, 6) / pow(2, 32)); $utility = $alldata['Utility']; $ratio = $utility / $expected; if ($ratio < 0.9) $class = $hiclass; else if ($ratio > 1.1) $class = $loclass; } break; case 'GPU.Total MH': case 'PGA.Total MH': case 'DEVS.Total MH': case 'SUMMARY.Total MH': case 'total.Total MH': case 'SUMMARY.Getworks': case 'POOL.Getworks': case 'total.Getworks': case 'GPU.Accepted': case 'PGA.Accepted': case 'DEVS.Accepted': case 'SUMMARY.Accepted': case 'POOL.Accepted': case 'total.Accepted': case 'GPU.Rejected': case 'PGA.Rejected': case 'DEVS.Rejected': case 'SUMMARY.Rejected': case 'POOL.Rejected': case 'total.Rejected': case 'SUMMARY.Local Work': case 'total.Local Work': case 'SUMMARY.Discarded': case 'POOL.Discarded': case 'total.Discarded': case 'POOL.Diff1 Shares': case 'total.Diff1 Shares': $parts = explode('.', $value, 2); if (count($parts) == 1) $dec = ''; else $dec = '.'.$parts[1]; $ret = number_format($parts[0]).$dec; break; case 'GPU.Status': case 'PGA.Status': case 'DEVS.Status': case 'POOL.Status': if ($value != 'Alive') $class = $errorclass; break; case 'GPU.Enabled': case 'PGA.Enabled': case 'DEVS.Enabled': if ($value != 'Y') $class = $warnclass; break; case 'STATUS.When': $ret = date($dfmt, $value); break; case 'BUTTON.Rig': case 'BUTTON.Pool': case 'BUTTON.GPU': $ret = $value; break; } if ($section == 'NOTIFY' && substr($name, 0, 1) == '*' && $value != '0') $class = $errorclass; if ($class == '' && $section != 'POOL') $class = classlastshare($when, $alldata, $lstclass, $lstclass); if ($class == '' && $section == 'total') $class = $totclass; if ($class == '' && ($rownum % 2) == 0) $class = $c2class; if ($ret === '') $ret = $b; return array($ret, $class); } # global $poolcmd; $poolcmd = array( 'Switch to' => 'switchpool', 'Enable' => 'enablepool', 'Disable' => 'disablepool', 'Remove' => 'removepool' ); # function showhead($cmd, $values, $justnames = false) { global $poolcmd, $readonly; newrow(); foreach ($values as $name => $value) { if ($name == '0' or $name == '') $name = ' '; echo ""; } if ($justnames === false && $cmd == 'pools' && $readonly === false) foreach ($poolcmd as $name => $pcmd) echo ""; endrow(); } # function showdatetime() { global $dfmt; otherrow(''); } # global $singlerigsum; $singlerigsum = array( 'devs' => array('MHS av' => 1, 'MHS 5s' => 1, 'Accepted' => 1, 'Rejected' => 1, 'Hardware Errors' => 1, 'Utility' => 1, 'Total MH' => 1), 'pools' => array('Getworks' => 1, 'Accepted' => 1, 'Rejected' => 1, 'Discarded' => 1, 'Stale' => 1, 'Get Failures' => 1, 'Remote Failures' => 1, 'Diff1 Shares' => 1), 'notify' => array('*' => 1)); # function showtotal($total, $when, $oldvalues) { global $rigtotals; list($showvalue, $class) = fmt('total', '', 'Total:', $when, null); echo "$showvalue"; $skipfirst = true; foreach ($oldvalues as $name => $value) { if ($skipfirst === true) { $skipfirst = false; continue; } if (isset($total[$name])) $newvalue = $total[$name]; else $newvalue = ''; list($showvalue, $class) = fmt('total', $name, $newvalue, $when, null); echo "$showvalue"; } } # function details($cmd, $list, $rig) { global $dfmt, $poolcmd, $readonly, $showndate; global $rownum, $rigtotals, $forcerigtotals, $singlerigsum; $when = 0; $stas = array('S' => 'Success', 'W' => 'Warning', 'I' => 'Informational', 'E' => 'Error', 'F' => 'Fatal'); newtable(); if ($showndate === false) { showdatetime(); endtable(); newtable(); $showndate = true; } if (isset($list['STATUS'])) { newrow(); echo ''; if (isset($list['STATUS']['When'])) { echo ''; $when = $list['STATUS']['When']; } $sta = $list['STATUS']['STATUS']; echo ''; echo ''; endrow(); } if ($rigtotals === true && isset($singlerigsum[$cmd])) $dototal = $singlerigsum[$cmd]; else $dototal = array(); $total = array(); $section = ''; $oldvalues = null; foreach ($list as $item => $values) { if ($item == 'STATUS') continue; $sectionname = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $item); // Handle 'devs' possibly containing >1 table if ($sectionname != $section) { if ($oldvalues != null && count($total) > 0 && ($rownum > 2 || $forcerigtotals === true)) showtotal($total, $when, $oldvalues); endtable(); newtable(); showhead($cmd, $values); $section = $sectionname; } newrow(); foreach ($values as $name => $value) { list($showvalue, $class) = fmt($section, $name, $value, $when, $values); echo "$showvalue"; if (isset($dototal[$name]) || (isset($dototal['*']) and substr($name, 0, 1) == '*')) { if (isset($total[$name])) $total[$name] += $value; else $total[$name] = $value; } } if ($cmd == 'pools' && $readonly === false) { reset($values); $pool = current($values); foreach ($poolcmd as $name => $pcmd) { list($ignore, $class) = fmt('BUTTON', 'Pool', '', $when, $values); echo ""; if ($pool === false) echo ' '; else { echo ""; } echo ''; } } endrow(); $oldvalues = $values; } if ($oldvalues != null && count($total) > 0 && ($rownum > 2 || $forcerigtotals === true)) showtotal($total, $when, $oldvalues); endtable(); } # global $devs; $devs = null; # function gpubuttons($count, $rig) { global $devs; $basic = array( 'GPU', 'Enable', 'Disable', 'Restart' ); $options = array( 'intensity' => 'Intensity', 'fan' => 'Fan Percent', 'engine' => 'GPU Clock', 'mem' => 'Memory Clock', 'vddc' => 'GPU Voltage' ); newtable(); newrow(); foreach ($basic as $head) echo ""; foreach ($options as $name => $des) echo ""; $n = 0; for ($c = 0; $c < $count; $c++) { endrow(); newrow(); foreach ($basic as $name) { list($ignore, $class) = fmt('BUTTON', 'GPU', '', 0, null); echo ""; if ($name == 'GPU') echo $c; else { echo ""; } echo ''; } foreach ($options as $name => $des) { list($ignore, $class) = fmt('BUTTON', 'GPU', '', 0, null); echo ""; if (!isset($devs["GPU$c"][$des])) echo ' '; else { $value = $devs["GPU$c"][$des]; echo ""; echo ""; $n++; } echo ''; } } endrow(); endtable(); } # function processgpus($rig) { global $error; global $warnfont, $warnoff; $gpus = api('gpucount'); if ($error != null) otherrow(""); else { if (!isset($gpus['GPUS']['Count'])) { $rw = ''; otherrow($rw); } else { $count = $gpus['GPUS']['Count']; if ($count == 0) otherrow(''); else gpubuttons($count, $rig); } } } # function showpoolinputs($rig, $ans) { global $readonly, $poolinputs; if ($readonly === true || $poolinputs === false) return; newtable(); newrow(); $inps = array('Pool URL' => array('purl', 20), 'Worker Name' => array('pwork', 10), 'Worker Password' => array('ppass', 10)); $b = ' '; echo ""; endrow(); if (count($ans) > 1) { newrow(); echo ''; echo ""; endrow(); } endtable(); } # function process($cmds, $rig) { global $error, $devs; global $warnfont, $warnoff; $count = count($cmds); foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $des) { $process = api($cmd); if ($error != null) { otherrow(""); break; } else { details($cmd, $process, $rig); if ($cmd == 'devs') $devs = $process; if ($cmd == 'pools') showpoolinputs($rig, $process); # Not after the last one if (--$count > 0) otherrow(''); } } } # function rigbutton($rig, $rigname, $when, $row) { global $rigs; if (isset($rigs[$rig])) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[$rig], 3); if (count($parts) == 3) $rigname = $parts[2]; } list($value, $class) = fmt('BUTTON', 'Rig', '', $when, $row); $button = ""; return $button; } # function showrigs($anss, $headname, $rigname) { $dthead = array($headname => 1, 'STATUS' => 1, 'Description' => 1, 'When' => 1, 'API' => 1, 'CGMiner' => 1); showhead('', $dthead); foreach ($anss as $rig => $ans) { if ($ans == null) continue; newrow(); $when = 0; if (isset($ans['STATUS']['When'])) $when = $ans['STATUS']['When']; foreach ($ans as $item => $row) { if ($item != 'STATUS' && $item != 'VERSION') continue; foreach ($dthead as $name => $x) { if ($item == 'STATUS' && $name == $headname) echo rigbutton($rig, $rigname.$rig, $when, null); else { if (isset($row[$name])) { list($showvalue, $class) = fmt('STATUS', $name, $row[$name], $when, null); echo "$showvalue"; } } } } endrow(); } } # # $head is a hack but this is just a demo anyway :) function doforeach($cmd, $des, $sum, $head, $datetime) { global $miner, $port; global $error, $readonly, $notify, $rigs; global $warnfont, $warnoff, $dfmt; global $rigerror; $when = 0; $header = $head; $anss = array(); $count = 0; $preverr = count($rigerror); foreach ($rigs as $num => $rig) { $anss[$num] = null; if (isset($rigerror[$rig])) continue; $parts = explode(':', $rig, 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; if (count($parts) > 2) $name = $parts[2]; else $name = $num; $ans = api($cmd); if ($error != null) { $rw = ""; otherrow($rw); $rigerror[$rig] = $error; $error = null; } else { $anss[$num] = $ans; $count++; } } } if ($count == 0) { $rw = ''; otherrow($rw); return; } if ($datetime) { showdatetime(); endtable(); newtable(); showrigs($anss, '', 'Rig '); endtable(); otherrow(''); newtable(); return; } $total = array(); foreach ($anss as $rig => $ans) { if ($ans == null) continue; foreach ($ans as $item => $row) { if ($item == 'STATUS') continue; if (count($row) > count($header)) { $header = $head; foreach ($row as $name => $value) if (!isset($header[$name])) $header[$name] = ''; } if ($sum != null) foreach ($sum as $name) { if (isset($row[$name])) { if (isset($total[$name])) $total[$name] += $row[$name]; else $total[$name] = $row[$name]; } } } } if ($sum != null) $anss['total']['total'] = $total; showhead('', $header); foreach ($anss as $rig => $ans) { if ($ans == null) continue; $when = 0; if (isset($ans['STATUS']['When'])) $when = $ans['STATUS']['When']; foreach ($ans as $item => $row) { if ($item == 'STATUS') continue; newrow(); $section = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $item); foreach ($header as $name => $x) { if ($name == '') { if ($rig === 'total') { list($ignore, $class) = fmt($rig, '', '', $when, $row); echo ""; } else echo rigbutton($rig, "Rig $rig", $when, $row); } else { if (isset($row[$name])) $value = $row[$name]; else $value = null; list($showvalue, $class) = fmt($section, $name, $value, $when, $row); echo "$showvalue"; } } endrow(); } } } # function refreshbuttons() { global $readonly; global $ignorerefresh, $changerefresh, $autorefresh; if ($ignorerefresh == false && $changerefresh == true) { echo '    '; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } } # function pagebuttons($rig, $pg) { global $readonly, $rigs; global $allowcustompages, $customsummarypages; if ($rig === null) { if ($pg === null) $refresh = ''; else $refresh = "&pg=$pg"; } else $refresh = "&rig=$rig"; echo '"; } # function doOne($rig, $preprocess) { global $haderror, $readonly, $notify, $rigs; global $placebuttons; htmlhead(true, $rig); if ($placebuttons == 'top' || $placebuttons == 'both') pagebuttons($rig, null); if ($preprocess != null) process(array($preprocess => $preprocess), $rig); $cmds = array( 'devs' => 'device list', 'summary' => 'summary information', 'pools' => 'pool list'); if ($notify) $cmds['notify'] = 'device status'; $cmds['config'] = 'cgminer config'; process($cmds, $rig); if ($haderror == false && $readonly === false) processgpus($rig); if ($placebuttons == 'bot' || $placebuttons == 'both') pagebuttons($rig, null); } # global $sectionmap; # map sections to their api command # DEVS is a special case that will match GPU or PGA # so you can have a single table with both in it # DATE is hard coded so not in here $sectionmap = array( 'RIGS' => 'version', 'SUMMARY' => 'summary', 'POOL' => 'pools', 'DEVS' => 'devs', 'GPU' => 'devs', // You would normally use DEVS 'PGA' => 'devs', // You would normally use DEVS 'NOTIFY' => 'notify', 'DEVDETAILS' => 'devdetails', 'STATS' => 'stats', 'CONFIG' => 'config'); # function joinfields($section1, $section2, $join, $results) { global $sectionmap; $name1 = $sectionmap[$section1]; $name2 = $sectionmap[$section2]; $newres = array(); // foreach rig in section1 foreach ($results[$name1] as $rig => $result) { $status = null; // foreach answer section in the rig api call foreach ($result as $name1b => $fields1b) { if ($name1b == 'STATUS') { // remember the STATUS from section1 $status = $result[$name1b]; continue; } // foreach answer section in the rig api call (for the other api command) foreach ($results[$name2][$rig] as $name2b => $fields2b) { if ($name2b == 'STATUS') continue; // If match the same field values of fields in $join $match = true; foreach ($join as $field) if ($fields1b[$field] != $fields2b[$field]) { $match = false; break; } if ($match === true) { if ($status != null) { $newres[$rig]['STATUS'] = $status; $status = null; } $subsection = $section1.'+'.$section2; $subsection .= preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $name1b.$name2b); foreach ($fields1b as $nam => $val) $newres[$rig][$subsection]["$section1.$nam"] = $val; foreach ($fields2b as $nam => $val) $newres[$rig][$subsection]["$section2.$nam"] = $val; } } } } return $newres; } # function joinall($section1, $section2, $results) { global $sectionmap; $name1 = $sectionmap[$section1]; $name2 = $sectionmap[$section2]; $newres = array(); // foreach rig in section1 foreach ($results[$name1] as $rig => $result) { // foreach answer section in the rig api call foreach ($result as $name1b => $fields1b) { if ($name1b == 'STATUS') { // copy the STATUS from section1 $newres[$rig][$name1b] = $result[$name1b]; continue; } // foreach answer section in the rig api call (for the other api command) foreach ($results[$name2][$rig] as $name2b => $fields2b) { if ($name2b == 'STATUS') continue; $subsection = $section1.'+'.$section2; $subsection .= preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $name1b.$name2b); foreach ($fields1b as $nam => $val) $newres[$rig][$subsection]["$section1.$nam"] = $val; foreach ($fields2b as $nam => $val) $newres[$rig][$subsection]["$section2.$nam"] = $val; } } } return $newres; } # function joinsections($sections, $results, $errors) { global $sectionmap; #echo "results['pools']=".print_r($results['pools'],true)."
"; // GPU's don't have Name,ID fields - so create them foreach ($results as $section => $res) foreach ($res as $rig => $result) foreach ($result as $name => $fields) { $subname = preg_replace('/[0-9]/', '', $name); if ($subname == 'GPU' and isset($result[$name]['GPU'])) { $results[$section][$rig][$name]['Name'] = 'GPU'; $results[$section][$rig][$name]['ID'] = $result[$name]['GPU']; } } foreach ($sections as $section => $fields) if ($section != 'DATE' && !isset($sectionmap[$section])) { $both = explode('+', $section, 2); if (count($both) > 1) { switch($both[0]) { case 'SUMMARY': switch($both[1]) { case 'POOL': case 'DEVS': case 'CONFIG': $sectionmap[$section] = $section; $results[$section] = joinall($both[0], $both[1], $results); break; default: $errors[] = "Error: Invalid section '$section'"; break; } break; case 'DEVS': $join = array('Name', 'ID'); switch($both[1]) { case 'NOTIFY': case 'DEVDETAILS': $sectionmap[$section] = $section; $results[$section] = joinfields($both[0], $both[1], $join, $results); break; default: $errors[] = "Error: Invalid section '$section'"; break; } break; default: $errors[] = "Error: Invalid section '$section'"; break; } } else $errors[] = "Error: Invalid section '$section'"; } return array($results, $errors); } # function secmatch($section, $field) { if ($section == $field) return true; if ($section == 'DEVS' && ($field == 'GPU' || $field == 'PGA')) return true; return false; } # function customset($showfields, $sum, $section, $rig, $isbutton, $result, $total) { foreach ($result as $sec => $row) { $secname = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $sec); if ($sec != 'total') if (!secmatch($section, $secname)) continue; newrow(); $when = 0; if (isset($result['STATUS']['When'])) $when = $result['STATUS']['When']; if ($isbutton) echo rigbutton($rig, $rig, $when, $row); else { list($ignore, $class) = fmt('total', '', '', $when, $row); echo ""; } foreach ($showfields as $name => $one) { if (isset($row[$name])) { $value = $row[$name]; if (isset($sum[$section][$name])) { if (isset($total[$name])) $total[$name] += $value; else $total[$name] = $value; } } else { if ($sec == 'total' && isset($total[$name])) $value = $total[$name]; else $value = null; } if (strpos($secname, '+') === false) list($showvalue, $class) = fmt($secname, $name, $value, $when, $row); else { $parts = explode('.', $name, 2); list($showvalue, $class) = fmt($parts[0], $parts[1], $value, $when, $row); } echo "$showvalue"; } endrow(); } return $total; } # function processcustompage($pagename, $sections, $sum, $namemap) { global $sectionmap; global $miner, $port; global $rigs, $error; global $warnfont, $warnoff; global $dfmt; global $readonly, $showndate; $cmds = array(); $errors = array(); foreach ($sections as $section => $fields) { $all = explode('+', $section); foreach ($all as $section) { if (isset($sectionmap[$section])) { $cmd = $sectionmap[$section]; if (!isset($cmds[$cmd])) $cmds[$cmd] = 1; } else if ($section != 'DATE') $errors[] = "Error: unknown section '$section' in custom summary page '$pagename'"; } } $results = array(); foreach ($rigs as $num => $rig) { $parts = explode(':', $rig, 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; if (count($parts) > 2) $name = $parts[2]; else $name = $rig; foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $one) { $process = api($cmd); if ($error != null) { $errors[] = "Error getting $cmd for $name $warnfont$error$warnoff"; break; } else $results[$cmd][$num] = $process; } } } $shownsomething = false; if (count($results) > 0) { list($results, $errors) = joinsections($sections, $results, $errors); $first = true; foreach ($sections as $section => $fields) { if ($section === 'DATE') { if ($shownsomething) otherrow(''); newtable(); showdatetime(); endtable(); // On top of the next table $shownsomething = false; continue; } if ($section === 'RIGS') { if ($shownsomething) otherrow(''); newtable(); showrigs($results['version'], 'Rig', ''); endtable(); $shownsomething = true; continue; } if (isset($results[$sectionmap[$section]])) { $rigresults = $results[$sectionmap[$section]]; $showfields = array(); $showhead = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) foreach ($rigresults as $result) foreach ($result as $sec => $row) { $secname = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $sec); if (secmatch($section, $secname)) { if ($field === '*') { foreach ($row as $f => $v) { $showfields[$f] = 1; $map = $section.'.'.$f; if (isset($namemap[$map])) $showhead[$namemap[$map]] = 1; else $showhead[$f] = 1; } } elseif (isset($row[$field])) { $showfields[$field] = 1; $map = $section.'.'.$field; if (isset($namemap[$map])) $showhead[$namemap[$map]] = 1; else $showhead[$field] = 1; } } } if (count($showfields) > 0) { if ($shownsomething) otherrow(''); newtable(); showhead('', array('Rig'=>1)+$showhead, true); $total = array(); $add = array('total' => array()); foreach ($rigresults as $num => $result) $total = customset($showfields, $sum, $section, $num, true, $result, $total); if (count($total) > 0) customset($showfields, $sum, $section, 'Σ', false, $add, $total); $first = false; endtable(); $shownsomething = true; } } } } if (count($errors) > 0) { if (count($results) > 0) otherrow(''); foreach ($errors as $err) otherrow(""); } } # function showcustompage($pagename) { global $customsummarypages; global $placebuttons; htmlhead(false, null, $pagename); if ($placebuttons == 'top' || $placebuttons == 'both') pagebuttons(null, $pagename); if (!isset($customsummarypages[$pagename])) { otherrow(""); return; } if (count($customsummarypages[$pagename]) != 2) { $rw = "'; otherrow($rw); return; } $page = $customsummarypages[$pagename][0]; $namemap = array(); foreach ($page as $name => $fields) { if ($fields === null) $page[$name] = array(); else foreach ($fields as $num => $field) { $pos = strpos($field, '='); if ($pos !== false) { $names = explode('=', $field, 2); if (strlen($names[1]) > 0) $namemap[$name.'.'.$names[0]] = $names[1]; $page[$name][$num] = $names[0]; } } } $sum = $customsummarypages[$pagename][1]; if ($sum === null) $sum = array(); // convert them to searchable via isset() foreach ($sum as $section => $fields) { $newfields = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) $newfields[$field] = 1; $sum[$section] = $newfields; } if (count($page) <= 1) { otherrow(""); return; } processcustompage($pagename, $page, $sum, $namemap); if ($placebuttons == 'bot' || $placebuttons == 'both') pagebuttons(null, $pagename); } # function display() { global $miner, $port; global $readonly, $notify, $rigs; global $ignorerefresh, $autorefresh; global $allowcustompages; global $placebuttons; if ($ignorerefresh == false) { $ref = trim(getparam('ref', true)); if ($ref != null && $ref != '') $autorefresh = intval($ref); } $rig = trim(getparam('rig', true)); $arg = trim(getparam('arg', true)); $preprocess = null; if ($arg != null and $arg != '') { $num = null; if ($rig != null and $rig != '') { if ($rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs)) $num = $rig; } else if (count($rigs) == 0) $num = 0; if ($num != null) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[$num], 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; if ($readonly !== true) $preprocess = $arg; } } } if ($rigs == null or count($rigs) == 0) { otherrow(""); return; } if ($allowcustompages === true) { $pg = trim(getparam('pg', true)); if ($pg != null && $pg != '') { showcustompage($pg); return; } } if (count($rigs) == 1) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[0], 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; doOne(0, $preprocess); } else otherrow(''); return; } if ($rig != null and $rig != '' and $rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs)) { $parts = explode(':', $rigs[$rig], 3); if (count($parts) >= 2) { $miner = $parts[0]; $port = $parts[1]; doOne($rig, $preprocess); } else otherrow(''); return; } htmlhead(false, null); if ($placebuttons == 'top' || $placebuttons == 'both') pagebuttons(null, null); if ($preprocess != null) process(array($preprocess => $preprocess), $rig); newtable(); doforeach('version', 'rig summary', array(), array(), true); $sum = array('MHS av', 'Getworks', 'Found Blocks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Discarded', 'Stale', 'Utility', 'Local Work', 'Total MH'); doforeach('summary', 'summary information', $sum, array(), false); endtable(); otherrow(''); newtable(); doforeach('devs', 'device list', $sum, array(''=>'','ID'=>'','Name'=>''), false); endtable(); otherrow(''); newtable(); doforeach('pools', 'pool list', $sum, array(''=>''), false); endtable(); if ($placebuttons == 'bot' || $placebuttons == 'both') pagebuttons(null, null); } # display(); # ?>
$name$nameDate: '.date($dfmt).'Computer: '.$list['STATUS']['Description'].'When: '.date($dfmt, $list['STATUS']['When']).'Status: '.$stas[$sta].'Message: '.$list['STATUS']['Msg'].'$head$desError getting GPU count: $warnfont$error$warnoffNo GPU count returned: '.$warnfont; $rw .= $gpus['STATUS']['STATUS'].' '.$gpus['STATUS']['Msg']; $rw .= $warnoff.'No GPUs Add a pool: "; foreach ($inps as $text => $name) echo "$text: "; echo " Set pool priorities: Comma list of pool numbers: "; echo "Error getting $des: $warnfont$error$warnoff

Error on rig $name getting "; $rw .= "$des: $warnfont$error$warnoffFailed to access any rigs successfully'; if ($preverr > 0) $rw .= ' (or rigs had previous errors)'; $rw .= '

'; echo " "; if (count($rigs) > 1) echo " "; if ($allowcustompages === true) foreach ($customsummarypages as $pagename => $data) echo " "; echo ' '; if ($rig !== null && $readonly === false) { $rg = ''; if (count($rigs) > 1) $rg = " Rig $rig"; echo ""; echo " "; } refreshbuttons(); echo "
$rig    $errUnknown custom summary page '$pagename'Invalid custom summary page '$pagename' ("; $rw .= count($customsummarypages[$pagename]).')Invalid custom summary page '$pagename' no content No rigs definedInvalid "$rigs" arrayInvalid "$rigs" array