<?php session_start(); # global $miner, $port, $readonly, $notify; $miner = ''; # hostname or IP address $port = 4028; # # Set $readonly to true to force miner.php to be readonly # Set $readonly to false then it will check cgminer 'privileged' $readonly = false; # # Set $notify to false to NOT attempt to display the notify command # Set $notify to true to attempt to display the notify command # If your older version of cgminer returns an 'Invalid command' # coz it doesn't have notify - it just shows the error status table $notify = true; # $here = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; # function htmlhead() { global $error, $readonly, $here; if ($readonly === false) { $access = api('privileged'); if ($error != null || !isset($access['STATUS']['STATUS']) || $access['STATUS']['STATUS'] != 'S') $readonly = true; } ?> <html><head><title>Mine</title> <style type='text/css'> td { color:blue; font-family:verdana,arial,sans; font-size:13pt; } td.h { color:blue; font-family:verdana,arial,sans; font-size:13pt; background:#d0ffff } td.err { color:black; font-family:verdana,arial,sans; font-size:13pt; background:#ff3050 } td.warn { color:black; font-family:verdana,arial,sans; font-size:13pt; background:#ffb050 } td.sta { color:green; font-family:verdana,arial,sans; font-size:13pt; } </style> </head><body bgcolor=#ecffff> <script type='text/javascript'> function pr(a,m){if(m!=null){if(!confirm(m+'?'))return}window.location="<?php echo $here ?>"+a} <?php if ($readonly === false) { ?> function prc(a,m){pr('?arg='+a,m)} function prs(a){var c=a.substr(3);var z=c.split('|',2);var m=z[0].substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+z[0].substr(1)+' GPU '+z[1];prc(a,m)} function prs2(a,n){var v=document.getElementById('gi'+n).value;var c=a.substr(3);var z=c.split('|',2);var m='Set GPU '+z[1]+' '+z[0].substr(0,1).toUpperCase()+z[0].substr(1)+' to '+v;prc(a+','+v,m)} <?php } ?> </script> <table width=100% height=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary='Mine'> <tr><td align=center valign=top> <table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 summary='Mine'> <?php } # global $error; $error = null; # function getsock($addr, $port) { global $error; $socket = null; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($socket === false || $socket === null) { $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); $msg = "socket create(TCP) failed"; $error = "ERR: $msg '$error'\n"; return null; } $res = socket_connect($socket, $addr, $port); if ($res === false) { $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); $msg = "socket connect($addr,$port) failed"; $error = "ERR: $msg '$error'\n"; socket_close($socket); return null; } return $socket; } # function readsockline($socket) { $line = ''; while (true) { $byte = socket_read($socket, 1); if ($byte === false || $byte === '') break; if ($byte === "\0") break; $line .= $byte; } return $line; } # function api($cmd) { global $miner, $port; $socket = getsock($miner, $port); if ($socket != null) { socket_write($socket, $cmd, strlen($cmd)); $line = readsockline($socket); socket_close($socket); if (strlen($line) == 0) { $error = "WARN: '$cmd' returned nothing\n"; return $line; } # print "$cmd returned '$line'\n"; $data = array(); $objs = explode('|', $line); foreach ($objs as $obj) { if (strlen($obj) > 0) { $items = explode(',', $obj); $item = $items[0]; $id = explode('=', $items[0], 2); if (count($id) == 1 or !ctype_digit($id[1])) $name = $id[0]; else $name = $id[0].$id[1]; if (strlen($name) == 0) $name = 'null'; if (isset($data[$name])) { $num = 1; while (isset($data[$name.$num])) $num++; $name .= $num; } $counter = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $id = explode('=', $item, 2); if (count($id) == 2) $data[$name][$id[0]] = $id[1]; else $data[$name][$counter] = $id[0]; $counter++; } } } return $data; } return null; } # function getparam($name, $both = false) { $a = null; if (isset($_POST[$name])) $a = $_POST[$name]; if (($both === true) and ($a === null)) { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $a = $_GET[$name]; } if ($a == '' || $a == null) return null; // limit to 1K just to be safe return substr($a, 0, 1024); } # function fmt($section, $name, $value) { $errorclass = ' class=err'; $warnclass = ' class=warn'; $b = ' '; $ret = $value; $class = ''; switch ($section.'.'.$name) { case 'GPU.Last Share Time': case 'PGA.Last Share Time': $ret = date('H:i:s', $value); break; case 'SUMMARY.Elapsed': $s = $value % 60; $value -= $s; $value /= 60; if ($value == 0) $ret = $s.'s'; else { $m = $value % 60; $value -= $m; $value /= 60; if ($value == 0) $ret = sprintf("%dm$b%02ds", $m, $s); else { $h = $value % 24; $value -= $h; $value /= 24; if ($value == 0) $ret = sprintf("%dh$b%02dm$b%02ds", $h, $m, $s); else $ret = sprintf("%ddays$b%02dh$b%02dm$b%02ds", $value, $h, $m, $s); } } break; case 'NOTIFY.Last Well': if ($value == '0') { $ret = 'Never'; $class = $warnclass; } else $ret = date('H:i:s', $value); break; case 'NOTIFY.Last Not Well': if ($value == '0') $ret = 'Never'; else { $ret = date('H:i:s', $value); $class = $errorclass; } break; case 'NOTIFY.Reason Not Well': if ($value != 'None') $class = $errorclass; break; case 'GPU.Utility': case 'PGA.Utility': case 'SUMMARY.Utility': $ret = $value.'/m'; break; case 'GPU.Temperature': case 'PGA.Temperature': $ret = $value.'°C'; break; } if ($section == 'NOTIFY' && substr($name, 0, 1) == '*' && $value != '0') $class = $errorclass; return array($ret, $class); } # global $poolcmd; $poolcmd = array( 'Switch to' => 'switchpool', 'Enable' => 'enablepool', 'Disable' => 'disablepool' ); # function showhead($cmd, $item, $values) { global $poolcmd, $readonly; echo '<tr>'; foreach ($values as $name => $value) { if ($name == '0') $name = ' '; echo "<td valign=bottom class=h>$name</td>"; } if ($cmd == 'pools' && $readonly === false) foreach ($poolcmd as $name => $pcmd) echo "<td valign=bottom class=h>$name</td>"; echo '</tr>'; } # function details($cmd, $list) { global $poolcmd, $readonly; $dfmt = 'H:i:s j-M-Y \U\T\CP'; $stas = array('S' => 'Success', 'W' => 'Warning', 'I' => 'Informational', 'E' => 'Error', 'F' => 'Fatal'); $tb = '<tr><td><table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>'; $te = '</table></td></tr>'; echo $tb; echo '<tr><td class=sta>Date: '.date($dfmt).'</td></tr>'; echo $te.$tb; if (isset($list['STATUS'])) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td>Computer: '.$list['STATUS']['Description'].'</td>'; if (isset($list['STATUS']['When'])) echo '<td>When: '.date($dfmt, $list['STATUS']['When']).'</td>'; $sta = $list['STATUS']['STATUS']; echo '<td>Status: '.$stas[$sta].'</td>'; echo '<td>Message: '.$list['STATUS']['Msg'].'</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } $section = ''; foreach ($list as $item => $values) { if ($item == 'STATUS') continue; $sectionname = preg_replace('/\d/', '', $item); if ($sectionname != $section) { echo $te.$tb; showhead($cmd, $item, $values); $section = $sectionname; } echo '<tr>'; foreach ($values as $name => $value) { list($showvalue, $class) = fmt($section, $name, $value); echo "<td$class>$showvalue</td>"; } if ($cmd == 'pools' && $readonly === false) { reset($values); $pool = current($values); foreach ($poolcmd as $name => $pcmd) { echo '<td>'; if ($pool === false) echo ' '; else { echo "<input type=button value='Pool $pool'"; echo " onclick='prc(\"$pcmd|$pool\",\"$name Pool $pool\")'>"; } echo '</td>'; } } echo '</tr>'; } echo $te; } # global $devs; $devs = null; # function gpubuttons($count) { global $devs; $basic = array( 'GPU', 'Enable', 'Disable', 'Restart' ); $options = array( 'intensity' => 'Intensity', 'fan' => 'Fan Percent', 'engine' => 'GPU Clock', 'mem' => 'Memory Clock', 'vddc' => 'GPU Voltage' ); $tb = '<tr><td><table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>'; $te = '</table></td></tr>'; echo $tb.'<tr>'; foreach ($basic as $head) echo "<td>$head</td>"; foreach ($options as $name => $des) echo "<td nowrap>$des</td>"; $n = 0; for ($c = 0; $c < $count; $c++) { echo '</tr><tr>'; foreach ($basic as $name) { echo '<td>'; if ($name == 'GPU') echo $c; else { echo "<input type=button value='$name $c' onclick='prs(\"gpu"; echo strtolower($name); echo "|$c\")'>"; } echo '</td>'; } foreach ($options as $name => $des) { echo '<td>'; if (!isset($devs["GPU$c"][$des])) echo ' '; else { $value = $devs["GPU$c"][$des]; echo "<input type=button value='Set $c:' onclick='prs2(\"gpu$name|$c\",$n)'>"; echo "<input size=7 type=text name=gi$n value='$value' id=gi$n>"; $n++; } echo '</td>'; } } echo '</tr>'.$te; } # function processgpus($rd, $ro) { global $error; $gpus = api('gpucount'); if ($error != null) echo '<tr><td>Error getting GPU count: '.$rd.$error.$ro.'</td></tr>'; else { if (!isset($gpus['GPUS']['Count'])) echo '<tr><td>No GPU count returned: '.$rd.$gpus['STATUS']['STATUS'].' '.$gpus['STATUS']['Msg'].$ro.'</td></tr>'; else { $count = $gpus['GPUS']['Count']; if ($count == 0) echo '<tr><td>No GPUs</td></tr>'; else gpubuttons($count); } } } # function process($cmds, $rd, $ro) { global $error, $devs; foreach ($cmds as $cmd => $des) { $process = api($cmd); if ($error != null) { echo "<tr><td>Error getting $des: "; echo $rd.$error.$ro.'</td></tr>'; break; } else { details($cmd, $process); echo '<tr><td><br><br></td></tr>'; if ($cmd == 'devs') $devs = $process; } } } # function display() { global $error, $readonly, $notify; $error = null; $rd = '<font color=red><b>'; $ro = '</b></font>'; echo "<tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td>"; echo "<input type=button value='Refresh' onclick='pr(\"\",null)'>"; echo "</td><td width=100%> </td><td>"; if ($readonly === false) echo "<input type=button value='Quit' onclick='prc(\"quit\",\"Quit CGMiner\")'>"; echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr>"; $arg = trim(getparam('arg', true)); if ($arg != null and $arg != '') process(array($arg => $arg), $rd, $ro); $cmds = array( 'devs' => 'device list', 'summary' => 'summary information', 'pools' => 'pool list'); if ($notify) $cmds['notify'] = 'device status'; $cmds['config'] = 'cgminer config'; process($cmds, $rd, $ro); if ($error == null && $readonly === false) processgpus($rd, $ro); } # htmlhead(); display(); # ?> </table></td></tr></table> </body></html>