#ifndef __MINER_H__ #define __MINER_H__ #include "config.h" #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <jansson.h> #include <curl/curl.h> #include "elist.h" #include "uthash.h" #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ #include <OpenCL/opencl.h> #else #include <CL/cl.h> #endif #endif /* HAVE_OPENCL */ #ifdef STDC_HEADERS # include <stdlib.h> # include <stddef.h> #else # ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H # include <stdlib.h> # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_ALLOCA_H # include <alloca.h> #elif defined __GNUC__ # ifndef WIN32 # define alloca __builtin_alloca # else # include <malloc.h> # endif #elif defined _AIX # define alloca __alloca #elif defined _MSC_VER # include <malloc.h> # define alloca _alloca #else # ifndef HAVE_ALLOCA # ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" # endif void *alloca (size_t); # endif #endif #if defined (__linux) #ifndef LINUX #define LINUX #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_ADL #include "ADL_SDK/adl_sdk.h" #endif #ifdef __SSE2__ #define WANT_SSE2_4WAY 1 #endif #ifdef __ALTIVEC__ #define WANT_ALTIVEC_4WAY 1 #endif #if defined(__i386__) && defined(HAS_YASM) && defined(__SSE2__) #define WANT_X8632_SSE2 1 #endif #if (defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)) && !defined(__APPLE__) #define WANT_VIA_PADLOCK 1 #endif #if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(HAS_YASM) #define WANT_X8664_SSE2 1 #endif #if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(HAS_YASM) #define WANT_X8664_SSE4 1 #endif #if !defined(WIN32) && ((__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) #define bswap_16 __builtin_bswap16 #define bswap_32 __builtin_bswap32 #define bswap_64 __builtin_bswap64 #else #if HAVE_BYTESWAP_H #include <byteswap.h> #elif defined(USE_SYS_ENDIAN_H) #include <sys/endian.h> #elif defined(__APPLE__) #include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h> #define bswap_16 OSSwapInt16 #define bswap_32 OSSwapInt32 #define bswap_64 OSSwapInt64 #else #define bswap_16(value) \ ((((value) & 0xff) << 8) | ((value) >> 8)) #define bswap_32(value) \ (((uint32_t)bswap_16((uint16_t)((value) & 0xffff)) << 16) | \ (uint32_t)bswap_16((uint16_t)((value) >> 16))) #define bswap_64(value) \ (((uint64_t)bswap_32((uint32_t)((value) & 0xffffffff)) \ << 32) | \ (uint64_t)bswap_32((uint32_t)((value) >> 32))) #endif #endif /* !defined(__GLXBYTEORDER_H__) */ /* This assumes htobe32 is a macro in endian.h */ #ifndef htobe32 # if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN # define be32toh(x) bswap_32(x) # define htobe32(x) bswap_32(x) # elif __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN # define be32toh(x) (x) # define htobe32(x) (x) #else #error UNKNOWN BYTE ORDER #endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H #include <syslog.h> #else enum { LOG_ERR, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NOTICE, LOG_INFO, LOG_DEBUG, }; #endif #undef unlikely #undef likely #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 2) && defined(__OPTIMIZE__) #define unlikely(expr) (__builtin_expect(!!(expr), 0)) #define likely(expr) (__builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1)) #else #define unlikely(expr) (expr) #define likely(expr) (expr) #endif #if defined(__i386__) #define WANT_CRYPTOPP_ASM32 #endif #ifndef ARRAY_SIZE #define ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof((arr)[0])) #endif enum sha256_algos { ALGO_C, /* plain C */ ALGO_4WAY, /* parallel SSE2 */ ALGO_VIA, /* VIA padlock */ ALGO_CRYPTOPP, /* Crypto++ (C) */ ALGO_CRYPTOPP_ASM32, /* Crypto++ 32-bit assembly */ ALGO_SSE2_32, /* SSE2 for x86_32 */ ALGO_SSE2_64, /* SSE2 for x86_64 */ ALGO_SSE4_64, /* SSE4 for x86_64 */ ALGO_ALTIVEC_4WAY, /* parallel Altivec */ }; enum alive { LIFE_WELL, LIFE_SICK, LIFE_DEAD, LIFE_NOSTART }; enum pool_strategy { POOL_FAILOVER, POOL_ROUNDROBIN, POOL_ROTATE, POOL_LOADBALANCE, }; #define TOP_STRATEGY (POOL_LOADBALANCE) struct strategies { const char *s; }; struct cgpu_info; #ifdef HAVE_ADL struct gpu_adl { ADLTemperature lpTemperature; int iAdapterIndex; int lpAdapterID; int iBusNumber; char strAdapterName[256]; ADLPMActivity lpActivity; ADLODParameters lpOdParameters; ADLODPerformanceLevels *DefPerfLev; ADLFanSpeedInfo lpFanSpeedInfo; ADLFanSpeedValue lpFanSpeedValue; ADLFanSpeedValue DefFanSpeedValue; ADLThermalControllerInfo lpThermalControllerInfo; int iEngineClock; int iMemoryClock; int iVddc; int iPercentage; bool autofan; bool autoengine; bool managed; /* Were the values ever changed on this card */ int lasttemp; int targetfan; int targettemp; int overtemp; int cutofftemp; int minspeed; int maxspeed; int gpu; bool has_fanspeed; struct gpu_adl *twin; }; #endif struct thr_info; struct work; struct device_api { char*name; // API-global functions void (*api_detect)(); // Device-specific functions void (*reinit_device)(struct cgpu_info*); void (*get_statline_before)(char*, struct cgpu_info*); void (*get_statline)(char*, struct cgpu_info*); // Thread-specific functions bool (*thread_prepare)(struct thr_info*); uint64_t (*can_limit_work)(struct thr_info*); bool (*thread_init)(struct thr_info*); void (*free_work)(struct thr_info*, struct work*); bool (*prepare_work)(struct thr_info*, struct work*); uint64_t (*scanhash)(struct thr_info*, struct work*, uint64_t); void (*thread_shutdown)(struct thr_info*); }; struct cgpu_info { int cgminer_id; struct device_api *api; int device_id; char *device_path; FILE *device_file; int device_fd; bool enabled; int accepted; int rejected; int hw_errors; double rolling; double total_mhashes; double utility; enum alive status; char init[40]; struct timeval last_message_tv; int threads; struct thr_info *thread; int virtual_gpu; bool dynamic; int intensity; #ifdef HAVE_ADL bool has_adl; struct gpu_adl adl; int gpu_engine; int min_engine; int gpu_fan; int min_fan; int gpu_memclock; int gpu_memdiff; int gpu_powertune; float gpu_vddc; #endif }; #ifndef WIN32 #define PTH(thr) ((thr)->pth) #else #define PTH(thr) ((thr)->pth.p) static inline void nanosleep(struct timespec *rgtp, void *__unused) { Sleep(rgtp->tv_nsec / 1000000); } #endif struct thread_q { struct list_head q; bool frozen; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t cond; }; struct thr_info { int id; pthread_t pth; struct thread_q *q; struct cgpu_info *cgpu; void *cgpu_data; struct timeval last; struct timeval sick; bool pause; bool getwork; double rolling; }; extern int thr_info_create(struct thr_info *thr, pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start) (void *), void *arg); extern void thr_info_cancel(struct thr_info *thr); struct string_elist { char *string; bool free_me; struct list_head list; }; static inline void string_elist_add(const char *s, struct list_head *head) { struct string_elist *n; n = calloc(1, sizeof(*n)); n->string = strdup(s); n->free_me = true; list_add_tail(&n->list, head); } static inline void string_elist_del(struct string_elist *item) { if (item->free_me) free(item->string); list_del(&item->list); } static inline uint32_t swab32(uint32_t v) { return bswap_32(v); } static inline void swap256(void *dest_p, const void *src_p) { uint32_t *dest = dest_p; const uint32_t *src = src_p; dest[0] = src[7]; dest[1] = src[6]; dest[2] = src[5]; dest[3] = src[4]; dest[4] = src[3]; dest[5] = src[2]; dest[6] = src[1]; dest[7] = src[0]; } extern void quit(int status, const char *format, ...); static inline void mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *lock) { if (unlikely(pthread_mutex_lock(lock))) quit(1, "WTF MUTEX ERROR ON LOCK!"); } static inline void mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *lock) { if (unlikely(pthread_mutex_unlock(lock))) quit(1, "WTF MUTEX ERROR ON UNLOCK!"); } static inline void wr_lock(pthread_rwlock_t *lock) { if (unlikely(pthread_rwlock_wrlock(lock))) quit(1, "WTF WRLOCK ERROR ON LOCK!"); } static inline void rd_lock(pthread_rwlock_t *lock) { if (unlikely(pthread_rwlock_rdlock(lock))) quit(1, "WTF RDLOCK ERROR ON LOCK!"); } static inline void rw_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *lock) { if (unlikely(pthread_rwlock_unlock(lock))) quit(1, "WTF RWLOCK ERROR ON UNLOCK!"); } static inline void rd_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *lock) { rw_unlock(lock); } static inline void wr_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *lock) { rw_unlock(lock); } static inline void mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *lock) { if (unlikely(pthread_mutex_init(lock, NULL))) quit(1, "Failed to pthread_mutex_init"); } static inline void rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *lock) { if (unlikely(pthread_rwlock_init(lock, NULL))) quit(1, "Failed to pthread_rwlock_init"); } struct pool; extern bool opt_debug; extern bool opt_protocol; extern bool opt_log_output; extern char *opt_kernel_path; extern char *opt_socks_proxy; extern char *cgminer_path; extern bool opt_autofan; extern bool opt_autoengine; extern bool use_curses; extern char *opt_api_description; extern int opt_api_port; extern bool opt_api_listen; extern bool opt_api_network; extern bool opt_delaynet; extern pthread_rwlock_t netacc_lock; extern const uint32_t sha256_init_state[]; extern json_t *json_rpc_call(CURL *curl, const char *url, const char *userpass, const char *rpc_req, bool, bool, bool *, struct pool *pool); extern char *bin2hex(const unsigned char *p, size_t len); extern bool hex2bin(unsigned char *p, const char *hexstr, size_t len); typedef bool (*sha256_func)(int thr_id, const unsigned char *pmidstate, unsigned char *pdata, unsigned char *phash1, unsigned char *phash, const unsigned char *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t nonce); extern bool ScanHash_4WaySSE2(int, const unsigned char *pmidstate, unsigned char *pdata, unsigned char *phash1, unsigned char *phash, const unsigned char *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t nonce); extern bool ScanHash_altivec_4way(int thr_id, const unsigned char *pmidstate, unsigned char *pdata, unsigned char *phash1, unsigned char *phash, const unsigned char *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t nonce); extern bool scanhash_via(int, const unsigned char *pmidstate, unsigned char *pdata, unsigned char *phash1, unsigned char *phash, const unsigned char *target, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t n); extern bool scanhash_c(int, const unsigned char *midstate, unsigned char *data, unsigned char *hash1, unsigned char *hash, const unsigned char *target, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t n); extern bool scanhash_cryptopp(int, const unsigned char *midstate,unsigned char *data, unsigned char *hash1, unsigned char *hash, const unsigned char *target, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t n); extern bool scanhash_asm32(int, const unsigned char *midstate,unsigned char *data, unsigned char *hash1, unsigned char *hash, const unsigned char *target, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t nonce); extern bool scanhash_sse2_64(int, const unsigned char *pmidstate, unsigned char *pdata, unsigned char *phash1, unsigned char *phash, const unsigned char *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t nonce); extern bool scanhash_sse4_64(int, const unsigned char *pmidstate, unsigned char *pdata, unsigned char *phash1, unsigned char *phash, const unsigned char *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t nonce); extern bool scanhash_sse2_32(int, const unsigned char *pmidstate, unsigned char *pdata, unsigned char *phash1, unsigned char *phash, const unsigned char *ptarget, uint32_t max_nonce, uint32_t *last_nonce, uint32_t nonce); extern int timeval_subtract (struct timeval *result, struct timeval *x, struct timeval *y); extern bool fulltest(const unsigned char *hash, const unsigned char *target); extern int opt_scantime; struct work_restart { volatile unsigned long restart; char padding[128 - sizeof(unsigned long)]; }; extern void kill_work(void); extern void reinit_device(struct cgpu_info *cgpu); #ifdef HAVE_ADL extern float gpu_temp(int gpu); extern int gpu_fanspeed(int gpu); extern int gpu_fanpercent(int gpu); extern bool gpu_stats(int gpu, float *temp, int *engineclock, int *memclock, float *vddc, int *activity, int *fanspeed, int *fanpercent, int *powertune); extern int set_fanspeed(int gpu, int iFanSpeed); extern int set_vddc(int gpu, float fVddc); extern int set_engineclock(int gpu, int iEngineClock); extern int set_memoryclock(int gpu, int iMemoryClock); #endif extern void api(void); #define MAX_GPUDEVICES 16 #define MAX_DEVICES 32 #define MAX_POOLS (32) #define MIN_INTENSITY -10 #define _MIN_INTENSITY_STR "-10" #define MAX_INTENSITY 14 #define _MAX_INTENSITY_STR "14" extern struct list_head scan_devices; extern int nDevs; extern int opt_n_threads; extern int num_processors; extern int hw_errors; extern bool use_syslog; extern struct thr_info *thr_info; extern int longpoll_thr_id; extern struct work_restart *work_restart; extern struct cgpu_info gpus[MAX_GPUDEVICES]; extern int gpu_threads; extern double total_secs; extern int mining_threads; extern struct cgpu_info *cpus; extern int total_devices; extern struct cgpu_info *devices[]; extern int total_pools; extern struct pool *pools[MAX_POOLS]; extern const char *algo_names[]; extern enum sha256_algos opt_algo; extern struct strategies strategies[]; extern enum pool_strategy pool_strategy; extern int opt_rotate_period; extern double total_mhashes_done; extern unsigned int new_blocks; extern unsigned int found_blocks; extern int total_accepted, total_rejected; extern int total_getworks, total_stale, total_discarded; extern unsigned int local_work; extern unsigned int total_go, total_ro; extern int opt_log_interval; #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL typedef struct { cl_uint ctx_a; cl_uint ctx_b; cl_uint ctx_c; cl_uint ctx_d; cl_uint ctx_e; cl_uint ctx_f; cl_uint ctx_g; cl_uint ctx_h; cl_uint cty_a; cl_uint cty_b; cl_uint cty_c; cl_uint cty_d; cl_uint cty_e; cl_uint cty_f; cl_uint cty_g; cl_uint cty_h; cl_uint merkle; cl_uint ntime; cl_uint nbits; cl_uint nonce; cl_uint fW0; cl_uint fW1; cl_uint fW2; cl_uint fW3; cl_uint fW15; cl_uint fW01r; cl_uint fcty_e; cl_uint fcty_e2; cl_uint W16; cl_uint W17; cl_uint W2; cl_uint PreVal4; cl_uint T1; cl_uint C1addK5; cl_uint D1A; cl_uint W2A; cl_uint W17_2; cl_uint PreVal4addT1; cl_uint T1substate0; cl_uint PreVal4_2; cl_uint PreVal0; cl_uint PreW18; cl_uint PreW19; cl_uint PreW31; cl_uint PreW32; } dev_blk_ctx; #else typedef struct { uint32_t nonce; } dev_blk_ctx; #endif struct pool { int pool_no; int prio; int accepted, rejected; bool submit_fail; bool idle; bool lagging; bool probed; bool enabled; char *hdr_path; unsigned int getwork_requested; unsigned int stale_shares; unsigned int discarded_work; unsigned int getfail_occasions; unsigned int remotefail_occasions; struct timeval tv_idle; char *rpc_url; char *rpc_userpass; char *rpc_user, *rpc_pass; pthread_mutex_t pool_lock; }; struct work { unsigned char data[128]; unsigned char hash1[64]; unsigned char midstate[32]; unsigned char target[32]; unsigned char hash[32]; int rolls; uint32_t output[1]; uint32_t valid; dev_blk_ctx blk; struct thr_info *thr; int thr_id; struct pool *pool; struct timeval tv_staged; bool mined; bool clone; bool cloned; bool rolltime; unsigned int work_block; int id; UT_hash_handle hh; }; enum cl_kernel { KL_NONE, KL_POCLBM, KL_PHATK, }; extern void get_datestamp(char *, struct timeval *); bool submit_nonce(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work, uint32_t nonce); extern void wlogprint(const char *f, ...); extern int curses_int(const char *query); extern char *curses_input(const char *query); extern void kill_work(void); extern void switch_pools(struct pool *selected); extern void write_config(FILE *fcfg); extern void log_curses(int prio, const char *f, va_list ap); extern void clear_logwin(void); extern void vapplog(int prio, const char *fmt, va_list ap); extern void applog(int prio, const char *fmt, ...); extern struct thread_q *tq_new(void); extern void tq_free(struct thread_q *tq); extern bool tq_push(struct thread_q *tq, void *data); extern void *tq_pop(struct thread_q *tq, const struct timespec *abstime); extern void tq_freeze(struct thread_q *tq); extern void tq_thaw(struct thread_q *tq); extern bool successful_connect; extern enum cl_kernel chosen_kernel; extern void adl(void); extern bool get_dondata(char **url, char **userpass); #endif /* __MINER_H__ */