#ifndef API_H #define API_H #include "config.h" #include "miner.h" // BUFSIZ varies on Windows and Linux #define TMPBUFSIZ 8192 // Number of requests to queue - normally would be small #define QUEUE 100 #define COMSTR "," #define SEPSTR "|" #define CMDJOIN '+' #define JOIN_CMD "CMD=" #define BETWEEN_JOIN SEPSTR #define _DYNAMIC "D" #define _DEVS "DEVS" #define _POOLS "POOLS" #define _PROFILES "PROFILES" #define _SUMMARY "SUMMARY" #define _STATUS "STATUS" #define _VERSION "VERSION" #define _MINECONFIG "CONFIG" #define _GPU "GPU" #define _GPUS "GPUS" #define _NOTIFY "NOTIFY" #define _DEVDETAILS "DEVDETAILS" #define _BYE "BYE" #define _RESTART "RESTART" #define _MINESTATS "STATS" #define _CHECK "CHECK" #define _MINECOIN "COIN" #define _DEBUGSET "DEBUG" #define _SETCONFIG "SETCONFIG" #define JSON0 "{" #define JSON1 "\"" #define JSON2 "\":[" #define JSON3 "]" #define JSON4 ",\"id\":1" // If anyone cares, id=0 for truncated output #define JSON4_TRUNCATED ",\"id\":0" #define JSON5 "}" #define JSON_START JSON0 #define JSON_DEVS JSON1 _DEVS JSON2 #define JSON_POOLS JSON1 _POOLS JSON2 #define JSON_PROFILES JSON1 _POOLS JSON2 #define JSON_SUMMARY JSON1 _SUMMARY JSON2 #define JSON_STATUS JSON1 _STATUS JSON2 #define JSON_VERSION JSON1 _VERSION JSON2 #define JSON_MINECONFIG JSON1 _MINECONFIG JSON2 #define JSON_GPU JSON1 _GPU JSON2 #define JSON_GPUS JSON1 _GPUS JSON2 #define JSON_NOTIFY JSON1 _NOTIFY JSON2 #define JSON_DEVDETAILS JSON1 _DEVDETAILS JSON2 #define JSON_CLOSE JSON3 #define JSON_MINESTATS JSON1 _MINESTATS JSON2 #define JSON_CHECK JSON1 _CHECK JSON2 #define JSON_MINECOIN JSON1 _MINECOIN JSON2 #define JSON_DEBUGSET JSON1 _DEBUGSET JSON2 #define JSON_SETCONFIG JSON1 _SETCONFIG JSON2 #define JSON_END JSON4 JSON5 #define JSON_END_TRUNCATED JSON4_TRUNCATED JSON5 #define JSON_BETWEEN_JOIN "," #define MSG_INVGPU 1 #define MSG_ALRENA 2 #define MSG_ALRDIS 3 #define MSG_GPUMRE 4 #define MSG_GPUREN 5 #define MSG_GPUNON 6 #define MSG_POOL 7 #define MSG_NOPOOL 8 #define MSG_DEVS 9 #define MSG_NODEVS 10 #define MSG_SUMM 11 #define MSG_GPUDIS 12 #define MSG_GPUREI 13 #define MSG_INVCMD 14 #define MSG_MISID 15 #define MSG_GPUDEV 17 #define MSG_NUMGPU 20 #define MSG_VERSION 22 #define MSG_INVJSON 23 #define MSG_MISCMD 24 #define MSG_MISPID 25 #define MSG_INVPID 26 #define MSG_SWITCHP 27 #define MSG_MISVAL 28 #define MSG_NOADL 29 #define MSG_NOGPUADL 30 #define MSG_INVINT 31 #define MSG_GPUINT 32 #define MSG_MINECONFIG 33 #define MSG_GPUMERR 34 #define MSG_GPUMEM 35 #define MSG_GPUEERR 36 #define MSG_GPUENG 37 #define MSG_GPUVERR 38 #define MSG_GPUVDDC 39 #define MSG_GPUFERR 40 #define MSG_GPUFAN 41 #define MSG_MISFN 42 #define MSG_BADFN 43 #define MSG_SAVED 44 #define MSG_ACCDENY 45 #define MSG_ACCOK 46 #define MSG_ENAPOOL 47 #define MSG_DISPOOL 48 #define MSG_ALRENAP 49 #define MSG_ALRDISP 50 #define MSG_MISPDP 52 #define MSG_INVPDP 53 #define MSG_TOOMANYP 54 #define MSG_ADDPOOL 55 #define MSG_NOTIFY 60 #define MSG_REMLASTP 66 #define MSG_ACTPOOL 67 #define MSG_REMPOOL 68 #define MSG_DEVDETAILS 69 #define MSG_MINESTATS 70 #define MSG_MISCHK 71 #define MSG_CHECK 72 #define MSG_POOLPRIO 73 #define MSG_DUPPID 74 #define MSG_MISBOOL 75 #define MSG_INVBOOL 76 #define MSG_FOO 77 #define MSG_MINECOIN 78 #define MSG_DEBUGSET 79 #define MSG_SETCONFIG 82 #define MSG_UNKCON 83 #define MSG_INVNUM 84 #define MSG_CONPAR 85 #define MSG_CONVAL 86 #define MSG_NOUSTA 88 #define MSG_ZERMIS 94 #define MSG_ZERINV 95 #define MSG_ZERSUM 96 #define MSG_ZERNOSUM 97 #define MSG_BYE 0x101 #define MSG_INVNEG 121 #define MSG_SETQUOTA 122 #define MSG_LOCKOK 123 #define MSG_LOCKDIS 124 #define MSG_CHSTRAT 125 #define MSG_MISSTRAT 126 #define MSG_INVSTRAT 127 #define MSG_MISSTRATINT 128 #define MSG_PROFILE 129 #define MSG_NOPROFILE 130 #define MSG_PROFILEEXIST 131 #define MSG_MISPRD 132 #define MSG_ADDPROFILE 133 #define MSG_MISPRID 134 #define MSG_PRNOEXIST 135 #define MSG_PRISDEFAULT 136 #define MSG_PRINUSE 137 #define MSG_REMPROFILE 138 #define MSG_CHPOOLPR 139 #define MSG_INVXINT 140 #define MSG_GPUXINT 141 #define MSG_INVRAWINT 142 #define MSG_GPURAWINT 143 enum code_severity { SEVERITY_ERR, SEVERITY_WARN, SEVERITY_INFO, SEVERITY_SUCC, SEVERITY_FAIL }; enum code_parameters { PARAM_GPU, PARAM_PID, PARAM_GPUMAX, PARAM_PMAX, PARAM_PRMAX, PARAM_POOLMAX, // Single generic case: have the code resolve it - see below PARAM_DMAX, PARAM_CMD, PARAM_POOL, PARAM_STR, PARAM_BOTH, PARAM_BOOL, PARAM_SET, PARAM_INT, PARAM_NONE }; struct CODES { const enum code_severity severity; const int code; const enum code_parameters params; const char *description; }; extern struct CODES codes[]; struct IP4ACCESS { in_addr_t ip; in_addr_t mask; char group; }; #define GROUP(g) (toupper(g)) #define PRIVGROUP GROUP('W') #define NOPRIVGROUP GROUP('R') #define ISPRIVGROUP(g) (GROUP(g) == PRIVGROUP) #define GROUPOFFSET(g) (GROUP(g) - GROUP('A')) #define VALIDGROUP(g) (GROUP(g) >= GROUP('A') && GROUP(g) <= GROUP('Z')) #define COMMANDS(g) (apigroups[GROUPOFFSET(g)].commands) #define DEFINEDGROUP(g) (ISPRIVGROUP(g) || COMMANDS(g) != NULL) struct io_data { size_t siz; char *ptr; char *cur; bool sock; bool close; }; struct io_list { struct io_data *io_data; struct io_list *prev; struct io_list *next; }; extern void message(struct io_data *io_data, int messageid, int paramid, char *param2, bool isjson); extern bool io_add(struct io_data *io_data, char *buf); extern void io_close(struct io_data *io_data); extern void io_free(); extern struct api_data *api_add_escape(struct api_data *root, char *name, char *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_string(struct api_data *root, char *name, char *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_const(struct api_data *root, char *name, const char *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_uint8(struct api_data *root, char *name, uint8_t *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_uint16(struct api_data *root, char *name, uint16_t *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_int(struct api_data *root, char *name, int *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_uint(struct api_data *root, char *name, unsigned int *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_uint32(struct api_data *root, char *name, uint32_t *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_hex32(struct api_data *root, char *name, uint32_t *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_uint64(struct api_data *root, char *name, uint64_t *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_double(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_elapsed(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_bool(struct api_data *root, char *name, bool *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_timeval(struct api_data *root, char *name, struct timeval *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_time(struct api_data *root, char *name, time_t *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_mhs(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_khs(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_mhtotal(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_temp(struct api_data *root, char *name, float *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_utility(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_freq(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_volts(struct api_data *root, char *name, float *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_hs(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_diff(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_percent(struct api_data *root, char *name, double *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *api_add_avg(struct api_data *root, char *name, float *data, bool copy_data); extern struct api_data *print_data(struct api_data *root, char *buf, bool isjson, bool precom); #define SOCKBUFALLOCSIZ 65536 #define io_new(init) _io_new(init, false) #define sock_io_new() _io_new(SOCKBUFALLOCSIZ, true) #if LOCK_TRACKING #define LOCK_FMT_FFL " - called from %s %s():%d" #define LOCKMSG(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "APILOCK: " fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOCKMSGMORE(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, " " fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__) #define LOCKMSGFFL(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, "APILOCK: " fmt LOCK_FMT_FFL "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__, file, func, linenum) #define LOCKMSGFLUSH() fflush(stderr) typedef struct lockstat { uint64_t lock_id; const char *file; const char *func; int linenum; struct timeval tv; } LOCKSTAT; typedef struct lockline { struct lockline *prev; struct lockstat *stat; struct lockline *next; } LOCKLINE; typedef struct lockinfo { void *lock; enum cglock_typ typ; const char *file; const char *func; int linenum; uint64_t gets; uint64_t gots; uint64_t tries; uint64_t dids; uint64_t didnts; // should be tries - dids uint64_t unlocks; LOCKSTAT lastgot; LOCKLINE *lockgets; LOCKLINE *locktries; } LOCKINFO; typedef struct locklist { LOCKINFO *info; struct locklist *next; } LOCKLIST; #endif #endif /* API_H */