/* * Copyright 2012 Andrew Smith * Copyright 2012 Luke Dashjr * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "logging.h" #include "miner.h" #include "usbutils.h" #include "fpgautils.h" #include "util.h" #define BITSTREAM_FILENAME "fpgaminer_top_fixed7_197MHz.ncd" #define BISTREAM_USER_ID "\2\4$B" #define BITSTREAM_MAGIC_0 0 #define BITSTREAM_MAGIC_1 9 #define MODMINER_CUTOFF_TEMP 60.0 #define MODMINER_OVERHEAT_TEMP 50.0 #define MODMINER_TEMP_UP_LIMIT 48.0 #define MODMINER_OVERHEAT_CLOCK -10 #define MODMINER_HW_ERROR_PERCENT 0.75 // N.B. in the latest firmware the limit is 250 // however the voltage/temperature risks preclude that #define MODMINER_MAX_CLOCK 230 #define MODMINER_DEF_CLOCK 200 #define MODMINER_MIN_CLOCK 160 #define MODMINER_CLOCK_DOWN -2 #define MODMINER_CLOCK_SET 0 #define MODMINER_CLOCK_UP 2 // Commands #define MODMINER_PING "\x00" #define MODMINER_GET_VERSION "\x01" #define MODMINER_FPGA_COUNT "\x02" // Commands + require FPGAid #define MODMINER_GET_IDCODE '\x03' #define MODMINER_GET_USERCODE '\x04' #define MODMINER_PROGRAM '\x05' #define MODMINER_SET_CLOCK '\x06' #define MODMINER_READ_CLOCK '\x07' #define MODMINER_SEND_WORK '\x08' #define MODMINER_CHECK_WORK '\x09' // One byte temperature reply #define MODMINER_TEMP1 '\x0a' // Two byte temperature reply #define MODMINER_TEMP2 '\x0d' // +6 bytes #define MODMINER_SET_REG '\x0b' // +2 bytes #define MODMINER_GET_REG '\x0c' #define FPGAID_ALL 4 // Maximum how many good shares in a row means clock up // 96 is ~34m22s at 200MH/s #define MODMINER_TRY_UP 96 // Initially how many good shares in a row means clock up // This is doubled each down clock until it reaches MODMINER_TRY_UP // 6 is ~2m9s at 200MH/s #define MODMINER_EARLY_UP 6 // Limit when reducing shares_to_good #define MODMINER_MIN_BACK 12 struct device_api modminer_api; // 45 noops sent when detecting, in case the device was left in "start job" reading static const char NOOP[] = MODMINER_PING "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"; static void do_ping(struct cgpu_info *modminer) { char buf[0x100+1]; int err, amount; // Don't care if it fails err = usb_write(modminer, (char *)NOOP, sizeof(NOOP)-1, &amount, C_PING); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%u: flush noop got %d err %d", modminer->api->name, modminer->fpgaid, amount, err); // Clear any outstanding data while ((err = usb_read(modminer, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, &amount, C_CLEAR)) == 0 && amount > 0) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%u: clear got %d", modminer->api->name, modminer->fpgaid, amount); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%u: final clear got %d err %d", modminer->api->name, modminer->fpgaid, amount, err); } static bool modminer_detect_one(struct libusb_device *dev, struct usb_find_devices *found) { char buf[0x100+1]; char *devname = NULL; char devpath[20]; int err, i, amount; bool added = false; struct cgpu_info *modminer = NULL; modminer = calloc(1, sizeof(*modminer)); modminer->api = &modminer_api; modminer->modminer_mutex = calloc(1, sizeof(*(modminer->modminer_mutex))); mutex_init(modminer->modminer_mutex); modminer->fpgaid = (char)0; if (!usb_init(modminer, dev, found)) goto shin; do_ping(modminer); if ((err = usb_write(modminer, MODMINER_GET_VERSION, 1, &amount, C_REQUESTVERSION)) < 0 || amount != 1) { applog(LOG_ERR, "ModMiner detect: send version request failed (%d:%d)", amount, err); goto unshin; } if ((err = usb_read(modminer, buf, sizeof(buf)-1, &amount, C_GETVERSION)) < 0 || amount < 1) { if (err < 0) applog(LOG_ERR, "ModMiner detect: no version reply (%d)", err); else applog(LOG_ERR, "ModMiner detect: empty version reply (%d)", amount); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "ModMiner detect: check the firmware"); goto unshin; } buf[amount] = '\0'; devname = strdup(buf); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "ModMiner identified as: %s", devname); if ((err = usb_write(modminer, MODMINER_FPGA_COUNT, 1, &amount, C_REQUESTFPGACOUNT) < 0 || amount != 1)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "ModMiner detect: FPGA count request failed (%d:%d)", amount, err); goto unshin; } if ((err = usb_read(modminer, buf, 1, &amount, C_GETFPGACOUNT)) < 0 || amount != 1) { applog(LOG_ERR, "ModMiner detect: no FPGA count reply (%d:%d)", amount, err); goto unshin; } // TODO: flag it use 1 byte temp if it is an old firmware // can detect with modminer->cgusb->serial ? if (buf[0] == 0) { applog(LOG_ERR, "ModMiner detect: zero FPGA count from %s", devname); goto unshin; } if (buf[0] < 1 || buf[0] > 4) { applog(LOG_ERR, "ModMiner detect: invalid FPGA count (%u) from %s", buf[0], devname); goto unshin; } applog(LOG_DEBUG, "ModMiner %s has %u FPGAs", devname, buf[0]); modminer->name = devname; // TODO: test with 1 board missing in the middle and each end // to see how that affects the sequence numbers for (i = 0; i < buf[0]; i++) { struct cgpu_info *tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(*tmp)); tmp->api = modminer->api; tmp->name = devname; sprintf(devpath, "%d:%d:%d", (int)(modminer->usbdev->bus_number), (int)(modminer->usbdev->device_address), i); tmp->device_path = strdup(devpath); tmp->usbdev = modminer->usbdev; // Only the first copy gets the already used stats if (!added) tmp->usbstat = modminer->usbstat; tmp->fpgaid = (char)i; tmp->modminer_mutex = modminer->modminer_mutex; tmp->deven = DEV_ENABLED; tmp->threads = 1; if (!add_cgpu(tmp)) { free(tmp->device_path); free(tmp); goto unshin; } update_usb_stats(tmp); added = true; } free(modminer); return true; unshin: if (!added) usb_uninit(modminer); shin: if (!added) free(modminer->modminer_mutex); free(modminer); if (added) return true; else return false; } static void modminer_detect() { usb_detect(&modminer_api, modminer_detect_one); } static bool get_expect(struct cgpu_info *modminer, FILE *f, char c) { char buf; if (fread(&buf, 1, 1, f) != 1) { applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error (%d) reading bitstream (%c)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno, c); return false; } if (buf != c) { applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: firmware code mismatch (%c)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, c); return false; } return true; } static bool get_info(struct cgpu_info *modminer, FILE *f, char *buf, int bufsiz, const char *name) { unsigned char siz[2]; int len; if (fread(siz, 2, 1, f) != 1) { applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error (%d) reading bitstream '%s' len", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno, name); return false; } len = siz[0] * 256 + siz[1]; if (len >= bufsiz) { applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Bitstream '%s' len too large (%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, name, len); return false; } if (fread(buf, len, 1, f) != 1) { applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error (%d) reading bitstream '%s'", errno, modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno, name); return false; } buf[len] = '\0'; return true; } #define USE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 0 // mutex must always be locked before calling static bool get_status_timeout(struct cgpu_info *modminer, char *msg, unsigned int timeout, enum usb_cmds cmd) { int err, amount; char buf[1]; if (timeout == USE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) err = usb_read(modminer, buf, 1, &amount, cmd); else err = usb_read_timeout(modminer, buf, 1, &amount, timeout, cmd); if (err < 0 || amount != 1) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error (%d:%d) getting %s reply", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err, msg); return false; } if (buf[0] != 1) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error, invalid %s reply (was %d should be 1)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, msg, buf[0]); return false; } return true; } // mutex must always be locked before calling static bool get_status(struct cgpu_info *modminer, char *msg, enum usb_cmds cmd) { return get_status_timeout(modminer, msg, USE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, cmd); } static bool modminer_fpga_upload_bitstream(struct cgpu_info *modminer) { const char *bsfile = BITSTREAM_FILENAME; char buf[0x100], *p; char devmsg[64]; unsigned char *ubuf = (unsigned char *)buf; unsigned long totlen, len; size_t buflen, remaining; float nextmsg, upto; char fpgaid = FPGAID_ALL; int err, amount, tries; char *ptr; FILE *f = open_bitstream("modminer", bsfile); if (!f) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%u: Error (%d) opening bitstream file %s", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno, bsfile); return false; } if (fread(buf, 2, 1, f) != 1) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error (%d) reading bitstream magic", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno); goto dame; } if (buf[0] != BITSTREAM_MAGIC_0 || buf[1] != BITSTREAM_MAGIC_1) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: bitstream has incorrect magic (%u,%u) instead of (%u,%u)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, buf[0], buf[1], BITSTREAM_MAGIC_0, BITSTREAM_MAGIC_1); goto dame; } if (fseek(f, 11L, SEEK_CUR)) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error (%d) bitstream seek failed", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno); goto dame; } if (!get_expect(modminer, f, 'a')) goto undame; if (!get_info(modminer, f, buf, sizeof(buf), "Design name")) goto undame; applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%u: bitstream file '%s' info:", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, bsfile); applog(LOG_DEBUG, " Design name: '%s'", buf); p = strrchr(buf, ';') ? : buf; p = strrchr(buf, '=') ? : p; if (p[0] == '=') p++; unsigned long fwusercode = (unsigned long)strtoll(p, &p, 16); if (p[0] != '\0') { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Bad usercode in bitstream file", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id); goto dame; } if (fwusercode == 0xffffffff) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: bitstream doesn't support user code", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id); goto dame; } applog(LOG_DEBUG, " Version: %u, build %u", (fwusercode >> 8) & 0xff, fwusercode & 0xff); if (!get_expect(modminer, f, 'b')) goto undame; if (!get_info(modminer, f, buf, sizeof(buf), "Part number")) goto undame; applog(LOG_DEBUG, " Part number: '%s'", buf); if (!get_expect(modminer, f, 'c')) goto undame; if (!get_info(modminer, f, buf, sizeof(buf), "Build date")) goto undame; applog(LOG_DEBUG, " Build date: '%s'", buf); if (!get_expect(modminer, f, 'd')) goto undame; if (!get_info(modminer, f, buf, sizeof(buf), "Build time")) goto undame; applog(LOG_DEBUG, " Build time: '%s'", buf); if (!get_expect(modminer, f, 'e')) goto undame; if (fread(buf, 4, 1, f) != 1) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error (%d) reading bitstream data len", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno); goto dame; } len = ((unsigned long)ubuf[0] << 24) | ((unsigned long)ubuf[1] << 16) | (ubuf[2] << 8) | ubuf[3]; applog(LOG_DEBUG, " Bitstream size: %lu", len); strcpy(devmsg, modminer->device_path); ptr = strrchr(devmsg, ':'); if (ptr) *ptr = '\0'; applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%u: Programming all FPGA on %s ... Mining will not start until complete", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, devmsg); buf[0] = MODMINER_PROGRAM; buf[1] = fpgaid; buf[2] = (len >> 0) & 0xff; buf[3] = (len >> 8) & 0xff; buf[4] = (len >> 16) & 0xff; buf[5] = (len >> 24) & 0xff; if ((err = usb_write(modminer, buf, 6, &amount, C_STARTPROGRAM)) < 0 || amount != 6) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Program init failed (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); goto dame; } if (!get_status(modminer, "initialise", C_STARTPROGRAMSTATUS)) goto undame; // It must be 32 bytes according to MCU legacy.c #define WRITE_SIZE 32 totlen = len; nextmsg = 0.1; while (len > 0) { buflen = len < WRITE_SIZE ? len : WRITE_SIZE; if (fread(buf, buflen, 1, f) != 1) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: bitstream file read error %d (%d bytes left)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, errno, len); goto dame; } tries = 0; ptr = buf; remaining = buflen; while ((err = usb_write(modminer, ptr, remaining, &amount, C_PROGRAM)) < 0 || amount != (int)remaining) { if (err == LIBUSB_ERROR_TIMEOUT && amount > 0 && ++tries < 4) { remaining -= amount; ptr += amount; if (opt_debug) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%u: Program timeout (%d:%d) sent %d tries %d", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err, remaining, tries); if (!get_status(modminer, "write status", C_PROGRAMSTATUS2)) goto dame; } else { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Program failed (%d:%d) sent %d", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err, remaining); goto dame; } } if (!get_status(modminer, "write status", C_PROGRAMSTATUS)) goto dame; len -= buflen; upto = (float)(totlen - len) / (float)(totlen); if (upto >= nextmsg) { applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%u: Programming %.1f%% (%d out of %d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, upto*100, (totlen - len), totlen); nextmsg += 0.1; } } if (!get_status(modminer, "final status", C_FINALPROGRAMSTATUS)) goto undame; applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%u: Programming completed for all FPGA on %s", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, devmsg); // Give it a 2/3s delay after programming nmsleep(666); return true; undame: ; mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); ; dame: fclose(f); return false; } static bool modminer_fpga_prepare(struct thr_info *thr) { struct cgpu_info *modminer = thr->cgpu; struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); get_datestamp(modminer->init, &now); struct modminer_fpga_state *state; state = thr->cgpu_data = calloc(1, sizeof(struct modminer_fpga_state)); state->next_work_cmd[0] = MODMINER_SEND_WORK; state->next_work_cmd[1] = modminer->fpgaid; state->shares_to_good = MODMINER_EARLY_UP; state->overheated = false; return true; } /* * Clocking rules: * If device exceeds cutoff temp - TODO: ?stop sending work - * and decrease the clock by MODMINER_OVERHEAT_CLOCK * for when it restarts * * When to clock down: * If device overheats * also halve shares_to_good * (so multiple temp drops can recover faster) * or * If device gets MODMINER_HW_ERROR_PERCENT errors since last clock up or down * if clock is <= default it requires 2 HW to do this test * if clock is > default it only requires 1 HW to do this test * also double shares_to_good * * When to clock up: * If device gets shares_to_good good shares in a row * and temp <= MODMINER_TEMP_UP_LIMIT * * N.B. clock must always be a multiple of 2 */ static bool modminer_delta_clock(struct thr_info *thr, int delta, bool temp) { struct cgpu_info *modminer = thr->cgpu; struct modminer_fpga_state *state = thr->cgpu_data; unsigned char cmd[6], buf[1]; int err, amount; // Only do once if multiple shares per work or multiple reasons // Since the temperature down clock test is first in the code this is OK if (!state->new_work) return false; state->new_work = false; state->shares = 0; state->shares_last_hw = 0; state->hw_errors = 0; // If drop requested due to temperature, clock drop is always allowed if (!temp && delta < 0 && modminer->clock <= MODMINER_MIN_CLOCK) return false; if (delta > 0 && modminer->clock >= MODMINER_MAX_CLOCK) return false; if (delta < 0) { if (temp) { if (state->shares_to_good > MODMINER_MIN_BACK) state->shares_to_good /= 2; } else { if ((state->shares_to_good * 2) < MODMINER_TRY_UP) state->shares_to_good *= 2; else state->shares_to_good = MODMINER_TRY_UP; } } modminer->clock += delta; cmd[0] = MODMINER_SET_CLOCK; cmd[1] = modminer->fpgaid; cmd[2] = modminer->clock; cmd[3] = cmd[4] = cmd[5] = '\0'; mutex_lock(modminer->modminer_mutex); if ((err = usb_write(modminer, (char *)cmd, 6, &amount, C_SETCLOCK)) < 0 || amount != 6) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error writing set clock speed (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); return false; } if ((err = usb_read(modminer, (char *)(&buf), 1, &amount, C_REPLYSETCLOCK)) < 0 || amount != 1) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error reading set clock speed (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); return false; } mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%u: Set clock speed %sto %u", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, (delta < 0) ? "down " : (delta > 0 ? "up " : ""), modminer->clock); return true; } static bool modminer_fpga_init(struct thr_info *thr) { struct cgpu_info *modminer = thr->cgpu; unsigned char cmd[2], buf[4]; int err, amount; mutex_lock(modminer->modminer_mutex); cmd[0] = MODMINER_GET_USERCODE; cmd[1] = modminer->fpgaid; if ((err = usb_write(modminer, (char *)cmd, 2, &amount, C_REQUESTUSERCODE)) < 0 || amount != 2) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error requesting USER code (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); return false; } if ((err = usb_read(modminer, (char *)buf, 4, &amount, C_GETUSERCODE)) < 0 || amount != 4) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error reading USER code (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); return false; } if (memcmp(buf, BISTREAM_USER_ID, 4)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: FPGA not programmed", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id); if (!modminer_fpga_upload_bitstream(modminer)) return false; mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); } else { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%u: FPGA is already programmed :)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id); } modminer->clock = MODMINER_DEF_CLOCK; modminer_delta_clock(thr, MODMINER_CLOCK_SET, false); thr->primary_thread = true; return true; } static void get_modminer_statline_before(char *buf, struct cgpu_info *modminer) { char info[64]; sprintf(info, " %s%.1fC %3uMHz | ", (modminer->temp < 10) ? " " : "", modminer->temp, (unsigned int)(modminer->clock)); strcat(buf, info); } static bool modminer_prepare_next_work(struct modminer_fpga_state *state, struct work *work) { char *midstate = state->next_work_cmd + 2; char *taildata = midstate + 32; if (!(memcmp(midstate, work->midstate, 32) || memcmp(taildata, work->data + 64, 12))) return false; memcpy(midstate, work->midstate, 32); memcpy(taildata, work->data + 64, 12); return true; } static bool modminer_start_work(struct thr_info *thr) { struct cgpu_info *modminer = thr->cgpu; struct modminer_fpga_state *state = thr->cgpu_data; int err, amount; bool sta; mutex_lock(modminer->modminer_mutex); if ((err = usb_write(modminer, (char *)(state->next_work_cmd), 46, &amount, C_SENDWORK)) < 0 || amount != 46) { // TODO: err = -4 means the MMQ disappeared - need to delete it and rescan for it? (after a delay?) // but check all (4) disappeared mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Start work failed (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); return false; } gettimeofday(&state->tv_workstart, NULL); state->hashes = 0; sta = get_status(modminer, "start work", C_SENDWORKSTATUS); if (sta) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); state->new_work = true; } return sta; } static void check_temperature(struct thr_info *thr) { struct cgpu_info *modminer = thr->cgpu; struct modminer_fpga_state *state = thr->cgpu_data; char cmd[2], temperature[2]; int tbytes, tamount; int amount; if (modminer->one_byte_temp) { cmd[0] = MODMINER_TEMP1; tbytes = 1; } else { cmd[0] = MODMINER_TEMP2; tbytes = 2; } cmd[1] = modminer->fpgaid; mutex_lock(modminer->modminer_mutex); if (usb_write(modminer, (char *)cmd, 2, &amount, C_REQUESTTEMPERATURE) == 0 && amount == 2 && usb_read(modminer, (char *)(&temperature), tbytes, &tamount, C_GETTEMPERATURE) == 0 && tamount == tbytes) { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); if (modminer->one_byte_temp) modminer->temp = temperature[0]; else { // Only accurate to 2 and a bit places modminer->temp = roundf((temperature[1] * 256.0 + temperature[0]) / 0.128) / 1000.0; modminer->tried_two_byte_temp = true; } if (state->overheated) { if (modminer->temp < MODMINER_OVERHEAT_TEMP) { state->overheated = false; applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%u: Recovered, temp less than (%.1f) now %.3f", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, MODMINER_OVERHEAT_TEMP, modminer->temp); } } else if (modminer->temp >= MODMINER_OVERHEAT_TEMP) { if (modminer->temp >= MODMINER_CUTOFF_TEMP) { applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%u: Hit thermal cutoff limit (%.1f) at %.3f, disabling!", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, MODMINER_CUTOFF_TEMP, modminer->temp); modminer_delta_clock(thr, MODMINER_OVERHEAT_CLOCK, true); state->overheated = true; dev_error(modminer, REASON_DEV_THERMAL_CUTOFF); } else { applog(LOG_WARNING, "%s%u: Overheat limit (%.1f) reached %.3f", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, MODMINER_OVERHEAT_TEMP, modminer->temp); modminer_delta_clock(thr, MODMINER_CLOCK_DOWN, true); dev_error(modminer, REASON_DEV_OVER_HEAT); } } } else { mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); if (!modminer->tried_two_byte_temp) { modminer->tried_two_byte_temp = true; modminer->one_byte_temp = true; } } } #define work_restart(thr) thr->work_restart static uint64_t modminer_process_results(struct thr_info *thr) { struct cgpu_info *modminer = thr->cgpu; struct modminer_fpga_state *state = thr->cgpu_data; struct work *work = &state->running_work; char cmd[2]; uint32_t nonce; long iter; uint32_t curr_hw_errors; int err, amount; int timeoutloop; check_temperature(thr); if (state->overheated == true) { if (state->work_running) state->work_running = false; // Give it 5 seconds rest and wait for the next work nmsleep(5000); return 0; } cmd[0] = MODMINER_CHECK_WORK; cmd[1] = modminer->fpgaid; iter = 200; timeoutloop = 0; while (1) { mutex_lock(modminer->modminer_mutex); if ((err = usb_write(modminer, cmd, 2, &amount, C_REQUESTWORKSTATUS)) < 0 || amount != 2) { // TODO: err = -4 means the MMQ disappeared - need to delete it and rescan for it? (after a delay?) // but check all (4) disappeared mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); // timeoutloop never resets so the timeouts can't // accumulate much during a single item of work if (err == -7 && ++timeoutloop < 10) goto tryagain; applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error sending (get nonce) (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); return -1; } err = usb_read(modminer, (char *)(&nonce), 4, &amount, C_GETWORKSTATUS); mutex_unlock(modminer->modminer_mutex); if (err < 0 || amount != 4) { // timeoutloop never resets so the timeouts can't // accumulate much during a single item of work if (err == -7 && ++timeoutloop < 10) goto tryagain; applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: Error reading (get nonce) (%d:%d)", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id, amount, err); } if (memcmp(&nonce, "\xff\xff\xff\xff", 4)) { state->shares++; state->no_nonce_counter = 0; curr_hw_errors = state->hw_errors; submit_nonce(thr, work, nonce); if (state->hw_errors > curr_hw_errors) { state->shares_last_hw = state->shares; if (modminer->clock > MODMINER_DEF_CLOCK || state->hw_errors > 1) { float pct = (state->hw_errors * 100.0 / (state->shares ? : 1.0)); if (pct >= MODMINER_HW_ERROR_PERCENT) modminer_delta_clock(thr, MODMINER_CLOCK_DOWN, false); } } else { // If we've reached the required good shares in a row then clock up if (((state->shares - state->shares_last_hw) >= state->shares_to_good) && modminer->temp <= MODMINER_TEMP_UP_LIMIT) modminer_delta_clock(thr, MODMINER_CLOCK_UP, false); } } else if (++state->no_nonce_counter > 18000) { // TODO: NFI what this is state->no_nonce_counter = 0; modminer_delta_clock(thr, MODMINER_CLOCK_DOWN, false); applog(LOG_ERR, "%s%u: 18000 clock down", modminer->api->name, modminer->device_id); } tryagain: if (work_restart(thr)) break; nmsleep(10); if (work_restart(thr) || !--iter) break; } struct timeval tv_workend, elapsed; gettimeofday(&tv_workend, NULL); timersub(&tv_workend, &state->tv_workstart, &elapsed); uint64_t hashes = (uint64_t)modminer->clock * (((uint64_t)elapsed.tv_sec * 1000000) + elapsed.tv_usec); if (hashes > 0xffffffff) hashes = 0xffffffff; else if (hashes <= state->hashes) hashes = 1; else hashes -= state->hashes; state->hashes += hashes; return hashes; } static int64_t modminer_scanhash(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work, int64_t __maybe_unused max_nonce) { struct modminer_fpga_state *state = thr->cgpu_data; int64_t hashes = 0; bool startwork; if (state->overheated == true) { if (state->work_running) state->work_running = false; check_temperature(thr); if (state->overheated == true) { // Give it 5 seconds rest and wait for the next work nmsleep(5000); return 0; } } startwork = modminer_prepare_next_work(state, work); if (state->work_running) { hashes = modminer_process_results(thr); if (hashes == -1) return hashes; if (work_restart(thr)) { state->work_running = false; return 0; } } else state->work_running = true; if (startwork) { if (!modminer_start_work(thr)) return -1; __copy_work(&state->running_work, work); } // This is intentionally early work->blk.nonce += hashes; return hashes; } static void modminer_hw_error(struct thr_info *thr) { struct modminer_fpga_state *state = thr->cgpu_data; state->hw_errors++; } static void modminer_fpga_shutdown(struct thr_info *thr) { free(thr->cgpu_data); } struct device_api modminer_api = { .dname = "modminer", .name = "MMQ", .api_detect = modminer_detect, .get_statline_before = get_modminer_statline_before, .thread_prepare = modminer_fpga_prepare, .thread_init = modminer_fpga_init, .scanhash = modminer_scanhash, .hw_error = modminer_hw_error, .thread_shutdown = modminer_fpga_shutdown, };