/** * libztex.h - headers for Ztex 1.15x fpga board support library * * Copyright (c) 2012 nelisky.btc@gmail.com * * This work is based upon the Java SDK provided by ztex which is * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 ZTEX GmbH. * http://www.ztex.de * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. **/ #ifndef __LIBZTEX_H__ #define __LIBZTEX_H__ #include #define LIBZTEX_MAX_DESCRIPTORS 512 #define LIBZTEX_SNSTRING_LEN 10 #define LIBZTEX_IDVENDOR 0x221A #define LIBZTEX_IDPRODUCT 0x0100 #define LIBZTEX_MAXMAXERRORRATE 0.05 #define LIBZTEX_ERRORHYSTERESIS 0.1 #define LIBZTEX_OVERHEATTHRESHOLD 0.5 struct libztex_fpgastate { bool fpgaConfigured; unsigned char fpgaChecksum; uint16_t fpgaBytes; unsigned char fpgaInitB; unsigned char fpgaFlashResult; bool fpgaFlashBitSwap; }; struct libztex_device { bool valid; struct libusb_device_descriptor descriptor; libusb_device_handle *hndl; unsigned char usbbus; unsigned char usbaddress; unsigned char snString[LIBZTEX_SNSTRING_LEN+1]; unsigned char productId[4]; unsigned char fwVersion; unsigned char interfaceVersion; unsigned char interfaceCapabilities[6]; unsigned char moduleReserved[12]; uint8_t numNonces; uint16_t offsNonces; uint16_t freqM1; uint8_t freqM; uint8_t freqMaxM; uint8_t freqMDefault; double errorCount[256]; double errorWeight[256]; double errorRate[256]; double maxErrorRate[256]; char repr[64]; }; struct libztex_dev_list { struct libztex_device *dev; struct libztex_dev_list *next; }; struct libztex_hash_data { uint32_t goldenNonce; uint32_t nonce; uint32_t hash7; }; extern int libztex_scanDevices (struct libztex_dev_list ***devs); extern void libztex_freeDevList (struct libztex_dev_list **devs); extern void libztex_destroy_device (struct libztex_device* ztex); extern int libztex_configureFpga (struct libztex_device *dev); extern int libztex_setFreq (struct libztex_device *ztex, uint16_t freq); extern int libztex_sendHashData (struct libztex_device *ztex, unsigned char *sendbuf); extern int libztex_readHashData (struct libztex_device *ztex, struct libztex_hash_data nonces[]); extern int libztex_resetFpga (struct libztex_device *ztex); #endif /* __LIBZTEX_H__ */