/* * Cryptographic API. * * SHA-256, as specified in * http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cavp/documents/shs/sha256-384-512.pdf * * SHA-256 code by Jean-Luc Cooke <jlcooke@certainkey.com>. * * Copyright (c) Jean-Luc Cooke <jlcooke@certainkey.com> * Copyright (c) Andrew McDonald <andrew@mcdonald.org.uk> * Copyright (c) 2002 James Morris <jmorris@intercode.com.au> * SHA224 Support Copyright 2007 Intel Corporation <jonathan.lynch@intel.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * */ #include "config.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "miner.h" typedef uint32_t u32; typedef uint8_t u8; static inline u32 ror32(u32 word, unsigned int shift) { return (word >> shift) | (word << (32 - shift)); } static inline u32 Ch(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z) { return z ^ (x & (y ^ z)); } static inline u32 Maj(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z) { return (x & y) | (z & (x | y)); } #define e0(x) (ror32(x, 2) ^ ror32(x,13) ^ ror32(x,22)) #define e1(x) (ror32(x, 6) ^ ror32(x,11) ^ ror32(x,25)) #define s0(x) (ror32(x, 7) ^ ror32(x,18) ^ (x >> 3)) #define s1(x) (ror32(x,17) ^ ror32(x,19) ^ (x >> 10)) static inline void LOAD_OP(int I, u32 *W, const u8 *input) { /* byteswap is commented out, because bitcoin input * is already big-endian */ W[I] = /* ntohl */ ( ((u32*)(input))[I] ); } static inline void BLEND_OP(int I, u32 *W) { W[I] = s1(W[I-2]) + W[I-7] + s0(W[I-15]) + W[I-16]; } static void sha256_transform(u32 *state, const u8 *input) { u32 a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, t1, t2; u32 W[64]; int i; /* load the input */ for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) LOAD_OP(i, W, input); /* now blend */ for (i = 16; i < 64; i++) BLEND_OP(i, W); /* load the state into our registers */ a=state[0]; b=state[1]; c=state[2]; d=state[3]; e=state[4]; f=state[5]; g=state[6]; h=state[7]; /* now iterate */ t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0x428a2f98 + W[ 0]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0x71374491 + W[ 1]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0xb5c0fbcf + W[ 2]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0xe9b5dba5 + W[ 3]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0x3956c25b + W[ 4]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0x59f111f1 + W[ 5]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0x923f82a4 + W[ 6]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0xab1c5ed5 + W[ 7]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0xd807aa98 + W[ 8]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0x12835b01 + W[ 9]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0x243185be + W[10]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0x550c7dc3 + W[11]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0x72be5d74 + W[12]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0x80deb1fe + W[13]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0x9bdc06a7 + W[14]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0xc19bf174 + W[15]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0xe49b69c1 + W[16]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0xefbe4786 + W[17]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0x0fc19dc6 + W[18]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0x240ca1cc + W[19]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0x2de92c6f + W[20]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0x4a7484aa + W[21]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0x5cb0a9dc + W[22]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0x76f988da + W[23]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0x983e5152 + W[24]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0xa831c66d + W[25]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0xb00327c8 + W[26]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0xbf597fc7 + W[27]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0xc6e00bf3 + W[28]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0xd5a79147 + W[29]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0x06ca6351 + W[30]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0x14292967 + W[31]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0x27b70a85 + W[32]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0x2e1b2138 + W[33]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0x4d2c6dfc + W[34]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0x53380d13 + W[35]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0x650a7354 + W[36]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0x766a0abb + W[37]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0x81c2c92e + W[38]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0x92722c85 + W[39]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0xa2bfe8a1 + W[40]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0xa81a664b + W[41]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0xc24b8b70 + W[42]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0xc76c51a3 + W[43]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0xd192e819 + W[44]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0xd6990624 + W[45]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0xf40e3585 + W[46]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0x106aa070 + W[47]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0x19a4c116 + W[48]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0x1e376c08 + W[49]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0x2748774c + W[50]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0x34b0bcb5 + W[51]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0x391c0cb3 + W[52]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0x4ed8aa4a + W[53]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0x5b9cca4f + W[54]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0x682e6ff3 + W[55]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; t1 = h + e1(e) + Ch(e,f,g) + 0x748f82ee + W[56]; t2 = e0(a) + Maj(a,b,c); d+=t1; h=t1+t2; t1 = g + e1(d) + Ch(d,e,f) + 0x78a5636f + W[57]; t2 = e0(h) + Maj(h,a,b); c+=t1; g=t1+t2; t1 = f + e1(c) + Ch(c,d,e) + 0x84c87814 + W[58]; t2 = e0(g) + Maj(g,h,a); b+=t1; f=t1+t2; t1 = e + e1(b) + Ch(b,c,d) + 0x8cc70208 + W[59]; t2 = e0(f) + Maj(f,g,h); a+=t1; e=t1+t2; t1 = d + e1(a) + Ch(a,b,c) + 0x90befffa + W[60]; t2 = e0(e) + Maj(e,f,g); h+=t1; d=t1+t2; t1 = c + e1(h) + Ch(h,a,b) + 0xa4506ceb + W[61]; t2 = e0(d) + Maj(d,e,f); g+=t1; c=t1+t2; t1 = b + e1(g) + Ch(g,h,a) + 0xbef9a3f7 + W[62]; t2 = e0(c) + Maj(c,d,e); f+=t1; b=t1+t2; t1 = a + e1(f) + Ch(f,g,h) + 0xc67178f2 + W[63]; t2 = e0(b) + Maj(b,c,d); e+=t1; a=t1+t2; state[0] += a; state[1] += b; state[2] += c; state[3] += d; state[4] += e; state[5] += f; state[6] += g; state[7] += h; #if 0 /* clear any sensitive info... */ a = b = c = d = e = f = g = h = t1 = t2 = 0; memset(W, 0, 64 * sizeof(u32)); #endif } static void runhash(void *state, const void *input, const void *init) { memcpy(state, init, 32); sha256_transform(state, input); } const uint32_t sha256_init_state[8] = { 0x6a09e667, 0xbb67ae85, 0x3c6ef372, 0xa54ff53a, 0x510e527f, 0x9b05688c, 0x1f83d9ab, 0x5be0cd19 }; /* suspiciously similar to ScanHash* from bitcoin */ bool scanhash_c(int thr_id, const unsigned char *midstate, unsigned char *data, unsigned char *hash1, unsigned char *hash, const unsigned char *target, uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done, uint32_t n) { uint32_t *hash32 = (uint32_t *) hash; uint32_t *nonce = (uint32_t *)(data + 12); unsigned long stat_ctr = 0; work_restart[thr_id].restart = 0; while (1) { n++; *nonce = n; runhash(hash1, data, midstate); runhash(hash, hash1, sha256_init_state); stat_ctr++; if (unlikely((hash32[7] == 0) && fulltest(hash, target))) { *hashes_done = n; return true; } if ((n >= max_nonce) || work_restart[thr_id].restart) { *hashes_done = n; return false; } } }