/* * Copyright 2014 sgminer developers * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #include "algorithm.h" #include "sph/sph_sha2.h" #include "ocl.h" #include "ocl/build_kernel.h" #include "algorithm/scrypt.h" #include "algorithm/animecoin.h" #include "algorithm/inkcoin.h" #include "algorithm/quarkcoin.h" #include "algorithm/qubitcoin.h" #include "algorithm/sifcoin.h" #include "algorithm/darkcoin.h" #include "algorithm/myriadcoin-groestl.h" #include "algorithm/fuguecoin.h" #include "algorithm/groestlcoin.h" #include "algorithm/twecoin.h" #include "algorithm/marucoin.h" #include "algorithm/maxcoin.h" #include "algorithm/talkcoin.h" #include "algorithm/bitblock.h" #include "algorithm/x14.h" #include "algorithm/fresh.h" #include "algorithm/whirlcoin.h" #include "algorithm/neoscrypt.h" #include "algorithm/whirlpoolx.h" #include "algorithm/lyra2re.h" #include "algorithm/lyra2rev2.h" #include "algorithm/pluck.h" #include "algorithm/yescrypt.h" #include "algorithm/credits.h" #include "algorithm/blake256.h" #include "algorithm/blakecoin.h" #include "algorithm/decred.h" #include "algorithm/lbry.h" #include "compat.h" #include #include const char *algorithm_type_str[] = { "Unknown", "Credits", "Scrypt", "NScrypt", "X11", "X13", "X14", "X15", "Keccak", "Quarkcoin", "Twecoin", "Fugue256", "NIST", "Fresh", "Whirlcoin", "Neoscrypt", "WhirlpoolX", "Lyra2RE", "Lyra2REV2" "Pluck" "Yescrypt", "Yescrypt-multi", "Blakecoin", "Blake", "Decred", "Vanilla", "Lbry" }; void sha256(const unsigned char *message, unsigned int len, unsigned char *digest) { sph_sha256_context ctx_sha2; sph_sha256_init(&ctx_sha2); sph_sha256(&ctx_sha2, message, len); sph_sha256_close(&ctx_sha2, (void*)digest); } void gen_hash(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len, unsigned char *hash) { unsigned char hash1[32]; sph_sha256_context ctx_sha2; sph_sha256_init(&ctx_sha2); sph_sha256(&ctx_sha2, data, len); sph_sha256_close(&ctx_sha2, hash1); sph_sha256(&ctx_sha2, hash1, 32); sph_sha256_close(&ctx_sha2, hash); } void sha256d_midstate(struct work *work) { unsigned char data[64]; uint32_t *data32 = (uint32_t *)data; sph_sha256_context ctx; flip64(data32, work->data); sph_sha256_init(&ctx); sph_sha256(&ctx, data, 64); memcpy(work->midstate, ctx.val, 32); endian_flip32(work->midstate, work->midstate); } #define CL_SET_BLKARG(blkvar) status |= clSetKernelArg(*kernel, num++, sizeof(uint), (void *)&blk->blkvar) #define CL_SET_VARG(args, var) status |= clSetKernelArg(*kernel, num++, args * sizeof(uint), (void *)var) #define CL_SET_ARG_N(n, var) do { status |= clSetKernelArg(*kernel, n, sizeof(var), (void *)&var); } while (0) #define CL_SET_ARG_0(var) CL_SET_ARG_N(0, var) #define CL_SET_ARG(var) CL_SET_ARG_N(num++, var) #define CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(n, var) do { kernel++; CL_SET_ARG_N(n, var); } while (0) #define CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(var) CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, var) #define CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(var) CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(num++, var) static void append_scrypt_compiler_options(struct _build_kernel_data *data, struct cgpu_info *cgpu, struct _algorithm_t *algorithm) { char buf[255]; sprintf(buf, " -D LOOKUP_GAP=%d -D CONCURRENT_THREADS=%u -D NFACTOR=%d", cgpu->lookup_gap, (unsigned int)cgpu->thread_concurrency, algorithm->nfactor); strcat(data->compiler_options, buf); sprintf(buf, "lg%utc%unf%u", cgpu->lookup_gap, (unsigned int)cgpu->thread_concurrency, algorithm->nfactor); strcat(data->binary_filename, buf); } static void append_neoscrypt_compiler_options(struct _build_kernel_data *data, struct cgpu_info *cgpu, struct _algorithm_t *algorithm) { char buf[255]; sprintf(buf, " %s-D MAX_GLOBAL_THREADS=%lu ", ((cgpu->lookup_gap > 0) ? " -D LOOKUP_GAP=2 " : ""), (unsigned long)cgpu->thread_concurrency); strcat(data->compiler_options, buf); sprintf(buf, "%stc%lu", ((cgpu->lookup_gap > 0) ? "lg" : ""), (unsigned long)cgpu->thread_concurrency); strcat(data->binary_filename, buf); } static void append_blake256_compiler_options(struct _build_kernel_data *data, struct cgpu_info *cgpu, struct _algorithm_t *algorithm) { char buf[255]; sprintf(buf, " -D LOOKUP_GAP=%d -D MAX_GLOBAL_THREADS=%lu ", cgpu->lookup_gap, (unsigned long)cgpu->thread_concurrency); strcat(data->compiler_options, buf); sprintf(buf, "tc%lu", (unsigned long)cgpu->thread_concurrency); strcat(data->binary_filename, buf); } static void append_x11_compiler_options(struct _build_kernel_data *data, struct cgpu_info *cgpu, struct _algorithm_t *algorithm) { char buf[255]; sprintf(buf, " -D SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_64=%d -D SPH_LUFFA_PARALLEL=%d -D SPH_KECCAK_UNROLL=%u ", ((opt_blake_compact) ? 1 : 0), ((opt_luffa_parallel) ? 1 : 0), (unsigned int)opt_keccak_unroll); strcat(data->compiler_options, buf); sprintf(buf, "ku%u%s%s", (unsigned int)opt_keccak_unroll, ((opt_blake_compact) ? "bc" : ""), ((opt_luffa_parallel) ? "lp" : "")); strcat(data->binary_filename, buf); } static void append_x13_compiler_options(struct _build_kernel_data *data, struct cgpu_info *cgpu, struct _algorithm_t *algorithm) { char buf[255]; append_x11_compiler_options(data, cgpu, algorithm); sprintf(buf, " -D SPH_HAMSI_EXPAND_BIG=%d -D SPH_HAMSI_SHORT=%d ", (unsigned int)opt_hamsi_expand_big, ((opt_hamsi_short) ? 1 : 0)); strcat(data->compiler_options, buf); sprintf(buf, "big%u%s", (unsigned int)opt_hamsi_expand_big, ((opt_hamsi_short) ? "hs" : "")); strcat(data->binary_filename, buf); } static cl_int queue_scrypt_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { unsigned char *midstate = blk->work->midstate; cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_uint le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_uint *)(blk->work->device_target + 28); memcpy(clState->cldata, blk->work->data, 80); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_VARG(4, &midstate[0]); CL_SET_VARG(4, &midstate[16]); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_neoscrypt_kernel(_clState *clState, dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_uint le_target; cl_int status = 0; /* This looks like a unnecessary double cast, but to make sure, that * the target's most significant entry is adressed as a 32-bit value * and not accidently by something else the double cast seems wise. * The compiler will get rid of it anyway. */ le_target = (cl_uint)le32toh(((uint32_t *)blk->work->/*device_*/target)[7]); memcpy(clState->cldata, blk->work->data, 80); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_credits_kernel(_clState *clState, dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; // le_target = (*(cl_uint *)(blk->work->device_target + 24)); le_target = (cl_ulong)le64toh(((uint64_t *)blk->work->/*device_*/target)[3]); // le_target = (cl_uint)((uint32_t *)blk->work->target)[6]; memcpy(clState->cldata, blk->work->data, 168); // flip168(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 168, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->midstate); return status; } static cl_int queue_yescrypt_kernel(_clState *clState, dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_uint le_target; cl_int status = 0; // le_target = (*(cl_uint *)(blk->work->device_target + 28)); le_target = (cl_uint)le32toh(((uint32_t *)blk->work->/*device_*/target)[7]); // le_target = (cl_uint)((uint32_t *)blk->work->target)[7]; // memcpy(clState->cldata, blk->work->data, 80); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer2); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_yescrypt_multikernel(_clState *clState, dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { // cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_uint le_target; cl_int status = 0; // le_target = (*(cl_uint *)(blk->work->device_target + 28)); le_target = (cl_uint)le32toh(((uint32_t *)blk->work->/*device_*/target)[7]); memcpy(clState->cldata, blk->work->data, 80); // flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); //pbkdf and initial sha kernel = &clState->kernel; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer2); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer3); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); //inactive kernel num = 0; kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_N(0,clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG_N(1,clState->buffer2); // CL_SET_ARG_N(3, clState->buffer3); //mix2_2 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG_N(1,clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG_N(2,clState->buffer2); //mix2_2 //inactive kernel num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG_N(1, clState->buffer2); //mix2_2 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG_N(1, clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG_N(2, clState->buffer2); //inactive kernel num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG_N(1, clState->buffer2); //mix2_2 //pbkdf and finalization num=0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer2); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer3); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_maxcoin_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_int status = 0; flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); return status; } static cl_int queue_sph_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_darkcoin_mod_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search5 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // luffa - search6 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // cubehash - search7 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite - search8 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // simd - search9 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // echo - search10 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_bitblock_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search5 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // luffa - search6 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // cubehash - search7 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite - search8 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // simd - search9 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // echo - search10 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // hamsi - search11 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // fugue - search12 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // hamsi - search11 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // fugue - search12 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_bitblockold_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search5 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // luffa - search6 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // cubehash - search7 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite - search8 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // simd - search9 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // combined echo, hamsi, fugue - shabal - whirlpool - search10 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_marucoin_mod_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search5 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // luffa - search6 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // cubehash - search7 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite - search8 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // simd - search9 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // echo - search10 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // hamsi - search11 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // fugue - search12 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_marucoin_mod_old_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search5 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // luffa - search6 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // cubehash - search7 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite - search8 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // simd - search9 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // combined echo, hamsi, fugue - search10 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_talkcoin_mod_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search4 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_x14_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search5 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // luffa - search6 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // cubehash - search7 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite - search8 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // simd - search9 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // echo - search10 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // hamsi - search11 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // fugue - search12 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shabal - search13 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_x14_old_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // keccak - search5 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // luffa - search6 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // cubehash - search7 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite - search8 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // simd - search9 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // combined echo, hamsi, fugue - shabal - search10 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_fresh_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // shavite 1 - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); // smid 1 - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // shavite 2 - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // smid 2 - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // echo - search4 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_whirlcoin_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); //clbuffer, hashes kernel = &clState->kernel; CL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG_N(1, clState->padbuffer8); kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->padbuffer8); CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->padbuffer8); //hashes, output, target CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG_N(1, clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG_N(2, le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_whirlpoolx_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { uint64_t midblock[8], key[8] = { 0 }, tmp[8] = { 0 }; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); memcpy(midblock, clState->cldata, 64); // midblock = n, key = h for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { tmp[0] = WHIRLPOOL_ROUND_CONSTANTS[i]; whirlpool_round(key, tmp); tmp[0] = 0; whirlpool_round(midblock, tmp); for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x) { midblock[x] ^= key[x]; } } for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { midblock[i] ^= ((uint64_t *)(clState->cldata))[i]; } status = clSetKernelArg(clState->kernel, 0, sizeof(cl_ulong8), (cl_ulong8 *)&midblock); status |= clSetKernelArg(clState->kernel, 1, sizeof(cl_ulong), (void *)(((uint64_t *)clState->cldata) + 8)); status |= clSetKernelArg(clState->kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_ulong), (void *)(((uint64_t *)clState->cldata) + 9)); status |= clSetKernelArg(clState->kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&clState->outputBuffer); status |= clSetKernelArg(clState->kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_ulong), (void *)&le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_lyra2re_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_int status = 0; cl_ulong le_target; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_a); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_b); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_c); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_d); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_e); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_f); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_g); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_h); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_a); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_b); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_c); // bmw - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // groestl - search2 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // skein - search3 CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); // jh - search4 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_lyra2rev2_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel; unsigned int num; cl_int status = 0; cl_ulong le_target; // le_target = *(cl_uint *)(blk->work->device_target + 28); le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); // blake - search kernel = &clState->kernel; num = 0; // CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_a); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_b); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_c); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_d); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_e); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_f); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_g); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_h); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_a); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_b); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_c); // keccak - search1 kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->buffer1); // cubehash - search2 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->buffer1); // lyra - search3 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_N(0, clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG_N(1, clState->padbuffer8); // skein -search4 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->buffer1); // cubehash - search5 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG_0(clState->buffer1); // bmw - search6 num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->buffer1); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_pluck_kernel(_clState *clState, dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_uint le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = (cl_uint)le32toh(((uint32_t *)blk->work->/*device_*/target)[7]); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static cl_int queue_blake_kernel(_clState *clState, dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_int status = 0; cl_ulong le_target; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->device_target + 24); flip80(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 80, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_a); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_b); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_c); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_d); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_e); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_f); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_g); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.ctx_h); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_a); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_b); CL_SET_ARG(blk->work->blk.cty_c); return status; } static cl_int queue_decred_kernel(_clState *clState, dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_int status = 0; CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); /* Midstate */ CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_a); CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_b); CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_c); CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_d); CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_e); CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_f); CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_g); CL_SET_BLKARG(ctx_h); /* Last 52 bytes of data (without nonce) */ CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_a); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_b); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_c); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_d); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_e); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_f); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_g); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_h); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_i); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_j); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_k); CL_SET_BLKARG(cty_l); return status; } static cl_int queue_lbry_kernel(struct __clState *clState, struct _dev_blk_ctx *blk, __maybe_unused cl_uint threads) { cl_kernel *kernel = &clState->kernel; unsigned int num = 0; cl_ulong le_target; cl_int status = 0; le_target = *(cl_ulong *)(blk->work->target + 24); flip112(clState->cldata, blk->work->data); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(clState->commandQueue, clState->CLbuffer0, true, 0, 112, clState->cldata, 0, NULL, NULL); CL_SET_ARG(clState->CLbuffer0); CL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); num = 0; kernel = clState->extra_kernels; CL_SET_ARG_0(clState->padbuffer8); num = 0; CL_NEXTKERNEL_SET_ARG(clState->padbuffer8); CL_SET_ARG(clState->outputBuffer); CL_SET_ARG(le_target); return status; } static algorithm_settings_t algos[] = { // kernels starting from this will have difficulty calculated by using litecoin algorithm #define A_SCRYPT(a) \ { a, ALGO_SCRYPT, "", 1, 65536, 65536, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, -1, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, scrypt_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_scrypt_kernel, gen_hash, append_scrypt_compiler_options } A_SCRYPT("ckolivas"), A_SCRYPT("alexkarnew"), A_SCRYPT("alexkarnold"), A_SCRYPT("bufius"), A_SCRYPT("psw"), A_SCRYPT("zuikkis"), A_SCRYPT("arebyp"), #undef A_SCRYPT #define A_NEOSCRYPT(a) \ { a, ALGO_NEOSCRYPT, "", 1, 65536, 65536, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFF000000000000ULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, -1, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, neoscrypt_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_neoscrypt_kernel, gen_hash, append_neoscrypt_compiler_options } A_NEOSCRYPT("neoscrypt"), #undef A_NEOSCRYPT #define A_PLUCK(a) \ { a, ALGO_PLUCK, "", 1, 65536, 65536, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFF000000000000ULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, -1, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, pluck_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_pluck_kernel, gen_hash, append_neoscrypt_compiler_options } A_PLUCK("pluck"), #undef A_PLUCK #define A_CREDITS(a) \ { a, ALGO_CRE, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFF000000000000ULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, -1, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, credits_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_credits_kernel, gen_hash, NULL} A_CREDITS("credits"), #undef A_CREDITS #define A_DECRED(a) \ { a, ALGO_DECRED, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0, 0, 0, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, decred_regenhash, decred_midstate, decred_prepare_work, queue_decred_kernel, gen_hash, append_blake256_compiler_options } A_DECRED("decred"), #undef A_DECRED #define A_YESCRYPT(a) \ { a, ALGO_YESCRYPT, "", 1, 65536, 65536, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFF000000000000ULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, -1, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, yescrypt_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_yescrypt_kernel, gen_hash, append_neoscrypt_compiler_options} A_YESCRYPT("yescrypt"), #undef A_YESCRYPT #define A_YESCRYPT_MULTI(a) \ { a, ALGO_YESCRYPT_MULTI, "", 1, 65536, 65536, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFF000000000000ULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 6,-1,CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE , yescrypt_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_yescrypt_multikernel, gen_hash, append_neoscrypt_compiler_options} A_YESCRYPT_MULTI("yescrypt-multi"), #undef A_YESCRYPT_MULTI // kernels starting from this will have difficulty calculated by using quarkcoin algorithm #define A_QUARK(a, b) \ { a, ALGO_QUARK, "", 256, 256, 256, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, 0, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, b, NULL, NULL, queue_sph_kernel, gen_hash, append_x11_compiler_options } A_QUARK("quarkcoin", quarkcoin_regenhash), A_QUARK("qubitcoin", qubitcoin_regenhash), A_QUARK("animecoin", animecoin_regenhash), A_QUARK("sifcoin", sifcoin_regenhash), #undef A_QUARK // kernels starting from this will have difficulty calculated by using bitcoin algorithm #define A_DARK(a, b) \ { a, ALGO_X11, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, 0, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, b, NULL, NULL, queue_sph_kernel, gen_hash, append_x11_compiler_options } A_DARK("darkcoin", darkcoin_regenhash), A_DARK("inkcoin", inkcoin_regenhash), A_DARK("myriadcoin-groestl", myriadcoin_groestl_regenhash), #undef A_DARK { "twecoin", ALGO_TWE, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, 0, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, twecoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_sph_kernel, sha256, NULL }, { "maxcoin", ALGO_KECCAK, "", 1, 256, 1, 4, 15, 0x0F, 0xFFFFULL, 0x000000ffUL, 0, 0, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, maxcoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_maxcoin_kernel, sha256, NULL }, { "darkcoin-mod", ALGO_X11, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 10, 8 * 16 * 4194304, 0, darkcoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_darkcoin_mod_kernel, gen_hash, append_x11_compiler_options }, { "marucoin", ALGO_X13, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, 0, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, marucoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_sph_kernel, gen_hash, append_x13_compiler_options }, { "marucoin-mod", ALGO_X13, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 12, 8 * 16 * 4194304, 0, marucoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_marucoin_mod_kernel, gen_hash, append_x13_compiler_options }, { "marucoin-modold", ALGO_X13, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 10, 8 * 16 * 4194304, 0, marucoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_marucoin_mod_old_kernel, gen_hash, append_x13_compiler_options }, { "x14", ALGO_X14, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 13, 8 * 16 * 4194304, 0, x14_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_x14_kernel, gen_hash, append_x13_compiler_options }, { "x14old", ALGO_X14, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 10, 8 * 16 * 4194304, 0, x14_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_x14_old_kernel, gen_hash, append_x13_compiler_options }, { "bitblock", ALGO_X15, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 14, 4 * 16 * 4194304, 0, bitblock_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_bitblock_kernel, gen_hash, append_x13_compiler_options }, { "bitblockold", ALGO_X15, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 10, 4 * 16 * 4194304, 0, bitblock_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_bitblockold_kernel, gen_hash, append_x13_compiler_options }, { "talkcoin-mod", ALGO_NIST, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 4, 8 * 16 * 4194304, 0, talkcoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_talkcoin_mod_kernel, gen_hash, append_x11_compiler_options }, { "fresh", ALGO_FRESH, "", 1, 256, 256, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 4, 4 * 16 * 4194304, 0, fresh_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_fresh_kernel, gen_hash, NULL }, { "lyra2re", ALGO_LYRA2RE, "", 1, 128, 128, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 4, 2 * 8 * 4194304, 0, lyra2re_regenhash, blake256_midstate, blake256_prepare_work, queue_lyra2re_kernel, gen_hash, NULL }, { "lyra2rev2", ALGO_LYRA2REV2, "", 1, 256, 256, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 6, -1, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, lyra2rev2_regenhash, blake256_midstate, blake256_prepare_work, queue_lyra2rev2_kernel, gen_hash, append_neoscrypt_compiler_options }, // kernels starting from this will have difficulty calculated by using fuguecoin algorithm #define A_FUGUE(a, b, c) \ { a, ALGO_FUGUE, "", 1, 256, 256, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 0, 0, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, b, NULL, NULL, queue_sph_kernel, c, NULL } A_FUGUE("fuguecoin", fuguecoin_regenhash, sha256), A_FUGUE("groestlcoin", groestlcoin_regenhash, sha256), A_FUGUE("diamond", groestlcoin_regenhash, gen_hash), #undef A_FUGUE { "whirlcoin", ALGO_WHIRL, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 3, 8 * 16 * 4194304, CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, whirlcoin_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_whirlcoin_kernel, sha256, NULL }, { "whirlpoolx", ALGO_WHIRLPOOLX, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000FFFFUL, 0, 0, 0, whirlpoolx_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_whirlpoolx_kernel, gen_hash, NULL }, { "blake256r8", ALGO_BLAKECOIN, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x000000ffUL, 0, 128, 0, blakecoin_regenhash, blakecoin_midstate, blakecoin_prepare_work, queue_blake_kernel, sha256, NULL }, { "blake256r14", ALGO_BLAKE, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x00000000UL, 0, 128, 0, blake256_regenhash, blake256_midstate, blake256_prepare_work, queue_blake_kernel, gen_hash, NULL }, { "vanilla", ALGO_VANILLA, "", 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x000000ffUL, 0, 128, 0, blakecoin_regenhash, blakecoin_midstate, blakecoin_prepare_work, queue_blake_kernel, gen_hash, NULL }, { "lbry", ALGO_LBRY, "", 1, 256, 256, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFFFFULL, 0x0000ffffUL, 2, 4 * 8 * 4194304, 0, lbry_regenhash, NULL, NULL, queue_lbry_kernel, gen_hash, NULL }, // Terminator (do not remove) { NULL, ALGO_UNK, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; void copy_algorithm_settings(algorithm_t* dest, const char* algo) { algorithm_settings_t* src; // Find algorithm settings and copy for (src = algos; src->name; src++) { if (strcasecmp(src->name, algo) == 0) { strcpy(dest->name, src->name); dest->kernelfile = src->kernelfile; dest->type = src->type; dest->diff_multiplier1 = src->diff_multiplier1; dest->diff_multiplier2 = src->diff_multiplier2; dest->share_diff_multiplier = src->share_diff_multiplier; dest->xintensity_shift = src->xintensity_shift; dest->intensity_shift = src->intensity_shift; dest->found_idx = src->found_idx; dest->diff_numerator = src->diff_numerator; dest->diff1targ = src->diff1targ; dest->n_extra_kernels = src->n_extra_kernels; dest->rw_buffer_size = src->rw_buffer_size; dest->cq_properties = src->cq_properties; dest->regenhash = src->regenhash; dest->calc_midstate = src->calc_midstate; dest->prepare_work = src->prepare_work; dest->queue_kernel = src->queue_kernel; dest->gen_hash = src->gen_hash; dest->set_compile_options = src->set_compile_options; break; } } // if not found if (src->name == NULL) { applog(LOG_WARNING, "Algorithm %s not found, using %s.", algo, algos->name); copy_algorithm_settings(dest, algos->name); } } static const char *lookup_algorithm_alias(const char *lookup_alias, uint8_t *nfactor) { #define ALGO_ALIAS_NF(alias, name, nf) \ if (strcasecmp(alias, lookup_alias) == 0) { *nfactor = nf; return name; } #define ALGO_ALIAS(alias, name) \ if (strcasecmp(alias, lookup_alias) == 0) return name; ALGO_ALIAS_NF("scrypt", "ckolivas", 10); ALGO_ALIAS_NF("scrypt", "ckolivas", 10); ALGO_ALIAS_NF("adaptive-n-factor", "ckolivas", 11); ALGO_ALIAS_NF("adaptive-nfactor", "ckolivas", 11); ALGO_ALIAS_NF("nscrypt", "ckolivas", 11); ALGO_ALIAS_NF("adaptive-nscrypt", "ckolivas", 11); ALGO_ALIAS_NF("adaptive-n-scrypt", "ckolivas", 11); ALGO_ALIAS("x11mod", "darkcoin-mod"); ALGO_ALIAS("x11", "darkcoin-mod"); ALGO_ALIAS("x13mod", "marucoin-mod"); ALGO_ALIAS("x13", "marucoin-mod"); ALGO_ALIAS("x13old", "marucoin-modold"); ALGO_ALIAS("x13modold", "marucoin-modold"); ALGO_ALIAS("x15mod", "bitblock"); ALGO_ALIAS("x15", "bitblock"); ALGO_ALIAS("x15modold", "bitblockold"); ALGO_ALIAS("x15old", "bitblockold"); ALGO_ALIAS("nist5", "talkcoin-mod"); ALGO_ALIAS("keccak", "maxcoin"); ALGO_ALIAS("whirlpool", "whirlcoin"); ALGO_ALIAS("lyra2", "lyra2re"); ALGO_ALIAS("lyra2v2", "lyra2rev2"); ALGO_ALIAS("blakecoin", "blake256r8"); ALGO_ALIAS("blake", "blake256r14"); #undef ALGO_ALIAS #undef ALGO_ALIAS_NF return NULL; } void set_algorithm(algorithm_t* algo, const char* newname_alias) { const char *newname; //load previous algorithm nfactor in case nfactor was applied before algorithm... or default to 10 uint8_t old_nfactor = ((algo->nfactor) ? algo->nfactor : 0); //load previous kernel file name if was applied before algorithm... const char *kernelfile = algo->kernelfile; uint8_t nfactor = 10; if (!(newname = lookup_algorithm_alias(newname_alias, &nfactor))) newname = newname_alias; copy_algorithm_settings(algo, newname); // use old nfactor if it was previously set and is different than the one set by alias if ((old_nfactor > 0) && (old_nfactor != nfactor)) nfactor = old_nfactor; set_algorithm_nfactor(algo, nfactor); //reapply kernelfile if was set if (!empty_string(kernelfile)) { algo->kernelfile = kernelfile; } } void set_algorithm_nfactor(algorithm_t* algo, const uint8_t nfactor) { algo->nfactor = nfactor; algo->n = (1 << nfactor); //adjust algo type accordingly switch (algo->type) { case ALGO_SCRYPT: //if nfactor isnt 10, switch to NSCRYPT if (algo->nfactor != 10) algo->type = ALGO_NSCRYPT; break; //nscrypt case ALGO_NSCRYPT: //if nfactor is 10, switch to SCRYPT if (algo->nfactor == 10) algo->type = ALGO_SCRYPT; break; //ignore rest default: break; } } bool cmp_algorithm(const algorithm_t* algo1, const algorithm_t* algo2) { return (!safe_cmp(algo1->name, algo2->name) && !safe_cmp(algo1->kernelfile, algo2->kernelfile) && (algo1->nfactor == algo2->nfactor)); }