Previous defaults (before 10/30) were optimised for Bitcoin that has
a much higher average block time. Optimise for Litecoin (currently
largest scrypt network.)
Not pushing it further down so as not to scare people with dropping
Thanks to MissedOutOnBTC @ freenode for testing.
Using j_a_i allows us to get rid of accounting vars like total_poolnames,
and pool names don't get mixed up if they're not specified for some pools.
It would still be desirable to show the URL as a pool name if poolname is not
Use `#defined(...)` instead of `#defined ...`.
Remove comments about issues - anyone removing those lines can check blame
to see why they were added.
Add tonobitc to
Introduced by commit 87e5f35745321132cea3e5b21ddb7d69e8a8eb0f
The cast/ref/deref is performed wrong and breaks share/best share display.
It is not the value of target that should be increased, but its address.
If all else fails, add an `#ifdef _MSVC_VER`; we should avoid it if possible.
In either case, constructs like `&(*(((uint64_t *)target) + 24))` must be
explained (in a comment).
moved enable_pool(), disable_pool() and other functions related to
state. These could probably be factored out altogether.
Pool state default is now "enabled" - it was previosly "disabled",
but there was an unconditional function call to enable all pools
in main() previously. It was factored out by joe's earlier commits,
so not visible in this one.
This setting allows to set the GPU intensity value directly without any modifiers, it does not
get any more raw than this! Look at the xintensity description raw for examples of regular
intensity values. You can also set this value through the ncurses interface by pressing:
G -> A -> select device id -> enter value.
Minor xintensity code cleanup as well.
All of this is credited to ArGee of RGMiner, he did the initial ground work for this setting.
This new setting allows for a much finer grained intensity setting and also opens up for dual gpu threads on devices not previously able to. Note: make sure to use lower thread-concurrency values when you increase cpu threads.
Intensity is currently used to spawn GPU threads as a simple 2^value setting.
I:13 = 8192 threads
I:15 = 32768 threads
I:17 = 131072 threads
I:18 = 262144 threads
I:19 = 524288 threads
I:20 = 1048576 threads
Notice how the higher settings increase thread count tremendously.
Now enter the xintensity setting (Yes, I am a genius with my naming convention!).
It is simply a shader multiplier, obviously based on the amount of shaders you got on a card, this should allow the same value to scale with different card models.
6970 with 1536 shaders: xI:64 = 98304 threads
R9 280X with 2048 shaders: xI:64 = 131072 threads
R9 290 with 2560 shaders: xI:64 = 180224 threads
R9 290X with 2816 shaders: xI:64 = 163840 threads
6970 with 1536 shaders: xI:300 = 460800 threads
R9 280X with 2048 shaders: xI:300 = 614400 threads
R9 290 with 2560 shaders: xI:300 = 768000 threads
R9 290X with 2816 shaders: xI:300 = 844800 threads
It's now much easier to control thread intensity and it potentially allows for a uniform way of setting the intensity on your system. I'm very interested in constructive feedback, as I do not have access to a lot of different card models.
This change has been tested on 6970, R9 290, R9 290X - all with equal or a little better speeds than regular intensity setting after a little tuning, but your mileage may vary. Don't fret it, if this doesn't work for you, the regular intensity setting is still available.
The names will be used throughout the display in the program, when not set "Pool 1" will
simply be used instead. The names are not exposed through API yet, it's on my TODO list.
Use "poolname" like this:
"poolname" : "Example pool",
"url" : "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "y",
"pass" : "x"