mirror of https://github.com/GOSTSec/sgminer synced 2025-03-09 20:21:01 +00:00

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ckolivas/cgminer

This commit is contained in:
Con Kolivas 2012-08-14 09:14:37 +10:00
commit 74f21129a6
2 changed files with 515 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
This README contains details about the cgminer RPC API
It also includes some detailed information at the end,
about using miner.php
If you start cgminer with the "--api-listen" option, it will listen on a
simple TCP/IP socket for single string API requests from the same machine
@ -316,7 +319,7 @@ api-example.c - a 'C' program to access the API (with source code)
miner.php - an example web page to access the API
This includes buttons and inputs to attempt access to the privileged commands
Read the top of the file (miner.php) for details of how to tune the display
See the end of this API-README for details of how to tune the display
and also to use the option to display a multi-rig summary
@ -533,3 +536,507 @@ Commands:
miner.php is a PHP based interface to the cgminer RPC API
(referred to simply as the API below)
It can show rig details, summaries and input fields to allow you to change
You can also create custom summary pages with it
It has two levels to the security:
1) cgminer can be configured to allow or disallow API access and access level
security for miner.php
2) miner.php can be configured to allow or disallow privileged cgminer
access, if cgminer is configured to allow privileged access for miner.php
To use miner.php requires a web server with PHP
Basics: On xubuntu 11.04, to install apache2 and php, the commands are:
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install php5
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
On Fedora 17:
yum install httpd php
systemctl restart httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service --system
On windows there are a few options.
Try one of these (I've never used either one)
The basic cgminer option to enable the API is:
or in your cgminer.conf
"api-listen" : true,
(without the ',' on the end if it is the last item)
If the web server is running on the cgminer computer, the above
is the only change required to give miner.php basic access to
the cgminer API
If the web server runs on a different computer to cgminer,
you will also need to tell cgminer to allow the web server
to access cgminer's API and tell miner.php where cgminer is
Assuming a.b.c.d is the IP address of the web server, you
would add the following to cgminer:
--api-listen --api-allow a.b.c.d
or in your cgminer.conf
"api-listen" : true,
"api-allow" : "a.b.c.d",
to tell cgminer to give the web server read access to the API
You also need to tell miner.php where cgminer is.
Assuming cgminer is at IP address e.f.g.h, then you would
edit miner.php and change the line
$rigs = array('');
$rigs = array('e.f.g.h:4028');
See --api-network or --api-allow for more access details
and how to give write access
Once you have a web server with PHP running
copy your miner.php to the main web folder
On Xubuntu 11.04
On Fedora 17
On Windows
see your windows Web/PHP documentation
Assuming the IP address of the web server is a.b.c.d
Then in your web browser go to:
Done :)
The rest of this documentation deals with the more complex
functions of miner.php, using myminer.php, creaing custom
summaries and displaying multiple cgminer rigs
If you create a file called myminer.php in the same web folder
where you put miner.php, miner.php will load it when it runs
This is useful, to put any changes you need to make to miner.php
instead of changing miner.php
Thus if you update/get a new miner.php, you won't lose the changes
you have made if you put all your changes in myminer.php
(and don't change miner.php at all)
A simple example myminer.php that defines 2 rigs
(that I will keep referring to further below) is:
$rigs = array('', '');
Changes in myminer.php superscede what is in miner.php
However, this is only valid for variables in miner.php before the
2 lines where myminer.php is included by miner.php:
if (file_exists('myminer.php'))
Every variable in miner.php above those 2 lines, can be changed by
simply defining them in your myminer.php
So although miner.php originally contains the line
$rigs = array('');
if you created the example myminer.php given above, it would actually
change the value of $rigs that is used when miner.php is running
i.e. you don't have to remove or comment out the $rigs line in miner.php
It will be superceded by myminer.php
The example.php above also shows how to define more that one rig to
be shown my miner.php
Each rig string is 2 or 3 values seperated by colons ':'
They are simply an IP address or host name, followed by the
port number (usually 4028) and an optional Name string
miner.php displays rig buttons that will show the defails of a single
rig when you click on it - the button shows either the rig number,
or the 'Name' string if you provide it
PHP arrays contain each string seperated by a comma, but no comma after
the last one
So an example for 3 rigs would be:
$rigs = array('', '', '');
Of course each of the rigs listed would also have to have the API
running and be set to allow the web server to access the API - as
explained before
So basically, any variable explained below can be put in myminer.php
if you wanted to set it to something different to it's default value
and did not want to change miner.php itself every time you updated it
Below is each variable that can be changed and an explanation of each
$readonly = false;
Set $readonly to true to force miner.php to be readonly
This means it won't allow you to change cgminer even if the cgminer API
options allow it to
If you set $readonly to false then it will check cgminer 'privileged'
and will show input fields and buttons on the single rig page
allowing you to change devices, pools and even quit or restart
However, if the 'privileged' test fails, the code will set $readonly to
$notify = true;
Set $notify to false to NOT attempt to display the notify command
table of data
Set $notify to true to attempt to display the notify command on
the single rig page
If your older version of cgminer returns an 'Invalid command'
coz it doesn't have notify - it just shows the error status table
$checklastshare = true;
Set $checklastshare to true to do the following checks:
If a device's last share is 12x expected ago then display as an error
If a device's last share is 8x expected ago then display as a warning
If either of the above is true, also display the whole line highlighted
This assumes shares are 1 difficulty shares
Set $checklastshare to false to not do the above checks
'expected' is calculated from the device MH/s value
So for example, a device that hashes at 380MH/s should (on average)
find a share every 11.3s
If the last share was found more than 11.3 x 12 seconds (135.6s) ago,
it is considered an error and highlighted
If the last share was found more than 11.3 x 8 seconds (90.4s) ago,
it is considered a warning and highlighted
The default highlighting is very subtle
$poolinputs = false;
Set $poolinputs to true to show the input fields for adding a pool
and changing the pool priorities on a single rig page
However, if $readonly is true, it will not display them
$rigs = array('');
Set $rigs to an array of your cgminer rigs that are running
format: 'IP:Port' or 'Host:Port' or 'Host:Port:Name'
If you only have one rig, it will just show the detail of that rig
If you have more than one rig it will show a summary of all the rigs
with buttons to show the details of each rig -
the button contents will be 'Name' rather than rig number, if you
specify 'Name'
e.g. $rigs = array('','myrig.com:4028:Sugoi');
$rigtotals = true;
$forcerigtotals = false;
Set $rigtotals to true to display totals on the single rig page
'false' means no totals (and ignores $forcerigtotals)
If $rigtotals is true, all data is also right aligned
With false, it's as before, left aligned
This option is just here to allow people to set it to false
if they prefer the old non-total display when viewing a single rig
Also, if there is only one line shown in any section, then no
total will be shown (to save screen space)
You can force it to always show rig totals on the single rig page,
even if there is only one line, by setting $forcerigtotals = true;
$socksndtimeoutsec = 10;
$sockrcvtimeoutsec = 40;
The numbers are integer seconds
The defaults should be OK for most cases
However, the longer SND is, the longer you have to wait while
php hangs if the target cgminer isn't runnning or listening
RCV should only ever be relevant if cgminer has hung but the
API thread is still running, RCV would normally be >= SND
Feel free to increase SND if your network is very slow
or decrease RCV if that happens often to you
Also, on some windows PHP, apparently the $usec is ignored
(so usec can't be specified)
$hidefields = array();
List of fields NOT to be displayed
You can use this to hide data you don't want to see or don't want
shown on a public web page
The list of sections are:
See the web page for the list of field names (the table headers)
It is an array of 'SECTION.Field Name' => 1
This example would hide the slightly more sensitive pool information:
Pool URL and pool username:
$hidefields = array('POOL.URL' => 1, 'POOL.User' => 1);
If you just want to hide the pool username:
$hidefields = array('POOL.User' => 1);
$ignorerefresh = false;
$changerefresh = true;
$autorefresh = 0;
Auto-refresh of the page (in seconds) - integers only
$ignorerefresh = true/false always ignore refresh parameters
$changerefresh = true/false show buttons to change the value
$autorefresh = default value, 0 means dont auto-refresh
$placebuttons = 'top';
Where to place the Refresh, Summary, Custom Pages, Quit, etc. buttons
Valid values are: 'top' 'bot' 'both'
anything else means don't show them - case sensitive
$miner_font_family = 'verdana,arial,sans';
$miner_font_size = '13pt';
Change these to set the font and font size used on the web page
$colouroverride = array();
Use this to change the web page colour scheme
See $colourtable in miner.php for the list of possible names to change
Simply put in $colouroverride, just the colours you wish to change
e.g. to change the colour of the header font and background
you could do the following:
$colouroverride = array(
'td.h color' => 'green',
'td.h background' => 'blue'
$allowcustompages = true;
Should we allow custom pages?
(or just completely ignore them and don't display the buttons)
OK this part is more complex: Custom Summary Pages
A custom summary page in an array of 'section' => array('FieldA','FieldB'...)
The section defines what data you want in the summary table and the Fields
define what data you want shown from that section
Standard sections are:
Fields are the names as shown on the headers on the normal pages
Fields can be 'name=new name' to display 'name' with a different heading
'new name'
There are also now joined sections:
These sections are an SQL join of the two sections and the fields in them
are named section.field where section. is the section the field comes from
See the example further down
Also note:
- empty tables are not shown
- empty columns (e.g. an unknown field) are not shown
- missing field data shows as blank
- the field name '*' matches all fields except in joined sections
(useful for STATS)
There are 2 hard coded sections:
DATE - displays a date table like 'Summary'
RIGS - displays a rig table like 'Summary'
Each custom summary requires a second array, that can be empty, listing fields
to be totaled for each section
If there is no matching total data, no total will show
Looking at the Mobile example:
$mobilepage = array(
'DATE' => null,
'RIGS' => null,
'SUMMARY' => array('Elapsed', 'MHS av', 'Found Blocks=Blks',
Accepted', 'Rejected=Rej', 'Utility'),
'DEVS+NOTIFY' => array('DEVS.Name=Name', 'DEVS.ID=ID', 'DEVS.Status=Status',
'DEVS.Temperature=Temp', 'DEVS.MHS av=MHS av',
'DEVS.Accepted=Accept', 'DEVS.Rejected=Rej',
'DEVS.Utility=Utility', 'NOTIFY.Last Not Well=Not Well'),
'POOL' => array('POOL', 'Status', 'Accepted', 'Rejected=Rej', 'Last Share Time'));
$mobilesum = array(
'SUMMARY' => array('MHS av', 'Found Blocks', 'Accepted', 'Rejected', 'Utility'),
'DEVS+NOTIFY' => array('DEVS.MHS av', 'DEVS.Accepted', 'DEVS.Rejected', 'DEVS.Utility'),
'POOL' => array('Accepted', 'Rejected'));
$customsummarypages = array('Mobile' => array($mobilepage, $mobilesum));
This will show 5 tables (according to $mobilepage)
Each table will have the chosen details for all the rigs specified in $rigs
A single box with the web server's current date and time
A table of the rigs: description, time, versions etc
This will use the API 'summary' command and show the selected fields:
Elapsed, MHS av, Found Blocks, Accepted, Rejected and Utility
However, 'Rejected=Rej' means that the header displayed for the 'Rejected'
field will be 'Rej', instead of 'Rejected' (to save space)
Same for 'Found Blocks=Blks' - to save space
This will list each of the devices on each rig and display the list of
fields as shown
It will also include the 'Last Not Well' field from the 'notify' command
so you know when the device was last not well
You will notice that you need to rename each field e.g. 'DEVS.Name=Name'
since each field name in the join between DEVS and NOTIFY is actually
section.fieldname, not just fieldname
The join code automatically adds 2 fields to each GPU device: 'Name' and 'ID'
They don't exist in the API 'devs' output but you can correctly calculate
them from the GPU device data
These two fields are used to join DEVS to NOTIFY i.e. find the NOTIFY
record that has the same Name and ID as the DEVS record and join them
This will use the API 'pools' command and show the selected fields:
POOL, Status, Accepted, Rejected, Last Share Time
Again, I renamed the 'Rejected' field using 'Rejected=Rej', to save space
$mobilesum lists the sections and fields that should have a total
You can't define them for 'DATE' or 'RIGS' since they are hard coded tables
The example given:
Show a total at the bottom of the columns for:
MHS av, Found Blocks, Accepted, Rejected, Utility
Firstly note that you use the original name i.e. for 'Rejected=Rej'
you use 'Rejected', not 'Rej' and not 'Rejected=Rej'
Secondly note that it simply adds up the fields
If you ask for a total of a string field you will get the numerical
sum of the string data
Simply note in this join example that you must use the original field
names which are section.fieldname, not just fieldname
Show a total at the bottom of the columns for:
Accepted and Rejected
Again remember to use the original field name 'Rejected'

View File

@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ global $allowcustompages, $customsummarypages;
global $miner_font_family, $miner_font_size;
global $colouroverride, $placebuttons;
# Don't touch these 2 - see $rigs below
$miner = null;
$port = null;
# See API-README for more details of these variables and how
# to configure miner.php
# Set $readonly to true to force miner.php to be readonly
# Set $readonly to false then it will check cgminer 'privileged'
@ -20,8 +19,6 @@ $readonly = false;
# Set $notify to false to NOT attempt to display the notify command
# Set $notify to true to attempt to display the notify command
# If your older version of cgminer returns an 'Invalid command'
# coz it doesn't have notify - it just shows the error status table
$notify = true;
# Set $checklastshare to true to do the following checks:
@ -38,44 +35,20 @@ $poolinputs = false;
# Set $rigs to an array of your cgminer rigs that are running
# format: 'IP:Port' or 'Host:Port' or 'Host:Port:Name'
# If you only have one rig, it will just show the detail of that rig
# If you have more than one rig it will show a summary of all the rigs
# with buttons to show the details of each rig -
# the button contents will be 'Name' if that was specified
# e.g. $rigs = array('','myrig.com:4028:Sugoi');
$rigs = array('');
# Set $rigtotals to true to display totals on the single rig page
# 'false' means no totals (and ignores $forcerigtotals)
# If $rigtotals is true, all data is also right aligned
# with false, it's as before, left aligned
# This option is just here to allow people to set it to false
# if they prefer the old non-total display when viewing a single rig
# Also, if there is only one line shown in any section, then no
# total will be shown (to save screen space)
# You can force it to always show rig totals when there is only
# one line by setting $forcerigtotals = true;
$rigtotals = true;
$forcerigtotals = false;
# These should be OK for most cases
# However, the longer SND is, the longer you have to wait while
# php hangs if the target cgminer isn't runnning or listening
# RCV should only ever be relevant if cgminer has hung but the
# API thread is still running, RCV would normally be >= SND
# Feel free to increase SND if your network is very slow
# or decrease RCV if that happens often to you
# Also, on some windows PHP, apparently the $usec is ignored
$socksndtimeoutsec = 10;
$sockrcvtimeoutsec = 40;
# List of fields NOT to be displayed
# You can use this to hide data you don't want to see or don't want
# shown on a public web page
# The list of sections are:
# See the web page for the list of field names (the table headers)
# It is an array of 'SECTION.Field Name' => 1
# This example would hide the slightly more sensitive pool information
#$hidefields = array('POOL.URL' => 1, 'POOL.User' => 1);
$hidefields = array();
@ -93,15 +66,7 @@ $autorefresh = 0;
$allowcustompages = true;
# OK this is a bit more complex item: Custom Summary Pages
# A custom summary page in an array of 'section' => array('FieldA','FieldB'...)
# Field can be 'name=new name' to display 'name' with a different heading 'new name'
# This makes up what is displayed with each 'section' separately as a table
# - empty tables are not shown
# - empty columns (an unknown field) are not shown
# - and missing field data shows as blank
# - section = 'DATE' displays a date table like 'Summary'
# - section = 'RIGS' displays a rig table like 'Summary'
# There is a second array, listing fields to be totaled for each section
# As mentioned above, see API-README
# see the example below (if there is no matching data, no total will show)
$mobilepage = array(
'DATE' => null,
@ -176,6 +141,10 @@ $colourtable = array(
'td.lo background' => '#deffff'
# Don't touch these 2
$miner = null;
$port = null;
# Ensure it is only ever shown once
global $showndate;
$showndate = false;