mirror of https://github.com/GOSTSec/sgminer synced 2025-03-09 20:21:01 +00:00

miner.php optional user/pass login restrictions

This commit is contained in:
Kano 2013-01-04 16:07:10 +11:00
parent 1ce817d4df
commit 1b2654e1ff
2 changed files with 233 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -937,6 +937,38 @@ true
$userlist = null;
Define password checking and default access
null means there is no password checking
$userlist is an array of 3 arrays e.g.
$userlist = array('sys' => array('boss' => 'bpass'),
'usr' => array('user' => 'upass', 'pleb' => 'ppass'),
'def' => array('Pools'));
'sys' is an array of system users and passwords (full access)
'usr' is an array of user level users and passwords (readonly access)
'def' is an array of custompages that anyone not logged in can view
Any of the 3 can be null, meaning there are none of that item
All validated 'usr' users are given $readonly = true; access
All validated 'sys' users are given the $readonly access you defined
If 'def' has one or more values, and allowcustompages is true, then
anyone without a password can see the list of custompage buttons given
in 'def' and will see the first one when they go to the web page, with
a login button at the top right
From the login page, if you login with no username or password, it will
show the first 'def' custompage (if there are any)
If you are logged in, it will show a logout button at the top right
$notify = true;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ global $checklastshare, $poolinputs, $hidefields;
global $ignorerefresh, $changerefresh, $autorefresh;
global $allowcustompages, $customsummarypages;
global $miner_font_family, $miner_font_size;
global $colouroverride, $placebuttons;
global $colouroverride, $placebuttons, $userlist;
# See API-README for more details of these variables and how
# to configure miner.php
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ $title = 'Mine';
# Set $readonly to false then it will check cgminer 'privileged'
$readonly = false;
# Set $userlist to null to allow anyone access or read API-README
$userlist = null;
# Set $notify to false to NOT attempt to display the notify command
# Set $notify to true to attempt to display the notify command
$notify = true;
@ -212,6 +215,10 @@ $rigerror = array();
global $rownum;
$rownum = 0;
// Login
global $ses;
$ses = 'rutroh';
function getcss($cssname, $dom = false)
global $colourtable, $colouroverride;
@ -239,7 +246,7 @@ function getdom($domname)
return getcss($domname, true);
function htmlhead($checkapi, $rig, $pg = null)
function htmlhead($checkapi, $rig, $pg = null, $noscript = false)
global $title, $miner_font_family, $miner_font_size;
global $error, $readonly, $poolinputs, $here;
@ -285,8 +292,10 @@ td.lst { $miner_font ".getcss('td.lst')."}
td.hi { $miner_font ".getcss('td.hi')."}
td.lo { $miner_font ".getcss('td.lo')."}
<script type='text/javascript'>
if ($noscript === false)
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>
function pr(a,m){if(m!=null){if(!confirm(m+'?'))return}window.location='$here?ref=$autorefresh'+a}\n";
if ($ignorerefresh == false)
@ -300,8 +309,9 @@ function prs2(a,n,r){var v=document.getElementById('gi'+n).value;var c=a.substr(
if ($poolinputs === true)
echo "function cbs(s){var t=s.replace(/\\\\/g,'\\\\\\\\'); return t.replace(/,/g, '\\\\,')}\nfunction pla(r){var u=document.getElementById('purl').value;var w=document.getElementById('pwork').value;var p=document.getElementById('ppass').value;pr('&rig='+r+'&arg=addpool|'+cbs(u)+','+cbs(w)+','+cbs(p),'Add Pool '+u)}\nfunction psp(r){var p=document.getElementById('prio').value;pr('&rig='+r+'&arg=poolpriority|'+p,'Set Pool Priorities to '+p)}\n";
echo "</script>\n";
<table width=100% height=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 summary='Mine'>
<tr><td align=center valign=top>
<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 summary='Mine'>
@ -1507,7 +1517,6 @@ function doforeach($cmd, $des, $sum, $head, $datetime)
function refreshbuttons()
global $readonly;
global $ignorerefresh, $changerefresh, $autorefresh;
if ($ignorerefresh == false && $changerefresh == true)
@ -1521,7 +1530,7 @@ function refreshbuttons()
function pagebuttons($rig, $pg)
global $readonly, $rigs;
global $readonly, $rigs, $userlist, $ses;
global $allowcustompages, $customsummarypages;
if ($rig === null)
@ -1557,18 +1566,33 @@ function pagebuttons($rig, $pg)
echo '<tr><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td nowrap>';
if ($prev !== null)
echo riginput($prev, 'Prev').'&nbsp;';
echo "<input type=button value='Refresh' onclick='pr(\"$refresh\",null)'>&nbsp;";
if ($next !== null)
echo riginput($next, 'Next').'&nbsp;';
echo '&nbsp;';
if (count($rigs) > 1)
echo "<input type=button value='Summary' onclick='pr(\"\",null)'>&nbsp;";
if ($userlist === null || isset($_SESSION[$ses]))
if ($prev !== null)
echo riginput($prev, 'Prev').'&nbsp;';
echo "<input type=button value='Refresh' onclick='pr(\"$refresh\",null)'>&nbsp;";
if ($next !== null)
echo riginput($next, 'Next').'&nbsp;';
echo '&nbsp;';
if (count($rigs) > 1)
echo "<input type=button value='Summary' onclick='pr(\"\",null)'>&nbsp;";
if ($allowcustompages === true)
foreach ($customsummarypages as $pagename => $data)
if ($userlist === null || isset($_SESSION[$ses]))
$list = $customsummarypages;
if ($userlist !== null && isset($userlist['def']))
$list = array_flip($userlist['def']);
$list = array();
foreach ($list as $pagename => $data)
echo "<input type=button value='$pagename' onclick='pr(\"&pg=$pagename\",null)'>&nbsp;";
echo '</td><td width=100%>&nbsp;</td><td nowrap>';
if ($rig !== null && $readonly === false)
@ -1580,6 +1604,12 @@ function pagebuttons($rig, $pg)
echo "&nbsp;<input type=button value='Quit' onclick='prc(\"quit&rig=$rig\",\"Quit CGMiner$rg\")'>";
if (isset($_SESSION[$ses]))
echo "&nbsp;<input type=button value='Logout' onclick='pr(\"&logout=1\",null)'>";
if ($userlist !== null)
echo "&nbsp;<input type=button value='Login' onclick='pr(\"&login=1\",null)'>";
echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr>";
@ -2410,13 +2440,126 @@ function showcustompage($pagename)
pagebuttons(null, $pagename);
function onlylogin()
global $here;
htmlhead(false, null, null, true);
<tr height=15%><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<table width=384 height=368 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
<table width=100% height=100% border=0 align=center cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td><form action='<?php echo $here; ?>' method=post>
<table width=200 border=0 align=center cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
<tr><td height=120 colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center valign=middle>
<tr><td align=center valign=middle><div align=right>Username:</div></td>
<td height=33 align=center valign=middle>
<input type=text name=rut size=18></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center valign=middle><div align=right>Password:</div></td>
<td height=33 align=center valign=middle>
<input type=password name=roh size=18></td></tr>
<tr valign=top><td></td><td><input type=submit value=Login>
function checklogin()
global $allowcustompages, $customsummarypages;
global $userlist, $ses;
$out = trim(getparam('logout', true));
if ($out !== null && $out !== '' && isset($_SESSION[$ses]))
$login = trim(getparam('login', true));
if ($login !== null && $login !== '')
if (isset($_SESSION[$ses]))
return 'login';
if ($userlist === null)
return false;
$rut = trim(getparam('rut', true));
$roh = trim(getparam('roh', true));
if (($rut !== null && $rut !== '') || ($roh !== null && $roh !== ''))
if (isset($_SESSION[$ses]))
if ($rut !== null && $rut !== '' && $roh !== null && $roh !== '')
if (isset($userlist['sys']) && isset($userlist['sys'][$rut])
&& ($userlist['sys'][$rut] === $roh))
$_SESSION[$ses] = true;
return false;
if (isset($userlist['usr']) && isset($userlist['usr'][$rut])
&& ($userlist['usr'][$rut] === $roh))
$_SESSION[$ses] = false;
$readonly = true;
return false;
if (isset($_SESSION[$ses]))
if ($_SESSION[$ses] == false)
$readonly = true;
return false;
if (isset($userlist['def']) && $allowcustompages === true)
// Ensure at least one exists
foreach ($userlist['def'] as $pg)
if (isset($customsummarypages[$pg]))
return true;
return 'login';
function display()
global $miner, $port;
global $readonly, $notify, $rigs;
global $ignorerefresh, $autorefresh;
global $allowcustompages;
global $allowcustompages, $customsummarypages;
global $placebuttons;
global $userlist, $ses;
$pagesonly = checklogin();
if ($pagesonly === 'login')
if ($rigs == null or count($rigs) == 0)
otherrow("<td>No rigs defined</td>");
if ($ignorerefresh == false)
@ -2425,52 +2568,65 @@ function display()
$autorefresh = intval($ref);
$rig = trim(getparam('rig', true));
$arg = trim(getparam('arg', true));
$preprocess = null;
if ($arg != null and $arg != '')
if ($pagesonly !== true)
$num = null;
if ($rig != null and $rig != '')
if ($rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs))
$num = $rig;
if (count($rigs) == 0)
$num = 0;
$rig = trim(getparam('rig', true));
if ($num != null)
$arg = trim(getparam('arg', true));
$preprocess = null;
if ($arg != null and $arg != '')
$parts = explode(':', $rigs[$num], 3);
if (count($parts) >= 2)
if ($rig != null and $rig != '' and $rig >= 0 and $rig < count($rigs))
$miner = $parts[0];
$port = $parts[1];
$parts = explode(':', $rigs[$rig], 3);
if (count($parts) >= 2)
$miner = $parts[0];
$port = $parts[1];
if ($readonly !== true)
$preprocess = $arg;
if ($readonly !== true)
$preprocess = $arg;
if ($rigs == null or count($rigs) == 0)
otherrow("<td>No rigs defined</td>");
if ($allowcustompages === true)
$pg = trim(getparam('pg', true));
if ($pg != null && $pg != '')
if ($pagesonly === true)
if ($pg !== null && $pg !== '')
if ($userlist !== null && isset($userlist['def'])
&& !in_array($pg, $userlist['def']))
$pg = null;
if ($userlist !== null && isset($userlist['def']))
foreach ($userlist['def'] as $pglook)
if (isset($customsummarypages[$pglook]))
$pg = $pglook;
if ($pg !== null && $pg !== '')
if ($pagesonly === true)
if (count($rigs) == 1)
$parts = explode(':', $rigs[0], 3);