2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
* Copyright 2011 - 2012 Andrew Smith
2012-01-19 17:05:44 +11:00
* Copyright 2011 - 2012 Con Kolivas
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
2012-02-21 22:23:07 +11:00
* Software Foundation ; either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
* any later version . See COPYING for more details .
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
* Note : the code always includes GPU support even if there are no GPUs
* this simplifies handling multiple other device code being included
* depending on compile options
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
# include "config.h"
# include <stdio.h>
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
# include <ctype.h>
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdbool.h>
# include <stdint.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include "compat.h"
# include "miner.h"
2012-02-04 14:22:47 +01:00
# include "device-cpu.h" /* for algo_names[], TODO: re-factor dependency */
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-01-23 12:25:16 +01:00
# if defined(unix) || defined(__APPLE__)
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
# include <errno.h>
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# include <sys/socket.h>
# include <netinet/in.h>
# include <arpa/inet.h>
# define SOCKETTYPE int
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
# define SOCKETFAIL(a) ((a) < 0)
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# define INVSOCK -1
2011-12-04 23:42:56 +11:00
# define INVINETADDR -1
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# define CLOSESOCKET close
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
# define SOCKERRMSG strerror(errno)
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# ifdef WIN32
2012-02-09 21:56:07 +11:00
# include <ws2tcpip.h>
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# include <winsock2.h>
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
# define SOCKETFAIL(a) ((a) == SOCKET_ERROR)
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2011-12-04 23:42:56 +11:00
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# define CLOSESOCKET closesocket
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
static char WSAbuf [ 1024 ] ;
struct WSAERRORS {
int id ;
char * code ;
} WSAErrors [ ] = {
{ 0 , " No error " } ,
{ WSAEINTR , " Interrupted system call " } ,
{ WSAEBADF , " Bad file number " } ,
{ WSAEACCES , " Permission denied " } ,
{ WSAEFAULT , " Bad address " } ,
{ WSAEINVAL , " Invalid argument " } ,
{ WSAEMFILE , " Too many open sockets " } ,
{ WSAEWOULDBLOCK , " Operation would block " } ,
{ WSAEINPROGRESS , " Operation now in progress " } ,
{ WSAEALREADY , " Operation already in progress " } ,
{ WSAENOTSOCK , " Socket operation on non-socket " } ,
{ WSAEDESTADDRREQ , " Destination address required " } ,
{ WSAEMSGSIZE , " Message too long " } ,
{ WSAEPROTOTYPE , " Protocol wrong type for socket " } ,
{ WSAENOPROTOOPT , " Bad protocol option " } ,
{ WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT , " Protocol not supported " } ,
{ WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT , " Socket type not supported " } ,
{ WSAEOPNOTSUPP , " Operation not supported on socket " } ,
{ WSAEPFNOSUPPORT , " Protocol family not supported " } ,
{ WSAEAFNOSUPPORT , " Address family not supported " } ,
{ WSAEADDRINUSE , " Address already in use " } ,
{ WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL , " Can't assign requested address " } ,
{ WSAENETDOWN , " Network is down " } ,
{ WSAENETUNREACH , " Network is unreachable " } ,
{ WSAENETRESET , " Net connection reset " } ,
{ WSAECONNABORTED , " Software caused connection abort " } ,
{ WSAECONNRESET , " Connection reset by peer " } ,
{ WSAENOBUFS , " No buffer space available " } ,
{ WSAEISCONN , " Socket is already connected " } ,
{ WSAENOTCONN , " Socket is not connected " } ,
{ WSAESHUTDOWN , " Can't send after socket shutdown " } ,
{ WSAETOOMANYREFS , " Too many references, can't splice " } ,
{ WSAETIMEDOUT , " Connection timed out " } ,
{ WSAECONNREFUSED , " Connection refused " } ,
{ WSAELOOP , " Too many levels of symbolic links " } ,
{ WSAENAMETOOLONG , " File name too long " } ,
{ WSAEHOSTDOWN , " Host is down " } ,
{ WSAEHOSTUNREACH , " No route to host " } ,
{ WSAENOTEMPTY , " Directory not empty " } ,
{ WSAEPROCLIM , " Too many processes " } ,
{ WSAEUSERS , " Too many users " } ,
{ WSAEDQUOT , " Disc quota exceeded " } ,
{ WSAESTALE , " Stale NFS file handle " } ,
{ WSAEREMOTE , " Too many levels of remote in path " } ,
{ WSASYSNOTREADY , " Network system is unavailable " } ,
{ WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED , " Winsock version out of range " } ,
{ WSANOTINITIALISED , " WSAStartup not yet called " } ,
{ WSAEDISCON , " Graceful shutdown in progress " } ,
{ WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND , " Host not found " } ,
{ WSANO_DATA , " No host data of that type was found " } ,
{ - 1 , " Unknown error code " }
} ;
static char * WSAErrorMsg ( )
int i ;
int id = WSAGetLastError ( ) ;
/* Assume none of them are actually -1 */
for ( i = 0 ; WSAErrors [ i ] . id ! = - 1 ; i + + )
if ( WSAErrors [ i ] . id = = id )
break ;
sprintf ( WSAbuf , " Socket Error: (%d) %s " , id , WSAErrors [ i ] . code ) ;
return & ( WSAbuf [ 0 ] ) ;
# define SOCKERRMSG WSAErrorMsg()
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# ifndef SHUT_RDWR
# endif
2012-02-08 19:55:29 +11:00
# ifndef in_addr_t
# define in_addr_t uint32_t
# endif
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
// Big enough for largest API request
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
// though a PC with 100s of PGAs/CPUs may exceed the size ...
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
// Current code assumes it can socket send this size also
2012-03-22 18:57:30 +11:00
# define MYBUFSIZ 65432 // TODO: intercept before it's exceeded
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
// Number of requests to queue - normally would be small
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
// However lots of PGA's may mean more
# define QUEUE 100
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
static char * io_buffer = NULL ;
static char * msg_buffer = NULL ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
static SOCKETTYPE sock = INVSOCK ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
static const char * UNAVAILABLE = " - API will not be available " ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
//static const char *BLANK = "";
static const char * COMMA = " , " ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
static const char SEPARATOR = ' | ' ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static const char GPUSEP = ' , ' ;
2012-03-22 19:47:23 +11:00
static const char * APIVERSION = " 1.6 " ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static const char * DEAD = " Dead " ;
static const char * SICK = " Sick " ;
static const char * NOSTART = " NoStart " ;
static const char * DISABLED = " Disabled " ;
static const char * ALIVE = " Alive " ;
# define _DYNAMIC "D"
static const char * DYNAMIC = _DYNAMIC ;
static const char * YES = " Y " ;
static const char * NO = " N " ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-03-22 19:47:23 +11:00
static const char * DEVICECODE = " "
" GPU "
# endif
" BFL "
# endif
# ifdef USE_ICARUS
" ICA "
# endif
" CPU "
# endif
" " ;
2012-03-22 20:33:17 +11:00
static const char * OSINFO =
# if defined(__linux)
" Linux " ;
# else
# if defined(__APPLE__)
" Apple " ;
# else
# if defined (WIN32)
" Windows " ;
# else
# if defined(unix)
" Unix " ;
# else
" Unknown " ;
# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
# define _DEVS "DEVS"
# define _POOLS "POOLS"
# define _STATUS "STATUS"
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
# define _MINECON "CONFIG"
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# define _GPU "GPU"
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
# define _PGA "PGA"
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
# define _CPU "CPU"
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
# define _GPUS "GPUS"
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# define _PGAS "PGAS"
# define _CPUS "CPUS"
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
# define _NOTIFY "NOTIFY"
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
# define _BYE "BYE"
static const char ISJSON = ' { ' ;
# define JSON0 "{"
# define JSON1 "\""
# define JSON2 "\":["
# define JSON3 "]"
# define JSON4 ",\"id\":1}"
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
# define JSON_END JSON4
static const char * JSON_COMMAND = " command " ;
static const char * JSON_PARAMETER = " parameter " ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
# define MSG_INVGPU 1
# define MSG_ALRENA 2
# define MSG_ALRDIS 3
# define MSG_GPUMRE 4
# define MSG_GPUREN 5
# define MSG_GPUNON 6
# define MSG_POOL 7
# define MSG_NOPOOL 8
# define MSG_DEVS 9
# define MSG_NODEVS 10
# define MSG_SUMM 11
# define MSG_GPUDIS 12
# define MSG_GPUREI 13
# define MSG_INVCMD 14
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
# define MSG_MISID 15
# define MSG_GPUDEV 17
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# define MSG_CPUNON 16
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
# define MSG_CPUDEV 18
# define MSG_INVCPU 19
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
# define MSG_NUMGPU 20
# define MSG_NUMCPU 21
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
# define MSG_VERSION 22
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
# define MSG_INVJSON 23
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
# define MSG_MISCMD 24
# define MSG_MISPID 25
# define MSG_INVPID 26
# define MSG_SWITCHP 27
# define MSG_MISVAL 28
# define MSG_NOADL 29
# define MSG_NOGPUADL 30
# define MSG_INVINT 31
# define MSG_GPUINT 32
# define MSG_MINECON 33
# define MSG_GPUMERR 34
# define MSG_GPUMEM 35
# define MSG_GPUEERR 36
# define MSG_GPUENG 37
# define MSG_GPUVERR 38
# define MSG_GPUVDDC 39
# define MSG_GPUFERR 40
# define MSG_GPUFAN 41
# define MSG_MISFN 42
# define MSG_BADFN 43
# define MSG_SAVED 44
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
# define MSG_ACCDENY 45
2012-02-21 11:08:29 +11:00
# define MSG_ACCOK 46
2012-02-23 16:10:17 +11:00
# define MSG_ENAPOOL 47
# define MSG_DISPOOL 48
# define MSG_ALRENAP 49
# define MSG_ALRDISP 50
# define MSG_DISLASTP 51
2012-02-24 03:00:01 +11:00
# define MSG_MISPDP 52
# define MSG_INVPDP 53
# define MSG_TOOMANYP 54
# define MSG_ADDPOOL 55
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
# define MSG_PGANON 56
# define MSG_PGADEV 57
# define MSG_INVPGA 58
# endif
# define MSG_NUMPGA 59
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
# define MSG_NOTIFY 60
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
2012-03-30 00:03:29 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
# define MSG_PGALRENA 61
# define MSG_PGALRDIS 62
# define MSG_PGAENA 63
# define MSG_PGADIS 64
# define MSG_PGAUNW 65
# endif
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
enum code_severity {
} ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
enum code_parameters {
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
// Single generic case: have the code resolve it - see below
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
} ;
struct CODES {
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
const enum code_severity severity ;
const int code ;
const enum code_parameters params ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
const char * description ;
} codes [ ] = {
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_INVGPU , PARAM_GPUMAX , " Invalid GPU id %d - range is 0 - %d " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_ALRENA , PARAM_GPU , " GPU %d already enabled " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_ALRDIS , PARAM_GPU , " GPU %d already disabled " } ,
{ SEVERITY_WARN , MSG_GPUMRE , PARAM_GPU , " GPU %d must be restarted first " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_GPUREN , PARAM_GPU , " GPU %d sent enable message " } ,
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_POOL , PARAM_PMAX , " %d Pool(s) " } ,
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
" - %d PGA(s) "
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
" - %d CPU(s) "
# endif
} ,
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
" /PGAs "
# endif
" /CPUs "
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
} ,
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_GPUDIS , PARAM_GPU , " GPU %d set disable flag " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_GPUREI , PARAM_GPU , " GPU %d restart attempted " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_INVCMD , PARAM_NONE , " Invalid command " } ,
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_MISID , PARAM_NONE , " Missing device id parameter " } ,
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_INVPGA , PARAM_PGAMAX , " Invalid PGA id %d - range is 0 - %d " } ,
2012-03-30 00:03:29 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_PGALRENA , PARAM_PGA , " PGA %d already enabled " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_PGALRDIS , PARAM_PGA , " PGA %d already disabled " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_PGAENA , PARAM_PGA , " PGA %d sent enable message " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_PGADIS , PARAM_PGA , " PGA %d set disable flag " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_PGAUNW , PARAM_PGA , " PGA %d is not flagged WELL, cannot enable " } ,
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_INVCPU , PARAM_CPUMAX , " Invalid CPU id %d - range is 0 - %d " } ,
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_VERSION , PARAM_NONE , " CGMiner versions " } ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_MISCMD , PARAM_CMD , " Missing JSON '%s' " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_MISPID , PARAM_NONE , " Missing pool id parameter " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_INVPID , PARAM_POOLMAX , " Invalid pool id %d - range is 0 - %d " } ,
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_SWITCHP , PARAM_POOL , " Switching to pool %d:'%s' " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_MISVAL , PARAM_NONE , " Missing comma after GPU number " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_NOADL , PARAM_NONE , " ADL is not available " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_NOGPUADL , PARAM_GPU , " GPU %d does not have ADL " } ,
2012-01-26 14:00:52 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_INVINT , PARAM_STR , " Invalid intensity (%s) - must be ' " _DYNAMIC " ' or range " _MIN_INTENSITY_STR " - " _MAX_INTENSITY_STR } ,
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_GPUINT , PARAM_BOTH , " GPU %d set new intensity to %s " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_GPUMERR , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d memoryclock to (%s) reported failure " } ,
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_GPUMEM , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d memoryclock to (%s) reported succeess " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_GPUEERR , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d clock to (%s) reported failure " } ,
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_GPUENG , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d clock to (%s) reported succeess " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_GPUVERR , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d vddc to (%s) reported failure " } ,
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_GPUVDDC , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d vddc to (%s) reported succeess " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_GPUFERR , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d fan to (%s) reported failure " } ,
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_GPUFAN , PARAM_BOTH , " Setting GPU %d fan to (%s) reported succeess " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_MISFN , PARAM_NONE , " Missing save filename parameter " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_BADFN , PARAM_STR , " Can't open or create save file '%s' " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_SAVED , PARAM_STR , " Configuration saved to file '%s' " } ,
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_ACCDENY , PARAM_STR , " Access denied to '%s' command " } ,
2012-02-21 11:08:29 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_ACCOK , PARAM_NONE , " Privileged access OK " } ,
2012-02-23 16:10:17 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_ENAPOOL , PARAM_POOL , " Enabling pool %d:'%s' " } ,
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_DISPOOL , PARAM_POOL , " Disabling pool %d:'%s' " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_ALRENAP , PARAM_POOL , " Pool %d:'%s' already enabled " } ,
{ SEVERITY_INFO , MSG_ALRDISP , PARAM_POOL , " Pool %d:'%s' already disabled " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_DISLASTP , PARAM_POOL , " Cannot disable last active pool %d:'%s' " } ,
2012-02-24 03:00:01 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_MISPDP , PARAM_NONE , " Missing addpool details " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_INVPDP , PARAM_STR , " Invalid addpool details '%s' " } ,
{ SEVERITY_ERR , MSG_TOOMANYP , PARAM_NONE , " Reached maximum number of pools (%d) " } ,
{ SEVERITY_SUCC , MSG_ADDPOOL , PARAM_STR , " Added pool '%s' " } ,
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
{ SEVERITY_FAIL , 0 , 0 , NULL }
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
} ;
2012-02-21 20:03:13 +11:00
static int my_thr_id = 0 ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
static int bye = 0 ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
static bool ping = true ;
2012-02-27 12:02:14 +11:00
static time_t when = 0 ; // when the request occurred
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
struct IP4ACCESS {
in_addr_t ip ;
in_addr_t mask ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
bool writemode ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
} ;
static struct IP4ACCESS * ipaccess = NULL ;
static int ips = 0 ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
extern struct device_api bitforce_api ;
# endif
# ifdef USE_ICARUS
extern struct device_api icarus_api ;
# endif
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
static int numpgas ( )
int count = 0 ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < total_devices ; i + + ) {
if ( devices [ i ] - > api = = & bitforce_api )
count + + ;
# endif
# ifdef USE_ICARUS
if ( devices [ i ] - > api = = & icarus_api )
count + + ;
# endif
return count ;
static int pgadevice ( int pgaid )
int count = 0 ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < total_devices ; i + + ) {
if ( devices [ i ] - > api = = & bitforce_api )
count + + ;
# endif
# ifdef USE_ICARUS
if ( devices [ i ] - > api = = & icarus_api )
count + + ;
# endif
if ( count = = ( pgaid + 1 ) )
return i ;
return - 1 ;
# endif
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
// All replies (except BYE) start with a message
// thus for JSON, message() inserts JSON_START at the front
// and send_result() adds JSON_END at the end
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static char * message ( int messageid , int paramid , char * param2 , bool isjson )
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
char severity ;
char * ptr ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
int pga ;
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
int cpu ;
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; codes [ i ] . severity ! = SEVERITY_FAIL ; i + + ) {
if ( codes [ i ] . code = = messageid ) {
switch ( codes [ i ] . severity ) {
severity = ' W ' ;
break ;
severity = ' I ' ;
break ;
severity = ' S ' ;
break ;
default :
severity = ' E ' ;
break ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
2012-02-27 12:02:14 +11:00
sprintf ( msg_buffer , JSON_START JSON_STATUS " { \" " _STATUS " \" : \" %c \" , \" When \" :%lu, \" Code \" :%d, \" Msg \" : \" " , severity , ( unsigned long ) when , messageid ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-02-27 12:02:14 +11:00
sprintf ( msg_buffer , _STATUS " =%c,When=%lu,Code=%d,Msg= " , severity , ( unsigned long ) when , messageid ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
ptr = msg_buffer + strlen ( msg_buffer ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
switch ( codes [ i ] . params ) {
case PARAM_GPU :
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
case PARAM_PGA :
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
case PARAM_CPU :
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , paramid ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , paramid , pools [ paramid ] - > rpc_url ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
break ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , paramid , nDevs - 1 ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
break ;
2012-03-04 14:51:11 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
pga = numpgas ( ) ;
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , paramid , pga - 1 ) ;
break ;
# endif
if ( opt_n_threads > 0 )
cpu = num_processors ;
cpu = 0 ;
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , paramid , cpu - 1 ) ;
break ;
# endif
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , total_pools ) ;
break ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , paramid , total_pools - 1 ) ;
break ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
pga = numpgas ( ) ;
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( opt_n_threads > 0 )
cpu = num_processors ;
cpu = 0 ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , nDevs
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
, pga
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
, cpu
# endif
) ;
break ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
case PARAM_CMD :
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , JSON_COMMAND ) ;
break ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
case PARAM_STR :
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , param2 ) ;
break ;
sprintf ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description , paramid , param2 ) ;
break ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
default :
strcpy ( ptr , codes [ i ] . description ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
ptr = msg_buffer + strlen ( msg_buffer ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
sprintf ( ptr , " \" , \" Description \" : \" %s \" } " JSON_CLOSE , opt_api_description ) ;
sprintf ( ptr , " ,Description=%s%c " , opt_api_description , SEPARATOR ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return msg_buffer ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
2012-02-27 12:02:14 +11:00
sprintf ( msg_buffer , JSON_START JSON_STATUS " { \" " _STATUS " \" : \" F \" , \" When \" :%lu, \" Code \" :-1, \" Msg \" : \" %d \" , \" Description \" : \" %s \" } " JSON_CLOSE ,
( unsigned long ) when , messageid , opt_api_description ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-02-27 12:02:14 +11:00
sprintf ( msg_buffer , _STATUS " =F,When=%lu,Code=-1,Msg=%d,Description=%s%c " ,
( unsigned long ) when , messageid , opt_api_description , SEPARATOR ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return msg_buffer ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void apiversion ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
sprintf ( io_buffer , " %s, " JSON_VERSION " { \" CGMiner \" : \" %s \" , \" API \" : \" %s \" } " JSON_CLOSE ,
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
message ( MSG_VERSION , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
sprintf ( io_buffer , " %s " _VERSION " ,CGMiner=%s,API=%s%c " ,
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
message ( MSG_VERSION , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void minerconfig ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
int pgacount = 0 ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
int cpucount = 0 ;
char * adlinuse = ( char * ) NO ;
# ifdef HAVE_ADL
const char * adl = YES ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nDevs ; i + + ) {
if ( gpus [ i ] . has_adl ) {
adlinuse = ( char * ) YES ;
break ;
# else
const char * adl = NO ;
# endif
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
pgacount = numpgas ( ) ;
# endif
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
cpucount = opt_n_threads > 0 ? num_processors : 0 ;
# endif
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MINECON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
if ( isjson )
2012-03-28 10:50:28 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " , " JSON_MINECON " { \" GPU Count \" :%d, \" PGA Count \" :%d, \" CPU Count \" :%d, \" Pool Count \" :%d, \" ADL \" : \" %s \" , \" ADL in use \" : \" %s \" , \" Strategy \" : \" %s \" , \" Log Interval \" :%d, \" Device Code \" : \" %s \" , \" OS \" : \" %s \" } " JSON_CLOSE , nDevs , pgacount , cpucount , total_pools , adl , adlinuse , strategies [ pool_strategy ] . s , opt_log_interval , DEVICECODE , OSINFO ) ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-03-22 20:33:17 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , _MINECON " ,GPU Count=%d,PGA Count=%d,CPU Count=%d,Pool Count=%d,ADL=%s,ADL in use=%s,Strategy=%s,Log Interval=%d,Device Code=%s,OS=%s%c " , nDevs , pgacount , cpucount , total_pools , adl , adlinuse , strategies [ pool_strategy ] . s , opt_log_interval , DEVICECODE , OSINFO , SEPARATOR ) ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
static void gpustatus ( int gpu , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
char intensity [ 20 ] ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
char * enabled ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
char * status ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
float gt , gv ;
int ga , gf , gp , gc , gm , pt ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( gpu > = 0 & & gpu < nDevs ) {
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
struct cgpu_info * cgpu = & gpus [ gpu ] ;
cgpu - > utility = cgpu - > accepted / ( total_secs ? total_secs : 1 ) * 60 ;
# ifdef HAVE_ADL
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( ! gpu_stats ( gpu , & gt , & gc , & gm , & gv , & ga , & gf , & gp , & pt ) )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
# endif
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
gt = gv = gm = gc = ga = gf = gp = pt = 0 ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-19 20:19:47 +11:00
if ( cgpu - > deven ! = DEV_DISABLED )
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
enabled = ( char * ) YES ;
enabled = ( char * ) NO ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
if ( cgpu - > status = = LIFE_DEAD )
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
status = ( char * ) DEAD ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
else if ( cgpu - > status = = LIFE_SICK )
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
status = ( char * ) SICK ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
else if ( cgpu - > status = = LIFE_NOSTART )
status = ( char * ) NOSTART ;
status = ( char * ) ALIVE ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
if ( cgpu - > dynamic )
strcpy ( intensity , DYNAMIC ) ;
2012-02-04 22:42:28 +11:00
sprintf ( intensity , " %d " , cgpu - > intensity ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " { \" GPU \" :%d, \" Enabled \" : \" %s \" , \" Status \" : \" %s \" , \" Temperature \" :%.2f, \" Fan Speed \" :%d, \" Fan Percent \" :%d, \" GPU Clock \" :%d, \" Memory Clock \" :%d, \" GPU Voltage \" :%.3f, \" GPU Activity \" :%d, \" Powertune \" :%d, \" MHS av \" :%.2f, \" MHS %ds \" :%.2f, \" Accepted \" :%d, \" Rejected \" :%d, \" Hardware Errors \" :%d, \" Utility \" :%.2f, \" Intensity \" : \" %s \" , \" Last Share Pool \" :%d, \" Last Share Time \" :%lu, \" Total MH \" :%.4f} " ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
gpu , enabled , status , gt , gf , gp , gc , gm , gv , ga , pt ,
cgpu - > total_mhashes / total_secs , opt_log_interval , cgpu - > rolling ,
cgpu - > accepted , cgpu - > rejected , cgpu - > hw_errors ,
2012-02-04 19:24:48 +11:00
cgpu - > utility , intensity ,
( ( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) > 0 ) ? cgpu - > last_share_pool : - 1 ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) , cgpu - > total_mhashes ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " GPU=%d,Enabled=%s,Status=%s,Temperature=%.2f,Fan Speed=%d,Fan Percent=%d,GPU Clock=%d,Memory Clock=%d,GPU Voltage=%.3f,GPU Activity=%d,Powertune=%d,MHS av=%.2f,MHS %ds=%.2f,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Hardware Errors=%d,Utility=%.2f,Intensity=%s,Last Share Pool=%d,Last Share Time=%lu,Total MH=%.4f%c " ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
gpu , enabled , status , gt , gf , gp , gc , gm , gv , ga , pt ,
cgpu - > total_mhashes / total_secs , opt_log_interval , cgpu - > rolling ,
cgpu - > accepted , cgpu - > rejected , cgpu - > hw_errors ,
2012-02-04 19:24:48 +11:00
cgpu - > utility , intensity ,
( ( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) > 0 ) ? cgpu - > last_share_pool : - 1 ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) , cgpu - > total_mhashes , SEPARATOR ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
static void pgastatus ( int pga , bool isjson )
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
char * enabled ;
char * status ;
int numpga = numpgas ( ) ;
if ( numpga > 0 & & pga > = 0 & & pga < numpga ) {
int dev = pgadevice ( pga ) ;
if ( dev < 0 ) // Should never happen
return ;
struct cgpu_info * cgpu = devices [ dev ] ;
cgpu - > utility = cgpu - > accepted / ( total_secs ? total_secs : 1 ) * 60 ;
if ( cgpu - > deven ! = DEV_DISABLED )
enabled = ( char * ) YES ;
enabled = ( char * ) NO ;
if ( cgpu - > status = = LIFE_DEAD )
status = ( char * ) DEAD ;
else if ( cgpu - > status = = LIFE_SICK )
status = ( char * ) SICK ;
else if ( cgpu - > status = = LIFE_NOSTART )
status = ( char * ) NOSTART ;
status = ( char * ) ALIVE ;
if ( isjson )
sprintf ( buf , " { \" PGA \" :%d, \" Name \" : \" %s \" , \" ID \" :%d, \" Enabled \" : \" %s \" , \" Status \" : \" %s \" , \" Temperature \" :%.2f, \" MHS av \" :%.2f, \" MHS %ds \" :%.2f, \" Accepted \" :%d, \" Rejected \" :%d, \" Hardware Errors \" :%d, \" Utility \" :%.2f, \" Last Share Pool \" :%d, \" Last Share Time \" :%lu, \" Total MH \" :%.4f} " ,
pga , cgpu - > api - > name , cgpu - > device_id ,
enabled , status , cgpu - > temp ,
cgpu - > total_mhashes / total_secs , opt_log_interval , cgpu - > rolling ,
cgpu - > accepted , cgpu - > rejected , cgpu - > hw_errors , cgpu - > utility ,
( ( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) > 0 ) ? cgpu - > last_share_pool : - 1 ,
( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) , cgpu - > total_mhashes ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " PGA=%d,Name=%s,ID=%d,Enabled=%s,Status=%s,Temperature=%.2f,MHS av=%.2f,MHS %ds=%.2f,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Hardware Errors=%d,Utility=%.2f,Last Share Pool=%d,Last Share Time=%lu,Total MH=%.4f%c " ,
pga , cgpu - > api - > name , cgpu - > device_id ,
enabled , status , cgpu - > temp ,
cgpu - > total_mhashes / total_secs , opt_log_interval , cgpu - > rolling ,
cgpu - > accepted , cgpu - > rejected , cgpu - > hw_errors , cgpu - > utility ,
( ( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) > 0 ) ? cgpu - > last_share_pool : - 1 ,
( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) , cgpu - > total_mhashes , SEPARATOR ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static void cpustatus ( int cpu , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( opt_n_threads > 0 & & cpu > = 0 & & cpu < num_processors ) {
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
struct cgpu_info * cgpu = & cpus [ cpu ] ;
cgpu - > utility = cgpu - > accepted / ( total_secs ? total_secs : 1 ) * 60 ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " { \" CPU \" :%d, \" MHS av \" :%.2f, \" MHS %ds \" :%.2f, \" Accepted \" :%d, \" Rejected \" :%d, \" Utility \" :%.2f, \" Last Share Pool \" :%d, \" Last Share Time \" :%lu, \" Total MH \" :%.4f} " ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
cpu , cgpu - > total_mhashes / total_secs ,
opt_log_interval , cgpu - > rolling ,
cgpu - > accepted , cgpu - > rejected ,
2012-02-04 19:35:12 +11:00
cgpu - > utility ,
( ( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) > 0 ) ? cgpu - > last_share_pool : - 1 ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) , cgpu - > total_mhashes ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " CPU=%d,MHS av=%.2f,MHS %ds=%.2f,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Utility=%.2f,Last Share Pool=%d,Last Share Time=%lu,Total MH=%.4f%c " ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
cpu , cgpu - > total_mhashes / total_secs ,
opt_log_interval , cgpu - > rolling ,
cgpu - > accepted , cgpu - > rejected ,
2012-02-04 19:35:12 +11:00
cgpu - > utility ,
( ( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) > 0 ) ? cgpu - > last_share_pool : - 1 ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
( unsigned long ) ( cgpu - > last_share_pool_time ) , cgpu - > total_mhashes , SEPARATOR ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void devstatus ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
int devcount = 0 ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
int i ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
if ( nDevs = = 0 & & opt_n_threads = = 0 ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NODEVS , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_DEVS , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson ) {
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_DEVS ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < nDevs ; i + + ) {
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
if ( isjson & & devcount > 0 )
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
gpustatus ( i , isjson ) ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
devcount + + ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
int numpga = numpgas ( ) ;
if ( numpga > 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < numpga ; i + + ) {
if ( isjson & & devcount > 0 )
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
pgastatus ( i , isjson ) ;
devcount + + ;
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( opt_n_threads > 0 )
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_processors ; i + + ) {
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
if ( isjson & & devcount > 0 )
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
cpustatus ( i , isjson ) ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
devcount + + ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_CLOSE ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpudev ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
int id ;
if ( nDevs = = 0 ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUNON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
id = atoi ( param ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( id < 0 | | id > = nDevs ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVGPU , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUDEV , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson ) {
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_GPU ) ;
gpustatus ( id , isjson ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_CLOSE ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
static void pgadev ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
int numpga = numpgas ( ) ;
int id ;
if ( numpga = = 0 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGANON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
id = atoi ( param ) ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = numpga ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPGA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGADEV , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
if ( isjson ) {
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_PGA ) ;
pgastatus ( id , isjson ) ;
if ( isjson )
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_CLOSE ) ;
2012-03-30 00:03:29 +11:00
static void pgaenable ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
int numpga = numpgas ( ) ;
struct thr_info * thr ;
int pga ;
int id ;
int i ;
if ( numpga = = 0 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGANON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
id = atoi ( param ) ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = numpga ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPGA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
int dev = pgadevice ( id ) ;
if ( dev < 0 ) { // Should never happen
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPGA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
struct cgpu_info * cgpu = devices [ dev ] ;
if ( cgpu - > deven ! = DEV_DISABLED ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGALRENA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( cgpu - > status ! = LIFE_WELL ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGAUNW , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < mining_threads ; i + + ) {
pga = thr_info [ i ] . cgpu - > device_id ;
if ( pga = = dev ) {
thr = & thr_info [ i ] ;
cgpu - > deven = DEV_ENABLED ;
tq_push ( thr - > q , & ping ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGAENA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
static void pgadisable ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
int numpga = numpgas ( ) ;
int id ;
if ( numpga = = 0 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGANON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
id = atoi ( param ) ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = numpga ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPGA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
int dev = pgadevice ( id ) ;
if ( dev < 0 ) { // Should never happen
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPGA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
struct cgpu_info * cgpu = devices [ dev ] ;
if ( cgpu - > deven = = DEV_DISABLED ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGALRDIS , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
cgpu - > deven = DEV_DISABLED ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_PGADIS , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void cpudev ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
int id ;
if ( opt_n_threads = = 0 ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_CPUNON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
id = atoi ( param ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( id < 0 | | id > = num_processors ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVCPU , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_CPUDEV , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson ) {
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_CPU ) ;
cpustatus ( id , isjson ) ;
if ( isjson )
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_CLOSE ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void poolstatus ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
char * status , * lp ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
int i ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( total_pools = = 0 ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOPOOL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_POOL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson ) {
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_POOLS ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < total_pools ; i + + ) {
struct pool * pool = pools [ i ] ;
if ( ! pool - > enabled )
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
status = ( char * ) DISABLED ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
else {
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
if ( pool - > idle )
status = ( char * ) DEAD ;
status = ( char * ) ALIVE ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
if ( pool - > hdr_path )
lp = ( char * ) YES ;
lp = ( char * ) NO ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
sprintf ( buf , " %s{ \" POOL \" :%d, \" URL \" : \" %s \" , \" Status \" : \" %s \" , \" Priority \" :%d, \" Long Poll \" : \" %s \" , \" Getworks \" :%d, \" Accepted \" :%d, \" Rejected \" :%d, \" Discarded \" :%d, \" Stale \" :%d, \" Get Failures \" :%d, \" Remote Failures \" :%d} " ,
( i > 0 ) ? COMMA : " " ,
i , pool - > rpc_url , status , pool - > prio , lp ,
pool - > getwork_requested ,
pool - > accepted , pool - > rejected ,
pool - > discarded_work ,
pool - > stale_shares ,
pool - > getfail_occasions ,
pool - > remotefail_occasions ) ;
sprintf ( buf , " POOL=%d,URL=%s,Status=%s,Priority=%d,Long Poll=%s,Getworks=%d,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Discarded=%d,Stale=%d,Get Failures=%d,Remote Failures=%d%c " ,
i , pool - > rpc_url , status , pool - > prio , lp ,
pool - > getwork_requested ,
pool - > accepted , pool - > rejected ,
pool - > discarded_work ,
pool - > stale_shares ,
pool - > getfail_occasions ,
pool - > remotefail_occasions , SEPARATOR ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_CLOSE ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void summary ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 17:01:45 +11:00
double utility , mhs ;
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
char * algo = ( char * ) ( algo_names [ opt_algo ] ) ;
if ( algo = = NULL )
algo = " (null) " ;
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2011-11-23 17:01:45 +11:00
utility = total_accepted / ( total_secs ? total_secs : 1 ) * 60 ;
mhs = total_mhashes_done / total_secs ;
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( io_buffer , " %s, " JSON_SUMMARY " { \" Elapsed \" :%.0f, \" Algorithm \" : \" %s \" , \" MHS av \" :%.2f, \" Found Blocks \" :%d, \" Getworks \" :%d, \" Accepted \" :%d, \" Rejected \" :%d, \" Hardware Errors \" :%d, \" Utility \" :%.2f, \" Discarded \" :%d, \" Stale \" :%d, \" Get Failures \" :%d, \" Local Work \" :%u, \" Remote Failures \" :%u, \" Network Blocks \" :%u, \" Total MH \" :%.4f} " JSON_CLOSE ,
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
message ( MSG_SUMM , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
total_secs , algo , mhs , found_blocks ,
total_getworks , total_accepted , total_rejected ,
hw_errors , utility , total_discarded , total_stale ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
total_go , local_work , total_ro , new_blocks , total_mhashes_done ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( io_buffer , " %s " _SUMMARY " ,Elapsed=%.0f,Algorithm=%s,MHS av=%.2f,Found Blocks=%d,Getworks=%d,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Hardware Errors=%d,Utility=%.2f,Discarded=%d,Stale=%d,Get Failures=%d,Local Work=%u,Remote Failures=%u,Network Blocks=%u,Total MH=%.4f%c " ,
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
message ( MSG_SUMM , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ,
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
total_secs , algo , mhs , found_blocks ,
total_getworks , total_accepted , total_rejected ,
hw_errors , utility , total_discarded , total_stale ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
total_go , local_work , total_ro , new_blocks , total_mhashes_done , SEPARATOR ) ;
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
# else
if ( isjson )
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( io_buffer , " %s, " JSON_SUMMARY " { \" Elapsed \" :%.0f, \" MHS av \" :%.2f, \" Found Blocks \" :%d, \" Getworks \" :%d, \" Accepted \" :%d, \" Rejected \" :%d, \" Hardware Errors \" :%d, \" Utility \" :%.2f, \" Discarded \" :%d, \" Stale \" :%d, \" Get Failures \" :%d, \" Local Work \" :%u, \" Remote Failures \" :%u, \" Network Blocks \" :%u, \" Total MH \" :%.4f} " JSON_CLOSE ,
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
message ( MSG_SUMM , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ,
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
total_secs , mhs , found_blocks ,
total_getworks , total_accepted , total_rejected ,
hw_errors , utility , total_discarded , total_stale ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
total_go , local_work , total_ro , new_blocks , total_mhashes_done ) ;
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
sprintf ( io_buffer , " %s " _SUMMARY " ,Elapsed=%.0f,MHS av=%.2f,Found Blocks=%d,Getworks=%d,Accepted=%d,Rejected=%d,Hardware Errors=%d,Utility=%.2f,Discarded=%d,Stale=%d,Get Failures=%d,Local Work=%u,Remote Failures=%u,Network Blocks=%u,Total MH=%.4f%c " ,
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
message ( MSG_SUMM , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ,
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
total_secs , mhs , found_blocks ,
total_getworks , total_accepted , total_rejected ,
hw_errors , utility , total_discarded , total_stale ,
2012-02-23 23:53:15 +11:00
total_go , local_work , total_ro , new_blocks , total_mhashes_done , SEPARATOR ) ;
2012-01-19 16:56:42 +11:00
# endif
2011-11-23 17:01:45 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpuenable ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
struct thr_info * thr ;
int gpu ;
int id ;
int i ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( gpu_threads = = 0 ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUNON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
id = atoi ( param ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( id < 0 | | id > = nDevs ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVGPU , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-19 20:19:47 +11:00
if ( gpus [ id ] . deven ! = DEV_DISABLED ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ALRENA , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < gpu_threads ; i + + ) {
2012-01-05 19:26:01 -05:00
gpu = thr_info [ i ] . cgpu - > device_id ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
if ( gpu = = id ) {
thr = & thr_info [ i ] ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( thr - > cgpu - > status ! = LIFE_WELL ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUMRE , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-19 20:19:47 +11:00
gpus [ id ] . deven = DEV_ENABLED ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
tq_push ( thr - > q , & ping ) ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUREN , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpudisable ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
int id ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( nDevs = = 0 ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUNON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
id = atoi ( param ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( id < 0 | | id > = nDevs ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVGPU , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-19 20:19:47 +11:00
if ( gpus [ id ] . deven = = DEV_DISABLED ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ALRDIS , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-19 20:19:47 +11:00
gpus [ id ] . deven = DEV_DISABLED ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUDIS , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpurestart ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
int id ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( nDevs = = 0 ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUNON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
id = atoi ( param ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( id < 0 | | id > = nDevs ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVGPU , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
reinit_device ( & gpus [ id ] ) ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUREI , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpucount ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NUMGPU , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
sprintf ( buf , " , " JSON_GPUS " { \" Count \" :%d} " JSON_CLOSE , nDevs ) ;
sprintf ( buf , _GPUS " ,Count=%d%c " , nDevs , SEPARATOR ) ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
static void pgacount ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
int count = 0 ;
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
count = numpgas ( ) ;
# endif
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NUMPGA , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
if ( isjson )
sprintf ( buf , " , " JSON_PGAS " { \" Count \" :%d} " JSON_CLOSE , count ) ;
sprintf ( buf , _PGAS " ,Count=%d%c " , count , SEPARATOR ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void cpucount ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
int count = 0 ;
count = opt_n_threads > 0 ? num_processors : 0 ;
# endif
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NUMCPU , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " , " JSON_CPUS " { \" Count \" :%d} " JSON_CLOSE , count ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , _CPUS " ,Count=%d%c " , count , SEPARATOR ) ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void switchpool ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
struct pool * pool ;
int id ;
if ( total_pools = = 0 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOPOOL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISPID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
id = atoi ( param ) ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = total_pools ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPID , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
pool = pools [ id ] ;
pool - > enabled = true ;
switch_pools ( pool ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_SWITCHP , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2012-02-24 03:00:01 +11:00
static void copyadvanceafter ( char ch , char * * param , char * * buf )
# define src_p (*param)
# define dst_b (*buf)
while ( * src_p & & * src_p ! = ch ) {
if ( * src_p = = ' \\ ' & & * ( src_p + 1 ) ! = ' \0 ' )
src_p + + ;
* ( dst_b + + ) = * ( src_p + + ) ;
if ( * src_p )
src_p + + ;
* ( dst_b + + ) = ' \0 ' ;
static bool pooldetails ( char * param , char * * url , char * * user , char * * pass )
char * ptr , * buf ;
ptr = buf = malloc ( strlen ( param ) + 1 ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! buf ) )
quit ( 1 , " Failed to malloc pooldetails buf " ) ;
* url = buf ;
// copy url
copyadvanceafter ( ' , ' , & param , & buf ) ;
if ( ! ( * param ) ) // missing user
goto exitsama ;
* user = buf ;
// copy user
copyadvanceafter ( ' , ' , & param , & buf ) ;
if ( ! * param ) // missing pass
goto exitsama ;
* pass = buf ;
// copy pass
copyadvanceafter ( ' , ' , & param , & buf ) ;
return true ;
exitsama :
free ( ptr ) ;
return false ;
static void addpool ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
char * url , * user , * pass ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISPDP , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( ! pooldetails ( param , & url , & user , & pass ) ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPDP , 0 , param , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( add_pool_details ( true , url , user , pass ) = = ADD_POOL_MAXIMUM ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_TOOMANYP , MAX_POOLS , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ADDPOOL , 0 , url , isjson ) ) ;
2012-02-23 16:10:17 +11:00
static void enablepool ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
struct pool * pool ;
int id ;
if ( total_pools = = 0 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOPOOL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISPID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
id = atoi ( param ) ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = total_pools ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPID , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
pool = pools [ id ] ;
if ( pool - > enabled = = true ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ALRENAP , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
pool - > enabled = true ;
if ( pool - > prio < current_pool ( ) - > prio )
switch_pools ( pool ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ENAPOOL , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
static void disablepool ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
struct pool * pool ;
int id ;
if ( total_pools = = 0 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOPOOL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISPID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
id = atoi ( param ) ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = total_pools ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVPID , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
pool = pools [ id ] ;
if ( pool - > enabled = = false ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ALRDISP , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
if ( active_pools ( ) < = 1 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_DISLASTP , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
pool - > enabled = false ;
if ( pool = = current_pool ( ) )
switch_pools ( NULL ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_DISPOOL , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static bool splitgpuvalue ( char * param , int * gpu , char * * value , bool isjson )
int id ;
char * gpusep ;
if ( nDevs = = 0 ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUNON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return false ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISID , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return false ;
gpusep = strchr ( param , GPUSEP ) ;
if ( gpusep = = NULL ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISVAL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return false ;
* ( gpusep + + ) = ' \0 ' ;
id = atoi ( param ) ;
if ( id < 0 | | id > = nDevs ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVGPU , id , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return false ;
* gpu = id ;
* value = gpusep ;
return true ;
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpuintensity ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
int id ;
char * value ;
int intensity ;
char intensitystr [ 7 ] ;
if ( ! splitgpuvalue ( param , & id , & value , isjson ) )
return ;
if ( ! strncasecmp ( value , DYNAMIC , 1 ) ) {
gpus [ id ] . dynamic = true ;
strcpy ( intensitystr , DYNAMIC ) ;
else {
intensity = atoi ( value ) ;
2012-01-26 14:00:52 +11:00
if ( intensity < MIN_INTENSITY | | intensity > MAX_INTENSITY ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVINT , 0 , value , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
gpus [ id ] . dynamic = false ;
gpus [ id ] . intensity = intensity ;
sprintf ( intensitystr , " %d " , intensity ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUINT , id , intensitystr , isjson ) ) ;
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpumem ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# ifdef HAVE_ADL
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
int id ;
char * value ;
int clock ;
if ( ! splitgpuvalue ( param , & id , & value , isjson ) )
return ;
clock = atoi ( value ) ;
if ( set_memoryclock ( id , clock ) )
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUMERR , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUMEM , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# else
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOADL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
# endif
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpuengine ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# ifdef HAVE_ADL
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
int id ;
char * value ;
int clock ;
if ( ! splitgpuvalue ( param , & id , & value , isjson ) )
return ;
clock = atoi ( value ) ;
if ( set_engineclock ( id , clock ) )
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUEERR , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUENG , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# else
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOADL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
# endif
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpufan ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# ifdef HAVE_ADL
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
int id ;
char * value ;
int fan ;
if ( ! splitgpuvalue ( param , & id , & value , isjson ) )
return ;
fan = atoi ( value ) ;
if ( set_fanspeed ( id , fan ) )
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUFERR , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUFAN , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# else
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOADL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
# endif
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
static void gpuvddc ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# ifdef HAVE_ADL
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
int id ;
char * value ;
float vddc ;
if ( ! splitgpuvalue ( param , & id , & value , isjson ) )
return ;
vddc = atof ( value ) ;
if ( set_vddc ( id , vddc ) )
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUVERR , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_GPUVDDC , id , value , isjson ) ) ;
2012-01-23 15:25:59 +11:00
# else
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOADL , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
# endif
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static void send_result ( SOCKETTYPE c , bool isjson ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
void doquit ( SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 16:25:13 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( isjson )
strcpy ( io_buffer , JSON_START JSON_BYE ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , _BYE ) ;
send_result ( c , isjson ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
* io_buffer = ' \0 ' ;
2011-11-23 16:25:13 +11:00
bye = 1 ;
2012-02-21 20:03:13 +11:00
PTH ( & thr_info [ my_thr_id ] ) = 0L ;
2011-11-23 16:25:13 +11:00
kill_work ( ) ;
2012-02-21 11:08:29 +11:00
void privileged ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ACCOK , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
void notifystatus ( int device , struct cgpu_info * cgpu , bool isjson )
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
char * reason ;
if ( cgpu - > device_last_not_well = = 0 )
reason = REASON_NONE ;
switch ( cgpu - > device_not_well_reason ) {
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
break ;
default :
break ;
2012-03-24 23:20:48 +11:00
// ALL counters (and only counters) must start the name with a '*'
// Simplifies future external support for adding new counters
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
if ( isjson )
2012-03-24 23:20:48 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " %s{ \" NOTIFY \" :%d, \" Name \" : \" %s \" , \" ID \" :%d, \" Last Well \" :%lu, \" Last Not Well \" :%lu, \" Reason Not Well \" : \" %s \" , \" *Thread Fail Init \" :%d, \" *Thread Zero Hash \" :%d, \" *Thread Fail Queue \" :%d, \" *Dev Sick Idle 60s \" :%d, \" *Dev Dead Idle 600s \" :%d, \" *Dev Nostart \" :%d, \" *Dev Over Heat \" :%d, \" *Dev Thermal Cutoff \" :%d} " JSON_CLOSE ,
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
device > 0 ? " , " : " " , device , cgpu - > api - > name , cgpu - > device_id ,
cgpu - > device_last_well , cgpu - > device_last_not_well , reason ,
cgpu - > thread_fail_init_count , cgpu - > thread_zero_hash_count ,
cgpu - > thread_fail_queue_count , cgpu - > dev_sick_idle_60_count ,
cgpu - > dev_dead_idle_600_count , cgpu - > dev_nostart_count ,
cgpu - > dev_over_heat_count , cgpu - > dev_thermal_cutoff_count ) ;
2012-03-24 23:20:48 +11:00
sprintf ( buf , " NOTIFY=%d,Name=%s,ID=%d,Last Well=%lu,Last Not Well=%lu,Reason Not Well=%s,*Thread Fail Init=%d,*Thread Zero Hash=%d,*Thread Fail Queue=%d,*Dev Sick Idle 60s=%d,*Dev Dead Idle 600s=%d,*Dev Nostart=%d,*Dev Over Heat=%d,*Dev Thermal Cutoff=%d%c " ,
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
device , cgpu - > api - > name , cgpu - > device_id ,
cgpu - > device_last_well , cgpu - > device_last_not_well , reason ,
cgpu - > thread_fail_init_count , cgpu - > thread_zero_hash_count ,
cgpu - > thread_fail_queue_count , cgpu - > dev_sick_idle_60_count ,
cgpu - > dev_dead_idle_600_count , cgpu - > dev_nostart_count ,
cgpu - > dev_over_heat_count , cgpu - > dev_thermal_cutoff_count , SEPARATOR ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , buf ) ;
static void notify ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , __maybe_unused char * param , bool isjson )
int i ;
2012-03-23 10:00:23 +11:00
if ( total_devices = = 0 ) {
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NODEVS , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_NOTIFY , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
if ( isjson ) {
strcat ( io_buffer , COMMA ) ;
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_NOTIFY ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < total_devices ; i + + )
2012-03-23 10:00:23 +11:00
notifystatus ( i , devices [ i ] , isjson ) ;
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
if ( isjson )
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_CLOSE ) ;
2012-02-04 18:19:30 +11:00
void dosave ( __maybe_unused SOCKETTYPE c , char * param , bool isjson )
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
FILE * fcfg ;
if ( param = = NULL | | * param = = ' \0 ' ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISFN , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
fcfg = fopen ( param , " w " ) ;
if ( ! fcfg ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_BADFN , 0 , param , isjson ) ) ;
return ;
write_config ( fcfg ) ;
fclose ( fcfg ) ;
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_SAVED , 0 , param , isjson ) ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
struct CMDS {
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
char * name ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
void ( * func ) ( SOCKETTYPE , char * , bool ) ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
bool requires_writemode ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
} cmds [ ] = {
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
{ " version " , apiversion , false } ,
{ " config " , minerconfig , false } ,
{ " devs " , devstatus , false } ,
{ " pools " , poolstatus , false } ,
{ " summary " , summary , false } ,
{ " gpuenable " , gpuenable , true } ,
{ " gpudisable " , gpudisable , true } ,
{ " gpurestart " , gpurestart , true } ,
{ " gpu " , gpudev , false } ,
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# if defined(USE_BITFORCE) || defined(USE_ICARUS)
{ " pga " , pgadev , false } ,
2012-03-30 00:03:29 +11:00
{ " pgaenable " , pgaenable , true } ,
{ " pgadisable " , pgadisable , true } ,
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
# endif
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
{ " cpu " , cpudev , false } ,
2012-01-22 00:13:27 +11:00
# endif
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
{ " gpucount " , gpucount , false } ,
2012-02-29 21:17:10 +11:00
{ " pgacount " , pgacount , false } ,
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
{ " cpucount " , cpucount , false } ,
{ " switchpool " , switchpool , true } ,
2012-02-24 03:00:01 +11:00
{ " addpool " , addpool , true } ,
2012-02-23 16:10:17 +11:00
{ " enablepool " , enablepool , true } ,
{ " disablepool " , disablepool , true } ,
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
{ " gpuintensity " , gpuintensity , true } ,
{ " gpumem " , gpumem , true } ,
{ " gpuengine " , gpuengine , true } ,
{ " gpufan " , gpufan , true } ,
{ " gpuvddc " , gpuvddc , true } ,
{ " save " , dosave , true } ,
{ " quit " , doquit , true } ,
2012-02-21 11:08:29 +11:00
{ " privileged " , privileged , true } ,
2012-03-23 03:17:20 +11:00
{ " notify " , notify , false } ,
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
{ NULL , NULL , false }
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
} ;
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static void send_result ( SOCKETTYPE c , bool isjson )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
int n ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
int len ;
if ( isjson )
strcat ( io_buffer , JSON_END ) ;
len = strlen ( io_buffer ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
2012-02-21 20:04:00 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API: send reply: (%d) '%.10s%s' " , len + 1 , io_buffer , len > 10 ? " ... " : " " ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
// ignore failure - it's closed immediately anyway
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
n = send ( c , io_buffer , len + 1 , 0 ) ;
if ( opt_debug ) {
if ( SOCKETFAIL ( n ) )
2012-02-21 20:04:00 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API: send failed: %s " , SOCKERRMSG ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
2012-02-21 20:04:00 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API: sent %d " , n ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
static void tidyup ( )
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
bye = 1 ;
if ( sock ! = INVSOCK ) {
shutdown ( sock , SHUT_RDWR ) ;
CLOSESOCKET ( sock ) ;
sock = INVSOCK ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
if ( ipaccess ! = NULL ) {
free ( ipaccess ) ;
ipaccess = NULL ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
if ( msg_buffer ! = NULL ) {
free ( msg_buffer ) ;
msg_buffer = NULL ;
if ( io_buffer ! = NULL ) {
free ( io_buffer ) ;
io_buffer = NULL ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
* Interpret [ R | W : ] IP [ / Prefix ] [ , [ R | W : ] IP2 [ / Prefix2 ] [ , . . . ] ] - - api - allow option
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
* special case of 0 / 0 allows / 0 ( means all IP addresses )
# define ALLIP4 "0 / 0"
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
* N . B . IP4 addresses are by Definition 32 bit big endian on all platforms
static void setup_ipaccess ( )
char * buf , * ptr , * comma , * slash , * dot ;
int ipcount , mask , octet , i ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
bool writemode ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
buf = malloc ( strlen ( opt_api_allow ) + 1 ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! buf ) )
quit ( 1 , " Failed to malloc ipaccess buf " ) ;
strcpy ( buf , opt_api_allow ) ;
ipcount = 1 ;
ptr = buf ;
while ( * ptr )
if ( * ( ptr + + ) = = ' , ' )
ipcount + + ;
// possibly more than needed, but never less
ipaccess = calloc ( ipcount , sizeof ( struct IP4ACCESS ) ) ;
if ( unlikely ( ! ipaccess ) )
quit ( 1 , " Failed to calloc ipaccess " ) ;
ips = 0 ;
ptr = buf ;
while ( ptr & & * ptr ) {
while ( * ptr = = ' ' | | * ptr = = ' \t ' )
ptr + + ;
if ( * ptr = = ' , ' ) {
ptr + + ;
continue ;
comma = strchr ( ptr , ' , ' ) ;
if ( comma )
* ( comma + + ) = ' \0 ' ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
writemode = false ;
if ( isalpha ( * ptr ) & & * ( ptr + 1 ) = = ' : ' ) {
if ( tolower ( * ptr ) = = ' w ' )
writemode = true ;
ptr + = 2 ;
ipaccess [ ips ] . writemode = writemode ;
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
if ( strcmp ( ptr , ALLIP4 ) = = 0 )
ipaccess [ ips ] . ip = ipaccess [ ips ] . mask = 0 ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
else {
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
slash = strchr ( ptr , ' / ' ) ;
if ( ! slash )
ipaccess [ ips ] . mask = 0xffffffff ;
else {
* ( slash + + ) = ' \0 ' ;
mask = atoi ( slash ) ;
if ( mask < 1 | | mask > 32 )
goto popipo ; // skip invalid/zero
ipaccess [ ips ] . mask = 0 ;
while ( mask - - > = 0 ) {
octet = 1 < < ( mask % 8 ) ;
ipaccess [ ips ] . mask | = ( octet < < ( 8 * ( mask > > 3 ) ) ) ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
ipaccess [ ips ] . ip = 0 ; // missing default to '.0'
for ( i = 0 ; ptr & & ( i < 4 ) ; i + + ) {
dot = strchr ( ptr , ' . ' ) ;
if ( dot )
* ( dot + + ) = ' \0 ' ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
octet = atoi ( ptr ) ;
if ( octet < 0 | | octet > 0xff )
goto popipo ; // skip invalid
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
ipaccess [ ips ] . ip | = ( octet < < ( i * 8 ) ) ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
ptr = dot ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
2012-02-20 19:03:25 +11:00
ipaccess [ ips ] . ip & = ipaccess [ ips ] . mask ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
ips + + ;
popipo :
ptr = comma ;
free ( buf ) ;
2012-02-21 20:03:13 +11:00
void api ( int api_thr_id )
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
char buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
char param_buf [ BUFSIZ ] ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
const char * localaddr = " " ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
int n , bound ;
2011-12-04 23:42:56 +11:00
char * connectaddr ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
char * binderror ;
time_t bindstart ;
2011-11-23 22:22:10 +11:00
short int port = opt_api_port ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
struct sockaddr_in serv ;
struct sockaddr_in cli ;
socklen_t clisiz ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
char * cmd ;
char * param ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
bool addrok ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
bool writemode ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
json_error_t json_err ;
json_t * json_config ;
json_t * json_val ;
bool isjson ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
bool did ;
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
int i ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-21 20:03:13 +11:00
my_thr_id = api_thr_id ;
2011-12-04 23:42:56 +11:00
/* This should be done first to ensure curl has already called WSAStartup() in windows */
sleep ( opt_log_interval ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( ! opt_api_listen ) {
2011-12-20 23:36:31 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API not running%s " , UNAVAILABLE ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
return ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
if ( opt_api_allow ) {
setup_ipaccess ( ) ;
if ( ips = = 0 ) {
applog ( LOG_WARNING , " API not running (no valid IPs specified)%s " , UNAVAILABLE ) ;
return ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
sock = socket ( AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , 0 ) ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
if ( sock = = INVSOCK ) {
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
applog ( LOG_ERR , " API1 initialisation failed (%s)%s " , SOCKERRMSG , UNAVAILABLE ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
memset ( & serv , 0 , sizeof ( serv ) ) ;
serv . sin_family = AF_INET ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
if ( ! opt_api_allow & & ! opt_api_network ) {
2011-12-04 23:42:56 +11:00
serv . sin_addr . s_addr = inet_addr ( localaddr ) ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
if ( serv . sin_addr . s_addr = = ( in_addr_t ) INVINETADDR ) {
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
applog ( LOG_ERR , " API2 initialisation failed (%s)%s " , SOCKERRMSG , UNAVAILABLE ) ;
2011-11-23 22:22:10 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
serv . sin_port = htons ( port ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
// try for more than 1 minute ... in case the old one hasn't completely gone yet
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
bound = 0 ;
bindstart = time ( NULL ) ;
while ( bound = = 0 ) {
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( SOCKETFAIL ( bind ( sock , ( struct sockaddr * ) ( & serv ) , sizeof ( serv ) ) ) ) {
binderror = SOCKERRMSG ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
if ( ( time ( NULL ) - bindstart ) > 61 )
break ;
else {
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
applog ( LOG_WARNING , " API bind to port %d failed - trying again in 15sec " , port ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
sleep ( 15 ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
bound = 1 ;
if ( bound = = 0 ) {
applog ( LOG_ERR , " API bind to port %d failed (%s)%s " , port , binderror , UNAVAILABLE ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( SOCKETFAIL ( listen ( sock , QUEUE ) ) ) {
applog ( LOG_ERR , " API3 initialisation failed (%s)%s " , SOCKERRMSG , UNAVAILABLE ) ;
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
CLOSESOCKET ( sock ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
return ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
if ( opt_api_allow )
applog ( LOG_WARNING , " API running in IP access mode " ) ;
else {
if ( opt_api_network )
applog ( LOG_WARNING , " API running in UNRESTRICTED access mode " ) ;
applog ( LOG_WARNING , " API running in local access mode " ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
io_buffer = malloc ( MYBUFSIZ + 1 ) ;
msg_buffer = malloc ( MYBUFSIZ + 1 ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
while ( bye = = 0 ) {
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
clisiz = sizeof ( cli ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( SOCKETFAIL ( c = accept ( sock , ( struct sockaddr * ) ( & cli ) , & clisiz ) ) ) {
applog ( LOG_ERR , " API failed (%s)%s " , SOCKERRMSG , UNAVAILABLE ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
goto die ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
connectaddr = inet_ntoa ( cli . sin_addr ) ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
addrok = false ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
writemode = false ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
if ( opt_api_allow ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < ips ; i + + ) {
if ( ( cli . sin_addr . s_addr & ipaccess [ i ] . mask ) = = ipaccess [ i ] . ip ) {
addrok = true ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
writemode = ipaccess [ i ] . writemode ;
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
break ;
} else {
if ( opt_api_network )
addrok = true ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
2012-02-08 19:06:24 +11:00
addrok = ( strcmp ( connectaddr , localaddr ) = = 0 ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2011-11-23 22:22:10 +11:00
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
if ( opt_debug )
2012-02-21 20:04:00 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API: connection from %s - %s " , connectaddr , addrok ? " Accepted " : " Ignored " ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
if ( addrok ) {
n = recv ( c , & buf [ 0 ] , BUFSIZ - 1 , 0 ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( SOCKETFAIL ( n ) )
buf [ 0 ] = ' \0 ' ;
2011-11-23 14:35:49 +11:00
buf [ n ] = ' \0 ' ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( opt_debug ) {
if ( SOCKETFAIL ( n ) )
2012-02-21 20:04:00 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API: recv failed: %s " , SOCKERRMSG ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
2012-02-21 20:04:00 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API: recv command: (%d) '%s' " , n , buf ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
if ( ! SOCKETFAIL ( n ) ) {
2012-02-27 12:02:14 +11:00
// the time of the request in now
when = time ( NULL ) ;
2011-12-04 00:24:26 +11:00
did = false ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( * buf ! = ISJSON ) {
isjson = false ;
param = strchr ( buf , SEPARATOR ) ;
if ( param ! = NULL )
* ( param + + ) = ' \0 ' ;
cmd = buf ;
else {
isjson = true ;
param = NULL ;
2012-02-11 15:46:08 -05:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
json_config = json_loadb ( buf , n , 0 , & json_err ) ;
2012-02-11 15:46:08 -05:00
json_config = json_loads ( buf , 0 , & json_err ) ;
# else
json_config = json_loads ( buf , & json_err ) ;
# endif
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( ! json_is_object ( json_config ) ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVJSON , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
send_result ( c , isjson ) ;
2011-11-24 12:59:30 +11:00
did = true ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
2011-12-27 10:30:04 +11:00
else {
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
json_val = json_object_get ( json_config , JSON_COMMAND ) ;
if ( json_val = = NULL ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_MISCMD , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
send_result ( c , isjson ) ;
did = true ;
else {
if ( ! json_is_string ( json_val ) ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVCMD , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
send_result ( c , isjson ) ;
did = true ;
else {
cmd = ( char * ) json_string_value ( json_val ) ;
json_val = json_object_get ( json_config , JSON_PARAMETER ) ;
if ( json_is_string ( json_val ) )
param = ( char * ) json_string_value ( json_val ) ;
else if ( json_is_integer ( json_val ) ) {
sprintf ( param_buf , " %d " , ( int ) json_integer_value ( json_val ) ) ;
param = param_buf ;
} else if ( json_is_real ( json_val ) ) {
sprintf ( param_buf , " %f " , ( double ) json_real_value ( json_val ) ) ;
param = param_buf ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
if ( ! did )
for ( i = 0 ; cmds [ i ] . name ! = NULL ; i + + ) {
if ( strcmp ( cmd , cmds [ i ] . name ) = = 0 ) {
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
if ( cmds [ i ] . requires_writemode & & ! writemode ) {
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_ACCDENY , 0 , cmds [ i ] . name , isjson ) ) ;
2012-02-21 20:04:00 +11:00
applog ( LOG_DEBUG , " API: access denied to '%s' for '%s' command " , connectaddr , cmds [ i ] . name ) ;
2012-02-20 20:10:21 +11:00
( cmds [ i ] . func ) ( c , param , isjson ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
send_result ( c , isjson ) ;
did = true ;
break ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
if ( ! did ) {
2012-01-22 18:24:55 +11:00
strcpy ( io_buffer , message ( MSG_INVCMD , 0 , NULL , isjson ) ) ;
2011-12-20 12:05:40 +11:00
send_result ( c , isjson ) ;
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00
2011-11-24 20:41:31 +11:00
die :
2011-11-29 11:07:27 +11:00
tidyup ( ) ;
2011-11-23 14:35:04 +11:00