var http = require('http'); var models = require('../models'); var rpcConfig = require('../config/config')['rpc']; const {username, password, hostname, port} = rpcConfig; function MakeRPCRequest(postData) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var post_options = { host: hostname, port: port, auth: `${username}:${password}`, path: '/', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(postData) } }; var post_req = http.request(post_options, function(res) { res.setEncoding("utf8"); let body = ""; res.on("data", data => { body += data; }); res.on("end", () => { resolve(body); }); }); post_req.write(postData); post_req.end(); }); } // async function saveTransaction(txid, blockHeight) { async function saveTransaction(txid, blockHeight) { const res_tx = await MakeRPCRequest(JSON.stringify({ method: 'getrawtransaction', params: [txid, 1], id: 1 })); const tx = JSON.parse(res_tx)['result']; if (tx === null) { await models.Failure.create({ msg: `Transaction ${txid} fetching failed`, }); return; } // const transaction = await models.Transaction.create({ // txid: tx.txid, // BlockHeight: blockHeight, // }); const transaction = { txid: tx.txid, BlockHeight: blockHeight, vouts: [], vins: [], }; // Loop over vouts for (var i = 0; i < tx.vout.length; i++) { const vout = tx.vout[i]; const m_vout = { n: vout.n, value: vout.value, addresses: [], direction: 1, }; // Loop over addresses in vout for (var y = 0; y < vout.scriptPubKey.addresses.length; y++) { const address = vout.scriptPubKey.addresses[y]; m_vout.addresses.push(address); } transaction.vouts.push(m_vout); // TODO create } for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { const vin =[i]; if (vin.txid) { transaction.vins.push(vin); } } return transaction; } async function createBlock(block) { return models.sequelize.transaction().then(async (t) => { try { console.log(1) const m_block = await models.Block.create(Object.assign({}, block, {transaction: t})); for (var i = block.tx.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { tx = block.tx[i]; if (!tx) continue; // for genesis block console.log(2) const m_transaction = await models.Transaction.create({ txid: tx.txid, BlockHeight: tx.BlockHeight, transaction: t, }); console.log(2.1,, m_block.height) await m_block.addTransaction(m_transaction, t); console.log(2.2) for (var y = tx.vouts.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) { const vout = tx.vouts[y]; console.log(3) const m_vout = await models.Vout.create({ n: vout.n, value: vout.value, direction: 1, transaction: t, }); console.log(4) await m_transaction.addVouts(m_vout, { through: { direction: 1 }, transaction: t, }); for (var z = vout.addresses.length - 1; z >= 0; z--) { const address = vout.addresses[z]; console.log(5) let m_address = await models.Address.findOne({ where: { address, }, }); if (!m_address) { console.log(6) m_address = await models.Address.create({ address, transaction: t, }, t); } console.log(7) await m_vout.addAddress(m_address); } } for (var y = tx.vins.length - 1; y >= 0; y--) { const vin = tx.vins[y]; if (vin.txid) { console.log(8) const vout = await models.Vout.findAll({ include: { model: models.Transaction, where: { txid: vin.txid, }, }, where: { n: vin.vout, }, }); if (vout) { console.log(9) await m_transaction.addVouts(vout[0], { through: { direction: 0, }, transaction: t, }); } else { throw('Couldnt find vout for VIN'); } } } } t.commit(); } catch (e) { t.rollback(); console.log('===', e, 'error'); } }); } async function syncNextBlock(syncedHeight) { const height = syncedHeight + 1; const res_hash = await MakeRPCRequest(JSON.stringify({ method: 'getblockhash', params: [height], id: 1 })); const blockHash = JSON.parse(res_hash)['result']; const res_block = await MakeRPCRequest(JSON.stringify({ method: 'getblock', params: [blockHash], id: 1 })); const block = JSON.parse(res_block)['result']; block.time = new Date(block.time * 1000); const blockToCreate = Object.assign({}, block, {'tx': []}); for (var i = 0; i < block.tx.length; i++) { tx = await saveTransaction(block.tx[i], block.height); blockToCreate.tx.push(tx); } if (blockToCreate.height > 1) { await models.Block.update({ nextblockhash: block.hash },{ where: { hash: block.previousblockhash } }); } await createBlock(blockToCreate); return height; } async function getCurrentHeight() { const result = await MakeRPCRequest(JSON.stringify({ method: 'getblockcount', params: [], id: 1 })); return JSON.parse(result)['result']; } async function getSyncedHeight() { const result = await models.Block.findOne({ attributes: ['height'], order: [['height', 'DESC']], limit: 1 }); const height = result ? result.height : -1; return height; } async function syncBlockchain() { let syncedHeight = await getSyncedHeight(); console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', 'syncedHeight is', syncedHeight); let currentHeight = await getCurrentHeight(); console.log('\x1b[36m%s\x1b[0m', 'currentHeight is', currentHeight); try { while (syncedHeight < currentHeight) { syncedHeight = await syncNextBlock(syncedHeight); // process.stdout.write(`Synced ${syncedHeight} out of ${currentHeight}\r`); console.log(`Synced ${syncedHeight} out of ${currentHeight}`); if (syncedHeight >= 125) process.exit(0) } } catch (e) { console.log('+====', e); process.exit(0); } process.stdout.write('\nDone\n'); process.exit(0); } syncBlockchain() .then((res) => process.exit(0));