Cryptocurrency with GOST R 34.11-2012 algo, GOST R 34.10-2012 signature
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// I2P-patch
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 giv
#include <QObject>
class OptionsModel;
class AddressTableModel;
class TransactionTableModel;
class CWallet;
class QDateTime;
class QTimer;
enum BlockSource {
/** Model for Bitcoin network client. */
class ClientModel : public QObject
explicit ClientModel(OptionsModel *optionsModel, QObject *parent = 0);
OptionsModel *getOptionsModel();
int getNumConnections() const;
int getNumBlocks() const;
int getNumBlocksAtStartup();
double getVerificationProgress() const;
QDateTime getLastBlockDate() const;
//! Return true if client connected to testnet
bool isTestNet() const;
//! Return true if core is doing initial block download
bool inInitialBlockDownload() const;
//! Return true if core is importing blocks
enum BlockSource getBlockSource() const;
//! Return conservative estimate of total number of blocks, or 0 if unknown
int getNumBlocksOfPeers() const;
//! Return warnings to be displayed in status bar
QString getStatusBarWarnings() const;
QString formatFullVersion() const;
QString formatBuildDate() const;
bool isReleaseVersion() const;
QString clientName() const;
QString formatClientStartupTime() const;
QString formatI2PNativeFullVersion() const;
int getNumI2PConnections() const;
QString getPublicI2PKey() const;
QString getPrivateI2PKey() const;
bool isI2PAddressGenerated() const;
bool isI2POnly() const;
QString getB32Address(const QString& destination) const;
void generateI2PDestination(QString& pub, QString& priv) const;
// I2PSession& getI2PSession() const; // ??
// bool isPermanent
OptionsModel *optionsModel;
int cachedNumBlocks;
int cachedNumBlocksOfPeers;
bool cachedReindexing;
bool cachedImporting;
int numBlocksAtStartup;
QTimer *pollTimer;
void subscribeToCoreSignals();
void unsubscribeFromCoreSignals();
void numConnectionsChanged(int count);
void numI2PConnectionsChanged(int count);
void numBlocksChanged(int count, int countOfPeers);
void alertsChanged(const QString &warnings);
//! Asynchronous message notification
void message(const QString &title, const QString &message, unsigned int style);
public slots:
void updateTimer();
void updateNumConnections(int numConnections);
void updateAlert(const QString &hash, int status);
void updateNumI2PConnections(int numI2PConnections);