GOSTcoin support for ccminer CUDA miner project, compatible with most nvidia cards
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

28 lines
486 B

"_note": "Sample rotation of 2 pools",
"name": "Longpoll sample",
"url": "http://ziftr.suprnova.cc:9991",
"user": "tpruvot.win",
"pass": "x",
"max-diff": 0.0,
"scantime": 40,
"time-limit": 180,
"disabled": false
"name": "Stratum sample",
"url": "stratum+tcp://zrc-stratum.suprnova.cc:2257",
"user": "tpruvot.elite",
"pass": "x",
"time-limit": 300
"algo" : "zr5",
"api-bind" : "",
"api-remote" : true,
"no-gbt": true