mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 04:51:34 +00:00

based on klaus commits, will increase a bit speed of most algos PS: main increase is due to the register count tuning in Makefile and for skein512 on linux, its the ROTL64 but almost no changes on X11 : 2648MH/s vs 2630 before
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JANSSON_INCLUDES= -I$(top_srcdir)/compat/jansson
EXTRA_DIST = autogen.sh README.txt LICENSE.txt \
cudaminer.sln cudaminer.vcxproj cudaminer.vcxproj.filters \
compat/gettimeofday.c compat/getopt/getopt_long.c cpuminer-config.h.in
SUBDIRS = compat
bin_PROGRAMS = ccminer
ccminer_SOURCES = elist.h miner.h compat.h \
compat/inttypes.h compat/stdbool.h compat/unistd.h \
compat/sys/time.h compat/getopt/getopt.h \
cpu-miner.c util.c crc32.c hefty1.c scrypt.c \
hashlog.cpp \
heavy/heavy.cu \
heavy/cuda_blake512.cu heavy/cuda_blake512.h \
heavy/cuda_combine.cu heavy/cuda_combine.h \
heavy/cuda_groestl512.cu heavy/cuda_groestl512.h \
heavy/cuda_hefty1.cu heavy/cuda_hefty1.h \
heavy/cuda_keccak512.cu heavy/cuda_keccak512.h \
heavy/cuda_sha256.cu heavy/cuda_sha256.h \
keccak/cuda_keccak256.cu keccak/keccak256.cu \
fuguecoin.cpp cuda_fugue256.cu sph/fugue.c sph/sph_fugue.h uint256.h \
groestlcoin.cpp cuda_groestlcoin.cu cuda_groestlcoin.h \
myriadgroestl.cpp cuda_myriadgroestl.cu \
JHA/jackpotcoin.cu JHA/cuda_jha_keccak512.cu \
JHA/cuda_jha_compactionTest.cu cuda_checkhash.cu \
quark/cuda_jh512.cu quark/cuda_quark_blake512.cu quark/cuda_quark_groestl512.cu quark/cuda_skein512.cu \
quark/cuda_bmw512.cu quark/cuda_quark_keccak512.cu \
quark/quarkcoin.cu quark/animecoin.cu \
quark/cuda_quark_compactionTest.cu \
cuda_nist5.cu blake32.cu pentablake.cu \
sph/bmw.c sph/blake.c sph/groestl.c sph/jh.c sph/keccak.c sph/skein.c \
sph/cubehash.c sph/echo.c sph/luffa.c sph/sha2.c sph/shavite.c sph/simd.c \
sph/hamsi.c sph/hamsi_helper.c sph/sph_hamsi.h \
sph/shabal.c sph/whirlpool.c sph/sha2big.c sph/haval.c \
qubit/qubit.cu qubit/qubit_luffa512.cu qubit/deep.cu qubit/doom.cu \
x11/x11.cu x11/fresh.cu x11/cuda_x11_luffa512.cu x11/cuda_x11_cubehash512.cu \
x11/cuda_x11_shavite512.cu x11/cuda_x11_simd512.cu x11/cuda_x11_echo.cu \
x13/x13.cu x13/cuda_x13_hamsi512.cu x13/cuda_x13_fugue512.cu \
x15/x14.cu x15/x15.cu x15/cuda_x14_shabal512.cu x15/cuda_x15_whirlpool.cu \
x15/whirlpool.cu \
x17/x17.cu x17/cuda_x17_haval512.cu x17/cuda_x17_sha512.cu
nvcc_ARCH = -gencode=arch=compute_50,code=\"sm_50,compute_50\"
#nvcc_ARCH += -gencode=arch=compute_35,code=\"sm_35,compute_35\"
#nvcc_ARCH += -gencode=arch=compute_30,code=\"sm_30,compute_30\"
nvcc_FLAGS = $(nvcc_ARCH) -I . @CUDA_CFLAGS@
nvcc_FLAGS += $(JANSSON_INCLUDES) --ptxas-options="-v"
# we're now targeting all major compute architectures within one binary.
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) --maxrregcount=128 -o $@ -c $<
blake32.o: blake32.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) --maxrregcount=64 -o $@ -c $<
keccak/cuda_keccak256.o: keccak/cuda_keccak256.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) --maxrregcount=92 -o $@ -c $<
qubit/qubit_luffa512.o: qubit/qubit_luffa512.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<
# Luffa and Echo are faster with 80 registers than 128
x11/cuda_x11_luffa512.o: x11/cuda_x11_luffa512.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<
x11/cuda_x11_echo.o: x11/cuda_x11_echo.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<
# Shavite compiles faster with 128 regs
x11/cuda_x11_shavite512.o: x11/cuda_x11_shavite512.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) -I cudpp-2.1/include --maxrregcount=128 -o $@ -c $<
x17/cuda_x17_sha512.o: x17/cuda_x17_sha512.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<
quark/cuda_quark_blake512.o: quark/cuda_quark_blake512.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) -I cudpp-2.1/include --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<
quark/cuda_jh512.o: quark/cuda_jh512.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) -I cudpp-2.1/include --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<
quark/cuda_quark_keccak512.o: quark/cuda_quark_keccak512.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) -I cudpp-2.1/include --maxrregcount=88 -o $@ -c $<
quark/cuda_quark_compactionTest.o: quark/cuda_quark_compactionTest.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) -I cudpp-2.1/include --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<
JHA/cuda_jha_compactionTest.o: JHA/cuda_jha_compactionTest.cu
$(NVCC) $(nvcc_FLAGS) -I cudpp-2.1/include --maxrregcount=80 -o $@ -c $<