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synced 2025-03-13 05:51:19 +00:00

+ new kernels jh512-80 groestl-80 and cubehash-80 Signed-off-by: Tanguy Pruvot <tanguy.pruvot@gmail.com>
360 lines
11 KiB
360 lines
11 KiB
// SM 2.x variant (tpruvot)
//#define __CUDA_ARCH__ 210
#define __CUDACC__
#include <cuda_helper.h>
#include <cuda_texture_types.h>
#define __byte_perm(a,b,c) (a)
#define tex1Dfetch(t, n) (n)
#define USE_SHARED 1
static unsigned int *d_textures[MAX_GPUS][8];
#define PC32up(j, r) ((uint32_t)((j) + (r)))
#define PC32dn(j, r) 0
#define QC32up(j, r) 0xFFFFFFFF
#define QC32dn(j, r) (((uint32_t)(r) << 24) ^ SPH_T32(~((uint32_t)(j) << 24)))
#define B32_0(x) __byte_perm(x, 0, 0x4440)
//((x) & 0xFF)
#define B32_1(x) __byte_perm(x, 0, 0x4441)
//(((x) >> 8) & 0xFF)
#define B32_2(x) __byte_perm(x, 0, 0x4442)
//(((x) >> 16) & 0xFF)
#define B32_3(x) __byte_perm(x, 0, 0x4443)
//((x) >> 24)
#define T0up(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( (x))))
#define T0dn(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 256+(x))))
#define T1up(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 512+(x))))
#define T1dn(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 768+(x))))
#define T2up(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1024+(x))))
#define T2dn(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1280+(x))))
#define T3up(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1536+(x))))
#define T3dn(x) (*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1792+(x))))
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t0up1;
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t0dn1;
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t1up1;
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t1dn1;
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t2up1;
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t2dn1;
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t3up1;
texture<unsigned int, 1, cudaReadModeElementType> t3dn1;
extern uint32_t T0up_cpu[];
extern uint32_t T0dn_cpu[];
extern uint32_t T1up_cpu[];
extern uint32_t T1dn_cpu[];
extern uint32_t T2up_cpu[];
extern uint32_t T2dn_cpu[];
extern uint32_t T3up_cpu[];
extern uint32_t T3dn_cpu[];
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ < 300 || defined(_DEBUG)
#include "groestl_simple.cuh"
__device__ __forceinline__
void quark_groestl512_perm_P(uint32_t *a, char *mixtabs)
#pragma unroll 1
for(int r=0; r<14; r++)
uint32_t t[32];
#pragma unroll 16
for (int k=0; k<16; k++)
a[(k*2)+0] ^= PC32up(k<< 4, r);
#pragma unroll 16
for(int k=0;k<32;k+=2) {
uint32_t t0_0 = B32_0(a[(k ) & 0x1f]), t9_0 = B32_0(a[(k + 9) & 0x1f]);
uint32_t t2_1 = B32_1(a[(k + 2) & 0x1f]), t11_1 = B32_1(a[(k + 11) & 0x1f]);
uint32_t t4_2 = B32_2(a[(k + 4) & 0x1f]), t13_2 = B32_2(a[(k + 13) & 0x1f]);
uint32_t t6_3 = B32_3(a[(k + 6) & 0x1f]), t23_3 = B32_3(a[(k + 23) & 0x1f]);
t[k + 0] = T0up( t0_0 ) ^ T1up( t2_1 ) ^ T2up( t4_2 ) ^ T3up( t6_3 ) ^
T0dn( t9_0 ) ^ T1dn( t11_1 ) ^ T2dn( t13_2 ) ^ T3dn( t23_3 );
t[k + 1] = T0dn( t0_0 ) ^ T1dn( t2_1 ) ^ T2dn( t4_2 ) ^ T3dn( t6_3 ) ^
T0up( t9_0 ) ^ T1up( t11_1 ) ^ T2up( t13_2 ) ^ T3up( t23_3 );
#pragma unroll 32
for(int k=0; k<32; k++)
a[k] = t[k];
__device__ __forceinline__
void quark_groestl512_perm_Q(uint32_t *a, char *mixtabs)
#pragma unroll 1
for(int r=0; r<14; r++)
uint32_t t[32];
#pragma unroll 16
for (int k=0; k<16; k++) {
a[(k*2)+0] ^= QC32up(k << 4, r);
a[(k*2)+1] ^= QC32dn(k << 4, r);
#pragma unroll 16
for(int k=0;k<32;k+=2)
uint32_t t2_0 = B32_0(a[(k + 2) & 0x1f]), t1_0 = B32_0(a[(k + 1) & 0x1f]);
uint32_t t6_1 = B32_1(a[(k + 6) & 0x1f]), t5_1 = B32_1(a[(k + 5) & 0x1f]);
uint32_t t10_2 = B32_2(a[(k + 10) & 0x1f]), t9_2 = B32_2(a[(k + 9) & 0x1f]);
uint32_t t22_3 = B32_3(a[(k + 22) & 0x1f]), t13_3 = B32_3(a[(k + 13) & 0x1f]);
t[k + 0] = T0up( t2_0 ) ^ T1up( t6_1 ) ^ T2up( t10_2 ) ^ T3up( t22_3 ) ^
T0dn( t1_0 ) ^ T1dn( t5_1 ) ^ T2dn( t9_2 ) ^ T3dn( t13_3 );
t[k + 1] = T0dn( t2_0 ) ^ T1dn( t6_1 ) ^ T2dn( t10_2 ) ^ T3dn( t22_3 ) ^
T0up( t1_0 ) ^ T1up( t5_1 ) ^ T2up( t9_2 ) ^ T3up( t13_3 );
#pragma unroll 32
for(int k=0; k<32; k++)
a[k] = t[k];
void quark_groestl512_gpu_hash_64(uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *g_hash, uint32_t *g_nonceVector)
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ < 300 || defined(_DEBUG)
__shared__ char mixtabs[8 * 1024];
if (threadIdx.x < 256) {
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t0up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 256+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t0dn1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 512+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t1up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 768+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t1dn1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1024+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t2up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1280+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t2dn1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1536+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t3up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1792+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t3dn1, threadIdx.x);
uint32_t thread = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x);
if (thread < threads)
uint32_t message[32];
uint32_t state[32];
uint32_t nounce = (g_nonceVector != NULL) ? g_nonceVector[thread] : (startNounce + thread);
off_t hashPosition = nounce - startNounce;
uint32_t *pHash = &g_hash[hashPosition * 16];
#pragma unroll 4
for (int i=0; i<16; i += 4)
AS_UINT4(&message[i]) = AS_UINT4(&pHash[i]);
message[16] = 0x80U;
#pragma unroll 14
for(int i=17; i<31; i++) message[i] = 0;
message[31] = 0x01000000U;
#pragma unroll 32
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) state[i] = message[i];
state[31] ^= 0x20000U;
// Perm
quark_groestl512_perm_P(state, mixtabs);
state[31] ^= 0x20000U;
quark_groestl512_perm_Q(message, mixtabs);
#pragma unroll 32
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) state[i] ^= message[i];
#pragma unroll 16
for(int i=16; i<32; i++) message[i] = state[i];
quark_groestl512_perm_P(state, mixtabs);
state[31] ^= 0x20000U;
#pragma unroll 32
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) state[i] ^= message[i];
#pragma unroll 16
for(int i=16; i<32; i++) message[i] = state[i];
#pragma unroll 16
for(int i=16; i<32; i++) state[i] ^= message[i];
uint4 *outpt = (uint4*)(pHash);
uint4 *phash = (uint4*)(&state[16]);
outpt[0] = phash[0];
outpt[1] = phash[1];
outpt[2] = phash[2];
outpt[3] = phash[3];
#define texDef(id, texname, texmem, texsource, texsize) { \
unsigned int *texmem; \
cudaMalloc(&texmem, texsize); \
d_textures[thr_id][id] = texmem; \
cudaMemcpy(texmem, texsource, texsize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); \
texname.normalized = 0; \
texname.filterMode = cudaFilterModePoint; \
texname.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeClamp; \
{ cudaChannelFormatDesc channelDesc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<unsigned int>(); \
cudaBindTexture(NULL, &texname, texmem, &channelDesc, texsize ); \
} \
void quark_groestl512_sm20_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads)
// Texturen mit obigem Makro initialisieren
texDef(0, t0up1, d_T0up, T0up_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
texDef(1, t0dn1, d_T0dn, T0dn_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
texDef(2, t1up1, d_T1up, T1up_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
texDef(3, t1dn1, d_T1dn, T1dn_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
texDef(4, t2up1, d_T2up, T2up_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
texDef(5, t2dn1, d_T2dn, T2dn_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
texDef(6, t3up1, d_T3up, T3up_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
texDef(7, t3dn1, d_T3dn, T3dn_cpu, sizeof(uint32_t)*256);
void quark_groestl512_sm20_free(int thr_id)
if (!d_textures[thr_id][0]) return;
for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
d_textures[thr_id][0] = NULL;
void quark_groestl512_sm20_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order)
int threadsperblock = 512;
dim3 grid((threads + threadsperblock-1)/threadsperblock);
dim3 block(threadsperblock);
quark_groestl512_gpu_hash_64<<<grid, block>>>(threads, startNounce, d_hash, d_nonceVector);
void quark_doublegroestl512_sm20_hash_64(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order)
int threadsperblock = 512;
dim3 grid((threads + threadsperblock-1)/threadsperblock);
dim3 block(threadsperblock);
quark_groestl512_gpu_hash_64<<<grid, block>>>(threads, startNounce, d_hash, d_nonceVector);
quark_groestl512_gpu_hash_64<<<grid, block>>>(threads, startNounce, d_hash, d_nonceVector);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// defined in groest512.cu
// __constant__ static uint32_t c_Message80[20];
void groestl512_gpu_hash_80_sm2(const uint32_t threads, const uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t * g_outhash)
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ < 300 || defined(_DEBUG)
__shared__ char mixtabs[8 * 1024];
if (threadIdx.x < 256) {
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t0up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 256+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t0dn1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 512+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t1up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + ( 768+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t1dn1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1024+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t2up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1280+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t2dn1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1536+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t3up1, threadIdx.x);
*((uint32_t*)mixtabs + (1792+threadIdx.x)) = tex1Dfetch(t3dn1, threadIdx.x);
const uint32_t thread = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x);
if (thread < threads)
uint32_t message[32];
#pragma unroll 5
for (int i=0; i < 20; i += 4)
AS_UINT4(&message[i]) = AS_UINT4(&c_Message80[i]);
message[19] = cuda_swab32(startNounce + thread);
message[20] = 0x80U; // end tag
#pragma unroll
for(int i=21; i<31; i++) message[i] = 0U;
message[31] = 0x01000000U; // end block
uint32_t state[32];
#pragma unroll
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) state[i] = message[i];
state[31] ^= 0x00020000U; // "...00000201"
quark_groestl512_perm_P(state, mixtabs);
quark_groestl512_perm_Q(message, mixtabs);
state[31] ^= 0x00020000U;
#pragma unroll 32
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) state[i] ^= message[i];
#pragma unroll 16
for(int i=16; i<32; i++) message[i] = state[i];
quark_groestl512_perm_P(state, mixtabs);
state[31] ^= 0x00020000U;
#pragma unroll 32
for(int i=0; i<32; i++) state[i] ^= message[i];
#pragma unroll 16
for(int i=16; i<32; i++) message[i] = state[i];
#pragma unroll 16
for(int i=16; i<32; i++) state[i] ^= message[i];
// uint4 = 4 x uint32_t = 16 bytes, x 4 => 64 bytes
const off_t hashPosition = thread;
uint4 *outpt = (uint4*) (&g_outhash[hashPosition << 4]);
uint4 *phash = (uint4*) (&state[16]);
outpt[0] = phash[0];
outpt[1] = phash[1];
outpt[2] = phash[2];
outpt[3] = phash[3];
#endif // WANT_GROESTL80