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synced 2025-03-10 20:42:03 +00:00

plimit value is reported in mW like the power, or % on Windows x86 (via nvapi) + the monitor thread will no more report 0W if the device doesnt support it also upgrade nvml and sample php api. some more changes may come in this temporary API 1.9 (for the final 2.0)
281 lines
7.3 KiB
281 lines
7.3 KiB
/* ccminer API sample UI (API 1.9) */
$host = 'http://localhost/api/'; // 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/api/';
$configs = array(
//'EPSYTOUR'=>'epsytour.php', /* copy local.php file and edit target IP:PORT */
// 3 seconds max.
function getdataFromPeers()
global $host, $configs;
$data = array();
foreach ($configs as $name => $conf) {
$json = file_get_contents($host.$conf);
$data[$name] = json_decode($json, TRUE);
return $data;
function ignoreField($key)
$ignored = array(
return in_array($key, $ignored);
function translateField($key)
$intl = array();
$intl['NAME'] = 'Software';
$intl['VER'] = 'Version';
$intl['ALGO'] = 'Algorithm';
$intl['GPUS'] = 'GPUs';
$intl['CPUS'] = 'Threads';
$intl['KHS'] = 'Hash rate';
$intl['ACC'] = 'Accepted shares';
$intl['ACCMN'] = 'Accepted / mn';
$intl['REJ'] = 'Rejected';
$intl['SOLV'] = 'Solved';
$intl['BEST'] = 'Best share';
$intl['STALE'] = 'Stale shares';
$intl['LAST'] = 'Last share';
$intl['DIFF'] = 'Difficulty';
$intl['NETKHS'] = 'Net Rate';
$intl['UPTIME'] = 'Miner up time';
$intl['TS'] = 'Last update';
$intl['THR'] = 'Throughput';
$intl['WAIT'] = 'Wait time';
$intl['H'] = 'Bloc height';
$intl['I'] = 'Intensity';
$intl['HWF'] = 'Failures';
$intl['POOL'] = 'Pool';
$intl['POOLS'] = 'Pools';
$intl['TEMP'] = 'T°c';
$intl['FAN'] = 'Fan %';
$intl['CPUFREQ'] = 'CPU Freq.';
$intl['FREQ'] = 'Base Freq.';
$intl['MEMFREQ'] = 'Mem. Freq.';
$intl['GPUF'] = 'Curr Freq.';
$intl['MEMF'] = 'Mem. Freq.';
$intl['KHW'] = 'Efficiency';
$intl['POWER'] = 'Power';
$intl['PLIM'] = 'P.Limit';
$intl['PST'] = 'P-State';
// pool infos
$intl['POOL'] = 'Pool';
$intl['PING'] = 'Ping (ms)';
$intl['DISCO'] = 'Disconnects';
$intl['USER'] = 'User';
if (isset($intl[$key]))
return $intl[$key];
return $key;
function translateValue($key,$val,$data=array())
switch ($key) {
case 'UPTIME':
case 'WAIT':
$min = floor(intval($val) / 60);
$sec = intval($val) % 60;
$val = "${min}mn${sec}s";
if ($min > 180) {
$hrs = floor($min / 60);
$min = $min % 60;
$val = "${hrs}h${min}mn";
case 'NAME':
$val = $data['NAME'].' '.$data['VER'];
case 'CPUFREQ':
case 'FREQ':
case 'MEMFREQ':
case 'GPUF':
case 'MEMF':
$val = sprintf("%d MHz", $val);
case 'POWER':
$val = sprintf("%d W", round(floatval($val)/1000.0));
case 'TS':
$val = strftime("%H:%M:%S", (int) $val);
case 'KHS':
case 'NETKHS':
$val = '<span class="bold">'.$val.'</span> kH/s';
case 'KHW':
$val = $val.' kH/W';
case 'NAME':
case 'POOL';
case 'USER':
// long fields
$val = '<span class="elipsis">'.$val.'</span>';
return $val;
function filterPoolInfos($stats)
$keys = array('USER','H','PING','DISCO');
$data = array();
$pool = array_pop($stats);
// simplify URL to host only
$data['POOL'] = $pool['URL'];
if (strstr($pool['URL'],'://')) {
$parts = explode(':', $pool['URL']);
$data['POOL'] = substr($parts[1],2);
foreach ($pool as $key=>$val) {
if (in_array($key, $keys))
$data[$key] = $val;
return $data;
function displayData($data)
$htm = '';
$totals = array();
foreach ($data as $name => $stats) {
if (!isset($stats['summary']))
$htm .= '<table id="tb_'.$name.'" class="stats">'."\n";
$htm .= '<tr><th class="machine" colspan="2">'.$name."</th></tr>\n";
if (!empty($stats)) {
$summary = (array) $stats['summary'];
foreach ($summary as $key=>$val) {
if (!empty($val) && !ignoreField($key))
$htm .= '<tr><td class="key">'.translateField($key).'</td>'.
'<td class="val">'.translateValue($key, $val, $summary)."</td></tr>\n";
if (isset($summary['KHS']))
@ $totals[$summary['ALGO']] += floatval($summary['KHS']);
if (isset($stats['pool']) && !empty($stats['pool']) ) {
$pool = filterPoolInfos($stats['pool']);
$htm .= '<tr><th class="gpu" colspan="2">POOL</th></tr>'."\n";
foreach ($pool as $key=>$val) {
if (!empty($val) && !ignoreField($key))
$htm .= '<tr><td class="key">'.translateField($key).'</td>'.
'<td class="val">'.translateValue($key, $val)."</td></tr>\n";
foreach ($stats['threads'] as $g=>$gpu) {
$card = isset($gpu['CARD']) ? $gpu['CARD'] : '';
$htm .= '<tr><th class="gpu" colspan="2">'.$g." $card</th></tr>\n";
foreach ($gpu as $key=>$val) {
if (!empty($val) && !ignoreField($key))
$htm .= '<tr><td class="key">'.translateField($key).'</td>'.
'<td class="val">'.translateValue($key, $val)."</td></tr>\n";
$htm .= "</table>\n";
// totals
if (!empty($totals)) {
$htm .= '<div class="totals"><h2>Total Hash rate</h2>'."\n";
foreach ($totals as $algo => $hashrate) {
$htm .= '<li><span class="algo">'.$algo.":</span>$hashrate kH/s</li>\n";
$htm .= '</div>';
return $htm;
$data = getdataFromPeers();
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<h1>ccminer monitoring API RIG sample</h1>
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