////////////////////////// NVIDIA SHADER EXTENSIONS /////////////////

// this file is to be #included in the app HLSL shader code to make
// use of nvidia shader extensions

#include "nvHLSLExtnsInternal.h"

//------------------------- Warp Shuffle Functions ---------------------------//

// all functions have variants with width parameter which permits sub-division
// of the warp into segments - for example to exchange data between 4 groups of
// 8 lanes in a SIMD manner. If width is less than warpSize then each subsection
// of the warp behaves as a separate entity with a starting logical lane ID of 0.
// A thread may only exchange data with others in its own subsection. Width must
// have a value which is a power of 2 so that the warp can be subdivided equally;
// results are undefined if width is not a power of 2, or is a number greater
// than warpSize.

// simple variant of SHFL instruction
// returns val from the specified lane
// optional width parameter must be a power of two and width <= 32
int NvShfl(int val, uint srcLane, int width = NV_WARP_SIZE)
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.x  =  val;                             // variable to be shuffled
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.y  =  srcLane;                         // source lane
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.z  =  __NvGetShflMaskFromWidth(width);
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   =  NV_EXTN_OP_SHFL;

    // result is returned as the return value of IncrementCounter on fake UAV slot
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

// Copy from a lane with lower ID relative to caller
int NvShflUp(int val, uint delta, int width = NV_WARP_SIZE)
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.x  =  val;                        // variable to be shuffled
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.y  =  delta;                      // relative lane offset
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.z  =  (NV_WARP_SIZE - width) << 8;   // minIndex = maxIndex for shfl_up (src2[4:0] is expected to be 0)
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   =  NV_EXTN_OP_SHFL_UP;
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

// Copy from a lane with higher ID relative to caller
int NvShflDown(int val, uint delta, int width = NV_WARP_SIZE)
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.x  =  val;           // variable to be shuffled
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.y  =  delta;         // relative lane offset
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.z  =  __NvGetShflMaskFromWidth(width);
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   =  NV_EXTN_OP_SHFL_DOWN;
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

// Copy from a lane based on bitwise XOR of own lane ID
int NvShflXor(int val, uint laneMask, int width = NV_WARP_SIZE)
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.x  =  val;           // variable to be shuffled
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.y  =  laneMask;      // laneMask to be XOR'ed with current laneId to get the source lane id
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.z  =  __NvGetShflMaskFromWidth(width);
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   =  NV_EXTN_OP_SHFL_XOR;
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

//----------------------------- Warp Vote Functions---------------------------//

// returns 0xFFFFFFFF if the predicate is true for any thread in the warp, returns 0 otherwise
uint NvAny(int predicate)
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.x  =  predicate;
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   = NV_EXTN_OP_VOTE_ANY;
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

// returns 0xFFFFFFFF if the predicate is true for ALL threads in the warp, returns 0 otherwise
uint NvAll(int predicate)
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.x  =  predicate;
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   =  NV_EXTN_OP_VOTE_ALL;
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

// returns a mask of all threads in the warp with bits set for threads that have predicate true
uint NvBallot(int predicate)
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].src0u.x  =  predicate;
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   =  NV_EXTN_OP_VOTE_BALLOT;
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

//----------------------------- Utility Functions ----------------------------//

// returns the lane index of the current thread (thread index in warp)
int NvGetLaneId()
    uint index = g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();
    g_NvidiaExt[index].opcode   =  NV_EXTN_OP_GET_LANE_ID;
    return g_NvidiaExt.IncrementCounter();

//----------------------------- FP16 Atmoic Functions-------------------------//

// The functions below performs atomic operations on two consecutive fp16
// values in the given raw UAV.
// The uint paramater 'fp16x2Val' is treated as two fp16 values byteAddress must be multiple of 4
// The returned value are the two fp16 values packed into a single uint

uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWByteAddressBuffer uav, uint byteAddress, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, byteAddress, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWByteAddressBuffer uav, uint byteAddress, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, byteAddress, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWByteAddressBuffer uav, uint byteAddress, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, byteAddress, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

// versions of the above functions taking two fp32 values (internally converted to fp16 values)
uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWByteAddressBuffer uav, uint byteAddress, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, byteAddress, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWByteAddressBuffer uav, uint byteAddress, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, byteAddress, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWByteAddressBuffer uav, uint byteAddress, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, byteAddress, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);


// The functions below perform atomic operation on a R16G16_FLOAT UAV at the given address
// the uint paramater 'fp16x2Val' is treated as two fp16 values
// the returned value are the two fp16 values (.x and .y components) packed into a single uint
// Warning: Behaviour of these set of functions is undefined if the UAV is not
// of R16G16_FLOAT format (might result in app crash or TDR)

uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWTexture1D<float2> uav, uint address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWTexture1D<float2> uav, uint address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWTexture1D<float2> uav, uint address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWTexture2D<float2> uav, uint2 address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWTexture2D<float2> uav, uint2 address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWTexture2D<float2> uav, uint2 address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWTexture3D<float2> uav, uint3 address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWTexture3D<float2> uav, uint3 address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWTexture3D<float2> uav, uint3 address, uint fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

// versions taking two fp32 values (internally converted to fp16)
uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWTexture1D<float2> uav, uint address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWTexture1D<float2> uav, uint address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWTexture1D<float2> uav, uint address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWTexture2D<float2> uav, uint2 address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWTexture2D<float2> uav, uint2 address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWTexture2D<float2> uav, uint2 address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint NvInterlockedAddFp16x2(RWTexture3D<float2> uav, uint3 address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint NvInterlockedMinFp16x2(RWTexture3D<float2> uav, uint3 address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint NvInterlockedMaxFp16x2(RWTexture3D<float2> uav, uint3 address, float2 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x2Tofp16x2(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);


// The functions below perform Atomic operation on a R16G16B16A16_FLOAT UAV at the given address
// the uint2 paramater 'fp16x2Val' is treated as four fp16 values
// i.e, fp16x2Val.x = uav.xy and fp16x2Val.y = uav.yz
// The returned value are the four fp16 values (.xyzw components) packed into uint2
// Warning: Behaviour of these set of functions is undefined if the UAV is not
// of R16G16B16A16_FLOAT format (might result in app crash or TDR)

uint2 NvInterlockedAddFp16x4(RWTexture1D<float4> uav, uint address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint2 NvInterlockedMinFp16x4(RWTexture1D<float4> uav, uint address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint2 NvInterlockedMaxFp16x4(RWTexture1D<float4> uav, uint address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint2 NvInterlockedAddFp16x4(RWTexture2D<float4> uav, uint2 address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint2 NvInterlockedMinFp16x4(RWTexture2D<float4> uav, uint2 address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint2 NvInterlockedMaxFp16x4(RWTexture2D<float4> uav, uint2 address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint2 NvInterlockedAddFp16x4(RWTexture3D<float4> uav, uint3 address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint2 NvInterlockedMinFp16x4(RWTexture3D<float4> uav, uint3 address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint2 NvInterlockedMaxFp16x4(RWTexture3D<float4> uav, uint3 address, uint2 fp16x2Val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, fp16x2Val, NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

// versions taking four fp32 values (internally converted to fp16)
uint2 NvInterlockedAddFp16x4(RWTexture1D<float4> uav, uint address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint2 NvInterlockedMinFp16x4(RWTexture1D<float4> uav, uint address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint2 NvInterlockedMaxFp16x4(RWTexture1D<float4> uav, uint address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint2 NvInterlockedAddFp16x4(RWTexture2D<float4> uav, uint2 address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint2 NvInterlockedMinFp16x4(RWTexture2D<float4> uav, uint2 address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint2 NvInterlockedMaxFp16x4(RWTexture2D<float4> uav, uint2 address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

uint2 NvInterlockedAddFp16x4(RWTexture3D<float4> uav, uint3 address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_ADD);

uint2 NvInterlockedMinFp16x4(RWTexture3D<float4> uav, uint3 address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MIN);

uint2 NvInterlockedMaxFp16x4(RWTexture3D<float4> uav, uint3 address, float4 val)
    return __NvAtomicOpFP16x2(uav, address, __fp32x4Tofp16x4(val), NV_EXTN_ATOM_MAX);

//----------------------------- FP32 Atmoic Functions-------------------------//

// The functions below performs atomic add on the given UAV treating the value as float
// byteAddress must be multiple of 4
// The returned value is the value present in memory location before the atomic add

float NvInterlockedAddFp32(RWByteAddressBuffer uav, uint byteAddress, float val)
    return __NvAtomicAddFP32(uav, byteAddress, val);


// The functions below perform atomic add on a R32_FLOAT UAV at the given address
// the returned value is the value before performing the atomic add
// Warning: Behaviour of these set of functions is undefined if the UAV is not
// of R32_FLOAT format (might result in app crash or TDR)

float NvInterlockedAddFp32(RWTexture1D<float> uav, uint address, float val)
    return __NvAtomicAddFP32(uav, address, val);

float NvInterlockedAddFp32(RWTexture2D<float> uav, uint2 address, float val)
    return __NvAtomicAddFP32(uav, address, val);

float NvInterlockedAddFp32(RWTexture3D<float> uav, uint3 address, float val)
    return __NvAtomicAddFP32(uav, address, val);