/* $Id: blake.c 252 2011-06-07 17:55:14Z tp $ */ /* * BLAKE implementation. * * ==========================(LICENSE BEGIN)============================ * * Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Projet RNRT SAPHIR * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, * TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE * SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * ===========================(LICENSE END)============================= * * @author Thomas Pornin <thomas.pornin@cryptolog.com> */ #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include "sph_blake.h" int blake256_rounds = 14; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif #if SPH_SMALL_FOOTPRINT && !defined SPH_SMALL_FOOTPRINT_BLAKE #define SPH_SMALL_FOOTPRINT_BLAKE 1 #endif #if SPH_SMALL_FOOTPRINT_BLAKE #define SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_32 1 #endif #if SPH_64 && (SPH_SMALL_FOOTPRINT_BLAKE || !SPH_64_TRUE) #define SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_64 1 #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable: 4146) #endif static const sph_u32 IV224[8] = { SPH_C32(0xC1059ED8), SPH_C32(0x367CD507), SPH_C32(0x3070DD17), SPH_C32(0xF70E5939), SPH_C32(0xFFC00B31), SPH_C32(0x68581511), SPH_C32(0x64F98FA7), SPH_C32(0xBEFA4FA4) }; static const sph_u32 IV256[8] = { SPH_C32(0x6A09E667), SPH_C32(0xBB67AE85), SPH_C32(0x3C6EF372), SPH_C32(0xA54FF53A), SPH_C32(0x510E527F), SPH_C32(0x9B05688C), SPH_C32(0x1F83D9AB), SPH_C32(0x5BE0CD19) }; #if SPH_64 static const sph_u64 IV384[8] = { SPH_C64(0xCBBB9D5DC1059ED8), SPH_C64(0x629A292A367CD507), SPH_C64(0x9159015A3070DD17), SPH_C64(0x152FECD8F70E5939), SPH_C64(0x67332667FFC00B31), SPH_C64(0x8EB44A8768581511), SPH_C64(0xDB0C2E0D64F98FA7), SPH_C64(0x47B5481DBEFA4FA4) }; static const sph_u64 IV512[8] = { SPH_C64(0x6A09E667F3BCC908), SPH_C64(0xBB67AE8584CAA73B), SPH_C64(0x3C6EF372FE94F82B), SPH_C64(0xA54FF53A5F1D36F1), SPH_C64(0x510E527FADE682D1), SPH_C64(0x9B05688C2B3E6C1F), SPH_C64(0x1F83D9ABFB41BD6B), SPH_C64(0x5BE0CD19137E2179) }; #endif #if SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_32 || SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_64 static const unsigned sigma[16][16] = { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, { 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }, { 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 }, { 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 }, { 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 }, { 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 }, { 12, 5, 1, 15, 14, 13, 4, 10, 0, 7, 6, 3, 9, 2, 8, 11 }, { 13, 11, 7, 14, 12, 1, 3, 9, 5, 0, 15, 4, 8, 6, 2, 10 }, { 6, 15, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 12, 2, 13, 7, 1, 4, 10, 5 }, { 10, 2, 8, 4, 7, 6, 1, 5, 15, 11, 9, 14, 3, 12, 13, 0 }, { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 }, { 14, 10, 4, 8, 9, 15, 13, 6, 1, 12, 0, 2, 11, 7, 5, 3 }, { 11, 8, 12, 0, 5, 2, 15, 13, 10, 14, 3, 6, 7, 1, 9, 4 }, { 7, 9, 3, 1, 13, 12, 11, 14, 2, 6, 5, 10, 4, 0, 15, 8 }, { 9, 0, 5, 7, 2, 4, 10, 15, 14, 1, 11, 12, 6, 8, 3, 13 }, { 2, 12, 6, 10, 0, 11, 8, 3, 4, 13, 7, 5, 15, 14, 1, 9 } }; /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 10 4 8 9 15 13 6 1 12 0 2 11 7 5 3 11 8 12 0 5 2 15 13 10 14 3 6 7 1 9 4 7 9 3 1 13 12 11 14 2 6 5 10 4 0 15 8 9 0 5 7 2 4 10 15 14 1 11 12 6 8 3 13 2 12 6 10 0 11 8 3 4 13 7 5 15 14 1 9 12 5 1 15 14 13 4 10 0 7 6 3 9 2 8 11 13 11 7 14 12 1 3 9 5 0 15 4 8 6 2 10 6 15 14 9 11 3 0 8 12 2 13 7 1 4 10 5 10 2 8 4 7 6 1 5 15 11 9 14 3 12 13 0 */ #endif #define Z00 0 #define Z01 1 #define Z02 2 #define Z03 3 #define Z04 4 #define Z05 5 #define Z06 6 #define Z07 7 #define Z08 8 #define Z09 9 #define Z0A A #define Z0B B #define Z0C C #define Z0D D #define Z0E E #define Z0F F #define Z10 E #define Z11 A #define Z12 4 #define Z13 8 #define Z14 9 #define Z15 F #define Z16 D #define Z17 6 #define Z18 1 #define Z19 C #define Z1A 0 #define Z1B 2 #define Z1C B #define Z1D 7 #define Z1E 5 #define Z1F 3 #define Z20 B #define Z21 8 #define Z22 C #define Z23 0 #define Z24 5 #define Z25 2 #define Z26 F #define Z27 D #define Z28 A #define Z29 E #define Z2A 3 #define Z2B 6 #define Z2C 7 #define Z2D 1 #define Z2E 9 #define Z2F 4 #define Z30 7 #define Z31 9 #define Z32 3 #define Z33 1 #define Z34 D #define Z35 C #define Z36 B #define Z37 E #define Z38 2 #define Z39 6 #define Z3A 5 #define Z3B A #define Z3C 4 #define Z3D 0 #define Z3E F #define Z3F 8 #define Z40 9 #define Z41 0 #define Z42 5 #define Z43 7 #define Z44 2 #define Z45 4 #define Z46 A #define Z47 F #define Z48 E #define Z49 1 #define Z4A B #define Z4B C #define Z4C 6 #define Z4D 8 #define Z4E 3 #define Z4F D #define Z50 2 #define Z51 C #define Z52 6 #define Z53 A #define Z54 0 #define Z55 B #define Z56 8 #define Z57 3 #define Z58 4 #define Z59 D #define Z5A 7 #define Z5B 5 #define Z5C F #define Z5D E #define Z5E 1 #define Z5F 9 #define Z60 C #define Z61 5 #define Z62 1 #define Z63 F #define Z64 E #define Z65 D #define Z66 4 #define Z67 A #define Z68 0 #define Z69 7 #define Z6A 6 #define Z6B 3 #define Z6C 9 #define Z6D 2 #define Z6E 8 #define Z6F B #define Z70 D #define Z71 B #define Z72 7 #define Z73 E #define Z74 C #define Z75 1 #define Z76 3 #define Z77 9 #define Z78 5 #define Z79 0 #define Z7A F #define Z7B 4 #define Z7C 8 #define Z7D 6 #define Z7E 2 #define Z7F A #define Z80 6 #define Z81 F #define Z82 E #define Z83 9 #define Z84 B #define Z85 3 #define Z86 0 #define Z87 8 #define Z88 C #define Z89 2 #define Z8A D #define Z8B 7 #define Z8C 1 #define Z8D 4 #define Z8E A #define Z8F 5 #define Z90 A #define Z91 2 #define Z92 8 #define Z93 4 #define Z94 7 #define Z95 6 #define Z96 1 #define Z97 5 #define Z98 F #define Z99 B #define Z9A 9 #define Z9B E #define Z9C 3 #define Z9D C #define Z9E D #define Z9F 0 #define Mx(r, i) Mx_(Z ## r ## i) #define Mx_(n) Mx__(n) #define Mx__(n) M ## n #define CSx(r, i) CSx_(Z ## r ## i) #define CSx_(n) CSx__(n) #define CSx__(n) CS ## n #define CS0 SPH_C32(0x243F6A88) #define CS1 SPH_C32(0x85A308D3) #define CS2 SPH_C32(0x13198A2E) #define CS3 SPH_C32(0x03707344) #define CS4 SPH_C32(0xA4093822) #define CS5 SPH_C32(0x299F31D0) #define CS6 SPH_C32(0x082EFA98) #define CS7 SPH_C32(0xEC4E6C89) #define CS8 SPH_C32(0x452821E6) #define CS9 SPH_C32(0x38D01377) #define CSA SPH_C32(0xBE5466CF) #define CSB SPH_C32(0x34E90C6C) #define CSC SPH_C32(0xC0AC29B7) #define CSD SPH_C32(0xC97C50DD) #define CSE SPH_C32(0x3F84D5B5) #define CSF SPH_C32(0xB5470917) #if SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_32 static const sph_u32 CS[16] = { SPH_C32(0x243F6A88), SPH_C32(0x85A308D3), SPH_C32(0x13198A2E), SPH_C32(0x03707344), SPH_C32(0xA4093822), SPH_C32(0x299F31D0), SPH_C32(0x082EFA98), SPH_C32(0xEC4E6C89), SPH_C32(0x452821E6), SPH_C32(0x38D01377), SPH_C32(0xBE5466CF), SPH_C32(0x34E90C6C), SPH_C32(0xC0AC29B7), SPH_C32(0xC97C50DD), SPH_C32(0x3F84D5B5), SPH_C32(0xB5470917) }; #endif #if SPH_64 #define CBx(r, i) CBx_(Z ## r ## i) #define CBx_(n) CBx__(n) #define CBx__(n) CB ## n #define CB0 SPH_C64(0x243F6A8885A308D3) #define CB1 SPH_C64(0x13198A2E03707344) #define CB2 SPH_C64(0xA4093822299F31D0) #define CB3 SPH_C64(0x082EFA98EC4E6C89) #define CB4 SPH_C64(0x452821E638D01377) #define CB5 SPH_C64(0xBE5466CF34E90C6C) #define CB6 SPH_C64(0xC0AC29B7C97C50DD) #define CB7 SPH_C64(0x3F84D5B5B5470917) #define CB8 SPH_C64(0x9216D5D98979FB1B) #define CB9 SPH_C64(0xD1310BA698DFB5AC) #define CBA SPH_C64(0x2FFD72DBD01ADFB7) #define CBB SPH_C64(0xB8E1AFED6A267E96) #define CBC SPH_C64(0xBA7C9045F12C7F99) #define CBD SPH_C64(0x24A19947B3916CF7) #define CBE SPH_C64(0x0801F2E2858EFC16) #define CBF SPH_C64(0x636920D871574E69) #if SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_64 static const sph_u64 CB[16] = { SPH_C64(0x243F6A8885A308D3), SPH_C64(0x13198A2E03707344), SPH_C64(0xA4093822299F31D0), SPH_C64(0x082EFA98EC4E6C89), SPH_C64(0x452821E638D01377), SPH_C64(0xBE5466CF34E90C6C), SPH_C64(0xC0AC29B7C97C50DD), SPH_C64(0x3F84D5B5B5470917), SPH_C64(0x9216D5D98979FB1B), SPH_C64(0xD1310BA698DFB5AC), SPH_C64(0x2FFD72DBD01ADFB7), SPH_C64(0xB8E1AFED6A267E96), SPH_C64(0xBA7C9045F12C7F99), SPH_C64(0x24A19947B3916CF7), SPH_C64(0x0801F2E2858EFC16), SPH_C64(0x636920D871574E69) }; #endif #endif #define GS(m0, m1, c0, c1, a, b, c, d) do { \ a = SPH_T32(a + b + (m0 ^ c1)); \ d = SPH_ROTR32(d ^ a, 16); \ c = SPH_T32(c + d); \ b = SPH_ROTR32(b ^ c, 12); \ a = SPH_T32(a + b + (m1 ^ c0)); \ d = SPH_ROTR32(d ^ a, 8); \ c = SPH_T32(c + d); \ b = SPH_ROTR32(b ^ c, 7); \ } while (0) #if SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_32 #define ROUND_S(r) do { \ GS(M[sigma[r][0x0]], M[sigma[r][0x1]], \ CS[sigma[r][0x0]], CS[sigma[r][0x1]], V0, V4, V8, VC); \ GS(M[sigma[r][0x2]], M[sigma[r][0x3]], \ CS[sigma[r][0x2]], CS[sigma[r][0x3]], V1, V5, V9, VD); \ GS(M[sigma[r][0x4]], M[sigma[r][0x5]], \ CS[sigma[r][0x4]], CS[sigma[r][0x5]], V2, V6, VA, VE); \ GS(M[sigma[r][0x6]], M[sigma[r][0x7]], \ CS[sigma[r][0x6]], CS[sigma[r][0x7]], V3, V7, VB, VF); \ GS(M[sigma[r][0x8]], M[sigma[r][0x9]], \ CS[sigma[r][0x8]], CS[sigma[r][0x9]], V0, V5, VA, VF); \ GS(M[sigma[r][0xA]], M[sigma[r][0xB]], \ CS[sigma[r][0xA]], CS[sigma[r][0xB]], V1, V6, VB, VC); \ GS(M[sigma[r][0xC]], M[sigma[r][0xD]], \ CS[sigma[r][0xC]], CS[sigma[r][0xD]], V2, V7, V8, VD); \ GS(M[sigma[r][0xE]], M[sigma[r][0xF]], \ CS[sigma[r][0xE]], CS[sigma[r][0xF]], V3, V4, V9, VE); \ } while (0) #else #define ROUND_S(r) do { \ GS(Mx(r, 0), Mx(r, 1), CSx(r, 0), CSx(r, 1), V0, V4, V8, VC); \ GS(Mx(r, 2), Mx(r, 3), CSx(r, 2), CSx(r, 3), V1, V5, V9, VD); \ GS(Mx(r, 4), Mx(r, 5), CSx(r, 4), CSx(r, 5), V2, V6, VA, VE); \ GS(Mx(r, 6), Mx(r, 7), CSx(r, 6), CSx(r, 7), V3, V7, VB, VF); \ GS(Mx(r, 8), Mx(r, 9), CSx(r, 8), CSx(r, 9), V0, V5, VA, VF); \ GS(Mx(r, A), Mx(r, B), CSx(r, A), CSx(r, B), V1, V6, VB, VC); \ GS(Mx(r, C), Mx(r, D), CSx(r, C), CSx(r, D), V2, V7, V8, VD); \ GS(Mx(r, E), Mx(r, F), CSx(r, E), CSx(r, F), V3, V4, V9, VE); \ } while (0) #endif #if SPH_64 #define GB(m0, m1, c0, c1, a, b, c, d) do { \ a = SPH_T64(a + b + (m0 ^ c1)); \ d = SPH_ROTR64(d ^ a, 32); \ c = SPH_T64(c + d); \ b = SPH_ROTR64(b ^ c, 25); \ a = SPH_T64(a + b + (m1 ^ c0)); \ d = SPH_ROTR64(d ^ a, 16); \ c = SPH_T64(c + d); \ b = SPH_ROTR64(b ^ c, 11); \ } while (0) #if SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_64 #define ROUND_B(r) do { \ GB(M[sigma[r][0x0]], M[sigma[r][0x1]], \ CB[sigma[r][0x0]], CB[sigma[r][0x1]], V0, V4, V8, VC); \ GB(M[sigma[r][0x2]], M[sigma[r][0x3]], \ CB[sigma[r][0x2]], CB[sigma[r][0x3]], V1, V5, V9, VD); \ GB(M[sigma[r][0x4]], M[sigma[r][0x5]], \ CB[sigma[r][0x4]], CB[sigma[r][0x5]], V2, V6, VA, VE); \ GB(M[sigma[r][0x6]], M[sigma[r][0x7]], \ CB[sigma[r][0x6]], CB[sigma[r][0x7]], V3, V7, VB, VF); \ GB(M[sigma[r][0x8]], M[sigma[r][0x9]], \ CB[sigma[r][0x8]], CB[sigma[r][0x9]], V0, V5, VA, VF); \ GB(M[sigma[r][0xA]], M[sigma[r][0xB]], \ CB[sigma[r][0xA]], CB[sigma[r][0xB]], V1, V6, VB, VC); \ GB(M[sigma[r][0xC]], M[sigma[r][0xD]], \ CB[sigma[r][0xC]], CB[sigma[r][0xD]], V2, V7, V8, VD); \ GB(M[sigma[r][0xE]], M[sigma[r][0xF]], \ CB[sigma[r][0xE]], CB[sigma[r][0xF]], V3, V4, V9, VE); \ } while (0) #else #define ROUND_B(r) do { \ GB(Mx(r, 0), Mx(r, 1), CBx(r, 0), CBx(r, 1), V0, V4, V8, VC); \ GB(Mx(r, 2), Mx(r, 3), CBx(r, 2), CBx(r, 3), V1, V5, V9, VD); \ GB(Mx(r, 4), Mx(r, 5), CBx(r, 4), CBx(r, 5), V2, V6, VA, VE); \ GB(Mx(r, 6), Mx(r, 7), CBx(r, 6), CBx(r, 7), V3, V7, VB, VF); \ GB(Mx(r, 8), Mx(r, 9), CBx(r, 8), CBx(r, 9), V0, V5, VA, VF); \ GB(Mx(r, A), Mx(r, B), CBx(r, A), CBx(r, B), V1, V6, VB, VC); \ GB(Mx(r, C), Mx(r, D), CBx(r, C), CBx(r, D), V2, V7, V8, VD); \ GB(Mx(r, E), Mx(r, F), CBx(r, E), CBx(r, F), V3, V4, V9, VE); \ } while (0) #endif #endif #define DECL_STATE32 \ sph_u32 H0, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7; \ sph_u32 S0, S1, S2, S3, T0, T1; #define READ_STATE32(state) do { \ H0 = (state)->H[0]; \ H1 = (state)->H[1]; \ H2 = (state)->H[2]; \ H3 = (state)->H[3]; \ H4 = (state)->H[4]; \ H5 = (state)->H[5]; \ H6 = (state)->H[6]; \ H7 = (state)->H[7]; \ S0 = (state)->S[0]; \ S1 = (state)->S[1]; \ S2 = (state)->S[2]; \ S3 = (state)->S[3]; \ T0 = (state)->T0; \ T1 = (state)->T1; \ } while (0) #define WRITE_STATE32(state) do { \ (state)->H[0] = H0; \ (state)->H[1] = H1; \ (state)->H[2] = H2; \ (state)->H[3] = H3; \ (state)->H[4] = H4; \ (state)->H[5] = H5; \ (state)->H[6] = H6; \ (state)->H[7] = H7; \ (state)->S[0] = S0; \ (state)->S[1] = S1; \ (state)->S[2] = S2; \ (state)->S[3] = S3; \ (state)->T0 = T0; \ (state)->T1 = T1; \ } while (0) #if SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_32 #define COMPRESS32 do { \ sph_u32 M[16]; \ sph_u32 V0, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7; \ sph_u32 V8, V9, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF; \ unsigned r; \ V0 = H0; \ V1 = H1; \ V2 = H2; \ V3 = H3; \ V4 = H4; \ V5 = H5; \ V6 = H6; \ V7 = H7; \ V8 = S0 ^ CS0; \ V9 = S1 ^ CS1; \ VA = S2 ^ CS2; \ VB = S3 ^ CS3; \ VC = T0 ^ CS4; \ VD = T0 ^ CS5; \ VE = T1 ^ CS6; \ VF = T1 ^ CS7; \ M[0x0] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 0); \ M[0x1] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 4); \ M[0x2] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 8); \ M[0x3] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 12); \ M[0x4] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 16); \ M[0x5] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 20); \ M[0x6] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 24); \ M[0x7] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 28); \ M[0x8] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 32); \ M[0x9] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 36); \ M[0xA] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 40); \ M[0xB] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 44); \ M[0xC] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 48); \ M[0xD] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 52); \ M[0xE] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 56); \ M[0xF] = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 60); \ for (r = 0; r < blake256_rounds; r ++) \ ROUND_S(r); \ H0 ^= S0 ^ V0 ^ V8; \ H1 ^= S1 ^ V1 ^ V9; \ H2 ^= S2 ^ V2 ^ VA; \ H3 ^= S3 ^ V3 ^ VB; \ H4 ^= S0 ^ V4 ^ VC; \ H5 ^= S1 ^ V5 ^ VD; \ H6 ^= S2 ^ V6 ^ VE; \ H7 ^= S3 ^ V7 ^ VF; \ } while (0) #else #define COMPRESS32 do { \ sph_u32 M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7; \ sph_u32 M8, M9, MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, MF; \ sph_u32 V0, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7; \ sph_u32 V8, V9, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF; \ V0 = H0; \ V1 = H1; \ V2 = H2; \ V3 = H3; \ V4 = H4; \ V5 = H5; \ V6 = H6; \ V7 = H7; \ V8 = S0 ^ CS0; \ V9 = S1 ^ CS1; \ VA = S2 ^ CS2; \ VB = S3 ^ CS3; \ VC = T0 ^ CS4; \ VD = T0 ^ CS5; \ VE = T1 ^ CS6; \ VF = T1 ^ CS7; \ M0 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 0); \ M1 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 4); \ M2 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 8); \ M3 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 12); \ M4 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 16); \ M5 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 20); \ M6 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 24); \ M7 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 28); \ M8 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 32); \ M9 = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 36); \ MA = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 40); \ MB = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 44); \ MC = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 48); \ MD = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 52); \ ME = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 56); \ MF = sph_dec32be_aligned(buf + 60); \ ROUND_S(0); \ ROUND_S(1); \ ROUND_S(2); \ ROUND_S(3); \ ROUND_S(4); \ ROUND_S(5); \ ROUND_S(6); \ ROUND_S(7); \ if (blake256_rounds == 14) { \ ROUND_S(8); \ ROUND_S(9); \ ROUND_S(0); \ ROUND_S(1); \ ROUND_S(2); \ ROUND_S(3); \ } \ H0 ^= S0 ^ V0 ^ V8; \ H1 ^= S1 ^ V1 ^ V9; \ H2 ^= S2 ^ V2 ^ VA; \ H3 ^= S3 ^ V3 ^ VB; \ H4 ^= S0 ^ V4 ^ VC; \ H5 ^= S1 ^ V5 ^ VD; \ H6 ^= S2 ^ V6 ^ VE; \ H7 ^= S3 ^ V7 ^ VF; \ } while (0) #endif #if SPH_64 #define DECL_STATE64 \ sph_u64 H0, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7; \ sph_u64 S0, S1, S2, S3, T0, T1; #define READ_STATE64(state) do { \ H0 = (state)->H[0]; \ H1 = (state)->H[1]; \ H2 = (state)->H[2]; \ H3 = (state)->H[3]; \ H4 = (state)->H[4]; \ H5 = (state)->H[5]; \ H6 = (state)->H[6]; \ H7 = (state)->H[7]; \ S0 = (state)->S[0]; \ S1 = (state)->S[1]; \ S2 = (state)->S[2]; \ S3 = (state)->S[3]; \ T0 = (state)->T0; \ T1 = (state)->T1; \ } while (0) #define WRITE_STATE64(state) do { \ (state)->H[0] = H0; \ (state)->H[1] = H1; \ (state)->H[2] = H2; \ (state)->H[3] = H3; \ (state)->H[4] = H4; \ (state)->H[5] = H5; \ (state)->H[6] = H6; \ (state)->H[7] = H7; \ (state)->S[0] = S0; \ (state)->S[1] = S1; \ (state)->S[2] = S2; \ (state)->S[3] = S3; \ (state)->T0 = T0; \ (state)->T1 = T1; \ } while (0) #if SPH_COMPACT_BLAKE_64 #define COMPRESS64 do { \ sph_u64 M[16]; \ sph_u64 V0, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7; \ sph_u64 V8, V9, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF; \ unsigned r; \ V0 = H0; \ V1 = H1; \ V2 = H2; \ V3 = H3; \ V4 = H4; \ V5 = H5; \ V6 = H6; \ V7 = H7; \ V8 = S0 ^ CB0; \ V9 = S1 ^ CB1; \ VA = S2 ^ CB2; \ VB = S3 ^ CB3; \ VC = T0 ^ CB4; \ VD = T0 ^ CB5; \ VE = T1 ^ CB6; \ VF = T1 ^ CB7; \ M[0x0] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 0); \ M[0x1] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 8); \ M[0x2] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 16); \ M[0x3] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 24); \ M[0x4] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 32); \ M[0x5] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 40); \ M[0x6] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 48); \ M[0x7] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 56); \ M[0x8] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 64); \ M[0x9] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 72); \ M[0xA] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 80); \ M[0xB] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 88); \ M[0xC] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 96); \ M[0xD] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 104); \ M[0xE] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 112); \ M[0xF] = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 120); \ for (r = 0; r < 16; r ++) \ ROUND_B(r); \ H0 ^= S0 ^ V0 ^ V8; \ H1 ^= S1 ^ V1 ^ V9; \ H2 ^= S2 ^ V2 ^ VA; \ H3 ^= S3 ^ V3 ^ VB; \ H4 ^= S0 ^ V4 ^ VC; \ H5 ^= S1 ^ V5 ^ VD; \ H6 ^= S2 ^ V6 ^ VE; \ H7 ^= S3 ^ V7 ^ VF; \ } while (0) #else #define COMPRESS64 do { \ sph_u64 M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7; \ sph_u64 M8, M9, MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, MF; \ sph_u64 V0, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7; \ sph_u64 V8, V9, VA, VB, VC, VD, VE, VF; \ V0 = H0; \ V1 = H1; \ V2 = H2; \ V3 = H3; \ V4 = H4; \ V5 = H5; \ V6 = H6; \ V7 = H7; \ V8 = S0 ^ CB0; \ V9 = S1 ^ CB1; \ VA = S2 ^ CB2; \ VB = S3 ^ CB3; \ VC = T0 ^ CB4; \ VD = T0 ^ CB5; \ VE = T1 ^ CB6; \ VF = T1 ^ CB7; \ M0 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 0); \ M1 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 8); \ M2 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 16); \ M3 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 24); \ M4 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 32); \ M5 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 40); \ M6 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 48); \ M7 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 56); \ M8 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 64); \ M9 = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 72); \ MA = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 80); \ MB = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 88); \ MC = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 96); \ MD = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 104); \ ME = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 112); \ MF = sph_dec64be_aligned(buf + 120); \ ROUND_B(0); \ ROUND_B(1); \ ROUND_B(2); \ ROUND_B(3); \ ROUND_B(4); \ ROUND_B(5); \ ROUND_B(6); \ ROUND_B(7); \ ROUND_B(8); \ ROUND_B(9); \ ROUND_B(0); \ ROUND_B(1); \ ROUND_B(2); \ ROUND_B(3); \ ROUND_B(4); \ ROUND_B(5); \ H0 ^= S0 ^ V0 ^ V8; \ H1 ^= S1 ^ V1 ^ V9; \ H2 ^= S2 ^ V2 ^ VA; \ H3 ^= S3 ^ V3 ^ VB; \ H4 ^= S0 ^ V4 ^ VC; \ H5 ^= S1 ^ V5 ^ VD; \ H6 ^= S2 ^ V6 ^ VE; \ H7 ^= S3 ^ V7 ^ VF; \ } while (0) #endif #endif static const sph_u32 salt_zero_small[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static void blake32_init(sph_blake_small_context *sc, const sph_u32 *iv, const sph_u32 *salt) { memcpy(sc->H, iv, 8 * sizeof(sph_u32)); memcpy(sc->S, salt, 4 * sizeof(sph_u32)); sc->T0 = sc->T1 = 0; sc->ptr = 0; } static void blake32(sph_blake_small_context *sc, const void *data, size_t len) { unsigned char *buf; size_t ptr; DECL_STATE32 buf = sc->buf; ptr = sc->ptr; if (len < (sizeof sc->buf) - ptr) { memcpy(buf + ptr, data, len); ptr += len; sc->ptr = ptr; return; } READ_STATE32(sc); while (len > 0) { size_t clen; clen = (sizeof sc->buf) - ptr; if (clen > len) clen = len; memcpy(buf + ptr, data, clen); ptr += clen; data = (const unsigned char *)data + clen; len -= clen; if (ptr == sizeof sc->buf) { if ((T0 = SPH_T32(T0 + 512)) < 512) T1 = SPH_T32(T1 + 1); COMPRESS32; ptr = 0; } } WRITE_STATE32(sc); sc->ptr = ptr; } static void blake32_close(sph_blake_small_context *sc, unsigned ub, unsigned n, void *dst, size_t out_size_w32) { union { unsigned char buf[64]; sph_u32 dummy; } u; size_t ptr, k; unsigned bit_len; unsigned z; sph_u32 th, tl; unsigned char *out; ptr = sc->ptr; bit_len = ((unsigned)ptr << 3) + n; z = 0x80 >> n; u.buf[ptr] = ((ub & -z) | z) & 0xFF; tl = sc->T0 + bit_len; th = sc->T1; if (ptr == 0 && n == 0) { sc->T0 = SPH_C32(0xFFFFFE00); sc->T1 = SPH_C32(0xFFFFFFFF); } else if (sc->T0 == 0) { sc->T0 = SPH_C32(0xFFFFFE00) + bit_len; sc->T1 = SPH_T32(sc->T1 - 1); } else { sc->T0 -= 512 - bit_len; } if (bit_len <= 446) { memset(u.buf + ptr + 1, 0, 55 - ptr); if (out_size_w32 == 8) u.buf[55] |= 1; sph_enc32be_aligned(u.buf + 56, th); sph_enc32be_aligned(u.buf + 60, tl); blake32(sc, u.buf + ptr, 64 - ptr); } else { memset(u.buf + ptr + 1, 0, 63 - ptr); blake32(sc, u.buf + ptr, 64 - ptr); sc->T0 = SPH_C32(0xFFFFFE00); sc->T1 = SPH_C32(0xFFFFFFFF); memset(u.buf, 0, 56); if (out_size_w32 == 8) u.buf[55] = 1; sph_enc32be_aligned(u.buf + 56, th); sph_enc32be_aligned(u.buf + 60, tl); blake32(sc, u.buf, 64); } out = dst; for (k = 0; k < out_size_w32; k ++) sph_enc32be(out + (k << 2), sc->H[k]); } #if SPH_64 static const sph_u64 salt_zero_big[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static void blake64_init(sph_blake_big_context *sc, const sph_u64 *iv, const sph_u64 *salt) { memcpy(sc->H, iv, 8 * sizeof(sph_u64)); memcpy(sc->S, salt, 4 * sizeof(sph_u64)); sc->T0 = sc->T1 = 0; sc->ptr = 0; } static void blake64(sph_blake_big_context *sc, const void *data, size_t len) { unsigned char *buf; size_t ptr; DECL_STATE64 buf = sc->buf; ptr = sc->ptr; if (len < (sizeof sc->buf) - ptr) { memcpy(buf + ptr, data, len); ptr += len; sc->ptr = ptr; return; } READ_STATE64(sc); while (len > 0) { size_t clen; clen = (sizeof sc->buf) - ptr; if (clen > len) clen = len; memcpy(buf + ptr, data, clen); ptr += clen; data = (const unsigned char *)data + clen; len -= clen; if (ptr == sizeof sc->buf) { if ((T0 = SPH_T64(T0 + 1024)) < 1024) T1 = SPH_T64(T1 + 1); COMPRESS64; ptr = 0; } } WRITE_STATE64(sc); sc->ptr = ptr; } static void blake64_close(sph_blake_big_context *sc, unsigned ub, unsigned n, void *dst, size_t out_size_w64) { union { unsigned char buf[128]; sph_u64 dummy; } u; size_t ptr, k; unsigned bit_len; unsigned z; sph_u64 th, tl; unsigned char *out; ptr = sc->ptr; bit_len = ((unsigned)ptr << 3) + n; z = 0x80 >> n; u.buf[ptr] = ((ub & -z) | z) & 0xFF; tl = sc->T0 + bit_len; th = sc->T1; if (ptr == 0 && n == 0) { sc->T0 = SPH_C64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC00); sc->T1 = SPH_C64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); } else if (sc->T0 == 0) { sc->T0 = SPH_C64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC00) + bit_len; sc->T1 = SPH_T64(sc->T1 - 1); } else { sc->T0 -= 1024 - bit_len; } if (bit_len <= 894) { memset(u.buf + ptr + 1, 0, 111 - ptr); if (out_size_w64 == 8) u.buf[111] |= 1; sph_enc64be_aligned(u.buf + 112, th); sph_enc64be_aligned(u.buf + 120, tl); blake64(sc, u.buf + ptr, 128 - ptr); } else { memset(u.buf + ptr + 1, 0, 127 - ptr); blake64(sc, u.buf + ptr, 128 - ptr); sc->T0 = SPH_C64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFC00); sc->T1 = SPH_C64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); memset(u.buf, 0, 112); if (out_size_w64 == 8) u.buf[111] = 1; sph_enc64be_aligned(u.buf + 112, th); sph_enc64be_aligned(u.buf + 120, tl); blake64(sc, u.buf, 128); } out = dst; for (k = 0; k < out_size_w64; k ++) sph_enc64be(out + (k << 3), sc->H[k]); } #endif /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake224_init(void *cc) { blake32_init(cc, IV224, salt_zero_small); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake224(void *cc, const void *data, size_t len) { blake32(cc, data, len); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake224_close(void *cc, void *dst) { sph_blake224_addbits_and_close(cc, 0, 0, dst); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake224_addbits_and_close(void *cc, unsigned ub, unsigned n, void *dst) { blake32_close(cc, ub, n, dst, 7); sph_blake224_init(cc); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake256_init(void *cc) { blake32_init(cc, IV256, salt_zero_small); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake256(void *cc, const void *data, size_t len) { blake32(cc, data, len); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake256_close(void *cc, void *dst) { sph_blake256_addbits_and_close(cc, 0, 0, dst); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake256_addbits_and_close(void *cc, unsigned ub, unsigned n, void *dst) { blake32_close(cc, ub, n, dst, 8); sph_blake256_init(cc); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake256_set_rounds(int rounds) { blake256_rounds = rounds; } #if SPH_64 /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake384_init(void *cc) { blake64_init(cc, IV384, salt_zero_big); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake384(void *cc, const void *data, size_t len) { blake64(cc, data, len); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake384_close(void *cc, void *dst) { sph_blake384_addbits_and_close(cc, 0, 0, dst); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake384_addbits_and_close(void *cc, unsigned ub, unsigned n, void *dst) { blake64_close(cc, ub, n, dst, 6); sph_blake384_init(cc); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake512_init(void *cc) { blake64_init(cc, IV512, salt_zero_big); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake512(void *cc, const void *data, size_t len) { blake64(cc, data, len); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake512_close(void *cc, void *dst) { sph_blake512_addbits_and_close(cc, 0, 0, dst); } /* see sph_blake.h */ void sph_blake512_addbits_and_close(void *cc, unsigned ub, unsigned n, void *dst) { blake64_close(cc, ub, n, dst, 8); sph_blake512_init(cc); } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif