/** * Made to benchmark and test algo switch * * 2015 - tpruvot@github */ #include <unistd.h> #include "miner.h" #include "algos.h" int bench_algo = -1; static double algo_hashrates[MAX_GPUS][ALGO_COUNT] = { 0 }; static uint32_t algo_throughput[MAX_GPUS][ALGO_COUNT] = { 0 }; static int algo_mem_used[MAX_GPUS][ALGO_COUNT] = { 0 }; static int device_mem_free[MAX_GPUS] = { 0 }; static pthread_barrier_t miner_barr; static pthread_barrier_t algo_barr; static pthread_mutex_t bench_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; extern double thr_hashrates[MAX_GPUS]; void bench_init(int threads) { bench_algo = opt_algo = (enum sha_algos) 0; /* first */ applog(LOG_BLUE, "Starting benchmark mode with %s", algo_names[opt_algo]); pthread_barrier_init(&miner_barr, NULL, threads); pthread_barrier_init(&algo_barr, NULL, threads); // required for usage of first algo. for (int n=0; n < opt_n_threads; n++) { device_mem_free[n] = cuda_available_memory(n); } } void bench_free() { pthread_barrier_destroy(&miner_barr); pthread_barrier_destroy(&algo_barr); } // required to switch algos void algo_free_all(int thr_id) { // only initialized algos will be freed free_blake256(thr_id); free_bmw(thr_id); free_c11(thr_id); free_deep(thr_id); free_keccak256(thr_id); free_fresh(thr_id); free_fugue256(thr_id); free_groestlcoin(thr_id); free_heavy(thr_id); free_jackpot(thr_id); free_luffa(thr_id); free_lyra2(thr_id); free_lyra2v2(thr_id); free_myriad(thr_id); free_neoscrypt(thr_id); free_nist5(thr_id); free_pentablake(thr_id); free_quark(thr_id); free_qubit(thr_id); free_skeincoin(thr_id); free_skein2(thr_id); free_s3(thr_id); free_whirl(thr_id); free_whirlx(thr_id); free_x11(thr_id); free_x13(thr_id); free_x14(thr_id); free_x15(thr_id); free_x17(thr_id); free_zr5(thr_id); //free_sha256d(thr_id); free_scrypt(thr_id); free_scrypt_jane(thr_id); } // benchmark all algos (called once per mining thread) bool bench_algo_switch_next(int thr_id) { int algo = (int) opt_algo; int prev_algo = algo; int dev_id = device_map[thr_id % MAX_GPUS]; int mfree, mused; // doesnt seems enough to prevent device slow down // after some algo switchs bool need_reset = (gpu_threads == 1); algo++; // skip some duplicated algos if (algo == ALGO_C11) algo++; // same as x11 if (algo == ALGO_DMD_GR) algo++; // same as groestl if (algo == ALGO_MJOLLNIR) algo++; // same as heavy if (algo == ALGO_WHIRLCOIN) algo++; // same as whirlpool if (device_sm[dev_id] && device_sm[dev_id] < 300) { // incompatible SM 2.1 kernels... if (algo == ALGO_GROESTL) algo++; if (algo == ALGO_MYR_GR) algo++; if (algo == ALGO_JACKPOT) algo++; // compact shuffle if (algo == ALGO_NEOSCRYPT) algo++; if (algo == ALGO_WHIRLPOOLX) algo++; } // and unwanted ones... if (algo == ALGO_SCRYPT) algo++; if (algo == ALGO_SCRYPT_JANE) algo++; // free current algo memory and track mem usage mused = cuda_available_memory(thr_id); algo_free_all(thr_id); CUDA_LOG_ERROR(); // device can take some time to free mfree = cuda_available_memory(thr_id); if (device_mem_free[thr_id] > mfree) { sleep(1); mfree = cuda_available_memory(thr_id); } // we need to wait completion on all cards before the switch if (opt_n_threads > 1) { pthread_barrier_wait(&miner_barr); } char rate[32] = { 0 }; double hashrate = stats_get_speed(thr_id, thr_hashrates[thr_id]); format_hashrate(hashrate, rate); gpulog(LOG_NOTICE, thr_id, "%s hashrate = %s", algo_names[prev_algo], rate); // ensure memory leak is still real after the barrier if (device_mem_free[thr_id] > mfree) { mfree = cuda_available_memory(thr_id); } // check if there is memory leak if (device_mem_free[thr_id] - mfree > 1) { gpulog(LOG_WARNING, thr_id, "possible %d MB memory leak in %s! %d MB free", (device_mem_free[thr_id] - mfree), algo_names[prev_algo], mfree); cuda_reset_device(thr_id, NULL); // force to free the leak need_reset = false; mfree = cuda_available_memory(thr_id); } // store used memory per algo algo_mem_used[thr_id][opt_algo] = device_mem_free[thr_id] - mused; device_mem_free[thr_id] = mfree; // store to dump a table per gpu later algo_hashrates[thr_id][prev_algo] = hashrate; // wait the other threads to display logs correctly if (opt_n_threads > 1) { pthread_barrier_wait(&algo_barr); } if (algo == ALGO_AUTO) return false; // all algos done // mutex primary used for the stats purge pthread_mutex_lock(&bench_lock); stats_purge_all(); opt_algo = (enum sha_algos) algo; global_hashrate = 0; thr_hashrates[thr_id] = 0; // reset for minmax64 pthread_mutex_unlock(&bench_lock); if (need_reset) cuda_reset_device(thr_id, NULL); if (thr_id == 0) applog(LOG_BLUE, "Benchmark algo %s...", algo_names[algo]); return true; } void bench_set_throughput(int thr_id, uint32_t throughput) { algo_throughput[thr_id][opt_algo] = throughput; } void bench_display_results() { for (int n=0; n < opt_n_threads; n++) { int dev_id = device_map[n]; applog(LOG_BLUE, "Benchmark results for GPU #%d - %s:", dev_id, device_name[dev_id]); for (int i=0; i < ALGO_COUNT-1; i++) { double rate = algo_hashrates[n][i]; if (rate == 0.0) continue; applog(LOG_INFO, "%12s : %12.1f kH/s, %5d MB, %8u thr.", algo_names[i], rate / 1024., algo_mem_used[n][i], algo_throughput[n][i]); } } }