/* * scrypt-jane by Andrew M, https://github.com/floodyberry/scrypt-jane * * Public Domain or MIT License, whichever is easier * * Adapted to ccminer by tpruvot@github (2015) */ #include "miner.h" #include "scrypt/scrypt-jane.h" #include "scrypt/code/scrypt-jane-portable.h" #include "scrypt/code/scrypt-jane-chacha.h" #include "scrypt/keccak.h" #include "scrypt/salsa_kernel.h" #define scrypt_maxN 30 /* (1 << (30 + 1)) = ~2 billion */ #define scrypt_r_32kb 8 /* (1 << 8) = 256 * 2 blocks in a chunk * 64 bytes = Max of 32kb in a chunk */ #define scrypt_maxr scrypt_r_32kb /* 32kb */ #define scrypt_maxp 25 /* (1 << 25) = ~33 million */ // ---------------------------- BEGIN keccak functions ------------------------------------ #define SCRYPT_HASH "Keccak-512" #define SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE 64 #define SCRYPT_KECCAK_F 1600 #define SCRYPT_KECCAK_C (SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE * 8 * 2) /* 1024 */ #define SCRYPT_KECCAK_R (SCRYPT_KECCAK_F - SCRYPT_KECCAK_C) /* 576 */ #define SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE (SCRYPT_KECCAK_R / 8) typedef uint8_t scrypt_hash_digest[SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE]; typedef struct scrypt_hash_state_t { uint64_t state[SCRYPT_KECCAK_F / 64]; uint32_t leftover; uint8_t buffer[SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE]; } scrypt_hash_state; static const uint64_t keccak_round_constants[24] = { 0x0000000000000001ull, 0x0000000000008082ull, 0x800000000000808aull, 0x8000000080008000ull, 0x000000000000808bull, 0x0000000080000001ull, 0x8000000080008081ull, 0x8000000000008009ull, 0x000000000000008aull, 0x0000000000000088ull, 0x0000000080008009ull, 0x000000008000000aull, 0x000000008000808bull, 0x800000000000008bull, 0x8000000000008089ull, 0x8000000000008003ull, 0x8000000000008002ull, 0x8000000000000080ull, 0x000000000000800aull, 0x800000008000000aull, 0x8000000080008081ull, 0x8000000000008080ull, 0x0000000080000001ull, 0x8000000080008008ull }; static void keccak_block(scrypt_hash_state *S, const uint8_t *in) { size_t i; uint64_t *s = S->state, t[5], u[5], v, w; /* absorb input */ for (i = 0; i < SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE / 8; i++, in += 8) s[i] ^= U8TO64_LE(in); for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { /* theta: c = a[0,i] ^ a[1,i] ^ .. a[4,i] */ t[0] = s[0] ^ s[5] ^ s[10] ^ s[15] ^ s[20]; t[1] = s[1] ^ s[6] ^ s[11] ^ s[16] ^ s[21]; t[2] = s[2] ^ s[7] ^ s[12] ^ s[17] ^ s[22]; t[3] = s[3] ^ s[8] ^ s[13] ^ s[18] ^ s[23]; t[4] = s[4] ^ s[9] ^ s[14] ^ s[19] ^ s[24]; /* theta: d[i] = c[i+4] ^ rotl(c[i+1],1) */ u[0] = t[4] ^ ROTL64(t[1], 1); u[1] = t[0] ^ ROTL64(t[2], 1); u[2] = t[1] ^ ROTL64(t[3], 1); u[3] = t[2] ^ ROTL64(t[4], 1); u[4] = t[3] ^ ROTL64(t[0], 1); /* theta: a[0,i], a[1,i], .. a[4,i] ^= d[i] */ s[0] ^= u[0]; s[5] ^= u[0]; s[10] ^= u[0]; s[15] ^= u[0]; s[20] ^= u[0]; s[1] ^= u[1]; s[6] ^= u[1]; s[11] ^= u[1]; s[16] ^= u[1]; s[21] ^= u[1]; s[2] ^= u[2]; s[7] ^= u[2]; s[12] ^= u[2]; s[17] ^= u[2]; s[22] ^= u[2]; s[3] ^= u[3]; s[8] ^= u[3]; s[13] ^= u[3]; s[18] ^= u[3]; s[23] ^= u[3]; s[4] ^= u[4]; s[9] ^= u[4]; s[14] ^= u[4]; s[19] ^= u[4]; s[24] ^= u[4]; /* rho pi: b[..] = rotl(a[..], ..) */ v = s[ 1]; s[ 1] = ROTL64(s[ 6], 44); s[ 6] = ROTL64(s[ 9], 20); s[ 9] = ROTL64(s[22], 61); s[22] = ROTL64(s[14], 39); s[14] = ROTL64(s[20], 18); s[20] = ROTL64(s[ 2], 62); s[ 2] = ROTL64(s[12], 43); s[12] = ROTL64(s[13], 25); s[13] = ROTL64(s[19], 8); s[19] = ROTL64(s[23], 56); s[23] = ROTL64(s[15], 41); s[15] = ROTL64(s[ 4], 27); s[ 4] = ROTL64(s[24], 14); s[24] = ROTL64(s[21], 2); s[21] = ROTL64(s[ 8], 55); s[ 8] = ROTL64(s[16], 45); s[16] = ROTL64(s[ 5], 36); s[ 5] = ROTL64(s[ 3], 28); s[ 3] = ROTL64(s[18], 21); s[18] = ROTL64(s[17], 15); s[17] = ROTL64(s[11], 10); s[11] = ROTL64(s[ 7], 6); s[ 7] = ROTL64(s[10], 3); s[10] = ROTL64( v, 1); /* chi: a[i,j] ^= ~b[i,j+1] & b[i,j+2] */ v = s[ 0]; w = s[ 1]; s[ 0] ^= (~w) & s[ 2]; s[ 1] ^= (~s[ 2]) & s[ 3]; s[ 2] ^= (~s[ 3]) & s[ 4]; s[ 3] ^= (~s[ 4]) & v; s[ 4] ^= (~v) & w; v = s[ 5]; w = s[ 6]; s[ 5] ^= (~w) & s[ 7]; s[ 6] ^= (~s[ 7]) & s[ 8]; s[ 7] ^= (~s[ 8]) & s[ 9]; s[ 8] ^= (~s[ 9]) & v; s[ 9] ^= (~v) & w; v = s[10]; w = s[11]; s[10] ^= (~w) & s[12]; s[11] ^= (~s[12]) & s[13]; s[12] ^= (~s[13]) & s[14]; s[13] ^= (~s[14]) & v; s[14] ^= (~v) & w; v = s[15]; w = s[16]; s[15] ^= (~w) & s[17]; s[16] ^= (~s[17]) & s[18]; s[17] ^= (~s[18]) & s[19]; s[18] ^= (~s[19]) & v; s[19] ^= (~v) & w; v = s[20]; w = s[21]; s[20] ^= (~w) & s[22]; s[21] ^= (~s[22]) & s[23]; s[22] ^= (~s[23]) & s[24]; s[23] ^= (~s[24]) & v; s[24] ^= (~v) & w; /* iota: a[0,0] ^= round constant */ s[0] ^= keccak_round_constants[i]; } } static void scrypt_hash_init(scrypt_hash_state *S) { memset(S, 0, sizeof(*S)); } static void scrypt_hash_update(scrypt_hash_state *S, const uint8_t *in, size_t inlen) { size_t want; /* handle the previous data */ if (S->leftover) { want = (SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - S->leftover); want = (want < inlen) ? want : inlen; memcpy(S->buffer + S->leftover, in, want); S->leftover += (uint32_t)want; if (S->leftover < SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE) return; in += want; inlen -= want; keccak_block(S, S->buffer); } /* handle the current data */ while (inlen >= SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE) { keccak_block(S, in); in += SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE; inlen -= SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE; } /* handle leftover data */ S->leftover = (uint32_t)inlen; if (S->leftover) memcpy(S->buffer, in, S->leftover); } static void scrypt_hash_finish(scrypt_hash_state *S, uint8_t *hash) { size_t i; S->buffer[S->leftover] = 0x01; memset(S->buffer + (S->leftover + 1), 0, SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - (S->leftover + 1)); S->buffer[SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE - 1] |= 0x80; keccak_block(S, S->buffer); for (i = 0; i < SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE; i += 8) { U64TO8_LE(&hash[i], S->state[i / 8]); } } // ---------------------------- END keccak functions ------------------------------------ // ---------------------------- BEGIN PBKDF2 functions ------------------------------------ typedef struct scrypt_hmac_state_t { scrypt_hash_state inner, outer; } scrypt_hmac_state; static void scrypt_hash(scrypt_hash_digest hash, const uint8_t *m, size_t mlen) { scrypt_hash_state st; scrypt_hash_init(&st); scrypt_hash_update(&st, m, mlen); scrypt_hash_finish(&st, hash); } /* hmac */ static void scrypt_hmac_init(scrypt_hmac_state *st, const uint8_t *key, size_t keylen) { uint8_t pad[SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE] = {0}; size_t i; scrypt_hash_init(&st->inner); scrypt_hash_init(&st->outer); if (keylen <= SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE) { /* use the key directly if it's <= blocksize bytes */ memcpy(pad, key, keylen); } else { /* if it's > blocksize bytes, hash it */ scrypt_hash(pad, key, keylen); } /* inner = (key ^ 0x36) */ /* h(inner || ...) */ for (i = 0; i < SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) pad[i] ^= 0x36; scrypt_hash_update(&st->inner, pad, SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE); /* outer = (key ^ 0x5c) */ /* h(outer || ...) */ for (i = 0; i < SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) pad[i] ^= (0x5c ^ 0x36); scrypt_hash_update(&st->outer, pad, SCRYPT_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE); } static void scrypt_hmac_update(scrypt_hmac_state *st, const uint8_t *m, size_t mlen) { /* h(inner || m...) */ scrypt_hash_update(&st->inner, m, mlen); } static void scrypt_hmac_finish(scrypt_hmac_state *st, scrypt_hash_digest mac) { /* h(inner || m) */ scrypt_hash_digest innerhash; scrypt_hash_finish(&st->inner, innerhash); /* h(outer || h(inner || m)) */ scrypt_hash_update(&st->outer, innerhash, sizeof(innerhash)); scrypt_hash_finish(&st->outer, mac); } /* * Special version where N = 1 * - mikaelh */ static void scrypt_pbkdf2_1(const uint8_t *password, size_t password_len, const uint8_t *salt, size_t salt_len, uint8_t *out, uint64_t bytes) { scrypt_hmac_state hmac_pw, hmac_pw_salt, work; scrypt_hash_digest ti, u; uint8_t be[4]; uint32_t i, blocks; /* bytes must be <= (0xffffffff - (SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE - 1)), which they will always be under scrypt */ /* hmac(password, ...) */ scrypt_hmac_init(&hmac_pw, password, password_len); /* hmac(password, salt...) */ hmac_pw_salt = hmac_pw; scrypt_hmac_update(&hmac_pw_salt, salt, salt_len); blocks = ((uint32_t)bytes + (SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE - 1)) / SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE; for (i = 1; i <= blocks; i++) { /* U1 = hmac(password, salt || be(i)) */ U32TO8_BE(be, i); work = hmac_pw_salt; scrypt_hmac_update(&work, be, 4); scrypt_hmac_finish(&work, ti); memcpy(u, ti, sizeof(u)); memcpy(out, ti, (size_t) (bytes > SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE ? SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE : bytes)); out += SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE; bytes -= SCRYPT_HASH_DIGEST_SIZE; } } // ---------------------------- END PBKDF2 functions ------------------------------------ static void scrypt_fatal_error_default(const char *msg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); exit(1); } static scrypt_fatal_errorfn scrypt_fatal_error = scrypt_fatal_error_default; void scrypt_set_fatal_error_default(scrypt_fatal_errorfn fn) { scrypt_fatal_error = fn; } typedef struct scrypt_aligned_alloc_t { uint8_t *mem, *ptr; } scrypt_aligned_alloc; #if defined(SCRYPT_TEST_SPEED) static uint8_t *mem_base = (uint8_t *)0; static size_t mem_bump = 0; /* allocations are assumed to be multiples of 64 bytes and total allocations not to exceed ~1.01gb */ static scrypt_aligned_alloc scrypt_alloc(uint64_t size) { scrypt_aligned_alloc aa; if (!mem_base) { mem_base = (uint8_t *)malloc((1024 * 1024 * 1024) + (1024 * 1024) + (SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES - 1)); if (!mem_base) scrypt_fatal_error("scrypt: out of memory"); mem_base = (uint8_t *)(((size_t)mem_base + (SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES - 1)) & ~(SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES - 1)); } aa.mem = mem_base + mem_bump; aa.ptr = aa.mem; mem_bump += (size_t)size; return aa; } static void scrypt_free(scrypt_aligned_alloc *aa) { mem_bump = 0; } #else static scrypt_aligned_alloc scrypt_alloc(uint64_t size) { static const size_t max_alloc = (size_t)-1; scrypt_aligned_alloc aa; size += (SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES - 1); if (size > max_alloc) scrypt_fatal_error("scrypt: not enough address space on this CPU to allocate required memory"); aa.mem = (uint8_t *)malloc((size_t)size); aa.ptr = (uint8_t *)(((size_t)aa.mem + (SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES - 1)) & ~(SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES - 1)); if (!aa.mem) scrypt_fatal_error("scrypt: out of memory"); return aa; } static void scrypt_free(scrypt_aligned_alloc *aa) { free(aa->mem); } #endif // yacoin: increasing Nfactor gradually unsigned char GetNfactor(unsigned int nTimestamp) { int l = 0; unsigned int Nfactor = 0; // Yacoin defaults unsigned int Ntimestamp = 1367991200; unsigned int minN = 4; unsigned int maxN = 30; if (strlen(jane_params) > 0) { if (!strcmp(jane_params, "YAC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "Yacoin")) {} // No-Op // // NO WARRANTY FOR CORRECTNESS. Look for the int64 nChainStartTime constant // in the src/main.cpp file of the official wallet clients as well as the // const unsigned char minNfactor and const unsigned char maxNfactor // else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "YBC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "YBCoin")) { // YBCoin: 1372386273, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1372386273; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "ZZC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "ZZCoin")) { // ZcCoin: 1375817223, minN: 12, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1375817223; minN= 12; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "FEC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "FreeCoin")) { // FreeCoin: 1375801200, minN: 6, maxN: 32 Ntimestamp = 1375801200; minN= 6; maxN= 32; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "ONC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "OneCoin")) { // OneCoin: 1371119462, minN: 6, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1371119462; minN= 6; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "QQC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "QQCoin")) { // QQCoin: 1387769316, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1387769316; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "GPL") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "GoldPressedLatinum")) { // GoldPressedLatinum:1377557832, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1377557832; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "MRC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "MicroCoin")) { // MicroCoin:1389028879, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1389028879; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "APC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "AppleCoin")) { // AppleCoin:1384720832, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1384720832; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "CPR") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "Copperbars")) { // Copperbars:1376184687, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1376184687; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "CACH") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "CacheCoin")) { // CacheCoin:1388949883, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1388949883; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "UTC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "UltraCoin")) { // MicroCoin:1388361600, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1388361600; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "VEL") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "VelocityCoin")) { // VelocityCoin:1387769316, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1387769316; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "ITC") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "InternetCoin")) { // InternetCoin:1388385602, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1388385602; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else if (!strcmp(jane_params, "RAD") || !strcasecmp(jane_params, "RadioactiveCoin")) { // InternetCoin:1389196388, minN: 4, maxN: 30 Ntimestamp = 1389196388; minN= 4; maxN= 30; } else { if (sscanf(jane_params, "%u,%u,%u", &Ntimestamp, &minN, &maxN) != 3) if (sscanf(jane_params, "%u", &Nfactor) == 1) return Nfactor; // skip bounding against minN, maxN else applog(LOG_INFO, "Unable to parse scrypt-jane parameters: '%s'. Defaulting to Yacoin.", jane_params); } } // determination based on the constants determined above if (nTimestamp <= Ntimestamp) return minN; unsigned long int s = nTimestamp - Ntimestamp; while ((s >> 1) > 3) { l += 1; s >>= 1; } s &= 3; int n = (l * 170 + s * 25 - 2320) / 100; if (n < 0) n = 0; if (n > 255) printf("GetNfactor(%d) - something wrong(n == %d)\n", nTimestamp, n); Nfactor = n; if (Nfactor<minN) return minN; if (Nfactor>maxN) return maxN; return Nfactor; } #define bswap_32x4(x) ((((x) << 24) & 0xff000000u) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000u) \ | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00u) | (((x) >> 24) & 0x000000ffu)) static int s_Nfactor = 0; int scanhash_scrypt_jane(int thr_id, uint32_t *pdata, const uint32_t *ptarget, unsigned char *scratchbuf, uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done, struct timeval *tv_start, struct timeval *tv_end) { const uint32_t Htarg = ptarget[7]; uint32_t N; if (s_Nfactor == 0 && strlen(jane_params) > 0) applog(LOG_INFO, "Given scrypt-jane parameters: %s", jane_params); int Nfactor = GetNfactor(bswap_32x4(pdata[17])); if (Nfactor > scrypt_maxN) { scrypt_fatal_error("scrypt: N out of range"); } N = (1 << (Nfactor + 1)); if (Nfactor != s_Nfactor) { opt_nfactor = Nfactor; applog(LOG_INFO, "N-factor is %d (%d)!", Nfactor, N); if (s_Nfactor != 0) { // handle N-factor increase at runtime // by adjusting the lookup_gap by factor 2 if (s_Nfactor == Nfactor-1) for (int i=0; i < 8; ++i) device_lookup_gap[i] *= 2; } s_Nfactor = Nfactor; } int throughput = cuda_throughput(thr_id); if(throughput == 0) return -1; gettimeofday(tv_start, NULL); uint32_t *data[2] = { new uint32_t[20*throughput], new uint32_t[20*throughput] }; uint32_t* hash[2] = { cuda_hashbuffer(thr_id,0), cuda_hashbuffer(thr_id,1) }; uint32_t n = pdata[19]; /* byte swap pdata into data[0]/[1] arrays */ for (int k=0; k<2; ++k) { for(int z=0;z<20;z++) data[k][z] = bswap_32x4(pdata[z]); for(int i=1;i<throughput;++i) memcpy(&data[k][20*i], &data[k][0], 20*sizeof(uint32_t)); } if (parallel == 2) prepare_keccak512(thr_id, pdata); scrypt_aligned_alloc Xbuf[2] = { scrypt_alloc(128 * throughput), scrypt_alloc(128 * throughput) }; scrypt_aligned_alloc Vbuf = scrypt_alloc(N * 128); scrypt_aligned_alloc Ybuf = scrypt_alloc(128); uint32_t nonce[2]; uint32_t* cuda_X[2] = { cuda_transferbuffer(thr_id,0), cuda_transferbuffer(thr_id,1) }; #if !defined(SCRYPT_CHOOSE_COMPILETIME) scrypt_ROMixfn scrypt_ROMix = scrypt_getROMix(); #endif int cur = 0, nxt = 1; int iteration = 0; do { nonce[nxt] = n; if (parallel < 2) { // half of cpu for(int i=0;i<throughput;++i) { uint32_t tmp_nonce = n++; data[nxt][20*i + 19] = bswap_32x4(tmp_nonce); } for(int i=0;i<throughput;++i) scrypt_pbkdf2_1((unsigned char *)&data[nxt][20*i], 80, (unsigned char *)&data[nxt][20*i], 80, Xbuf[nxt].ptr + 128 * i, 128); memcpy(cuda_X[nxt], Xbuf[nxt].ptr, 128 * throughput); cuda_scrypt_serialize(thr_id, nxt); cuda_scrypt_HtoD(thr_id, cuda_X[nxt], nxt); cuda_scrypt_core(thr_id, nxt, N); cuda_scrypt_done(thr_id, nxt); cuda_scrypt_DtoH(thr_id, cuda_X[nxt], nxt, false); //cuda_scrypt_flush(thr_id, nxt); if(!cuda_scrypt_sync(thr_id, nxt)) { break; } memcpy(Xbuf[cur].ptr, cuda_X[cur], 128 * throughput); for(int i=0;i<throughput;++i) scrypt_pbkdf2_1((unsigned char *)&data[cur][20*i], 80, Xbuf[cur].ptr + 128 * i, 128, (unsigned char *)(&hash[cur][8*i]), 32); #define VERIFY_ALL 0 #if VERIFY_ALL { /* 2: X = ROMix(X) */ for(int i=0;i<throughput;++i) scrypt_ROMix_1((scrypt_mix_word_t *)(Xbuf[cur].ptr + 128 * i), (scrypt_mix_word_t *)Ybuf.ptr, (scrypt_mix_word_t *)Vbuf.ptr, N); unsigned int err = 0; for(int i=0;i<throughput;++i) { unsigned char *ref = (Xbuf[cur].ptr + 128 * i); unsigned char *dat = (unsigned char*)(cuda_X[cur] + 32 * i); if (memcmp(ref, dat, 128) != 0) { err++; #if 0 uint32_t *ref32 = (uint32_t*) ref; uint32_t *dat32 = (uint32_t*) dat; for (int j=0; j<32; ++j) { if (ref32[j] != dat32[j]) fprintf(stderr, "ref32[i=%d][j=%d] = $%08x / $%08x\n", i, j, ref32[j], dat32[j]); } #endif } } if (err > 0) fprintf(stderr, "%d out of %d hashes differ.\n", err, throughput); } #endif } else { // all on gpu n += throughput; if (opt_debug && (iteration % 64 == 0)) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "GPU #%d: n=%x", device_map[thr_id], n); cuda_scrypt_serialize(thr_id, nxt); pre_keccak512(thr_id, nxt, nonce[nxt], throughput); cuda_scrypt_core(thr_id, nxt, N); //cuda_scrypt_flush(thr_id, nxt); if (!cuda_scrypt_sync(thr_id, nxt)) { break; } post_keccak512(thr_id, nxt, nonce[nxt], throughput); cuda_scrypt_done(thr_id, nxt); cuda_scrypt_DtoH(thr_id, hash[nxt], nxt, true); //cuda_scrypt_flush(thr_id, nxt); // made by cuda_scrypt_sync if (!cuda_scrypt_sync(thr_id, nxt)) { break; } } for (int i=0; iteration > 0 && i<throughput; i++) { if (hash[cur][8*i+7] <= Htarg && fulltest(&hash[cur][8*i], ptarget)) { uint32_t _ALIGN(64) thash[8], tdata[20]; uint32_t tmp_nonce = nonce[cur] + i; for(int z=0;z<19;z++) tdata[z] = bswap_32x4(pdata[z]); tdata[19] = bswap_32x4(tmp_nonce); scrypt_pbkdf2_1((unsigned char *)tdata, 80, (unsigned char *)tdata, 80, Xbuf[cur].ptr + 128 * i, 128); scrypt_ROMix_1((scrypt_mix_word_t *)(Xbuf[cur].ptr + 128 * i), (scrypt_mix_word_t *)(Ybuf.ptr), (scrypt_mix_word_t *)(Vbuf.ptr), N); scrypt_pbkdf2_1((unsigned char *)tdata, 80, Xbuf[cur].ptr + 128 * i, 128, (unsigned char *)thash, 32); if (memcmp(thash, &hash[cur][8*i], 32) == 0) { *hashes_done = n - pdata[19]; pdata[19] = tmp_nonce; scrypt_free(&Vbuf); scrypt_free(&Ybuf); scrypt_free(&Xbuf[0]); scrypt_free(&Xbuf[1]); delete[] data[0]; delete[] data[1]; gettimeofday(tv_end, NULL); return 1; } else { applog(LOG_WARNING, "GPU #%d: %s result does not validate on CPU! (i=%d, s=%d)", device_map[thr_id], device_name[thr_id], i, cur); } } } cur = (cur+1)&1; nxt = (nxt+1)&1; ++iteration; } while (n <= max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart); scrypt_free(&Vbuf); scrypt_free(&Ybuf); scrypt_free(&Xbuf[0]); scrypt_free(&Xbuf[1]); delete[] data[0]; delete[] data[1]; *hashes_done = n - pdata[19]; pdata[19] = n; gettimeofday(tv_end, NULL); return 0; } static void scrypt_jane_hash_1_1(const uchar *password, size_t password_len, const uchar*salt, size_t salt_len, uint32_t N, uchar *out, uint32_t bytes, uint8_t *X, uint8_t *Y, uint8_t *V) { uint32_t chunk_bytes, i; const uint32_t p = SCRYPT_P; #if !defined(SCRYPT_CHOOSE_COMPILETIME) scrypt_ROMixfn scrypt_ROMix = scrypt_getROMix(); #endif chunk_bytes = SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES * SCRYPT_R * 2; /* 1: X = PBKDF2(password, salt) */ scrypt_pbkdf2_1(password, password_len, salt, salt_len, X, chunk_bytes * p); /* 2: X = ROMix(X) */ for (i = 0; i < p; i++) scrypt_ROMix_1((scrypt_mix_word_t *)(X + (chunk_bytes * i)), (scrypt_mix_word_t *)Y, (scrypt_mix_word_t *)V, N); /* 3: Out = PBKDF2(password, X) */ scrypt_pbkdf2_1(password, password_len, X, chunk_bytes * p, out, (size_t) bytes); #ifdef SCRYPT_PREVENT_STATE_LEAK /* This is an unnecessary security feature - mikaelh */ scrypt_ensure_zero(Y, (p + 1) * chunk_bytes); #endif } /* for cpu hash test */ void scryptjane_hash(void* output, const void* input) { uint32_t Nsize = 1UL << (opt_nfactor + 1); uint64_t chunk_bytes; uint8_t *X, *Y; scrypt_aligned_alloc YX, V; chunk_bytes = 2ULL * SCRYPT_BLOCK_BYTES * SCRYPT_R; V = scrypt_alloc(Nsize * chunk_bytes); YX = scrypt_alloc((SCRYPT_P + 1) * chunk_bytes); memset(V.ptr, 0, (size_t) (Nsize * chunk_bytes)); Y = YX.ptr; X = Y + chunk_bytes; scrypt_jane_hash_1_1((uchar*)input, 80, (uchar*)input, 80, (uint32_t) Nsize, (uchar*)output, 32, X, Y, V.ptr); scrypt_free(&V); scrypt_free(&YX); }