/** * Hash log of submitted job nonces * Prevent duplicate shares * * (to be merged later with stats) * * tpruvot@github 2014 */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <memory.h> #include <map> #include "miner.h" #define HI_DWORD(u64) ((uint32_t) (u64 >> 32)) #define LO_DWORD(u64) ((uint32_t) u64) #define MK_HI64(u32) (0x100000000ULL * u32) /* from miner.h struct hashlog_data { uint8_t npool; uint8_t pool_type; uint32_t height; uint32_t njobid; uint32_t nonce; uint32_t scanned_from; uint32_t scanned_to; uint32_t last_from; uint32_t tm_add; uint32_t tm_upd; uint32_t tm_sent; }; */ static std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data> tlastshares; #define LOG_PURGE_TIMEOUT 5*60 /** * str hex to uint32 */ static uint64_t hextouint(char* jobid) { char *ptr; /* dont use strtoull(), only since VS2013 */ return (uint64_t) strtoul(jobid, &ptr, 16); } /** * @return time of a job/nonce submission (or last nonce if nonce is 0) */ uint32_t hashlog_already_submittted(char* jobid, uint32_t nonce) { uint32_t ret = 0; uint64_t njobid = hextouint(jobid); uint64_t key = (njobid << 32) + nonce; if (nonce == 0) { // search last submitted nonce for job ret = hashlog_get_last_sent(jobid); } else if (tlastshares.find(key) != tlastshares.end()) { hashlog_data data = tlastshares[key]; ret = data.tm_sent; } return ret; } /** * Store submitted nonces of a job */ void hashlog_remember_submit(struct work* work, uint32_t nonce) { uint64_t njobid = hextouint(work->job_id); uint64_t key = (njobid << 32) + nonce; hashlog_data data; memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.scanned_from = work->scanned_from; data.scanned_to = nonce; data.height = work->height; data.njobid = (uint32_t) njobid; data.tm_add = data.tm_upd = data.tm_sent = (uint32_t) time(NULL); data.npool = (uint8_t) cur_pooln; data.pool_type = pools[cur_pooln].type; tlastshares[key] = data; } /** * Update job scanned range */ void hashlog_remember_scan_range(struct work* work) { uint64_t njobid = hextouint(work->job_id); uint64_t key = (njobid << 32); uint64_t range = hashlog_get_scan_range(work->job_id); hashlog_data data; // global scan range of a job data = tlastshares[key]; if (range == 0) { memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.njobid = (uint32_t) njobid; } else { // get min and max from all sent records data.scanned_from = LO_DWORD(range); data.scanned_to = HI_DWORD(range); } if (data.tm_add == 0) data.tm_add = (uint32_t) time(NULL); data.last_from = work->scanned_from; if (work->scanned_from < work->scanned_to) { if (data.scanned_to == 0 || work->scanned_from == data.scanned_to + 1) data.scanned_to = work->scanned_to; if (data.scanned_from == 0) data.scanned_from = work->scanned_from ? work->scanned_from : 1; // min 1 else if (work->scanned_from < data.scanned_from || work->scanned_to == (data.scanned_from - 1)) data.scanned_from = work->scanned_from; } data.tm_upd = (uint32_t) time(NULL); tlastshares[key] = data; /* applog(LOG_BLUE, "job %s range : %x %x -> %x %x", jobid, scanned_from, scanned_to, data.scanned_from, data.scanned_to); */ } /** * Returns the range of a job * @return uint64_t to|from */ uint64_t hashlog_get_scan_range(char* jobid) { uint64_t ret = 0; uint64_t njobid = hextouint(jobid); uint64_t keypfx = (njobid << 32); uint64_t keymsk = (0xffffffffULL << 32); hashlog_data data; data.scanned_from = 0; data.scanned_to = 0; std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data>::iterator i = tlastshares.begin(); while (i != tlastshares.end()) { if ((keymsk & i->first) == keypfx && i->second.scanned_to > ret) { if (i->second.scanned_to > data.scanned_to) data.scanned_to = i->second.scanned_to; if (i->second.scanned_from < data.scanned_from || data.scanned_from == 0) data.scanned_from = i->second.scanned_from; } i++; } ret = data.scanned_from; ret += MK_HI64(data.scanned_to); return ret; } /** * Search last submitted nonce for a job * @return max nonce */ uint32_t hashlog_get_last_sent(char* jobid) { uint32_t nonce = 0; uint64_t njobid = hextouint(jobid); uint64_t keypfx = (njobid << 32); std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data>::iterator i = tlastshares.begin(); while (i != tlastshares.end()) { if ((keypfx & i->first) == keypfx && i->second.tm_sent > 0) { nonce = LO_DWORD(i->first); } i++; } return nonce; } /** * Export data for api calls */ int hashlog_get_history(struct hashlog_data *data, int max_records) { int records = 0; std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data>::reverse_iterator it = tlastshares.rbegin(); while (it != tlastshares.rend() && records < max_records) { memcpy(&data[records], &(it->second), sizeof(struct hashlog_data)); data[records].nonce = LO_DWORD(it->first); data[records].njobid = (uint32_t) HI_DWORD(it->first); records++; ++it; } return records; } /** * Remove entries of a job... */ void hashlog_purge_job(char* jobid) { int deleted = 0; uint64_t njobid = hextouint(jobid); uint64_t keypfx = (njobid << 32); uint32_t sz = (uint32_t) tlastshares.size(); std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data>::iterator i = tlastshares.begin(); while (i != tlastshares.end()) { if ((keypfx & i->first) == keypfx) { deleted++; tlastshares.erase(i++); } else ++i; } if (opt_debug && deleted) { applog(LOG_DEBUG, "hashlog: purge job %s, del %d/%d", jobid, deleted, sz); } } /** * Remove old entries to reduce memory usage */ void hashlog_purge_old(void) { int deleted = 0; uint32_t now = (uint32_t) time(NULL); uint32_t sz = (uint32_t) tlastshares.size(); std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data>::iterator i = tlastshares.begin(); while (i != tlastshares.end()) { if ((now - i->second.tm_sent) > LOG_PURGE_TIMEOUT) { deleted++; tlastshares.erase(i++); } else ++i; } if (opt_debug && deleted) { applog(LOG_DEBUG, "hashlog: %d/%d purged", deleted, sz); } } /** * Reset the submitted nonces cache */ void hashlog_purge_all(void) { tlastshares.clear(); } /** * API meminfo */ void hashlog_getmeminfo(uint64_t *mem, uint32_t *records) { (*records) = (uint32_t) tlastshares.size(); (*mem) = (*records) * sizeof(hashlog_data); } /** * Used to debug ranges... */ void hashlog_dump_job(char* jobid) { if (opt_debug) { uint64_t njobid = hextouint(jobid); uint64_t keypfx = (njobid << 32); // uint32_t sz = tlastshares.size(); std::map<uint64_t, hashlog_data>::iterator i = tlastshares.begin(); while (i != tlastshares.end()) { if ((keypfx & i->first) == keypfx) { if (i->first != keypfx) applog(LOG_DEBUG, CL_YLW "job %s, found %08x ", jobid, LO_DWORD(i->first)); else applog(LOG_DEBUG, CL_YLW "job %s(%u) range done: %08x-%08x", jobid, i->second.height, i->second.scanned_from, i->second.scanned_to); } i++; } } }