/** * Equihash solver interface for ccminer (compatible with linux and windows) * Solver taken from nheqminer, by djeZo (and NiceHash) * tpruvot - 2017 (GPL v3) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "eqcuda.hpp" #include "equihash.h" // equi_verify() #include // All solutions (BLOCK_HEADER_LEN + SOLSIZE_LEN + SOL_LEN) sha256d should be under the target extern "C" void equi_hash(const void* input, void* output, int len) { uint8_t _ALIGN(64) hash0[32], hash1[32]; sph_sha256_context ctx_sha256; sph_sha256_init(&ctx_sha256); sph_sha256(&ctx_sha256, input, len); sph_sha256_close(&ctx_sha256, hash0); sph_sha256(&ctx_sha256, hash0, 32); sph_sha256_close(&ctx_sha256, hash1); memcpy(output, hash1, 32); } // input here is 140 for the header and 1344 for the solution (equi.cpp) extern "C" int equi_verify_sol(void * const hdr, void * const sol) { bool res = equi_verify((uint8_t*) hdr, (uint8_t*) sol); //applog_hex((void*)hdr, 140); //applog_hex((void*)sol, 1344); return res ? 1 : 0; } #include //#define EQNONCE_OFFSET 30 /* 27:34 */ #define NONCE_OFT EQNONCE_OFFSET static bool init[MAX_GPUS] = { 0 }; static int valid_sols[MAX_GPUS] = { 0 }; static uint8_t _ALIGN(64) data_sols[MAX_GPUS][MAXREALSOLS][1536] = { 0 }; // 140+3+1344 required static eq_cuda_context_interface* solvers[MAX_GPUS] = { NULL }; static void CompressArray(const unsigned char* in, size_t in_len, unsigned char* out, size_t out_len, size_t bit_len, size_t byte_pad) { assert(bit_len >= 8); assert(8 * sizeof(uint32_t) >= 7 + bit_len); size_t in_width = (bit_len + 7) / 8 + byte_pad; assert(out_len == bit_len*in_len / (8 * in_width)); uint32_t bit_len_mask = (1UL << bit_len) - 1; // The acc_bits least-significant bits of acc_value represent a bit sequence // in big-endian order. size_t acc_bits = 0; uint32_t acc_value = 0; size_t j = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < out_len; i++) { // When we have fewer than 8 bits left in the accumulator, read the next // input element. if (acc_bits < 8) { acc_value = acc_value << bit_len; for (size_t x = byte_pad; x < in_width; x++) { acc_value = acc_value | ( ( // Apply bit_len_mask across byte boundaries in[j + x] & ((bit_len_mask >> (8 * (in_width - x - 1))) & 0xFF) ) << (8 * (in_width - x - 1))); // Big-endian } j += in_width; acc_bits += bit_len; } acc_bits -= 8; out[i] = (acc_value >> acc_bits) & 0xFF; } } #ifndef htobe32 #define htobe32(x) swab32(x) #endif static void EhIndexToArray(const u32 i, unsigned char* arr) { u32 bei = htobe32(i); memcpy(arr, &bei, sizeof(u32)); } static std::vector GetMinimalFromIndices(std::vector indices, size_t cBitLen) { assert(((cBitLen + 1) + 7) / 8 <= sizeof(u32)); size_t lenIndices = indices.size()*sizeof(u32); size_t minLen = (cBitLen + 1)*lenIndices / (8 * sizeof(u32)); size_t bytePad = sizeof(u32) - ((cBitLen + 1) + 7) / 8; std::vector array(lenIndices); for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++) { EhIndexToArray(indices[i], array.data() + (i*sizeof(u32))); } std::vector ret(minLen); CompressArray(array.data(), lenIndices, ret.data(), minLen, cBitLen + 1, bytePad); return ret; } // solver callbacks static void cb_solution(int thr_id, const std::vector& solutions, size_t cbitlen, const unsigned char *compressed_sol) { std::vector nSolution; if (!compressed_sol) { nSolution = GetMinimalFromIndices(solutions, cbitlen); } else { gpulog(LOG_INFO, thr_id, "compressed_sol"); nSolution = std::vector(1344); for (size_t i = 0; i < cbitlen; i++) nSolution[i] = compressed_sol[i]; } int nsol = valid_sols[thr_id]; if (nsol < 0) nsol = 0; if(nSolution.size() == 1344) { // todo, only store solution data here... le32enc(&data_sols[thr_id][nsol][140], 0x000540fd); // sol sz header memcpy(&data_sols[thr_id][nsol][143], nSolution.data(), 1344); valid_sols[thr_id] = nsol + 1; } } static void cb_hashdone(int thr_id) { if (!valid_sols[thr_id]) valid_sols[thr_id] = -1; } static bool cb_cancel(int thr_id) { if (work_restart[thr_id].restart) valid_sols[thr_id] = -1; return work_restart[thr_id].restart; } extern "C" int scanhash_equihash(int thr_id, struct work *work, uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done) { uint32_t _ALIGN(64) endiandata[35]; uint32_t *pdata = work->data; uint32_t *ptarget = work->target; const uint32_t first_nonce = pdata[NONCE_OFT]; uint32_t nonce_increment = rand() & 0xFF; // nonce randomizer struct timeval tv_start, tv_end, diff; double secs, solps; uint32_t soluce_count = 0; if (opt_benchmark) ptarget[7] = 0xfffff; if (!init[thr_id]) { try { int mode = 1; switch (mode) { case 1: solvers[thr_id] = new eq_cuda_context(thr_id, device_map[thr_id]); break; #ifdef CONFIG_MODE_2 case 2: solvers[thr_id] = new eq_cuda_context(thr_id, device_map[thr_id]); break; #endif #ifdef CONFIG_MODE_3 case 3: solvers[thr_id] = new eq_cuda_context(thr_id, device_map[thr_id]); break; #endif default: proper_exit(EXIT_CODE_SW_INIT_ERROR); return -1; } size_t memSz = solvers[thr_id]->equi_mem_sz / (1024*1024); gpus_intensity[thr_id] = (uint32_t) solvers[thr_id]->throughput; api_set_throughput(thr_id, gpus_intensity[thr_id]); gpulog(LOG_DEBUG, thr_id, "Allocated %u MB of context memory", (u32) memSz); cuda_get_arch(thr_id); init[thr_id] = true; } catch (const std::exception & e) { CUDA_LOG_ERROR(); gpulog(LOG_ERR, thr_id, "init: %s", e.what()); proper_exit(EXIT_CODE_CUDA_ERROR); } } gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); memcpy(endiandata, pdata, 140); work->valid_nonces = 0; do { try { valid_sols[thr_id] = 0; solvers[thr_id]->solve( (const char *) endiandata, (unsigned int) (140 - 32), (const char *) &endiandata[27], (unsigned int) 32, &cb_cancel, &cb_solution, &cb_hashdone ); *hashes_done = soluce_count; } catch (const std::exception & e) { gpulog(LOG_WARNING, thr_id, "solver: %s", e.what()); free_equihash(thr_id); sleep(1); return -1; } if (valid_sols[thr_id] > 0) { const uint32_t Htarg = ptarget[7]; uint32_t _ALIGN(64) vhash[8]; uint8_t _ALIGN(64) full_data[140+3+1344] = { 0 }; uint8_t* sol_data = &full_data[140]; soluce_count += valid_sols[thr_id]; for (int nsol=0; nsol < valid_sols[thr_id]; nsol++) { memcpy(full_data, endiandata, 140); memcpy(sol_data, &data_sols[thr_id][nsol][140], 1347); equi_hash(full_data, vhash, 140+3+1344); if (vhash[7] <= Htarg && fulltest(vhash, ptarget)) { bool valid = equi_verify_sol(endiandata, &sol_data[3]); if (valid && work->valid_nonces < MAX_NONCES) { work->valid_nonces++; memcpy(work->data, endiandata, 140); equi_store_work_solution(work, vhash, sol_data); work->nonces[work->valid_nonces-1] = endiandata[NONCE_OFT]; pdata[NONCE_OFT] = endiandata[NONCE_OFT] + 1; //applog_hex(vhash, 32); //applog_hex(&work->data[27], 32); goto out; // second solution storage not handled.. } } if (work->valid_nonces == MAX_NONCES) goto out; } if (work->valid_nonces) goto out; valid_sols[thr_id] = 0; } endiandata[NONCE_OFT] += nonce_increment; } while (!work_restart[thr_id].restart); out: gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); timeval_subtract(&diff, &tv_end, &tv_start); secs = (1.0 * diff.tv_sec) + (0.000001 * diff.tv_usec); solps = (double)soluce_count / secs; gpulog(LOG_DEBUG, thr_id, "%d solutions in %.2f s (%.2f Sol/s)", soluce_count, secs, solps); // H/s *hashes_done = soluce_count; pdata[NONCE_OFT] = endiandata[NONCE_OFT] + 1; return work->valid_nonces; } // cleanup void free_equihash(int thr_id) { if (!init[thr_id]) return; delete(solvers[thr_id]); solvers[thr_id] = NULL; init[thr_id] = false; } // mmm... viva c++ junk void eq_cuda_context_interface::solve(const char *tequihash_header, unsigned int tequihash_header_len, const char* nonce, unsigned int nonce_len, fn_cancel cancelf, fn_solution solutionf, fn_hashdone hashdonef) { } eq_cuda_context_interface::~eq_cuda_context_interface() { }