/** * This code compares final hash against target */ #include <stdio.h> #include <memory.h> #include "miner.h" #include "cuda_helper.h" __constant__ uint32_t pTarget[8]; // 32 bytes // store MAX_GPUS device arrays of 8 nonces static uint32_t* h_resNonces[MAX_GPUS] = { NULL }; static uint32_t* d_resNonces[MAX_GPUS] = { NULL }; static __thread bool init_done = false; __host__ void cuda_check_cpu_init(int thr_id, uint32_t threads) { CUDA_CALL_OR_RET(cudaMalloc(&d_resNonces[thr_id], 32)); CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMallocHost(&h_resNonces[thr_id], 32)); init_done = true; } __host__ void cuda_check_cpu_free(int thr_id) { if (!init_done) return; cudaFree(d_resNonces[thr_id]); cudaFreeHost(h_resNonces[thr_id]); d_resNonces[thr_id] = NULL; h_resNonces[thr_id] = NULL; init_done = false; } // Target Difficulty __host__ void cuda_check_cpu_setTarget(const void *ptarget) { CUDA_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpyToSymbol(pTarget, ptarget, 32, 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ __device__ __forceinline__ static bool hashbelowtarget(const uint32_t *const __restrict__ hash, const uint32_t *const __restrict__ target) { if (hash[7] > target[7]) return false; if (hash[7] < target[7]) return true; if (hash[6] > target[6]) return false; if (hash[6] < target[6]) return true; if (hash[5] > target[5]) return false; if (hash[5] < target[5]) return true; if (hash[4] > target[4]) return false; if (hash[4] < target[4]) return true; if (hash[3] > target[3]) return false; if (hash[3] < target[3]) return true; if (hash[2] > target[2]) return false; if (hash[2] < target[2]) return true; if (hash[1] > target[1]) return false; if (hash[1] < target[1]) return true; if (hash[0] > target[0]) return false; return true; } __global__ __launch_bounds__(512, 4) void cuda_checkhash_64(uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *hash, uint32_t *resNonces) { uint32_t thread = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x); if (thread < threads) { // shl 4 = *16 x 4 (uint32) = 64 bytes // todo: use only 32 bytes * threads if possible uint32_t *inpHash = &hash[thread << 4]; if (resNonces[0] == UINT32_MAX) { if (hashbelowtarget(inpHash, pTarget)) resNonces[0] = (startNounce + thread); } } } __global__ __launch_bounds__(512, 4) void cuda_checkhash_32(uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *hash, uint32_t *resNonces) { uint32_t thread = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x); if (thread < threads) { uint32_t *inpHash = &hash[thread << 3]; if (resNonces[0] == UINT32_MAX) { if (hashbelowtarget(inpHash, pTarget)) resNonces[0] = (startNounce + thread); } } } __host__ uint32_t cuda_check_hash(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_inputHash) { cudaMemset(d_resNonces[thr_id], 0xff, sizeof(uint32_t)); const uint32_t threadsperblock = 512; dim3 grid((threads + threadsperblock - 1) / threadsperblock); dim3 block(threadsperblock); if (bench_algo >= 0) // dont interrupt the global benchmark return UINT32_MAX; if (!init_done) { applog(LOG_ERR, "missing call to cuda_check_cpu_init"); return UINT32_MAX; } cuda_checkhash_64 <<<grid, block>>> (threads, startNounce, d_inputHash, d_resNonces[thr_id]); cudaThreadSynchronize(); cudaMemcpy(h_resNonces[thr_id], d_resNonces[thr_id], sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); return h_resNonces[thr_id][0]; } __host__ uint32_t cuda_check_hash_32(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_inputHash) { cudaMemset(d_resNonces[thr_id], 0xff, sizeof(uint32_t)); const uint32_t threadsperblock = 512; dim3 grid((threads + threadsperblock - 1) / threadsperblock); dim3 block(threadsperblock); if (bench_algo >= 0) // dont interrupt the global benchmark return UINT32_MAX; if (!init_done) { applog(LOG_ERR, "missing call to cuda_check_cpu_init"); return UINT32_MAX; } cuda_checkhash_32 <<<grid, block>>> (threads, startNounce, d_inputHash, d_resNonces[thr_id]); cudaThreadSynchronize(); cudaMemcpy(h_resNonces[thr_id], d_resNonces[thr_id], sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); return h_resNonces[thr_id][0]; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ __global__ __launch_bounds__(512, 4) void cuda_checkhash_64_suppl(uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *hash, uint32_t *resNonces) { uint32_t thread = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x); uint32_t *inpHash = &hash[thread << 4]; if (hashbelowtarget(inpHash, pTarget)) { int resNum = ++resNonces[0]; __threadfence(); if (resNum < 8) resNonces[resNum] = (startNounce + thread); } } __host__ uint32_t cuda_check_hash_suppl(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_inputHash, uint8_t numNonce) { uint32_t rescnt, result = 0; const uint32_t threadsperblock = 512; dim3 grid((threads + threadsperblock - 1) / threadsperblock); dim3 block(threadsperblock); if (!init_done) { applog(LOG_ERR, "missing call to cuda_check_cpu_init"); return 0; } // first element stores the count of found nonces cudaMemset(d_resNonces[thr_id], 0, sizeof(uint32_t)); cuda_checkhash_64_suppl <<<grid, block>>> (startNounce, d_inputHash, d_resNonces[thr_id]); cudaThreadSynchronize(); cudaMemcpy(h_resNonces[thr_id], d_resNonces[thr_id], 32, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); rescnt = h_resNonces[thr_id][0]; if (rescnt > numNonce) { if (numNonce <= rescnt) { result = h_resNonces[thr_id][numNonce+1]; } if (opt_debug) applog(LOG_WARNING, "Found %d nonces: %x + %x", rescnt, h_resNonces[thr_id][1], result); } return result; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ __global__ void cuda_check_hash_branch_64(uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *g_nonceVector, uint32_t *g_hash, uint32_t *resNounce) { uint32_t thread = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x); if (thread < threads) { uint32_t nounce = g_nonceVector[thread]; uint32_t hashPosition = (nounce - startNounce) << 4; uint32_t *inpHash = &g_hash[hashPosition]; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { if (inpHash[i] > pTarget[i]) { return; } if (inpHash[i] < pTarget[i]) { break; } } if (resNounce[0] > nounce) resNounce[0] = nounce; } } __host__ uint32_t cuda_check_hash_branch(int thr_id, uint32_t threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_inputHash, int order) { const uint32_t threadsperblock = 256; uint32_t result = UINT32_MAX; if (bench_algo >= 0) // dont interrupt the global benchmark return result; if (!init_done) { applog(LOG_ERR, "missing call to cuda_check_cpu_init"); return result; } cudaMemset(d_resNonces[thr_id], 0xff, sizeof(uint32_t)); dim3 grid((threads + threadsperblock-1)/threadsperblock); dim3 block(threadsperblock); cuda_check_hash_branch_64 <<<grid, block>>> (threads, startNounce, d_nonceVector, d_inputHash, d_resNonces[thr_id]); MyStreamSynchronize(NULL, order, thr_id); cudaMemcpy(h_resNonces[thr_id], d_resNonces[thr_id], sizeof(uint32_t), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaThreadSynchronize(); result = *h_resNonces[thr_id]; return result; } /* Function to get the compiled Shader Model version */ int cuda_arch[MAX_GPUS] = { 0 }; __global__ void nvcc_get_arch(int *d_version) { *d_version = 0; #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ *d_version = __CUDA_ARCH__; #endif } __host__ int cuda_get_arch(int thr_id) { int *d_version; int dev_id = device_map[thr_id]; if (cuda_arch[dev_id] == 0) { // only do it once... cudaMalloc(&d_version, sizeof(int)); nvcc_get_arch <<< 1, 1 >>> (d_version); cudaMemcpy(&cuda_arch[dev_id], d_version, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); cudaFree(d_version); } return cuda_arch[dev_id]; }