/* * Copyright 2014 ccminer team * * Implementation by tpruvot (based on cgminer) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #define APIVERSION "1.2" #ifdef WIN32 # define _WINSOCK_DEPRECATED_NO_WARNINGS # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "compat.h" #include "miner.h" #ifdef USE_WRAPNVML #include "nvml.h" #endif #ifndef WIN32 # include # include # include # include # include # define SOCKETTYPE long # define SOCKETFAIL(a) ((a) < 0) # define INVSOCK -1 /* INVALID_SOCKET */ # define INVINETADDR -1 /* INADDR_NONE */ # define CLOSESOCKET close # define SOCKETINIT {} # define SOCKERRMSG strerror(errno) #else # define SOCKETTYPE SOCKET # define SOCKETFAIL(a) ((a) == SOCKET_ERROR) # define INVSOCK INVALID_SOCKET # define INVINETADDR INADDR_NONE # define CLOSESOCKET closesocket # define in_addr_t uint32_t #endif #define GROUP(g) (toupper(g)) #define PRIVGROUP GROUP('W') #define NOPRIVGROUP GROUP('R') #define ISPRIVGROUP(g) (GROUP(g) == PRIVGROUP) #define GROUPOFFSET(g) (GROUP(g) - GROUP('A')) #define VALIDGROUP(g) (GROUP(g) >= GROUP('A') && GROUP(g) <= GROUP('Z')) #define COMMANDS(g) (apigroups[GROUPOFFSET(g)].commands) #define DEFINEDGROUP(g) (ISPRIVGROUP(g) || COMMANDS(g) != NULL) struct APIGROUPS { // This becomes a string like: "|cmd1|cmd2|cmd3|" so it's quick to search char *commands; } apigroups['Z' - 'A' + 1]; // only A=0 to Z=25 (R: noprivs, W: allprivs) struct IP4ACCESS { in_addr_t ip; in_addr_t mask; char group; }; static int ips = 1; static struct IP4ACCESS *ipaccess = NULL; // Big enough for largest API request // though a PC with 100s of CPUs may exceed the size ... // Current code assumes it can socket send this size also #define MYBUFSIZ 16384 #define SOCK_REC_BUFSZ 256 // Socket is on #define QUEUE 10 #define ALLIP4 "" static const char *localaddr = ""; static const char *UNAVAILABLE = " - API will not be available"; static char *buffer = NULL; static time_t startup = 0; static int bye = 0; extern char *opt_api_allow; extern int opt_api_listen; /* port */ extern uint32_t accepted_count; extern uint32_t rejected_count; extern int num_cpus; extern char driver_version[32]; extern struct stratum_ctx stratum; extern char* rpc_user; // sysinfos.cpp extern float cpu_temp(int); extern uint32_t cpu_clock(int); // cuda.cpp int cuda_num_devices(); /***************************************************************/ static void gpustatus(int thr_id) { if (thr_id >= 0 && thr_id < opt_n_threads) { struct cgpu_info *cgpu = &thr_info[thr_id].gpu; int gpuid = cgpu->gpu_id; char buf[512]; *buf = '\0'; char pstate[8]; char* card; #ifdef USE_WRAPNVML cgpu->has_monitoring = true; cgpu->gpu_bus = gpu_busid(cgpu); cgpu->gpu_temp = gpu_temp(cgpu); cgpu->gpu_fan = gpu_fanpercent(cgpu); cgpu->gpu_pstate = gpu_pstate(cgpu); #endif gpu_clocks(cgpu); // todo: can be 0 if set by algo (auto) if (opt_intensity == 0 && opt_work_size) { int i = 0; uint32_t ws = opt_work_size; while (ws > 1 && i++ < 32) ws = ws >> 1; cgpu->intensity = i; } else { cgpu->intensity = opt_intensity; } // todo: per gpu cgpu->accepted = accepted_count; cgpu->rejected = rejected_count; cgpu->khashes = stats_get_speed(cgpu->gpu_id, 0.0) / 1000.0; memset(pstate, 0, sizeof(pstate)); if (cgpu->gpu_pstate != -1) snprintf(pstate, sizeof(pstate), "P%hu", cgpu->gpu_pstate); card = device_name[gpuid]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "GPU=%d;BUS=%hd;CARD=%s;" "TEMP=%.1f;FAN=%d;FREQ=%d;PST=%s;KHS=%.2f;HWF=%d;I=%d|", gpuid, cgpu->gpu_bus, card, cgpu->gpu_temp, cgpu->gpu_fan, cgpu->gpu_clock, pstate, cgpu->khashes, cgpu->hw_errors, cgpu->intensity); // append to buffer for multi gpus strcat(buffer, buf); } } /** * Returns gpu/thread specific stats */ static char *getthreads(char *params) { *buffer = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < opt_n_threads; i++) gpustatus(i); return buffer; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Returns miner global infos */ static char *getsummary(char *params) { char algo[64]; *algo = '\0'; time_t ts = time(NULL); double uptime = difftime(ts, startup); double accps = (60.0 * accepted_count) / (uptime ? uptime : 1.0); get_currentalgo(algo, sizeof(algo)); *buffer = '\0'; sprintf(buffer, "NAME=%s;VER=%s;API=%s;" "ALGO=%s;GPUS=%d;KHS=%.2f;ACC=%d;REJ=%d;" "ACCMN=%.3f;DIFF=%.6f;UPTIME=%.0f;TS=%u|", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION, APIVERSION, algo, active_gpus, (double)global_hashrate / 1000.0, accepted_count, rejected_count, accps, global_diff, uptime, (uint32_t) ts); return buffer; } /** * Returns some infos about current pool */ static char *getpoolnfo(char *params) { char *p = buffer; char jobid[128] = { 0 }; char nonce[128] = { 0 }; *p = '\0'; if (!stratum.url) { sprintf(p, "|"); return p; } if (stratum.job.job_id) strncpy(jobid, stratum.job.job_id, sizeof(stratum.job.job_id)); if (stratum.job.xnonce2) { /* used temporary to be sure all is ok */ cbin2hex(nonce, (const char*) stratum.job.xnonce2, stratum.xnonce2_size); } snprintf(p, MYBUFSIZ, "URL=%s;USER=%s;H=%u;JOB=%s;DIFF=%.6f;N2SZ=%d;N2=0x%s;PING=%u;DISCO=%u;UPTIME=%u|", stratum.url, rpc_user ? rpc_user : "", stratum.job.height, jobid, stratum.job.diff, (int) stratum.xnonce2_size, nonce, stratum.answer_msec, stratum.disconnects, (uint32_t) (time(NULL) - stratum.tm_connected)); return p; } /*****************************************************************************/ static void gpuhwinfos(int gpu_id) { char buf[256]; char pstate[8]; char* card; struct cgpu_info *cgpu = NULL; for (int g = 0; g < opt_n_threads; g++) { if (device_map[g] == gpu_id) { cgpu = &thr_info[g].gpu; break; } } if (cgpu == NULL) return; #ifdef USE_WRAPNVML cgpu->has_monitoring = true; cgpu->gpu_bus = gpu_busid(cgpu); cgpu->gpu_temp = gpu_temp(cgpu); cgpu->gpu_fan = gpu_fanpercent(cgpu); cgpu->gpu_pstate = gpu_pstate(cgpu); gpu_info(cgpu); #endif gpu_clocks(cgpu); memset(pstate, 0, sizeof(pstate)); if (cgpu->gpu_pstate != -1) snprintf(pstate, sizeof(pstate), "P%hu", cgpu->gpu_pstate); card = device_name[gpu_id]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "GPU=%d;BUS=%hd;CARD=%s;SM=%u;MEM=%lu;" "TEMP=%.1f;FAN=%d;FREQ=%d;MEMFREQ=%d;PST=%s;" "VID=%hx;PID=%hx;NVML=%d;NVAPI=%d;SN=%s;BIOS=%s|", gpu_id, cgpu->gpu_bus, card, cgpu->gpu_arch, cgpu->gpu_mem, cgpu->gpu_temp, cgpu->gpu_fan, cgpu->gpu_clock, cgpu->gpu_memclock, pstate, cgpu->gpu_vid, cgpu->gpu_pid, cgpu->nvml_id, cgpu->nvapi_id, cgpu->gpu_sn, cgpu->gpu_desc); strcat(buffer, buf); } static const char* os_name() { #ifdef WIN32 return "windows"; #else return "linux"; #endif } /** * System and CPU Infos */ static void syshwinfos() { char buf[256]; int cputc = (int) cpu_temp(0); uint32_t cpuclk = cpu_clock(0); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "OS=%s;NVDRIVER=%s;CPUS=%d;CPUTEMP=%d;CPUFREQ=%d|", os_name(), driver_version, num_cpus, cputc, cpuclk); strcat(buffer, buf); } /** * Returns gpu and system (todo) informations */ static char *gethwinfos(char *params) { *buffer = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < cuda_num_devices(); i++) gpuhwinfos(i); syshwinfos(); return buffer; } /*****************************************************************************/ /** * Returns the last 50 scans stats * optional param thread id (default all) */ static char *gethistory(char *params) { struct stats_data data[50]; int thrid = params ? atoi(params) : -1; char *p = buffer; int records = stats_get_history(thrid, data, ARRAY_SIZE(data)); *buffer = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < records; i++) { time_t ts = data[i].tm_stat; p += sprintf(p, "GPU=%d;H=%u;KHS=%.2f;DIFF=%.6f;" "COUNT=%u;FOUND=%u;ID=%u;TS=%u|", data[i].gpu_id, data[i].height, data[i].hashrate, data[i].difficulty, data[i].hashcount, data[i].hashfound, data[i].uid, (uint32_t)ts); } return buffer; } /** * Returns the job scans ranges (debug purpose) */ static char *getscanlog(char *params) { struct hashlog_data data[50]; char *p = buffer; int records = hashlog_get_history(data, ARRAY_SIZE(data)); *buffer = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < records; i++) { time_t ts = data[i].tm_upd; p += sprintf(p, "H=%u;JOB=%u;N=%u;FROM=0x%x;SCANTO=0x%x;" "COUNT=0x%x;FOUND=%u;TS=%u|", data[i].height, data[i].njobid, data[i].nonce, data[i].scanned_from, data[i].scanned_to, (data[i].scanned_to - data[i].scanned_from), data[i].tm_sent ? 1 : 0, (uint32_t)ts); } return buffer; } /** * Some debug infos about memory usage */ static char *getmeminfo(char *params) { uint64_t smem, hmem, totmem; uint32_t srec, hrec; stats_getmeminfo(&smem, &srec); hashlog_getmeminfo(&hmem, &hrec); totmem = smem + hmem; *buffer = '\0'; sprintf(buffer, "STATS=%u;HASHLOG=%u;MEM=%lu|", srec, hrec, totmem); return buffer; } /*****************************************************************************/ static char *gethelp(char *params); struct CMDS { const char *name; char *(*func)(char *); } cmds[] = { { "summary", getsummary }, { "threads", getthreads }, { "pool", getpoolnfo }, { "histo", gethistory }, { "hwinfo", gethwinfos }, { "meminfo", getmeminfo }, { "scanlog", getscanlog }, /* keep it the last */ { "help", gethelp }, }; #define CMDMAX ARRAY_SIZE(cmds) static char *gethelp(char *params) { *buffer = '\0'; char * p = buffer; for (int i = 0; i < CMDMAX-1; i++) p += sprintf(p, "%s\n", cmds[i].name); sprintf(p, "|"); return buffer; } /*****************************************************************************/ static int send_result(SOCKETTYPE c, char *result) { int n; if (!result) { n = send(c, "", 1, 0); } else { // ignore failure - it's closed immediately anyway n = send(c, result, strlen(result) + 1, 0); } return n; } /* * N.B. IP4 addresses are by Definition 32bit big endian on all platforms */ static void setup_ipaccess() { char *buf, *ptr, *comma, *slash, *dot; int ipcount, mask, octet, i; char group; buf = (char*) calloc(1, strlen(opt_api_allow) + 1); if (unlikely(!buf)) proper_exit(1);//, "Failed to malloc ipaccess buf"); strcpy(buf, opt_api_allow); ipcount = 1; ptr = buf; while (*ptr) if (*(ptr++) == ',') ipcount++; // possibly more than needed, but never less ipaccess = (struct IP4ACCESS *) calloc(ipcount, sizeof(struct IP4ACCESS)); if (unlikely(!ipaccess)) proper_exit(1);//, "Failed to calloc ipaccess"); ips = 0; ptr = buf; while (ptr && *ptr) { while (*ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t') ptr++; if (*ptr == ',') { ptr++; continue; } comma = strchr(ptr, ','); if (comma) *(comma++) = '\0'; group = NOPRIVGROUP; if (isalpha(*ptr) && *(ptr+1) == ':') { if (DEFINEDGROUP(*ptr)) group = GROUP(*ptr); ptr += 2; } ipaccess[ips].group = group; if (strcmp(ptr, ALLIP4) == 0) ipaccess[ips].ip = ipaccess[ips].mask = 0; else { slash = strchr(ptr, '/'); if (!slash) ipaccess[ips].mask = 0xffffffff; else { *(slash++) = '\0'; mask = atoi(slash); if (mask < 1 || mask > 32) goto popipo; // skip invalid/zero ipaccess[ips].mask = 0; while (mask-- >= 0) { octet = 1 << (mask % 8); ipaccess[ips].mask |= (octet << (24 - (8 * (mask >> 3)))); } } ipaccess[ips].ip = 0; // missing default to '.0' for (i = 0; ptr && (i < 4); i++) { dot = strchr(ptr, '.'); if (dot) *(dot++) = '\0'; octet = atoi(ptr); if (octet < 0 || octet > 0xff) goto popipo; // skip invalid ipaccess[ips].ip |= (octet << (24 - (i * 8))); ptr = dot; } ipaccess[ips].ip &= ipaccess[ips].mask; } ips++; popipo: ptr = comma; } free(buf); } static bool check_connect(struct sockaddr_in *cli, char **connectaddr, char *group) { bool addrok = false; *connectaddr = inet_ntoa(cli->sin_addr); *group = NOPRIVGROUP; if (opt_api_allow) { int client_ip = htonl(cli->sin_addr.s_addr); for (int i = 0; i < ips; i++) { if ((client_ip & ipaccess[i].mask) == ipaccess[i].ip) { addrok = true; *group = ipaccess[i].group; break; } } } else addrok = (strcmp(*connectaddr, localaddr) == 0); return addrok; } static void api() { const char *addr = opt_api_allow; short int port = opt_api_listen; // 4068 char buf[MYBUFSIZ]; int c, n, bound; char *connectaddr; char *binderror; char group; time_t bindstart; struct sockaddr_in serv; struct sockaddr_in cli; socklen_t clisiz; bool addrok = false; long long counter; char *result; char *params; int i; SOCKETTYPE *apisock; if (!opt_api_listen && opt_debug) { applog(LOG_DEBUG, "API disabled"); return; } if (opt_api_allow) { setup_ipaccess(); if (ips == 0) { applog(LOG_WARNING, "API not running (no valid IPs specified)%s", UNAVAILABLE); } } apisock = (SOCKETTYPE*) calloc(1, sizeof(*apisock)); *apisock = INVSOCK; sleep(1); *apisock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (*apisock == INVSOCK) { applog(LOG_ERR, "API initialisation failed (%s)%s", strerror(errno), UNAVAILABLE); return; } memset(&serv, 0, sizeof(serv)); serv.sin_family = AF_INET; serv.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr); if (serv.sin_addr.s_addr == (in_addr_t)INVINETADDR) { applog(LOG_ERR, "API initialisation 2 failed (%s)%s", strerror(errno), UNAVAILABLE); return; } serv.sin_port = htons(port); #ifndef WIN32 // On linux with SO_REUSEADDR, bind will get the port if the previous // socket is closed (even if it is still in TIME_WAIT) but fail if // another program has it open - which is what we want int optval = 1; // If it doesn't work, we don't really care - just show a debug message if (SOCKETFAIL(setsockopt(*apisock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *)(&optval), sizeof(optval)))) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "API setsockopt SO_REUSEADDR failed (ignored): %s", SOCKERRMSG); #else // On windows a 2nd program can bind to a port>1024 already in use unless // SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE is used - however then the bind to a closed port // in TIME_WAIT will fail until the timeout - so we leave the options alone #endif // try for 1 minute ... in case the old one hasn't completely gone yet bound = 0; bindstart = time(NULL); while (bound == 0) { if (bind(*apisock, (struct sockaddr *)(&serv), sizeof(serv)) < 0) { binderror = strerror(errno); if ((time(NULL) - bindstart) > 61) break; else { if (!opt_quiet || opt_debug) applog(LOG_WARNING, "API bind to port %d failed - trying again in 15sec", port); sleep(15); } } else bound = 1; } if (bound == 0) { applog(LOG_WARNING, "API bind to port %d failed (%s)%s", port, binderror, UNAVAILABLE); free(apisock); return; } if (SOCKETFAIL(listen(*apisock, QUEUE))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "API initialisation 3 failed (%s)%s", strerror(errno), UNAVAILABLE); CLOSESOCKET(*apisock); free(apisock); return; } buffer = (char *) calloc(1, MYBUFSIZ + 1); counter = 0; while (bye == 0) { counter++; clisiz = sizeof(cli); if (SOCKETFAIL(c = accept(*apisock, (struct sockaddr *)(&cli), &clisiz))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "API failed (%s)%s", strerror(errno), UNAVAILABLE); CLOSESOCKET(*apisock); free(apisock); free(buffer); return; } addrok = check_connect(&cli, &connectaddr, &group); if (opt_debug && opt_protocol) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "API: connection from %s - %s", connectaddr, addrok ? "Accepted" : "Ignored"); if (addrok) { bool fail; n = recv(c, &buf[0], SOCK_REC_BUFSZ, 0); fail = SOCKETFAIL(n); if (fail) buf[0] = '\0'; else if (n > 0 && buf[n-1] == '\n') { /* telnet compat \r\n */ buf[n-1] = '\0'; n--; if (n > 0 && buf[n-1] == '\r') buf[n-1] = '\0'; } buf[n] = '\0'; //if (opt_debug && opt_protocol && n > 0) // applog(LOG_DEBUG, "API: recv command: (%d) '%s'+char(%x)", n, buf, buf[n-1]); if (!fail) { params = strchr(buf, '|'); if (params != NULL) *(params++) = '\0'; if (opt_debug && opt_protocol && n > 0) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "API: exec command %s(%s)", buf, params ? params : ""); for (i = 0; i < CMDMAX; i++) { if (strcmp(buf, cmds[i].name) == 0 && strlen(buf)) { result = (cmds[i].func)(params); send_result(c, result); break; } } CLOSESOCKET(c); } } } CLOSESOCKET(*apisock); free(apisock); free(buffer); } /* external access */ void *api_thread(void *userdata) { struct thr_info *mythr = (struct thr_info*)userdata; startup = time(NULL); api(); tq_freeze(mythr->q); return NULL; }