/* * Copyright 2010 Jeff Garzik * Copyright 2012-2014 pooler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. See COPYING for more details. */ #include "cpuminer-config.h" #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #else #include #include #include #if HAVE_SYS_SYSCTL_H #include #if HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H #include #endif #include #endif #endif #include #include #include #include "compat.h" #include "miner.h" #ifdef WIN32 #include #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") #endif #define PROGRAM_NAME "minerd" #define LP_SCANTIME 60 #define HEAVYCOIN_BLKHDR_SZ 84 #define MNR_BLKHDR_SZ 80 // from heavy.cu #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int cuda_num_devices(); void cuda_devicenames(); void cuda_devicereset(); int cuda_finddevice(char *name); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #ifdef __linux /* Linux specific policy and affinity management */ #include static inline void drop_policy(void) { struct sched_param param; param.sched_priority = 0; #ifdef SCHED_IDLE if (unlikely(sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_IDLE, ¶m) == -1)) #endif #ifdef SCHED_BATCH sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_BATCH, ¶m); #endif } static inline void affine_to_cpu(int id, int cpu) { cpu_set_t set; CPU_ZERO(&set); CPU_SET(cpu, &set); sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(&set), &set); } #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) /* FreeBSD specific policy and affinity management */ #include static inline void drop_policy(void) { } static inline void affine_to_cpu(int id, int cpu) { cpuset_t set; CPU_ZERO(&set); CPU_SET(cpu, &set); cpuset_setaffinity(CPU_LEVEL_WHICH, CPU_WHICH_TID, -1, sizeof(cpuset_t), &set); } #else static inline void drop_policy(void) { } static inline void affine_to_cpu(int id, int cpu) { } #endif enum workio_commands { WC_GET_WORK, WC_SUBMIT_WORK, }; struct workio_cmd { enum workio_commands cmd; struct thr_info *thr; union { struct work *work; } u; }; typedef enum { ALGO_HEAVY, /* Heavycoin hash */ ALGO_MJOLLNIR, /* Mjollnir hash */ ALGO_FUGUE256, /* Fugue256 */ ALGO_GROESTL, ALGO_MYR_GR, ALGO_JACKPOT, ALGO_QUARK, ALGO_ANIME, ALGO_FRESH, ALGO_NIST5, ALGO_WHC, ALGO_X11, ALGO_X13, ALGO_X14, ALGO_X15, ALGO_DMD_GR, } sha256_algos; static const char *algo_names[] = { "heavy", "mjollnir", "fugue256", "groestl", "myr-gr", "jackpot", "quark", "anime", "fresh", "nist5", "whirlcoin", "x11", "x13", "x14", "x15", "dmd-gr", }; bool opt_debug = false; bool opt_protocol = false; bool opt_benchmark = false; bool want_longpoll = true; bool have_longpoll = false; bool want_stratum = true; bool have_stratum = false; static bool submit_old = false; bool use_syslog = false; static bool opt_background = false; static bool opt_quiet = false; static int opt_retries = -1; static int opt_fail_pause = 30; int opt_timeout = 270; static int opt_scantime = 5; static json_t *opt_config; static const bool opt_time = true; static sha256_algos opt_algo = ALGO_HEAVY; static int opt_n_threads = 0; static double opt_difficulty = 1; // CH bool opt_trust_pool = false; uint16_t opt_vote = 9999; static int num_processors; int device_map[8] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; // CB char *device_name[8]; // CB static char *rpc_url; static char *rpc_userpass; static char *rpc_user, *rpc_pass; char *opt_cert; char *opt_proxy; long opt_proxy_type; struct thr_info *thr_info; static int work_thr_id; int longpoll_thr_id = -1; int stratum_thr_id = -1; struct work_restart *work_restart = NULL; static struct stratum_ctx stratum; pthread_mutex_t applog_lock; static pthread_mutex_t stats_lock; static unsigned long accepted_count = 0L; static unsigned long rejected_count = 0L; static double *thr_hashrates; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG #include #else struct option { const char *name; int has_arg; int *flag; int val; }; #endif static char const usage[] = "\ Usage: " PROGRAM_NAME " [OPTIONS]\n\ Options:\n\ -a, --algo=ALGO specify the algorithm to use\n\ fugue256 Fuguecoin hash\n\ heavy Heavycoin hash\n\ mjollnir Mjollnircoin hash\n\ groestl Groestlcoin hash\n\ myr-gr Myriad-Groestl hash\n\ jackpot Jackpot hash\n\ quark Quark hash\n\ anime Animecoin hash\n\ fresh Freshcoin hash (shavite 80)\n\ nist5 NIST5 (TalkCoin) hash\n\ whirlcoin Whirlcoin hash\n\ x11 X11 (DarkCoin) hash\n\ x13 X13 (MaruCoin) hash\n\ x14 X14 hash\n\ x15 X15 hash\n\ dmd-gr Diamond-Groestl hash\n\ -d, --devices takes a comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.\n\ Device IDs start counting from 0! Alternatively takes\n\ string names of your cards like gtx780ti or gt640#2\n\ (matching 2nd gt640 in the PC)\n\ -f, --diff Divide difficulty by this factor (std is 1) \n\ -v, --vote=VOTE block reward vote (for HeavyCoin)\n\ -m, --trust-pool trust the max block reward vote (maxvote) sent by the pool\n\ -o, --url=URL URL of mining server\n\ -O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server\n\ -u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server\n\ -p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server\n\ --cert=FILE certificate for mining server using SSL\n\ -x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT] connect through a proxy\n\ -t, --threads=N number of miner threads (default: number of nVidia GPUs)\n\ -r, --retries=N number of times to retry if a network call fails\n\ (default: retry indefinitely)\n\ -R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 30)\n\ -T, --timeout=N network timeout, in seconds (default: 270)\n\ -s, --scantime=N upper bound on time spent scanning current work when\n\ long polling is unavailable, in seconds (default: 5)\n\ --no-longpoll disable X-Long-Polling support\n\ --no-stratum disable X-Stratum support\n\ -q, --quiet disable per-thread hashmeter output\n\ -D, --debug enable debug output\n\ -P, --protocol-dump verbose dump of protocol-level activities\n" #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H "\ -S, --syslog use system log for output messages\n" #endif #ifndef WIN32 "\ -B, --background run the miner in the background\n" #endif "\ --benchmark run in offline benchmark mode\n\ --cputest debug hashes from cpu algorithms\n\ -c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file\n\ -V, --version display version information and exit\n\ -h, --help display this help text and exit\n\ "; static char const short_options[] = #ifndef WIN32 "B" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H "S" #endif "a:c:Dhp:Px:qr:R:s:t:T:o:u:O:Vd:f:mv:"; static struct option const options[] = { { "algo", 1, NULL, 'a' }, #ifndef WIN32 { "background", 0, NULL, 'B' }, #endif { "benchmark", 0, NULL, 1005 }, { "cputest", 0, NULL, 1006 }, { "cert", 1, NULL, 1001 }, { "config", 1, NULL, 'c' }, { "debug", 0, NULL, 'D' }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { "no-longpoll", 0, NULL, 1003 }, { "no-stratum", 0, NULL, 1007 }, { "pass", 1, NULL, 'p' }, { "protocol-dump", 0, NULL, 'P' }, { "proxy", 1, NULL, 'x' }, { "quiet", 0, NULL, 'q' }, { "retries", 1, NULL, 'r' }, { "retry-pause", 1, NULL, 'R' }, { "scantime", 1, NULL, 's' }, #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H { "syslog", 0, NULL, 'S' }, #endif { "threads", 1, NULL, 't' }, { "vote", 1, NULL, 'v' }, { "trust-pool", 0, NULL, 'm' }, { "timeout", 1, NULL, 'T' }, { "url", 1, NULL, 'o' }, { "user", 1, NULL, 'u' }, { "userpass", 1, NULL, 'O' }, { "version", 0, NULL, 'V' }, { "devices", 1, NULL, 'd' }, { "diff", 1, NULL, 'f' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; struct work { uint32_t data[32]; uint32_t target[8]; uint32_t maxvote; char job_id[128]; size_t xnonce2_len; unsigned char xnonce2[32]; }; static struct work g_work; static time_t g_work_time; static pthread_mutex_t g_work_lock; static bool jobj_binary(const json_t *obj, const char *key, void *buf, size_t buflen) { const char *hexstr; json_t *tmp; tmp = json_object_get(obj, key); if (unlikely(!tmp)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "JSON key '%s' not found", key); return false; } hexstr = json_string_value(tmp); if (unlikely(!hexstr)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "JSON key '%s' is not a string", key); return false; } if (!hex2bin((unsigned char*)buf, hexstr, buflen)) return false; return true; } static bool work_decode(const json_t *val, struct work *work) { int i; if (unlikely(!jobj_binary(val, "data", work->data, sizeof(work->data)))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "JSON inval data"); goto err_out; } if (unlikely(!jobj_binary(val, "target", work->target, sizeof(work->target)))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "JSON inval target"); goto err_out; } if (opt_algo == ALGO_HEAVY) { if (unlikely(!jobj_binary(val, "maxvote", &work->maxvote, sizeof(work->maxvote)))) { work->maxvote = 1024; } } else work->maxvote = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(work->data); i++) work->data[i] = le32dec(work->data + i); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(work->target); i++) work->target[i] = le32dec(work->target + i); return true; err_out: return false; } static void share_result(int result, const char *reason) { char s[345]; double hashrate; int i; hashrate = 0.; pthread_mutex_lock(&stats_lock); for (i = 0; i < opt_n_threads; i++) hashrate += thr_hashrates[i]; result ? accepted_count++ : rejected_count++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); sprintf(s, hashrate >= 1e6 ? "%.0f" : "%.2f", 1e-3 * hashrate); applog(LOG_INFO, "accepted: %lu/%lu (%.2f%%), %s khash/s %s", accepted_count, accepted_count + rejected_count, 100. * accepted_count / (accepted_count + rejected_count), s, result ? "(yay!!!)" : "(booooo)"); if (opt_debug && reason) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG: reject reason: %s", reason); } static bool submit_upstream_work(CURL *curl, struct work *work) { char *str = NULL; json_t *val, *res, *reason; char s[345]; int i; bool rc = false; /* pass if the previous hash is not the current previous hash */ if (memcmp(work->data + 1, g_work.data + 1, 32)) { if (opt_debug) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG: stale work detected, discarding"); return true; } if (have_stratum) { uint32_t ntime, nonce; uint16_t nvote; char *ntimestr, *noncestr, *xnonce2str, *nvotestr; le32enc(&ntime, work->data[17]); le32enc(&nonce, work->data[19]); be16enc(&nvote, *((uint16_t*)&work->data[20])); ntimestr = bin2hex((const unsigned char *)(&ntime), 4); noncestr = bin2hex((const unsigned char *)(&nonce), 4); xnonce2str = bin2hex(work->xnonce2, work->xnonce2_len); nvotestr = bin2hex((const unsigned char *)(&nvote), 2); if (opt_algo == ALGO_HEAVY) { sprintf(s, "{\"method\": \"mining.submit\", \"params\": [\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"], \"id\":4}", rpc_user, work->job_id, xnonce2str, ntimestr, noncestr, nvotestr); } else { sprintf(s, "{\"method\": \"mining.submit\", \"params\": [\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\"], \"id\":4}", rpc_user, work->job_id, xnonce2str, ntimestr, noncestr); } free(ntimestr); free(noncestr); free(xnonce2str); free(nvotestr); if (unlikely(!stratum_send_line(&stratum, s))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "submit_upstream_work stratum_send_line failed"); goto out; } } else { /* build hex string */ if (opt_algo != ALGO_HEAVY && opt_algo != ALGO_MJOLLNIR) { for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(work->data); i++) le32enc(work->data + i, work->data[i]); } str = bin2hex((unsigned char *)work->data, sizeof(work->data)); if (unlikely(!str)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "submit_upstream_work OOM"); goto out; } /* build JSON-RPC request */ sprintf(s, "{\"method\": \"getwork\", \"params\": [ \"%s\" ], \"id\":1}\r\n", str); /* issue JSON-RPC request */ val = json_rpc_call(curl, rpc_url, rpc_userpass, s, false, false, NULL); if (unlikely(!val)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "submit_upstream_work json_rpc_call failed"); goto out; } res = json_object_get(val, "result"); reason = json_object_get(val, "reject-reason"); share_result(json_is_true(res), reason ? json_string_value(reason) : NULL); json_decref(val); } rc = true; out: free(str); return rc; } static const char *rpc_req = "{\"method\": \"getwork\", \"params\": [], \"id\":0}\r\n"; static bool get_upstream_work(CURL *curl, struct work *work) { json_t *val; bool rc; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end, diff; gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); val = json_rpc_call(curl, rpc_url, rpc_userpass, rpc_req, want_longpoll, false, NULL); gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); if (have_stratum) { if (val) json_decref(val); return true; } if (!val) return false; rc = work_decode(json_object_get(val, "result"), work); if (opt_debug && rc) { timeval_subtract(&diff, &tv_end, &tv_start); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG: got new work in %d ms", diff.tv_sec * 1000 + diff.tv_usec / 1000); } json_decref(val); return rc; } static void workio_cmd_free(struct workio_cmd *wc) { if (!wc) return; switch (wc->cmd) { case WC_SUBMIT_WORK: free(wc->u.work); break; default: /* do nothing */ break; } memset(wc, 0, sizeof(*wc)); /* poison */ free(wc); } static bool workio_get_work(struct workio_cmd *wc, CURL *curl) { struct work *ret_work; int failures = 0; ret_work = (struct work*)calloc(1, sizeof(*ret_work)); if (!ret_work) return false; /* obtain new work from bitcoin via JSON-RPC */ while (!get_upstream_work(curl, ret_work)) { if (unlikely((opt_retries >= 0) && (++failures > opt_retries))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "json_rpc_call failed, terminating workio thread"); free(ret_work); return false; } /* pause, then restart work-request loop */ applog(LOG_ERR, "json_rpc_call failed, retry after %d seconds", opt_fail_pause); sleep(opt_fail_pause); } /* send work to requesting thread */ if (!tq_push(wc->thr->q, ret_work)) free(ret_work); return true; } static bool workio_submit_work(struct workio_cmd *wc, CURL *curl) { int failures = 0; /* submit solution to bitcoin via JSON-RPC */ while (!submit_upstream_work(curl, wc->u.work)) { if (unlikely((opt_retries >= 0) && (++failures > opt_retries))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "...terminating workio thread"); return false; } /* pause, then restart work-request loop */ applog(LOG_ERR, "...retry after %d seconds", opt_fail_pause); sleep(opt_fail_pause); } return true; } static void *workio_thread(void *userdata) { struct thr_info *mythr = (struct thr_info*)userdata; CURL *curl; bool ok = true; curl = curl_easy_init(); if (unlikely(!curl)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "CURL initialization failed"); return NULL; } while (ok) { struct workio_cmd *wc; /* wait for workio_cmd sent to us, on our queue */ wc = (struct workio_cmd *)tq_pop(mythr->q, NULL); if (!wc) { ok = false; break; } /* process workio_cmd */ switch (wc->cmd) { case WC_GET_WORK: ok = workio_get_work(wc, curl); break; case WC_SUBMIT_WORK: ok = workio_submit_work(wc, curl); break; default: /* should never happen */ ok = false; break; } workio_cmd_free(wc); } tq_freeze(mythr->q); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return NULL; } static bool get_work(struct thr_info *thr, struct work *work) { struct workio_cmd *wc; struct work *work_heap; if (opt_benchmark) { memset(work->data, 0x55, 76); work->data[17] = swab32((uint32_t)time(NULL)); memset(work->data + 19, 0x00, 52); work->data[20] = 0x80000000; work->data[31] = 0x00000280; memset(work->target, 0x00, sizeof(work->target)); return true; } /* fill out work request message */ wc = (struct workio_cmd *)calloc(1, sizeof(*wc)); if (!wc) return false; wc->cmd = WC_GET_WORK; wc->thr = thr; /* send work request to workio thread */ if (!tq_push(thr_info[work_thr_id].q, wc)) { workio_cmd_free(wc); return false; } /* wait for response, a unit of work */ work_heap = (struct work *)tq_pop(thr->q, NULL); if (!work_heap) return false; /* copy returned work into storage provided by caller */ memcpy(work, work_heap, sizeof(*work)); free(work_heap); return true; } static bool submit_work(struct thr_info *thr, const struct work *work_in) { struct workio_cmd *wc; /* fill out work request message */ wc = (struct workio_cmd *)calloc(1, sizeof(*wc)); if (!wc) return false; wc->u.work = (struct work *)malloc(sizeof(*work_in)); if (!wc->u.work) goto err_out; wc->cmd = WC_SUBMIT_WORK; wc->thr = thr; memcpy(wc->u.work, work_in, sizeof(*work_in)); /* send solution to workio thread */ if (!tq_push(thr_info[work_thr_id].q, wc)) goto err_out; return true; err_out: workio_cmd_free(wc); return false; } static void stratum_gen_work(struct stratum_ctx *sctx, struct work *work) { unsigned char merkle_root[64]; int i; pthread_mutex_lock(&sctx->work_lock); strcpy(work->job_id, sctx->job.job_id); work->xnonce2_len = sctx->xnonce2_size; memcpy(work->xnonce2, sctx->job.xnonce2, sctx->xnonce2_size); /* Generate merkle root */ if (opt_algo == ALGO_HEAVY || opt_algo == ALGO_MJOLLNIR) heavycoin_hash(merkle_root, sctx->job.coinbase, (int)sctx->job.coinbase_size); else if (opt_algo == ALGO_FUGUE256 || opt_algo == ALGO_GROESTL) SHA256((unsigned char*)sctx->job.coinbase, sctx->job.coinbase_size, (unsigned char*)merkle_root); else sha256d(merkle_root, sctx->job.coinbase, (int)sctx->job.coinbase_size); for (i = 0; i < sctx->job.merkle_count; i++) { memcpy(merkle_root + 32, sctx->job.merkle[i], 32); if (opt_algo == ALGO_HEAVY || opt_algo == ALGO_MJOLLNIR) heavycoin_hash(merkle_root, merkle_root, 64); else sha256d(merkle_root, merkle_root, 64); } /* Increment extranonce2 */ for (i = 0; i < (int)sctx->xnonce2_size && !++sctx->job.xnonce2[i]; i++); /* Assemble block header */ memset(work->data, 0, 128); work->data[0] = le32dec(sctx->job.version); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) work->data[1 + i] = le32dec((uint32_t *)sctx->job.prevhash + i); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) work->data[9 + i] = be32dec((uint32_t *)merkle_root + i); work->data[17] = le32dec(sctx->job.ntime); work->data[18] = le32dec(sctx->job.nbits); if (opt_algo == ALGO_MJOLLNIR) { for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) work->data[i] = be32dec((uint32_t *)&work->data[i]); } work->data[20] = 0x80000000; work->data[31] = (opt_algo == ALGO_MJOLLNIR) ? 0x000002A0 : 0x00000280; // HeavyCoin if (opt_algo == ALGO_HEAVY) { uint16_t *ext; work->maxvote = 1024; ext = (uint16_t*)(&work->data[20]); ext[0] = opt_vote; ext[1] = be16dec(sctx->job.nreward); for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) work->data[i] = be32dec((uint32_t *)&work->data[i]); } // pthread_mutex_unlock(&sctx->work_lock); if (opt_debug) { char *xnonce2str = bin2hex(work->xnonce2, sctx->xnonce2_size); applog(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG: job_id='%s' extranonce2=%s ntime=%08x", work->job_id, xnonce2str, swab32(work->data[17])); free(xnonce2str); } if (opt_algo == ALGO_JACKPOT) diff_to_target(work->target, sctx->job.diff / (65536.0 * opt_difficulty)); else if (opt_algo == ALGO_FUGUE256 || opt_algo == ALGO_GROESTL || opt_algo == ALGO_DMD_GR || opt_algo == ALGO_FRESH) diff_to_target(work->target, sctx->job.diff / (256.0 * opt_difficulty)); else diff_to_target(work->target, sctx->job.diff / opt_difficulty); } static void *miner_thread(void *userdata) { struct thr_info *mythr = (struct thr_info *)userdata; int thr_id = mythr->id; struct work work; uint32_t max_nonce; uint32_t end_nonce = 0xffffffffU / opt_n_threads * (thr_id + 1) - 0x20; unsigned char *scratchbuf = NULL; char s[16]; int i; memset(&work, 0, sizeof(work)); // prevent work from being used uninitialized /* Set worker threads to nice 19 and then preferentially to SCHED_IDLE * and if that fails, then SCHED_BATCH. No need for this to be an * error if it fails */ if (!opt_benchmark) { setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, 19); drop_policy(); } /* Cpu affinity only makes sense if the number of threads is a multiple * of the number of CPUs */ if (num_processors > 1 && opt_n_threads % num_processors == 0) { if (!opt_quiet) applog(LOG_INFO, "Binding thread %d to cpu %d", thr_id, thr_id % num_processors); affine_to_cpu(thr_id, thr_id % num_processors); } while (1) { unsigned long hashes_done; struct timeval tv_start, tv_end, diff; int64_t max64; int rc; if (have_stratum) { while (time(NULL) >= g_work_time + 120) sleep(1); pthread_mutex_lock(&g_work_lock); if (work.data[19] >= end_nonce) stratum_gen_work(&stratum, &g_work); } else { /* obtain new work from internal workio thread */ pthread_mutex_lock(&g_work_lock); if (!have_stratum && (!have_longpoll || time(NULL) >= g_work_time + LP_SCANTIME*3/4 || work.data[19] >= end_nonce)) { if (unlikely(!get_work(mythr, &g_work))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "work retrieval failed, exiting " "mining thread %d", mythr->id); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_work_lock); goto out; } g_work_time = have_stratum ? 0 : time(NULL); } if (have_stratum) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_work_lock); continue; } } if (memcmp(work.data, g_work.data, 76)) { memcpy(&work, &g_work, sizeof(struct work)); work.data[19] = 0xffffffffU / opt_n_threads * thr_id; } else work.data[19]++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_work_lock); work_restart[thr_id].restart = 0; /* adjust max_nonce to meet target scan time */ if (have_stratum) max64 = LP_SCANTIME; else max64 = g_work_time + (have_longpoll ? LP_SCANTIME : opt_scantime) - time(NULL); max64 *= (int64_t)thr_hashrates[thr_id]; if (max64 <= 0) max64 = (opt_algo == ALGO_JACKPOT) ? 0x1fffLL : 0xfffffLL; if ((int64_t)work.data[19] + max64 > end_nonce) max_nonce = end_nonce; else max_nonce = (uint32_t)(work.data[19] + max64); hashes_done = 0; gettimeofday(&tv_start, NULL); /* scan nonces for a proof-of-work hash */ switch (opt_algo) { case ALGO_HEAVY: rc = scanhash_heavy(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done, work.maxvote, HEAVYCOIN_BLKHDR_SZ); break; case ALGO_MJOLLNIR: rc = scanhash_heavy(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done, 0, MNR_BLKHDR_SZ); break; case ALGO_FUGUE256: rc = scanhash_fugue256(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_GROESTL: case ALGO_DMD_GR: rc = scanhash_groestlcoin(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_MYR_GR: rc = scanhash_myriad(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_JACKPOT: rc = scanhash_jackpot(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_QUARK: rc = scanhash_quark(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_ANIME: rc = scanhash_anime(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_FRESH: rc = scanhash_fresh(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_NIST5: rc = scanhash_nist5(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_WHC: rc = scanhash_whc(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_X11: rc = scanhash_x11(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_X13: rc = scanhash_x13(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_X14: rc = scanhash_x14(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; case ALGO_X15: rc = scanhash_x15(thr_id, work.data, work.target, max_nonce, &hashes_done); break; default: /* should never happen */ goto out; } /* record scanhash elapsed time */ gettimeofday(&tv_end, NULL); timeval_subtract(&diff, &tv_end, &tv_start); if (diff.tv_usec || diff.tv_sec) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stats_lock); thr_hashrates[thr_id] = hashes_done / (diff.tv_sec + 1e-6 * diff.tv_usec); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stats_lock); } if (!opt_quiet) { sprintf(s, thr_hashrates[thr_id] >= 1e6 ? "%.0f" : "%.2f", 1e-3 * thr_hashrates[thr_id]); applog(LOG_INFO, "GPU #%d: %s, %s khash/s", device_map[thr_id], device_name[thr_id], s); } if (opt_benchmark && thr_id == opt_n_threads - 1) { double hashrate = 0.; for (i = 0; i < opt_n_threads && thr_hashrates[i]; i++) hashrate += thr_hashrates[i]; if (i == opt_n_threads) { sprintf(s, hashrate >= 1e6 ? "%.0f" : "%.2f", 1e-3 * hashrate); applog(LOG_INFO, "Total: %s khash/s", s); } } /* if nonce found, submit work */ if (rc && !opt_benchmark && !submit_work(mythr, &work)) break; } out: tq_freeze(mythr->q); return NULL; } static void restart_threads(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < opt_n_threads; i++) work_restart[i].restart = 1; } static void *longpoll_thread(void *userdata) { struct thr_info *mythr = (struct thr_info *)userdata; CURL *curl = NULL; char *copy_start, *hdr_path = NULL, *lp_url = NULL; bool need_slash = false; curl = curl_easy_init(); if (unlikely(!curl)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "CURL initialization failed"); goto out; } start: hdr_path = (char*)tq_pop(mythr->q, NULL); if (!hdr_path) goto out; /* full URL */ if (strstr(hdr_path, "://")) { lp_url = hdr_path; hdr_path = NULL; } /* absolute path, on current server */ else { copy_start = (*hdr_path == '/') ? (hdr_path + 1) : hdr_path; if (rpc_url[strlen(rpc_url) - 1] != '/') need_slash = true; lp_url = (char*)malloc(strlen(rpc_url) + strlen(copy_start) + 2); if (!lp_url) goto out; sprintf(lp_url, "%s%s%s", rpc_url, need_slash ? "/" : "", copy_start); } applog(LOG_INFO, "Long-polling activated for %s", lp_url); while (1) { json_t *val, *soval; int err; val = json_rpc_call(curl, lp_url, rpc_userpass, rpc_req, false, true, &err); if (have_stratum) { if (val) json_decref(val); goto out; } if (likely(val)) { if (!opt_quiet) applog(LOG_INFO, "LONGPOLL detected new block"); soval = json_object_get(json_object_get(val, "result"), "submitold"); submit_old = soval ? json_is_true(soval) : false; pthread_mutex_lock(&g_work_lock); if (work_decode(json_object_get(val, "result"), &g_work)) { if (opt_debug) applog(LOG_DEBUG, "DEBUG: got new work"); time(&g_work_time); restart_threads(); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_work_lock); json_decref(val); } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_work_lock); g_work_time -= LP_SCANTIME; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_work_lock); if (err == CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEDOUT) { restart_threads(); } else { have_longpoll = false; restart_threads(); free(hdr_path); free(lp_url); lp_url = NULL; sleep(opt_fail_pause); goto start; } } } out: free(hdr_path); free(lp_url); tq_freeze(mythr->q); if (curl) curl_easy_cleanup(curl); return NULL; } static bool stratum_handle_response(char *buf) { json_t *val, *err_val, *res_val, *id_val; json_error_t err; bool ret = false; val = JSON_LOADS(buf, &err); if (!val) { applog(LOG_INFO, "JSON decode failed(%d): %s", err.line, err.text); goto out; } res_val = json_object_get(val, "result"); err_val = json_object_get(val, "error"); id_val = json_object_get(val, "id"); if (!id_val || json_is_null(id_val) || !res_val) goto out; share_result(json_is_true(res_val), err_val ? json_string_value(json_array_get(err_val, 1)) : NULL); ret = true; out: if (val) json_decref(val); return ret; } static void *stratum_thread(void *userdata) { struct thr_info *mythr = (struct thr_info *)userdata; char *s; stratum.url = (char*)tq_pop(mythr->q, NULL); if (!stratum.url) goto out; applog(LOG_INFO, "Starting Stratum on %s", stratum.url); while (1) { int failures = 0; while (!stratum.curl) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_work_lock); g_work_time = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_work_lock); restart_threads(); if (!stratum_connect(&stratum, stratum.url) || !stratum_subscribe(&stratum) || !stratum_authorize(&stratum, rpc_user, rpc_pass)) { stratum_disconnect(&stratum); if (opt_retries >= 0 && ++failures > opt_retries) { applog(LOG_ERR, "...terminating workio thread"); tq_push(thr_info[work_thr_id].q, NULL); goto out; } applog(LOG_ERR, "...retry after %d seconds", opt_fail_pause); sleep(opt_fail_pause); } } if (stratum.job.job_id && (strcmp(stratum.job.job_id, g_work.job_id) || !g_work_time)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_work_lock); stratum_gen_work(&stratum, &g_work); time(&g_work_time); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_work_lock); if (stratum.job.clean) { if (!opt_quiet) applog(LOG_INFO, "Stratum detected new block"); restart_threads(); } } if (!stratum_socket_full(&stratum, 120)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "Stratum connection timed out"); s = NULL; } else s = stratum_recv_line(&stratum); if (!s) { stratum_disconnect(&stratum); applog(LOG_ERR, "Stratum connection interrupted"); continue; } if (!stratum_handle_method(&stratum, s)) stratum_handle_response(s); free(s); } out: return NULL; } static void show_version_and_exit(void) { printf("%s\n%s\n", PACKAGE_STRING, curl_version()); exit(0); } static void show_usage_and_exit(int status) { if (status) fprintf(stderr, "Try `" PROGRAM_NAME " --help' for more information.\n"); else printf(usage); exit(status); } static void parse_arg (int key, char *arg) { char *p; int v, i; double d; switch(key) { case 'a': for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(algo_names); i++) { if (algo_names[i] && !strcmp(arg, algo_names[i])) { opt_algo = (sha256_algos)i; break; } } if (i == ARRAY_SIZE(algo_names)) show_usage_and_exit(1); break; case 'B': opt_background = true; break; case 'c': { json_error_t err; if (opt_config) json_decref(opt_config); #if JANSSON_VERSION_HEX >= 0x020000 opt_config = json_load_file(arg, 0, &err); #else opt_config = json_load_file(arg, &err); #endif if (!json_is_object(opt_config)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "JSON decode of %s failed", arg); exit(1); } break; } case 'q': opt_quiet = true; break; case 'D': opt_debug = true; break; case 'p': free(rpc_pass); rpc_pass = strdup(arg); break; case 'P': opt_protocol = true; break; case 'r': v = atoi(arg); if (v < -1 || v > 9999) /* sanity check */ show_usage_and_exit(1); opt_retries = v; break; case 'R': v = atoi(arg); if (v < 1 || v > 9999) /* sanity check */ show_usage_and_exit(1); opt_fail_pause = v; break; case 's': v = atoi(arg); if (v < 1 || v > 9999) /* sanity check */ show_usage_and_exit(1); opt_scantime = v; break; case 'T': v = atoi(arg); if (v < 1 || v > 99999) /* sanity check */ show_usage_and_exit(1); opt_timeout = v; break; case 't': v = atoi(arg); if (v < 1 || v > 9999) /* sanity check */ show_usage_and_exit(1); opt_n_threads = v; break; case 'v': v = atoi(arg); if (v < 0 || v > 1024) /* sanity check */ show_usage_and_exit(1); opt_vote = (uint16_t)v; break; case 'm': opt_trust_pool = true; break; case 'u': free(rpc_user); rpc_user = strdup(arg); break; case 'o': /* --url */ p = strstr(arg, "://"); if (p) { if (strncasecmp(arg, "http://", 7) && strncasecmp(arg, "https://", 8) && strncasecmp(arg, "stratum+tcp://", 14)) show_usage_and_exit(1); free(rpc_url); rpc_url = strdup(arg); } else { if (!strlen(arg) || *arg == '/') show_usage_and_exit(1); free(rpc_url); rpc_url = (char*)malloc(strlen(arg) + 8); sprintf(rpc_url, "http://%s", arg); } p = strrchr(rpc_url, '@'); if (p) { char *sp, *ap; *p = '\0'; ap = strstr(rpc_url, "://") + 3; sp = strchr(ap, ':'); if (sp) { free(rpc_userpass); rpc_userpass = strdup(ap); free(rpc_user); rpc_user = (char*)calloc(sp - ap + 1, 1); strncpy(rpc_user, ap, sp - ap); free(rpc_pass); rpc_pass = strdup(sp + 1); } else { free(rpc_user); rpc_user = strdup(ap); } memmove(ap, p + 1, strlen(p + 1) + 1); } have_stratum = !opt_benchmark && !strncasecmp(rpc_url, "stratum", 7); break; case 'O': /* --userpass */ p = strchr(arg, ':'); if (!p) show_usage_and_exit(1); free(rpc_userpass); rpc_userpass = strdup(arg); free(rpc_user); rpc_user = (char*)calloc(p - arg + 1, 1); strncpy(rpc_user, arg, p - arg); free(rpc_pass); rpc_pass = strdup(p + 1); break; case 'x': /* --proxy */ if (!strncasecmp(arg, "socks4://", 9)) opt_proxy_type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS4; else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "socks5://", 9)) opt_proxy_type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS5; #if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x071200 else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "socks4a://", 10)) opt_proxy_type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS4A; else if (!strncasecmp(arg, "socks5h://", 10)) opt_proxy_type = CURLPROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME; #endif else opt_proxy_type = CURLPROXY_HTTP; free(opt_proxy); opt_proxy = strdup(arg); break; case 1001: free(opt_cert); opt_cert = strdup(arg); break; case 1005: opt_benchmark = true; want_longpoll = false; want_stratum = false; have_stratum = false; break; case 1006: print_hash_tests(); exit(0); break; case 1003: want_longpoll = false; break; case 1007: want_stratum = false; break; case 'S': use_syslog = true; break; case 'd': // CB { char * pch = strtok (arg,","); opt_n_threads = 0; while (pch != NULL) { if (pch[0] >= '0' && pch[0] <= '9' && pch[1] == '\0') { if (atoi(pch) < num_processors) device_map[opt_n_threads++] = atoi(pch); else { applog(LOG_ERR, "Non-existant CUDA device #%d specified in -d option", atoi(pch)); exit(1); } } else { int device = cuda_finddevice(pch); if (device >= 0 && device < num_processors) device_map[opt_n_threads++] = device; else { applog(LOG_ERR, "Non-existant CUDA device '%s' specified in -d option", pch); exit(1); } } pch = strtok (NULL, ","); } } break; case 'f': // CH - Divisor for Difficulty d = atof(arg); if (d == 0) /* sanity check */ show_usage_and_exit(1); opt_difficulty = d; break; case 'V': show_version_and_exit(); case 'h': show_usage_and_exit(0); default: show_usage_and_exit(1); } } static void parse_config(void) { int i; json_t *val; if (!json_is_object(opt_config)) return; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(options); i++) { if (!options[i].name) break; if (!strcmp(options[i].name, "config")) continue; val = json_object_get(opt_config, options[i].name); if (!val) continue; if (options[i].has_arg && json_is_string(val)) { char *s = strdup(json_string_value(val)); if (!s) break; parse_arg(options[i].val, s); free(s); } else if (!options[i].has_arg && json_is_true(val)) parse_arg(options[i].val, ""); else applog(LOG_ERR, "JSON option %s invalid", options[i].name); } if (opt_algo == ALGO_HEAVY && opt_vote == 9999) { fprintf(stderr, "Heavycoin hash requires block reward vote parameter (see --vote)\n"); show_usage_and_exit(1); } } static void parse_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[]) { int key; while (1) { #if HAVE_GETOPT_LONG key = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, options, NULL); #else key = getopt(argc, argv, short_options); #endif if (key < 0) break; parse_arg(key, optarg); } if (optind < argc) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsupported non-option argument '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[optind]); show_usage_and_exit(1); } if (opt_algo == ALGO_HEAVY && opt_vote == 9999) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Heavycoin hash requires block reward vote parameter (see --vote)\n", argv[0]); show_usage_and_exit(1); } parse_config(); } #ifndef WIN32 static void signal_handler(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGHUP: applog(LOG_INFO, "SIGHUP received"); break; case SIGINT: signal(sig, SIG_IGN); applog(LOG_INFO, "SIGINT received, exiting"); cuda_devicereset(); exit(0); break; case SIGTERM: applog(LOG_INFO, "SIGTERM received, exiting"); cuda_devicereset(); exit(0); break; } } #endif #define PROGRAM_VERSION "1.3" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct thr_info *thr; long flags; int i; printf("*** ccMiner for nVidia GPUs by Christian Buchner and Christian H. ***\n"); printf("\t This is version "PROGRAM_VERSION" (tpruvot@github)\n"); #ifdef WIN32 printf("\t Built with VC++ 2013 and nVidia CUDA SDK 6.5 RC (DC 5.0)\n\n"); #else printf("\t Built with the nVidia CUDA SDK 6.5 RC\n\n"); #endif printf("\t based on pooler-cpuminer 2.3.2 (c) 2010 Jeff Garzik, 2012 pooler\n"); printf("\t based on pooler-cpuminer extension for HVC from http://hvc.1gh.com/" "\n\n"); printf("\tCuda additions Copyright 2014 Christian Buchner, Christian H.\n"); printf("\t BTC donation address: 16hJF5mceSojnTD3ZTUDqdRhDyPJzoRakM\n"); printf("\tCuda X14 and X15 added by Tanguy Pruvot (also in cpuminer-multi)\n"); printf("\t BTC donation address: 1AJdfCpLWPNoAMDfHF1wD5y8VgKSSTHxPo\n\n"); rpc_user = strdup(""); rpc_pass = strdup(""); pthread_mutex_init(&applog_lock, NULL); num_processors = cuda_num_devices(); /* parse command line */ parse_cmdline(argc, argv); cuda_devicenames(); if (!opt_benchmark && !rpc_url) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no URL supplied\n", argv[0]); show_usage_and_exit(1); } if (!rpc_userpass) { rpc_userpass = (char*)malloc(strlen(rpc_user) + strlen(rpc_pass) + 2); if (!rpc_userpass) return 1; sprintf(rpc_userpass, "%s:%s", rpc_user, rpc_pass); } pthread_mutex_init(&stats_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&g_work_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&stratum.sock_lock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&stratum.work_lock, NULL); flags = !opt_benchmark && strncmp(rpc_url, "https:", 6) ? (CURL_GLOBAL_ALL & ~CURL_GLOBAL_SSL) : CURL_GLOBAL_ALL; if (curl_global_init(flags)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "CURL initialization failed"); return 1; } #ifndef WIN32 if (opt_background) { i = fork(); if (i < 0) exit(1); if (i > 0) exit(0); i = setsid(); if (i < 0) applog(LOG_ERR, "setsid() failed (errno = %d)", errno); i = chdir("/"); if (i < 0) applog(LOG_ERR, "chdir() failed (errno = %d)", errno); signal(SIGHUP, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); } /* Always catch Ctrl+C */ signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); #endif if (num_processors == 0) { applog(LOG_ERR, "No CUDA devices found! terminating."); exit(1); } if (!opt_n_threads) opt_n_threads = num_processors; #ifdef HAVE_SYSLOG_H if (use_syslog) openlog("cpuminer", LOG_PID, LOG_USER); #endif work_restart = (struct work_restart *)calloc(opt_n_threads, sizeof(*work_restart)); if (!work_restart) return 1; thr_info = (struct thr_info *)calloc(opt_n_threads + 3, sizeof(*thr)); if (!thr_info) return 1; thr_hashrates = (double *) calloc(opt_n_threads, sizeof(double)); if (!thr_hashrates) return 1; /* init workio thread info */ work_thr_id = opt_n_threads; thr = &thr_info[work_thr_id]; thr->id = work_thr_id; thr->q = tq_new(); if (!thr->q) return 1; /* start work I/O thread */ if (pthread_create(&thr->pth, NULL, workio_thread, thr)) { applog(LOG_ERR, "workio thread create failed"); return 1; } if (want_longpoll && !have_stratum) { /* init longpoll thread info */ longpoll_thr_id = opt_n_threads + 1; thr = &thr_info[longpoll_thr_id]; thr->id = longpoll_thr_id; thr->q = tq_new(); if (!thr->q) return 1; /* start longpoll thread */ if (unlikely(pthread_create(&thr->pth, NULL, longpoll_thread, thr))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "longpoll thread create failed"); return 1; } } if (want_stratum) { /* init stratum thread info */ stratum_thr_id = opt_n_threads + 2; thr = &thr_info[stratum_thr_id]; thr->id = stratum_thr_id; thr->q = tq_new(); if (!thr->q) return 1; /* start stratum thread */ if (unlikely(pthread_create(&thr->pth, NULL, stratum_thread, thr))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "stratum thread create failed"); return 1; } if (have_stratum) tq_push(thr_info[stratum_thr_id].q, strdup(rpc_url)); } /* start mining threads */ for (i = 0; i < opt_n_threads; i++) { thr = &thr_info[i]; thr->id = i; thr->q = tq_new(); if (!thr->q) return 1; if (unlikely(pthread_create(&thr->pth, NULL, miner_thread, thr))) { applog(LOG_ERR, "thread %d create failed", i); return 1; } } applog(LOG_INFO, "%d miner threads started, " "using '%s' algorithm.", opt_n_threads, algo_names[opt_algo]); #ifdef WIN32 timeBeginPeriod(1); // enable high timer precision (similar to Google Chrome Trick) #endif /* main loop - simply wait for workio thread to exit */ pthread_join(thr_info[work_thr_id].pth, NULL); #ifdef WIN32 timeEndPeriod(1); // be nice and forego high timer precision #endif applog(LOG_INFO, "workio thread dead, exiting."); // nvprof requires this cuda_devicereset(); return 0; }