#include // aus heavy.cu extern cudaError_t MyStreamSynchronize(cudaStream_t stream, int situation, int thr_id); typedef unsigned char BitSequence; typedef unsigned long long DataLength; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned int uint32_t; typedef unsigned long long uint64_t; #if 0 __device__ static uint32_t cuda_swab32(uint32_t x) { return __byte_perm(x, 0, 0x0123); } #endif typedef unsigned char BitSequence; typedef unsigned long long DataLength; #define CUBEHASH_ROUNDS 16 /* this is r for CubeHashr/b */ #define CUBEHASH_BLOCKBYTES 32 /* this is b for CubeHashr/b */ typedef unsigned int uint32_t; /* must be exactly 32 bits */ #define ROTATEUPWARDS7(a) (((a) << 7) | ((a) >> 25)) #define ROTATEUPWARDS11(a) (((a) << 11) | ((a) >> 21)) #define SWAP(a,b) { uint32_t u = a; a = b; b = u; } __constant__ uint32_t c_IV_512[32]; static const uint32_t h_IV_512[32] = { 0x2AEA2A61, 0x50F494D4, 0x2D538B8B, 0x4167D83E, 0x3FEE2313, 0xC701CF8C, 0xCC39968E, 0x50AC5695, 0x4D42C787, 0xA647A8B3, 0x97CF0BEF, 0x825B4537, 0xEEF864D2, 0xF22090C4, 0xD0E5CD33, 0xA23911AE, 0xFCD398D9, 0x148FE485, 0x1B017BEF, 0xB6444532, 0x6A536159, 0x2FF5781C, 0x91FA7934, 0x0DBADEA9, 0xD65C8A2B, 0xA5A70E75, 0xB1C62456, 0xBC796576, 0x1921C8F7, 0xE7989AF1, 0x7795D246, 0xD43E3B44 }; static __device__ void rrounds(uint32_t x[2][2][2][2][2]) { int r; int j; int k; int l; int m; //#pragma unroll 16 for (r = 0;r < CUBEHASH_ROUNDS;++r) { /* "add x_0jklm into x_1jklmn modulo 2^32" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[1][j][k][l][m] += x[0][j][k][l][m]; /* "rotate x_0jklm upwards by 7 bits" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[0][j][k][l][m] = ROTATEUPWARDS7(x[0][j][k][l][m]); /* "swap x_00klm with x_01klm" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) SWAP(x[0][0][k][l][m],x[0][1][k][l][m]) /* "xor x_1jklm into x_0jklm" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[0][j][k][l][m] ^= x[1][j][k][l][m]; /* "swap x_1jk0m with x_1jk1m" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) SWAP(x[1][j][k][0][m],x[1][j][k][1][m]) /* "add x_0jklm into x_1jklm modulo 2^32" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[1][j][k][l][m] += x[0][j][k][l][m]; /* "rotate x_0jklm upwards by 11 bits" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[0][j][k][l][m] = ROTATEUPWARDS11(x[0][j][k][l][m]); /* "swap x_0j0lm with x_0j1lm" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) SWAP(x[0][j][0][l][m],x[0][j][1][l][m]) /* "xor x_1jklm into x_0jklm" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[0][j][k][l][m] ^= x[1][j][k][l][m]; /* "swap x_1jkl0 with x_1jkl1" */ #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) SWAP(x[1][j][k][l][0],x[1][j][k][l][1]) } } static __device__ void block_tox(uint32_t block[16], uint32_t x[2][2][2][2][2]) { int k; int l; int m; uint32_t *in = block; #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[0][0][k][l][m] ^= *in++; } static __device__ void hash_fromx(uint32_t hash[16], uint32_t x[2][2][2][2][2]) { int j; int k; int l; int m; uint32_t *out = hash; #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) *out++ = x[0][j][k][l][m]; } void __device__ Init(uint32_t x[2][2][2][2][2]) { int i,j,k,l,m; #if 0 /* "the first three state words x_00000, x_00001, x_00010" */ /* "are set to the integers h/8, b, r respectively." */ /* "the remaining state words are set to 0." */ #pragma unroll 2 for (i = 0;i < 2;++i) #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[i][j][k][l][m] = 0; x[0][0][0][0][0] = 512/8; x[0][0][0][0][1] = CUBEHASH_BLOCKBYTES; x[0][0][0][1][0] = CUBEHASH_ROUNDS; /* "the state is then transformed invertibly through 10r identical rounds */ for (i = 0;i < 10;++i) rrounds(x); #else uint32_t *iv = c_IV_512; #pragma unroll 2 for (i = 0;i < 2;++i) #pragma unroll 2 for (j = 0;j < 2;++j) #pragma unroll 2 for (k = 0;k < 2;++k) #pragma unroll 2 for (l = 0;l < 2;++l) #pragma unroll 2 for (m = 0;m < 2;++m) x[i][j][k][l][m] = *iv++; #endif } void __device__ Update32(uint32_t x[2][2][2][2][2], const BitSequence *data) { /* "xor the block into the first b bytes of the state" */ /* "and then transform the state invertibly through r identical rounds" */ block_tox((uint32_t*)data, x); rrounds(x); } void __device__ Final(uint32_t x[2][2][2][2][2], BitSequence *hashval) { int i; /* "the integer 1 is xored into the last state word x_11111" */ x[1][1][1][1][1] ^= 1; /* "the state is then transformed invertibly through 10r identical rounds" */ #pragma unroll 10 for (i = 0;i < 10;++i) rrounds(x); /* "output the first h/8 bytes of the state" */ hash_fromx((uint32_t*)hashval, x); } /***************************************************/ // Die Hash-Funktion __global__ void x11_cubehash512_gpu_hash_64(int threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint64_t *g_hash, uint32_t *g_nonceVector) { int thread = (blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x); if (thread < threads) { uint32_t nounce = (g_nonceVector != NULL) ? g_nonceVector[thread] : (startNounce + thread); int hashPosition = nounce - startNounce; uint32_t *Hash = (uint32_t*)&g_hash[8 * hashPosition]; uint32_t x[2][2][2][2][2]; Init(x); // erste Hälfte des Hashes (32 bytes) Update32(x, (const BitSequence*)Hash); // zweite Hälfte des Hashes (32 bytes) Update32(x, (const BitSequence*)(Hash+8)); // Padding Block uint32_t last[8]; last[0] = 0x80; #pragma unroll 7 for (int i=1; i < 8; i++) last[i] = 0; Update32(x, (const BitSequence*)last); Final(x, (BitSequence*)Hash); } } // Setup-Funktionen __host__ void x11_cubehash512_cpu_init(int thr_id, int threads) { cudaMemcpyToSymbol( c_IV_512, h_IV_512, sizeof(h_IV_512), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); } __host__ void x11_cubehash512_cpu_hash_64(int thr_id, int threads, uint32_t startNounce, uint32_t *d_nonceVector, uint32_t *d_hash, int order) { const int threadsperblock = 256; // berechne wie viele Thread Blocks wir brauchen dim3 grid((threads + threadsperblock-1)/threadsperblock); dim3 block(threadsperblock); // Größe des dynamischen Shared Memory Bereichs size_t shared_size = 0; x11_cubehash512_gpu_hash_64<<>>(threads, startNounce, (uint64_t*)d_hash, d_nonceVector); MyStreamSynchronize(NULL, order, thr_id); }