6 Commits (1.6.5-tpruvot)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tanguy Pruvot d7abd01bf4 scrypt(titan): small kernel code optimisations 10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot b1bddb54d6 scrypt: reduce cpu usage (flush/sync) 10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot 9aace79718 scrypt: clean some defines 10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot 7c7f40a634 neoscrypt: attempt to recode shift256R for SM 3.0 10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot e74d5884b4 scrypt: final cleanup for 1.6.2 release 10 years ago
Tanguy Pruvot 9dc78da2ee import and adapt scrypt from cudaminer project 10 years ago