GOSTCoin CUDA miner project, compatible with most nvidia cards, containing only gostd algo
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ccMiner release 1.4.4-tpruvot (Sep 27th 2014) - "GTX 750 & 900"

If you find this tool useful and like to support its continued
development, then consider a donation.

BTC donation address: 1AJdfCpLWPNoAMDfHF1wD5y8VgKSSTHxPo
DRK : XeVrkPrWB7pDbdFLfKhF1Z3xpqhsx6wkH3
NEO$ : NaEcVrdzoCWHUYXb7X8QoafoKS9UV69Yk4

XCN donation address: CNh6F4h1byX7vvbmfQn4LMtsC4TYb8mgmn
BTC donation address: 1NENYmxwZGHsKFmyjTc5WferTn5VTFb7Ze
TAC donation address: TuqNvPoQxghHfzwnPpAxSTiYoN6FM8LM5p

cbuchner v1.2:
LTC donation address: LKS1WDKGED647msBQfLBHV3Ls8sveGncnm
BTC donation address: 16hJF5mceSojnTD3ZTUDqdRhDyPJzoRakM


>>> Introduction <<<

This is a CUDA accelerated mining application for use with

HeavyCoin & MjollnirCoin
GroestlCoin & Myriad-Groestl
QuarkCoin family & AnimeCoin
DarkCoin and other X11 coins
NEOS blake (256 14-rounds)
BlakeCoin (256 8-rounds)
Deep, Doom, Goalcoin and Qubit
Pentablake (Blake 512 x5)

where some of these coins have a VERY NOTABLE nVidia advantage
over competing AMD (OpenCL) implementations.

We did not take a big effort on improving usability, so please set
your parameters carefuly.


If you're interessted and read the source-code, please excuse
that the most of our comments are in german.

>>> Command Line Interface <<<

This code is based on the pooler cpuminer 2.3.2 release and inherits
its command line interface and options.

-a, --algo=ALGO specify the algorithm to use
heavy use to mine Heavycoin
mjollnir use to mine Mjollnircoin
deep use to mine Deepcoin
fugue256 use to mine Fuguecoin
groestl use to mine Groestlcoin
dmd-gr use to mine Diamond-Groestl
myr-gr use to mine Myriad-Groest
jackpot use to mine Jackpotcoin
luffa use to mine Doomcoin
quark use to mine Quarkcoin
qubit use to mine Qubit Algo
anime use to mine Animecoin
blake use to mine NEOS (Blake 256)
blakecoin use to mine Old Blake 256
nist5 use to mine TalkCoin
penta use to mine Joincoin / Pentablake
fresh use to mine Freshcoin
whirl use to mine Whirlcoin
x11 use to mine DarkCoin
x14 use to mine X14Coin
x15 use to mine Halcyon
x17 use to mine X17

-d, --devices gives a comma separated list of CUDA device IDs
to operate on. Device IDs start counting from 0!
Alternatively give string names of your card like
gtx780ti or gt640#2 (matching 2nd gt640 in the PC).

-f, --diff Divide difficulty by this factor (std is 1) \n\
-v, --vote Heavycoin block vote (default: 512)
-o, --url=URL URL of mining server (default: " DEF_RPC_URL ")
-O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server
-u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server
-p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server
--cert=FILE certificate for mining server using SSL
-x, --proxy=[PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT] connect through a proxy
-t, --threads=N number of miner threads (default: number of nVidia GPUs in your system)
-r, --retries=N number of times to retry if a network call fails
(default: retry indefinitely)
-R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 15)
-T, --timeout=N network timeout, in seconds (default: 270)
-s, --scantime=N upper bound on time spent scanning current work when
long polling is unavailable, in seconds (default: 5)
--no-longpoll disable X-Long-Polling support
--no-stratum disable X-Stratum support
-q, --quiet disable per-thread hashmeter output
-D, --debug enable debug output
-P, --protocol-dump verbose dump of protocol-level activities
-B, --background run the miner in the background
--benchmark run in offline benchmark mode
--cputest debug hashes from cpu algorithms
-c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
-K, --nocolor disable colored console output
-V, --version display version information and exit
-h, --help display this help text and exit

>>> Examples <<<

Example for Heavycoin Mining on heavycoinpool.com with a single gpu in your system

ccminer.exe -t 1 -a heavy -o stratum+tcp://stratum01.heavycoinpool.com:5333 -u <<username.worker>> -p <<workerpassword>> -v 8

Example for Heavycoin Mining on hvc.1gh.com with a dual gpu in your system

ccminer.exe -t 2 -a heavy -o stratum+tcp://hvcpool.1gh.com:5333 -u <<WALLET>> -p x -v 8

Example for Fuguecoin solo-mining with 4 gpu's in your system and a Fuguecoin-wallet running on localhost

ccminer.exe -q -s 1 -t 4 -a fugue256 -o http://localhost:9089 -u <<myusername>> -p <<mypassword>>

Example for Fuguecoin pool mining on dwarfpool.com with all your GPUs

ccminer.exe -q -a fugue256 -o stratum+tcp://erebor.dwarfpool.com:3340 -u YOURWALLETADDRESS.1 -p YOUREMAILADDRESS

Example for Groestlcoin solo mining

ccminer.exe -q -s 1 -a groestl -o -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD

For solo-mining you typically use -o where xxxx represents
the RPC portnumber specified in your wallet's .conf file and you have to
pass the same username and password with -O as specified in the wallet's
.conf file. The wallet must also be started with the -server option and
the server flag in the wallet's .conf file set to 1

>>> Additional Notes <<<

This code should be running on nVidia GPUs ranging from compute capability
3.0 up to compute capability 3.5. Support for Compute 2.0 has been dropped
so we can more efficiently implement new algorithms using the latest hardware


Sep. 10th 2O14 add algos from djm34 (deep,doom,qubit)
Goalcoin seems to be dead, not imported.
Create also the pentablake algo (5x Blake 512)

Sept 6th 2014 Almost twice the speed on blake256 algos with the "midstate" cache

Sep. 1st 2014 add X17, optimized x15 and whirl
add blake (256 variant)
color support on Windows,
remove some dll dependencies (pthreads, msvcp)

Aug. 18th 2014 add X14, X15, Whirl, and Fresh algos,
also add colors and nvprof cmd line support

June 15th 2014 add X13 and Diamond Groestl support.
Thanks to tsiv and to Bombadil for the contributions!

June 14th 2014 released Killer Groestl quad version which I deem
sufficiently hard to port over to AMD. It isn't
the fastest option for Compute 3.5 and 5.0 cards,
but it is still much faster than the table based

May 10th 2014 added X11, but without the bells & whistles
(no killer Groestl, SIMD hash quite slow still)

May 6th 2014 this adds the quark and animecoin algorithms.

May 3rd 2014 add the MjollnirCoin hash algorithm for the upcomin
MjollnirCoin relaunch.

Add the -f (--diff) option to adjust the difficulty
e.g. for the erebor Dwarfpool myr-gr SaffronCoin pool.
Use -f 256 there.

May 1st 2014 adapt the Jackpot algorithms to changes made by the
coin developers. We keep our unique nVidia advantage
because we have a way to break up the divergence.
NOTE: Jackpot Hash now requires Compute 3.0 or later.

April, 27 2014 this release adds Myriad-Groestl and Jackpot Coin.
we apply an optimization to Jackpot that turns this
into a Keccak-only CUDA coin ;) Jackpot is tested with
solo--mining only at the moment.

March, 27 2014 Heavycoin exchange rates soar, and as a result this coin
gets some love: We greatly optimized the Hefty1 kernel
for speed. Expect some hefty gains, especially on 750Ti's!

By popular demand, we added the -d option as known from

different compute capability builds are now provided until
we figure out how to pack everything into a single executable
in a Windows build.

March, 24 2014 fixed Groestl pool support

went back to Compute 1.x for cuda_hefty1.cu kernel by
default after numerous reports of ccminer v0.2/v0.3
not working with HeavyCoin for some people.

March, 23 2014 added Groestlcoin support. stratum status unknown
(the only pool is currently down for fixing issues)

March, 21 2014 use of shared memory in Fugue256 kernel boosts hash rates
on Fermi and Maxwell devices. Kepler may suffer slightly

Fixed Stratum for Fuguecoin. Tested on dwarfpool.

March, 18 2014 initial release.

>>> AUTHORS <<<

Notable contributors to this application are:

Christian Buchner, Christian H. (Germany): CUDA implementation

Tanguy Pruvot : CUDA, blake, general code cleanup, tuneup for linux (Makefiles)
and some vstudio 2013 stuff...

and also many thanks to anyone else who contributed to the original
cpuminer application (Jeff Garzik, pooler), it's original HVC-fork
and the HVC-fork available at hvc.1gh.com

Source code is included to satisfy GNU GPL V3 requirements.

With kind regards,

Christian Buchner ( Christian.Buchner@gmail.com )
Christian H. ( Chris84 )